nisargadatta siddharameshwar eckhart-tolle-78x111 ramana-maharshi-78x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho

Mercury conjunct Mars

Your Mercury conjunct Mars indicates that your mind is restless and eager to gain new information, but you always feel that the answers you get are somehow not final. Your creative ideas are imaginative, and you exploit them energetically. However, you lack the patience to stay focused on any one interest for very long. No matter what position you take, you are positive in your opinions and very insistent about voicing them. You are argumentative, and enjoy locking into debate with anyone who challenges you. But unless other factors in the chart provide it, you don't bother to get all the facts before you express yourself. Always sure that you are right, you are generally premature in your judgment. It isn't easy for you to say you're sorry when you are wrong, but you may do so when it is expedient. You tend to interrupt others who are already in conversation, and to arouse their antagonism by volunteering information before being asked. Almost nothing escapes your attention, and you may have overheard someone say 'Here comes the know-it-all' as you approached.

With your sharp mind, creative ideas, and aggressive disposition, there are many professions in which you will be comfortable and free to express yourself. These include teaching, public relations, law, vocal coaching, acting, and writing. These occupations would give you unlimited opportunities to display your talents. Because you have plenty of energy to apply yourself to your goals, you can establish your own degree of progress. It would probably be best for you to work by yourself. Few people have enough nervous energy to maintain your pace, and you would be brutally frank in reprimanding them if you thought they were 'dragging their feet'. You might be wrong, but no-one could convince you of that.

You do not like to be rejected by someone you are emotionally interested in, but you do not dwell on it for very long. You feel that you can always find someone else, for you are progressive and rarely look back. But this actually causes you to make the same mistakes again and again; you don't take the time to reflect on past experiences and learn from them. Your defense is that you are too busy to concern yourself with unimportant matters. It would be wise to spend a little time examining this so-called trivia, because it might reveal why you are not developing as well as you could.

Try to slow down. Your mind races at breakneck speed, and your nervous system suffers. Your mentality may be healthy and energetic, but your physical frame won't stand the abuse you expect it to take.

Mercury conjunct Mars: Contacting people and talking to them (Mercury) is speeded up by Mars. These people are liable to speak quickly and to the point, and are always ready to have their say. It looks as if they act first and think later. They are not afraid to stand up for themselves and are only marginally interested in whether or not others agree. They can vigorously defend an idea - sometimes too vigorously - and they do not mince words.

With this conjunction, thoughts never stand still, although they are not always steadily applied. Mars is naturally rather uncontrolled; and Mercury, too, encourages these people to jump from one subject to another. Therefore this is not a good position for prolonged concentration, but is more suitable for quickly absorbing, arranging and providing masses of data.

These people need to take care not to speak too fiercely. Mars can make people tactless and can cause them to blurt out things that others may find offensive. Indeed, any aspect between Mars and Mercury can sharpen the tongue. With the conjunction, these people can be very sarcastic and satirical, becoming formidable opponents in debate but also making enemies.

Mercury conjunct Mars is impatient when others take time to put their thoughts into words; and people with the conjunction are inclined to interrupt them in order to finish what they were going to say - which is why this aspect is said to indicate a bad listener. They are better at making contacts, holding conversations, gathering information, etc., than at listening to others. But, bluntly spoken though they may be, they are often very honest and straight-forward.

Mercury conjunct Mars: Mercury is the symbol of our ability to communicate, the ability to hear others as well as to talk with them. Mars symbolizes the 'I act' principle. Mars energy includes anger, violence, harshness and thoughtlessness in certain signs. People born with Mars-Mercury aspects emphasize verbal intersection. They may act on words - they hear, they speak, they act. They may speak impulsively, may react impulsively to what they hear; they may not listen to others. The mind works quickly, jumping to conclusions, skipping the necessary steps when learning good work habits in school or on the job.

Children with this aspect usually have trouble learning multiplication tables or division - they don't want to waste time on the rudiments. They don't listen easily because they are ahead of most people they talk with - but this doesn't make them smarter; it just makes them impetuous. The conjunction may imply a quick mind, but sometimes the tortoise wins the race. The environment is verbally volatile when these people are young, making them quick to explode, and quick to use or misuse words when they are older. The manner of verbal expression will come from the sign in which the conjunction is placed.

Mercury conjunct Mars: This seems upon the whole a desirable position, for it gives very great mental energies, especially of a controversial and disputative kind. It is virile, aggressive and satirical.

