nisargadatta siddharameshwar eckhart-tolle-78x111 ramana-maharshi-78x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho

Mars conjunct Uranus

This will give you a dynamic, powerful energy that you attempt to direct in pursuit of your ambitions. One difficulty can be in the often erratic flow of this volatile energy, which creates problems in consistent application. It will be seen as though an on-off switch is being internally activated by an unknown hand. This is the unpredictable instability of the Uranian vibration, which is interfering with the drive of Mars.

Even so, the power that you release is quite considerable; but you may have to learn how to apply it in ways that create the maximum benefit for yourself, perhaps through taking into account this irregular flow pattern, and organizing yourself accordingly. When this energy is freely flowing, you will feel highly charged, and under the influence (or 'inebriation') of this energy you are liable to be quite impulsive. Actions can be taken without due thought or consideration, and this can create future difficulties, through following unwise choices. A lack of sensitivity to others, and a diminution of common sense, can occur; and you may look for ways to release the sudden pressure that can rapidly build up inside you. In extreme cases, this can be expressed through explosions of temper and anger at any provocation, even to the point of physical violence; certainly attempts to release the energy through verbal and emotionally directed violence towards a partner are common.

You prefer to retain as much independence as possible; and you are not one to bow to any authority. Basically, you are anti-establishment, a natural rebel, an anarchist. You see your own will and desires as paramount, following a purely personal code of behavior which is determined by a self-centered perspective on life. You tend to insist on your right to be free to follow your own path and ambitions, and can experience relationship problems through this attitude, and may need to learn the values of co-operation to modify this tendency.

Your search for excitement is mainly in terms of physically based action, which can be through competitive sports, or in sexual conquests. You feel a strong need to 'feed' this urge for physical / material level action, and it is tied in with a need to prove yourself in relation to others, to prove that you are better than them in some chosen way.

In some ways, the rebellious spirit can find suitable channels through becoming an opponent of the Establishment, but one who is working from within a socially accepted framework, attempting to change society from within. It may be argued that this is the most effective way, to initiate constructive change through speaking out on behalf of a minority or disadvantaged social group. Irrespective of how you may express this tendency, you will tend to look for results to occur in the physical world as a reflection of your impact. You can have little patience for social rules, preferring to disregard them; but apart from you being penalized if you contravene them, you may have to learn the art of apparent conformity in order to create a foundation that you can work from in your own inimitable, subversive way.

Probably you will find that you become more effective if you can control the inner energy, so that you are able to direct it into predetermined channels of creative expression. The act of clarifying your aims, personal and social, will help this process. Careful consideration of your options and goals will lead to wiser choices at the times of activity, and a gradual transformation from self-preoccupation to becoming more aware of the rights and feelings of others will be a great step for you to make. Learning to share and work with others in co-operation will offer scope for the fullest use of your talents and forceful energy, and will re-integrate you back into society as a positive revolutionary rather than just a negative reactionary.

Mars conjunct Uranus: With Mars conjunct Uranus, you are unrestrained, forceful, and energetic in striving to achieve your goals. You establish your own rules and won't submit to anyone's restraints. As you work to get what you want out of life, you are completely uninhibited, guided by the belief that you must be free to do whatever is necessary to get what you want. There's never a dull moment when you're around, because you seek excitement, and when there isn't any, you create it.

This impulsiveness can cause you many problems. Society is stabilized by laws and rules of behavior, and the people who abide by them are irritated by your rebellious nature. If you truly want to accomplish your objectives, you will have to play by the rules.

Your courageous nature can best be used in occupations that require daring, such as sports, racing, mountain climbing, or exploration. Before contemplating any of these, however, be sure you understand that safeguards are necessary. Otherwise, the results will be tragic. Only a powerful Saturn in your chart can offer the protection you need.

You could easily become the champion for people who are too weak or perhaps too timid to demand social adjustment or change for themselves. You have the courage to instigate change by challenging powerful government officials. To dramatize your point, you may even threaten them, using the public support you've gained. Once you have all the evidence to confirm an allegation of wrongdoing, you won't be stopped from whatever action is needed to make sure that justice is served.

You have a powerful sex drive that cannot accept 'no' for an answer. You would be refused mainly by those who expect an emotional response in addition to a biological one. As far as this conjunction shows, you are primarily a 'taker' and not much of a 'giver'.