In a bad sign, or when badly aspected by other bodies, it may cause breakdown from over-work, quarrelsomeness, discontent, and the making of many enemies. But it never lacks energy and courage, and it is entitled as a rule to respect for its sincerity and downrightness. It is interesting to note that so vehement an orator as Cicero is said to have had this contact.

It is an excellent position for a writer, especially for one who has to do with Martian topics or people (for example, Rudyard Kipling and his tales of soldiers and animals). It is good for all kinds of polemic writing.

See also: Mercury conjunct Mars;

Mercury conjunct Mars: Bill Hicks 0, Deepak Chopra 2, Salvadore Dali 2, Jack Parsons 2, Meryl Streep 2, Joanne Woodward 2, Antonio 2, Cesar 2, Komala 2, John F. Kennedy 3, Terence McKenna 3, Arnold Palmer 3, Suzanne Somers 3, Ralph 3, Ricardo 3, Gore Vidal 4, Al 5, JJ 5, Johnny Cash 6, Osho 6, Alford 6, Suzie 6, Helena Blavatsky 7, Sally Field 7, Bill Gates 7, Elton John 7, Friedrich Nietzche 7, Brad Pitt 7, Elizabeth Taylor 7, Bob Marley 8, Mitt Romney 8, JerryH 8, Maureen 8, ChrisTr 9, Merrill 9, Suzanne 9

Mercury sextile Mars

With Mercury sextile Mars, your mentality is sharpened by an insatiable curiosity that will not rest until you have acquired all the knowledge you desire. But obviously that point will never be reached, and you will never stop learning. You make sure that you are reasonably well-informed before making any statements, because you want the approval of the people you are talking to. You express yourself imaginatively, and your delivery sparkles with drama. Even people whose opinions differ from yours are convinced by your arguments and won over to your position. You know how far you can extend your ideas to people before reaching a point of diminishing returns. Usually they will concede to you long before this happens. You don't jump to conclusions without being sure of the facts on which you base them.

You are a genuinely friendly person and don't wait to be introduced to others, for you see no reason to waste time waiting for a formal introduction. You enjoy meeting people and conversing with them. Although you are a persuasive talker, you are also a good listener. That is one way you've learned so much; when you need information, you are never afraid to ask someone who knows.

Your friendly attitude and mental agility can bring you success in many endeavors. You may be inclined toward such fields as law, teaching, writing, public relations, or any occupation that requires trigger-fast responses. You have the mental chemistry to succeed as a reporter, and the mobility of the profession would especially appeal to you. Your eager interest in anything new would never lack stimulation in this work, and you could write interestingly and breathe life into even the most somber subjects. Communication is your strong talent, and you should always strive to exploit this ability. Politics would also stimulate your talents. You enjoy a good fight, and there would be excellent opportunities to present your opinions to those who want to be informed.

You are friendly to everyone, but heaven help the person who tries to deceive you. Your response is as sharp and incisive as a surgeon's scalpel, and that person will know better than to provoke you again. You are truthful even when it hurts, but you are also able to admit it and laugh at yourself when you make a stupid mistake.

Mercury sextile Mars: This aspect bestows the ability to act with reason; the mind and the action taken can be coordinated in time. These people can be creative producers. The childhood atmosphere encourages the discussion of problems and circumstances, so they can easily discuss their difficulties as adults. The imagination is fertile. Although it isn't as fertile as a Neptune aspect will be, it is fertile in a productive way because this individual is likely to act on constructive thoughts.

Mercury trine or sextile Mars: Much of what has already been said about the conjunction also applies to the harmonious aspects. Mars sextile or trine Mercury indicates an alert and acute mind, and may make a fluent communicator. Conversation is brisk and lively, pugnacious and energetic, and the native is quick on the uptake. These aspects are accompanied by excellent powers of concentration, and can give an edge over nearly anyone with whom he or she may be arguing; so he or she is a surefire debater. Since the aspects are harmonious, the native is less likely to antagonize others than one would with the conjunction or with one of the discordant aspects, and is less likely to become embroiled in altercations. Nevertheless, mental activity is as great as it is with the conjunction. The native sees all kinds of connections and snatches at all kinds of ideas from outside. Constant alertness enables this person to pick up information readily, but thoughts give him or her little rest.

Being free to express opinions is something that is considered important. This person has independent views on everything. Although Mars does not encourage mature reflection (so there is every chance that ill-considered conclusions will be reached), this is offset by the speed with which relationships can be seen and facts can be absorbed. Even when young, this individual displays the need to be independent in thought and deed; however, the openness of a Mars / Mercury aspect gives the grace to admit when he or she is wrong.

Mercury is the planet astrologers look at when we wish to know about manual dexterity, and, when it is harmoniously aspected by Mars, we often find that the owner of the aspect is very skilled with the hands, even though Mars may encourage the individual to leave tasks unfinished.

Mercury trine or sextile Mars: This contact powerfully strengthens the mind, and gives great vigor to its faculties, especially the more practical and positive ones. It is untiring, incisive, alert, and singularly capable of detecting weakness in the positions of its opponents, and of instantly taking advantage of them. It is common in the charts of people who have engaged in successful struggles, such as military or naval commanders, politicians, financiers, and reformers. It has been stated that contacts of some kind, usually malefic, were always found in the maps of pacifist conscientious objectors during the Great War.

The position is courageous and often rash, so that even the good aspects do not tend to personal security, although naturally the effects are not likely of themselves to be very serious. It tends to literary work and is often childless in a physical sense, its books being its offspring. At the same time there is much fondness for children and their society.

The disposition is usually good-natured, but sometimes the native is centered in his own interests ;and there is, as a rule, more practical common sense than sentiment in the character.

It is excellent for debaters and disputants, being very quick in argument and retort and never at a loss for an answer; it loves a fight, with either the spoken or the written word. It is probably good for all trades and occupations that have to do with traffic and engineering work that is connected with locomotion.

With regard to health, it strengthens the nervous system and gives quickness of hand and eye, but it is apt to cause the native to like to run risks and seek the sensation of danger.

See also: Mercury sextile Mars;

Mercury sextile Mars: Isadora Duncan 0, Nisargadatta 0, BobG 0, Leigh 0, LucJr 0, Robert 1, Bill Clinton 2, Princess Diana 2, Carl Lewis 2, Fisher 2, Jean 2, RoyO 2, Cheri 3, Johanna 3, Judin 3, Mikael 3, David Rockefeller 4, Malcolm X 4, Bobbie 4, Dipesh 4, AbbieJ 5

Mercury square Mars

The square from Mercury to Mars gives you enormous mental energy for tackling arduous tasks, but you may lack the determination to persist and complete them. You are strongly opinionated, and get angry when your views are not accepted. People may avoid getting into a conversation with you because you will start an argument at the slightest provocation. You are not a good listener if the opinions being expressed are different from yours. You find fault with just about everything, and no situation is too insignificant to escape your notice. Your rudeness to others is tactless and abusive, and you don't even realize it. You should learn to be silent when you are not fully informed on a subject, or you risk being ridiculed by those who know what they're talking about.

Your imagination is highly developed, and you only need to apply it constructively. You will have to make many concessions to others before you can succeed in any profession. Other people need to express themselves just as much as you do; until you learn to adjust to their needs, you will encounter severe obstacles to your desires. You will meet a lot of competition in seeking your goals, but most people are willing to compromise if you give them the opportunity. If you are wrong, admit it. If you are right, say so diplomatically. By doing so, you will come through with flying colors. No-one likes a braggart, and everyone admires a person with the strength of character to admit human failing.

When you have dealt with the need to concede to the rights of others, you can achieve success in such fields as law, management, teaching, writing, drama, public relations, or any other communicative endeavor. You could also find satisfaction in sports, either as a performer or in related functions. You will win sometimes, but you must learn to be a good sport when you lose.

Many of the points mentioned in relation to social contacts can also be applied to your romantic interests. You tend to be bitter and vindictive when your attentions are not welcomed. Try to be gracious and shrug off the disappointment. Although you may think you want your partner to be submissive, you would lose respect if that were the case. You need someone who will challenge you to demonstrate your maturity and character.

Mercury square Mars: This aspect is the symbol of a quick mind that is often improperly used. The square brings tremendous creative ability, but the creativity won't manifest until the anger an tendency toward being judgmental is channeled. The mind functions on several levels at once. People with the Mars-Mercury square see a lack of communication in childhood between the parents, and much in the family situation is not discussed. There are endless misunderstandings, and the child thinks that misunderstandings are normal aspects of adult behavior.