Mars conjunct Uranus: The executive ability and energy of Mars is placed under high tension by a conjunction with Uranus. With two impatient factors in such close contact, we feel the urge, even when very young, to go our own way as unconventionally as possible. There is something provocative and defiant about our behavior whenever we stand up for ourselves.

Our patience is not great: we have too much need of action, change and renewal. In one way or another, we are very alert to what is going on around us; and, because we are rather keyed up, we may suffer from nerves or slight overstrain. We are inclined to rush into things, but seldom finish them. And we are not good at coordinating our activities. Impulsiveness and lack of forethought are increased by Uranus; which can cause us to be brusque, capricious and sudden, not to say liable to the occasional fits of temper. Therefore this combination increases the risk of broken friendships and marriages; also of accidents. But the same swiftness of action makes us extremely adroit at handling difficult situations where snap decisions have to be taken.

The wayward self-will of Uranus produces a degree of obstinacy in the owners of Mars / Uranus aspects. We can impetuously follow our own ideas in spite of anything anyone may do to stop us. We are very dynamic, and it is hard to resist our bold handling of affairs. We can shine brightly if given the chance to be ourselves; but being warned off or told what not to do arouses the fighting spirit, and then the destructive side of this combination puts in an appearance. Forbearance is not our strong point.

Mars conjunct Uranus: If Mars represents the 'I act' principle and Uranus represents the erratic or self-willed tendencies of the personality, the combination can be indicative of an individual with a 'short fuse'. How this energy manifests will depend on the sign placement.

The energy level is usually high. People born with this aspect are aware of the inherent energy level, and by the time they reach their twenties they have learned something about channeling it.

In a sexual sense, the conjunction can indicate a strange, unusual or unorthodox sexuality, which can manifest as a slightly eccentric conditioning as well as include all forms of what is considered sexual perversion. The aspect should be synthesized with the other aspects involved in the conjunction; the Venus, Sun and Moon placements should be considered before determining that a Mars-Uranus conjunction is unhealthy. The aspect indicates precociousness, impulsive sexual relations, as well as impulsive physical reaction in general. This person may jump into emotional or sexual involvements without considering all the factors necessary in a relationship. This aspect can cause relationships with partners who are unusual types.

Because Mars represents the action taken to express the Sun potential in each individual, it's important to become conscious of the energy here. Uranus involves erratic behavior and one can take erratic action. The concept of self-will may need to be considered, for action may be too impetuous to accomplish what is desired on an overall level. The conjunction bestows a creative genius that may not be expressed until the less evolved qualities are disciplined.

Mars conjunct Uranus: Will-power, courage, and dogged persistence characterize this aspect, though the nervous strain may be so great that the native breaks under it, fighting, as a rule, to the last. Paralysis must sometimes be feared from the tensions of Uranus. Often the character shows best in moments of danger but it has little patience under stress and strain. I have only known one case wherein, to date, it has been something of a dumb note; here it falls in Leo in the 12th and has externalized in the shape of dire suffering through the sickness of wife and children, as well as injuries at games.

Charubel, the astrological seer, had the conjunction in Capricorn; his nativity exemplifies the occult side of Mars intensified by Uranus; Tennyson, who had the conjunction in Scorpio in the 6th, also had an interest in such things, but it was half-smothered by the age in which he lived.

Inharmonious aspects between these planets may in some measure denote weak-mindedness, probably through an actual malformation of the brain (Mars).

Mars conjunct Uranus: JudyPl 0, Johnny Depp 2, Robert Downey, Jr. 2, L.Ron Hubbard 2, Robin Williams 2, Jesse Ventura 3, Shirley McLaine 4, Marie 4, Arnold Schwarzenegger 5, Sri Aurobindo 6, Jyothi 7, Lady Gaga 8, Princess Diana 9, Marilyn Monroe 9

Mars sextile Uranus

With the sextile and trine aspects, the more positive use of the Mars-Uranus energy is displayed through activities designed to be of social benefit. Whilst you will intellectually challenge the established patterns of social thought and behavior which you believe inhibit individual freedom, your intent is to provoke new thinking which can offer the potential of new horizons to explore. All new directions and spheres of progress that humanity has taken have emerged from someone questioning the current static state of affairs and then seeing new alternatives.