These individuals grow up jumping to conclusions. When knowledge or information is presented to them in a manner they disapprove of, they won't listen. They judge the veracity and capability of others on how they look; if one doesn't have the right credentials, they won't listen to more than three words of conversation. These people would put down 'God' if it wasn't dressed right. They can go off half-cocked before they have heard the whole case for the opposition. They cause problems in their relationships and careers because they don't listen. The problem can be overcome, if they learn to develop a sense of humor and a bit of humility.

Mercury square or opposite Mars: With the tense aspects, greater care is required, because it may be difficult to co¬ordinate Mercury's outgoingness with the combative egoism of Mars.

When this individual is conversing with others, he or she strikes them not only as very alert and very subtle, but also as rather too sharp and aggressive, and this can arouse antagonism. It is hard for this person to exercise restraint during discussions and, when attacked, he or she easily loses the temper; so these aspects present one or two problems, but the latter can be solved if the individual will accept that there is usually something to be said for the other person's point of view.

Mentally, this individual can perform outstandingly well under high pressure, but runs the risk of overstrain during more peaceful periods because he or she seems unable to switch off. The tension makes the person cross and irritable, or even rude. He or she is also tempted to think a lot of self and to put self in the foreground in thought and deed. by thrusting others to one side (often quite unintentionally), he or she creates awkward situations. For example, this type easily adopts what others have said or written, if it happens to appeal to him or her; the material may be presented as if it emanated from him- or herself.

The biggest problem in the hard aspects is the lack of balance between quicksilver Mercury and hasty, hot-headed Mars. Not only can this encourage one to behave unwisely in dealings with others; it can also make one rash and prone to accidents or near-accidents.

Mercury square or opposite Mars: These contacts have a bad name among astrologers. They are certainly very frequently found in cases of crime and of insanity - indeed, it is probably that they are more frequently present in these classes of nativity than they are absent. But in judging their effects care must be taken to consider the other factors that may modify these evil results. For example, good sign-position or the intermingled rays of benefic planets. In regard to the latter, even bad aspects are better than none.

The general effect of the combination is to increase the mental energies, sometimes to the extent of causing danger of mental or nervous breakdown. With their exercise much of the Martian influence is mixed, so that the native is either combative, fault¬finding, and self-opinioned himself, or he encounters the opposition of others who possess that character. It must be agreed that usually the former condition is the nearer to actuality, for aspects of Mercury seldom fail to affect the native's own disposition.

If the chart as a whole is benevolent, then the native will attack what he conceives to be abuses, but if it is of a malevolent type, then he will assail others out of either greed or ill-nature. As a rule, the combination is not acquisitive in the way that Mercury-Saturn can be, but it has the name of being a thief, and writers with it are sometimes plagiarists.

In some cases it attacks the nerves, and makes a person irritable in the way that nervous people commonly are. The temper is seldom of the best, and the native is rarely a favorite, for the tongue is sharp and not always controlled. There is an element of ill-nature and a tendency to backbite. In children, there is often impertinence and rudeness. Adults are sometimes unnecessarily outspoken and rough-tongued; sometimes it goes with the type that affects to consider politeness a form of hypocrisy, a vice to which this combination is but little prone. In low types of charts, it may indicate 'pure cussedness' or the spirit of unvarying contrariety.

It is rarely if ever lacking in intelligence, but rather tends to fail in using its brains sensibly and advantageously.

It is not good for the native's children, who are usually few in number and subject to dangers. Very often there is childlessness.

From the standpoint of moral character, the most needful lesson is, as a rule, to learn to appreciate the values of opinions and types of character different from one's own; and to realize that we are all sometimes mistaken.

See also: Mercury square Mars;

Mercury square Mars: Olof 0, Sean Connery 1, Joseph Ratzinger 1, Warren Buffett 2, Mick Jagger 2, Erika 2, Ivy 2, Joze 2, Nicole Kidman 3, Groucho Marx 3, Farmer 3, George Bush, Sr. 4, Cher 4, Michael Jackson 4, George Patton 4, Arrow 4, Nancee 4, Sugeet 4, Vaslav Nijinsky 5, Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.5, Oprah Winfrey 5, J.Paul Getty 6, Aldous Huxley 6, Patrice 6, TomW 6, OmNi 7, Alicia 7, Keith 7

Mercury trine Mars

Your Mercury trine Mars shows that you have a lot of creative energy and the imagination to express it in many ways, although you sometimes lack the enthusiasm to do so. You know your capabilities and limitations and have enormous potential to succeed in almost anything you attempt. However, success never seems urgent enough to instill in you the desire to achieve. You cannot be forced to do anything you don't want to do, and no-one can deter you from what you want.

You have considerable depth of understanding, and the ability to concentrate when it is important. Well-informed on many subjects, you can hold your own in any conversation. You are inoffensive and friendly to everyone you meet. You can be trusted with classified information and would never reveal someone else's secrets.

There are many fields in which you can apply your skill in communication. Some of these are law, politics, public relations, education, writing, acting, and military service. Another endeavor that would prove rewarding is working with young people or children. You have the patience to cope with their boundless energy and the enthusiasm to stimulate them to achieve on their own. Whatever occupation gives you the most satisfaction is yours to choose. You are not intimidated by the excellence of your contemporaries, and you don't threaten those who are less skilled than you. You are equally at ease working alone or with people in large groups. But you can achieve the most worthwhile effects by working with groups, since your temperament lends itself to this.

You may also enjoy many vocational interests, especially crafts. You could become so competent in a craft that eventually you might make it your primary occupation. You have the talent for this kind of work and the imagination to succeed.

You enjoy the company of people who are not troubled with psychological hang-ups. Not one to interfere in the lives of others, you demand that others give you the same consideration. You will probably respond emotionally to a person who is creative and inspired, someone who would co-operate with you in a mutual endeavor suggested by either of you.

Mercury trine Mars: This aspect signifies an open household during the individual's childhood as far as certain kinds of communication are concerned. The most value from this aspect comes when it is applied toward career, for it is a prolific communicator: the mind is always working and is capable of being extremely productive. The aspect will only work if it's free, so look to see if it carries hard aspects from other planets.

This mind can be lazy, for the gift hasn't been earned in this life. When the talent is a natural one; when the person hasn't struggled to 'earn' it from a conscious point, he may overlook its importance or even its existence. This can indicate a person who procrastinates.

Mercury trine or sextile Mars: Much of what has already been said about the conjunction also applies to the harmonious aspects. Mars sextile or trine Mercury indicates an alert and acute mind, and may make a fluent communicator. Conversation is brisk and lively, pugnacious and energetic, and the native is quick on the uptake. These aspects are accompanied by excellent powers of concentration, and can give an edge over nearly anyone with whom he or she may be arguing; so he or she is a surefire debater. Since the aspects are harmonious, the native is less likely to antagonize others than one would with the conjunction or with one of the discordant aspects, and is less likely to become embroiled in altercations. Nevertheless, mental activity is as great as it is with the conjunction. The native sees all kinds of connections and snatches at all kinds of ideas from outside. Constant alertness enables this person to pick up information readily, but thoughts give him or her little rest.

Being free to express opinions is something that is considered important. This person has independent views on everything. Although Mars does not encourage mature reflection (so there is every chance that ill-considered conclusions will be reached), this is offset by the speed with which relationships can be seen and facts can be absorbed. Even when young, this individual displays the need to be independent in thought and deed; however, the openness of a Mars/ Mercury aspect gives the grace to admit when he or she is wrong.

Mercury is the planet astrologers look at when we wish to know about manual dexterity, and, when it is harmoniously aspected by Mars, we often find that the owner of the aspect is very skilled with the hands, even though Mars may encourage the individual to leave tasks unfinished.

Mercury trine or sextile Mars: This contact powerfully strengthens the mind, and gives great vigor to its faculties, especially the more practical and positive ones. It is untiring, incisive, alert, and singularly capable of detecting weakness in the positions of its opponents, and of instantly taking advantage of them. It is common in the charts of people who have engaged in successful struggles, such as military or naval commanders, politicians, financiers, and reformers. It has been stated that contacts of some kind, usually malefic, were always found in the maps of pacifist conscientious objectors during the Great War.

The position is courageous and often rash, so that even the good aspects do not tend to personal security, although naturally the effects are not likely of themselves to be very serious.

It tends to literary work and is often childless in a physical sense, its books being its offspring. At the same time there is much fondness for children and their society.

The disposition is usually good-natured, but sometimes the native is centered in his own interests ;and there is, as a rule, more practical common sense than sentiment in the character.

It is excellent for debaters and disputants, being very quick in argument and retort and never at a loss for an answer; it loves a fight, with either the spoken or the written word. It is probably good for all trades and occupations that have to do with traffic and engineering work that is connected with locomotion.