Mentally, you will have a restless, curious nature, which can find an effective outlet through applied research and study in whichever areas of enquiry attract you. You are not an intellectual dilettante, and prefer to delve deeply enough to gain a real comprehension of any subject; this can also free that ability for more original independent thinking, and it is possible that you will receive insights that enable you to make a significant contribution to that subject. You will prefer a futuristic dimension to your enquiries, thus satisfying the Uranian impulse and providing an opportunity to benefit others too.

Even though you have this ability for specific focusing, you will also expand into exploring a wide variety of interests and topics. At times you may move rapidly between disparate spheres of knowledge, but you will eventually settle down to focus upon one area in particular. You may find some difficulty in perseverance and applying your energy consistently to achieve your aims. Sometimes a sudden diminution of your interest and energy may occur, which brings to a halt any progress you are making. When the energy flows again, you may be interested in something new; this is the erratic Uranian influence.

Communication is important to you. There may be an attraction to teaching in some way, both for the satisfaction you can receive in sharing knowledge with people, and in the platform offered for you to express your opinions. These are likely to be radical and unorthodox, but you have enough intellectual confidence in your knowledge to feel quite prepared to stand by your arguments against any opponents. Discussions of ideas can fascinate you; and you enjoy such encounters, seeing them as intellectual combat, where your more aggressive Mars energy can be used. Your approach is often based on strategy and skill; and even in friendly discussions you dislike being intellectually defeated. You enjoy stirring dissent, and proposing disturbing concepts and ideas to attack the power of the status quo, both in society and in individuals.

In relationships, you need a strong intellectual and physical bond. An area of weakness can lie in a disregard and lack of sympathetic understanding of the emotions. These are often relegated in your sense of priorities; and the more subtle dimensions of them are ignored in favor of the more basic emotional / physical passions and the interests of the mind. Restrictions are rejected in intimate relationships; and a self-preoccupation can dominate and cause later problems. However, you tend to commit yourself to seeing through those decisions that you do take, so a marriage commitment can help to modify these tendencies, provided that your partner is strong enough to encourage you to modify any selfish behavior in the interests of mutual harmony.

Mars sextile Uranus: The sextile between Mars and Uranus shows that you have a restless, impatient nature and are constantly seeking outlets for your energy. Your curiosity is insatiable. You have strong opinions, which you are never afraid to state. Once you have determined what you will do, you act immediately. You cannot stand dawdlers and people who can't make up their minds. You are a strategist, and your plans are successful, but you always feel that a job you do can be improved on later. Although you have enormous energy, you must be careful that you don't bring on nervous strain by driving yourself impatiently to achieve your objectives.

You can work best in occupations requiring originality, intellectual skills, and alertness. Because you are aware of the present, yet compelled by the future, you are especially suited for work in research and development. Your excitement is knowing you've made a positive contributing to a better future for everyone's benefit. All levels of teaching would give you the satisfaction of making a significant personal contribution to others.

Your interests are varied, and you try to take part in as many as possible. You are likely to succeed in any activity you take up, because you invest a great deal of energy to increase the odds of success. You don't accept defeat. With your particular skill in argument and persuasive delivery, you can easily shatter any opponent's position.

An intellectual rebel, you are quick to challenge old ideas and doctrines that have outlived their usefulness. You demonstrate your concern for society by actively taking part in socially beneficial programs or by stirring up dissent to provoke necessary changes.

In your personal relationships, the one you love must have similar attitudes and mutual interest in order to avoid frustration when your partner tries to restrict you.

Mars sextile Uranus: Mars represents the 'I act' principle and Uranus indicates the behavior of the generation we are born into, as well as the part of use that expresses as self-will before it evolves consciously.

The sextile indicates that the action patterns formed by this individual in childhood were well received by the parents. The early environment demonstrated the ability to act (or sex) in a manner that expressed the will, allowing the child room for being 'different' so that he could form his own particular value system. The value system can be diagnosed from the signs and houses.