With regard to health, it strengthens the nervous system and gives quickness of hand and eye, but it is apt to cause the native to like to run risks and seek the sensation of danger.

See also: Mercury trine Mars;

Mercury trine Mars: John Dee 1, Carolyn 1, David 1, Sarik 1, John Dillinger 2, Stevie Wonder 2, George Orwell 3, VinCal 3, Kyle 4, Lucille Ball 5, JonathanG 6, Dunja 7, JBLight 7

Mercury quincunx Mars

With Mercury inconjunct Mars, what you know is distorted by the way you use it. You are extremely well-informed in many matters but lack the judgment to apply this information for the best results. After you take on responsibilities that may not be yours, you complain bitterly that you have no time for yourself. You want to be approved and considered competent by the people you serve, but oftentimes they are unappreciative of your efforts. It would be advisable to make a list of the most important priorities in your life and then strike out each one that does not contribute to your own benefit. The remaining ones are your most important priorities, which you should apply yourself to. If any time is left after satisfying these, then you can conservatively add those that benefit others. The reason for this is simple; you persecute yourself by assuming you owe so much to others. It is fine to be of service, but you risk being exploited by those whom you serve. When this happens, you naturally feel abused and hurt by their insensitivity.

If you still insist that 'they need me', seek employment with an organization that exists to satisfy public needs. In this way you can get your anxieties off your chest and earn your living at the same time. Social work, welfare programs, rehabilitation, and therapy are some of the fields that would be satisfying to you and helpful to others.

You run the risk of physical exhaustion unless you discipline yourself to slow down. Your nervous system is sensitive and cannot take continued harassment. A moderate schedule is essential for your own protection and well-being. You need to get away from your daily routine and enjoy yourself in recreational activities.

Don't underestimate your own worth when you meet people. You tend to indulge the one you feel affection for, but don't let that person force you to prove your love. Not only will you learn to dislike your partner, you will also hate yourself for it. A hard worker, you need someone who shares your desire to succeed and who is willing to contribute on an equal basis for your mutual benefit.

Mercury quincunx Mars: In the inconjunct between Mars and Mercury, we think along a certain line but our activities run along a line so completely different that we end up not doing what we said we would. Naturally, others find this extremely irritating.

With this difficult aspect, we seem to fling advice to the winds: it is as if the world in which we live and act is not the same as the one in which we think and speak. And yet we may quite possibly imagine that we are, in fact, following the advice given us.

As in every other inconjunct, the tension causes a latent feeling of discomfort. Seeing that Mercury and Mars are involved, there can be unusual irritation, nerviness and mental aggression. Before we know it, we are crossing swords with someone or venturing rash opinions. Obviously, this is no help to personal relationships.

When standing up for ourselves (Mars), the hidden conflict with our ability to look at facts clearly and objectively (Mercury) plays us false, and our reactions are too subjective and ill-considered. And when we want to talk and think, the impulse to assert ourselves gets in the way. If we learn to apply conscious control so that the two energies do not frustrate one another, we shall be able to profit by our natural acumen and academic abilities.

Mercury quincunx Mars: This aspect always causes a strain to take place between the words and the deeds. Using the keywords of the planets and signs involved in this aspect, the strain can be understood and alleviated.

See also: Mercury quincunx Mars;

Mercury quincunx Mars: CharlesS 0, Ramana Maharshi 2, Zeno 2

Mercury opposite Mars

The opposition between Mercury and Mars shows that you have an active mind with limitless resources of intellectual ability. You are restless and impatient to demonstrate your competence whenever you can. But people who feel threatened by your mental superiority will oppose you, and you seem to attract such individuals. You have to resist the tendency to argue when compromise and mutual understanding can achieve more positive results. Unless you make a sincere effort to compromise, you will make matters worse. Refuse to argue when provoked by someone, and then you will be forced to discuss your differences and, it is to be hoped, resolve them. until you can reach out to people this way, you run the risk of being unpopular. It isn't that you are unable to relate to people, but that you strike them at first as hostile, which makes them defensive. You find fault with everything, as though you were sure of your own perfection. The sign that reads 'Stop, Look and Listen' was probably meant to protect people of your temperament from accidents. Try looking at things from another person's point of view; you might learn a lot. Don't draw any conclusions until you really hear what other people have to say. Your ability to judge will improve remarkably at once.

You have the opportunity to be successful in anything you choose, although you may miss it by assuming that you know all the answers. Start with the premise that you know nothing; and then begin to learn from every resource available. You will endear yourself to persons in authority, you may be very helpful to you. Play dumb if necessary, and become really informed where it counts. You can never know too much.

You may be attracted to such occupations as public relations, counseling, education, or even acting. You don't lack any talent in communicating freely; you simply have to learn to voice your opinions more moderately and discard the brutal technique. Don't speak up in your own defense unless you are truly being challenged. To do so is a waste of time and effort that could be used more constructively.

Be diplomatic at all times in your contacts and dealings. You cannot afford to allow enmity to develop between you and people who may prove useful to you later. Above all be very careful about your language. Profanity only cuts off the lines of communication between you and others; resorting to it shows you are fighting a losing battle.

Mercury opposite Mars: Words pop out of the mouth, and, in spite of himself, this individual has said something he could have held in. This aspect has the power of the conjunction and the square, but it's easier to learn how to handle. The compromise will be indicated by the signs in which the opposition takes place.

Mercury square or opposite Mars: With the tense aspects, greater care is required, because it may be difficult to co¬ordinate Mercury's outgoingness with the combative egoism of Mars.

When this individual is conversing with others, he or she strikes them not only as very alert and very subtle, but also as rather too sharp and aggressive, and this can arouse antagonism. It is hard for this person to exercise restraint during discussions and, when attacked, he or she easily loses the temper; so these aspects present one or two problems, but the latter can be solved if the individual will accept that there is usually something to be said for the other person's point of view.

Mentally, this individual can perform outstandingly well under high pressure, but runs the risk of overstrain during more peaceful periods because he or she seems unable to switch off. The tension makes the person cross and irritable, or even rude. He or she is also tempted to think a lot of self and to put self in the foreground in thought and deed. by thrusting others to one side (often quite unintentionally), he or she creates awkward situations. For example, this type easily adopts what others have said or written, if it happens to appeal to him or her; the material may be presented as if it emanated from him- or herself.

The biggest problem in the hard aspects is the lack of balance between quicksilver Mercury and hasty, hot-headed Mars. Not only can this encourage one to behave unwisely in dealings with others; it can also make one rash and prone to accidents or near-accidents.

Mercury square or opposite Mars: These contacts have a bad name among astrologers. They are certainly very frequently found in cases of crime and of insanity - indeed, it is probably that they are more frequently present in these classes of nativity than they are absent. But in judging their effects care must be taken to consider the other factors that may modify these evil results. For example, good sign-position or the intermingled rays of benefic planets. In regard to the latter, even bad aspects are better than none.

The general effect of the combination is to increase the mental energies, sometimes to the extent of causing danger of mental or nervous breakdown. With their exercise much of the Martian influence is mixed, so that the native is either combative, fault¬finding, and self-opiniated himself, or he encounters the opposition of others who possess that character. It must be agreed that usually the former condition is the nearer to actuality, for aspects of Mercury seldom fail to affect the native's own disposition.

If the chart as a whole is benevolent, then the native will attack what he conceives to be abuses, but if it is of a malevolent type, then he will assail others out of either greed or ill-nature. As a rule, the combination is not acquisitive in the way that Mercury-Saturn can be, but it has the name of being a thief, and writers with it are sometimes plagiarists.

In some cases it attacks the nerves, and makes a person irritable in the way that nervous people commonly are. The temper is seldom of the best, and the native is rarely a favorite, for the tongue is sharp and not always controlled. There is an element of ill-nature and a tendency to backbite. In children, there is often impertinence and rudeness. Adults are sometimes unnecessarily outspoken and rough-tongued; sometimes it goes with the type that affects to consider politeness a form of hypocrisy, a vice to which this combination is but little prone. In low types of charts, it may indicate 'pure cussedness' or the spirit of unvarying contrariety.

It is rarely if ever lacking in intelligence, but rather tends to fail in using its brains sensibly and advantageously.

It is not good for the native's children, who are usually few in number and subject to dangers. Very often there is childlessness.

From the standpoint of moral character, the most needful lesson is, as a rule, to learn to appreciate the values of opinions and types of character different from one's own; and to realize that we are all sometimes mistaken.

See also: Mercury opposite Mars;

Mercury opposite Mars: Ludwig van Beethoven 1, AndySc 1, BillH 3, Jack 3, Leif 3, Dolly Parton 6, James Taylor 6, James Dean 7, Will Rogers 7, ChrisC 7, Michael Jordan 8


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