Mars trine or sextile Uranus: The restlessness, impatience, over activity and self-will of the conjunction are also seen here. Mars and Uranus stimulate one another whenever they are mutually in aspect, so here, too, we have a need to live our own life, to interest ourselves in new things, and, above all, to look for excitement. The harmonious aspects offer the advantage that circumstances are more likely to swing our way. Originality and reforming zeal give us the opportunity to become the independent, pioneering leader of a group.

We are quick to seize fresh opportunities, and expect others to do the same. On the other hand, we lack patience, and have only a limited capacity for co-operation; but where we have to make a solo effort we can do outstandingly well - because it fits in better with our deep-rooted love of liberty. The changeability and fickleness of Uranus make an impact on energy and executive ability; therefore we find it hard to remain long at the same task - we do need varied activities, not to mention a certain amount of challenge and adventure. With the harmonious aspects, we usually know how to create or find situations in which we obtain what we seek. The abruptness of a Mars / Uranus combination always makes itself felt and even with the harmonious aspects we have to be guarded in our actions, which can sometimes be disruptive.

Uranian tension is not far to seek in the harmonious aspects, and from time to time we may suffer from nervous diseases and overstrain. With this combination, we seldom rest; for although the harmonious aspects tend to be rather passive, two such active planets in combination will put this passivity to flight. Provided life is full of action and variety, and provided we get the opportunity to show what we can do, we can be extremely creative and innovative - quite often in technical / mechanical fields.

Mars trine or sextile Uranus: The contacts between these planets are of an important character, producing some of the most marked results of any aspects. They are valuable, and yet, unless the planets are well placed by sign and have no other aspects of a discordant kind, they may be somewhat critical, even when they are technically of a benefic nature.

They greatly add to the energy, vigor, decision, and will-power of the native, who is very rarely of a milk-and-water or nondescript character. He will as a rule know his own mind excellently well, and much will depend on the rest of the chart, for, unless this shows sense and judgment, the strength of Mars-Uranus may lead to disaster because of its very strength and courage.

It tend to give physical robustness, the ability to stand hard conditions, and the capacity for hard work; but even thus, cross aspects from other bodies may result in high nervous tension and an overwrought condition, the will, as it were, tearing the body asunder. In one case known to me there is a trine between Mars (Taurus) and Uranus (Virgo) with a cross aspect to the latter from the Sun (Sagittarius). Here the heart has suffered, as the outcome of nervous strain, and the native is almost an invalid. In another case, with the same trine from the same signs, but with Sun and Saturn in square to Uranus from Gemini, there is indomitable courage, but it is spent in an uphill fight with poverty and sickness. It may be said that any ill aspect to the harmonious Mars-Uranus combination will occasion a greater or less degree of nerve-tension.

This tension seems to externalize itself frequently in the form of accidents or assault. Even among those who possessed good aspects between these planets this is sometimes exemplified. For instance, Queen Victoria and King Edward VII both had them, but in each case there were attempts on the life, which may in part be ascribed to these positions. Wallenstein was a great leader, with that personal fascination that goes with good aspects of Uranus, but he was assassinated. Sometimes the attack takes the form of slander.

But as a rule grave danger need not be anticipated from the good aspects, and on the other hand they bestow excellent qualities, particularly for those who are called on to deal with difficult, arduous, or perilous conditions. Only if the rest of the chart is weak or violent does the Mars-Uranus trine or sextile seem to be involved in the general crisis.

Mars sextile Uranus: Alfred Hitchcock 0, Bertrand Russell 0, Orson Welles 0, AndySc 0, Paul McCartney 1,  Flickinger 1, Zoë 1, Marlon Brando 2, Timothy Leary 2, Brian Wilson 2, JRosh 2, Judin 2, LucJr 2, James Taylor 3, Cher 4, Fergus 4, Lina 4

Mars square Uranus

The square will be felt as an inner tension: you are torn between the Uranian search for freedom and a deep need to feel safe and secure. This is a clash between the familiar patterns of the known and the siren call of the potential of the unknown.

This is likely to be felt as a fear of commitment and risk. Whilst you will be attracted towards greater freedom, with the possibility of creating a context where you can be more fully yourself, the likelihood is that you will resist the impulse. As you analyze your options, you prefer to play safe, as you cannot obtain these cast-iron guarantees that you would like as to the future success of your choices. This inner frustration that is likely to build up can cause stress, as a part of your nature is being denied and repressed.

You are liable to feel some emotional unease, where you are afraid of allowing full emotional expression, or even properly acknowledging your emotional nature. It is a fear of 'letting go' that is the root of this difficulty, where emotional or material losses are to be avoided if at all possible. This may have arisen through childhood experiences of loss which deeply affected you, or though a pattern developing that too strongly identified yourself with people or possessions, so that with any withdrawal or removal of them from your life, you felt that you were losing part of yourself.

You will feel that you need to keep a tight control on life, trying to ensure that chance and predictability are fended off; in this sense, you accept the more grounding energy of Mars, whilst denying the unsettling but potentially liberating energy of Uranus. You apply the Mars energy in terms of conservation, ensuring a protection of your resources through prudent and cautious organization. You intend to apply yourself diligently to your objectives, even if you expect that they will take longer to achieve without taking risks; the problem is that for varying reasons, your intentions often fail to be realized, perhaps through an impatient Uranus unraveling those attempts at persistent effort. Or your interest wanes as you reach a point where a more risky decisive step has to be taken. When that journey of a thousand miles requires the taking of the first step, you may decide not to travel anywhere, preferring established security.

Yet you may find that you are willing to allow the Uranian impulse to move freely in your life. This could initially arise as a result of a phase of denial where some external circumstance beyond your control throws you into a period of confusion and turmoil. Redundancy or the sudden collapse of a marriage could be triggers for Uranus to break through that dam. Certainly, it will not be denied expression for all your life, and that side of the square will need to be accepted and integrated.

There is potential that even while maintaining your relative control you could safely begin to open up to new horizons, to explore other interests, to expand and liberate your limiting conception of your nature and life. There are strong foundations there, and you should be able to build efficiently upon them. TO achieve those ambitions and personal desires, you will have to take some risks at some point, If you are not committed to achieving them, then it is unlikely that you will ever succeed, because your focus and energy flow will be too diffused and unconcentrated to generate the necessary momentum. That erratic will-power needs to be drawn through into a regular consistent direction. If you can succeed in liberating that inner frustrating tension, you would be surprised how effectively that energy could be applied to reach your aims, instead of clashing within you. Your personal relationships would also improve as the stress began to disperse, and you felt that a great weight was lifting away from your shoulders. Releasing that pent-up, potentially violent energy could mean the dawn of a new era of personal creative enrichment. To free yourself from the restrictions of this square aspect, you have to open up to life's insecurities and risks. It's your choice.

Mars square Uranus: The square from Mars to Uranus shows that you have a strong desire to be free to exploit yourself without hesitation or restraint. However, the fear of emotional or material losses reduces this drive to prudent levels. You must have self-control in order to conserve your personal resources, and you should have some guarantee of safety in any deliberate action that you take. You may feel much anxiety and apprehension for accomplishing less than you could if security were not an important consideration. Before you begin any contemplated action, you must be assured that the effort will not have been wasted.

An undercurrent of measured caution always accompanies your professional activities. Because of this, it will take longer to realize your goals. Once you achieve your objectives, however, they will be far more permanent because their foundation is solid. You will still be impatient, though, for postponing projects can be aggravating. There is no alternative, unless you go ahead, taking the chance that others won't resist you and challenge your desires.

Your romantic needs are strong, since your desires are well-developed. But the responsibility associated with emotional satisfaction may deter you from every marrying. If you readily accept responsibility, then the urge to marry may occur early in life. Otherwise, you will have to relate to someone who can accept an arrangement without legal sanction.

You should avoid machinery until you learn to protect yourself. You must acquire a healthy respect for safety. Try not to exceed the limits of your physical capabilities, and if you are in doubt about whether to indulge in a physical activity, your decision should be negative.

If you are in charge of others in your work, don't expect them to perform as you would. They may not have your drive. Above all, moderation in all things should be your guide.

Mars square Uranus: Mars is the indicator of the action principle and how the qualities of self reflected by the Sun archetype will be expressed. Uranus indicates the overall behavior of the generation we are born into, as well as how eccentric or self-willed we are.

The square indicates that the peer interests or behavior patterns of the individual may keep him from taking action that reflects the interests of his Sun. Action taken may be more impulsive than well-thought-out; and impulsive action is sometimes somewhat self-destructive. The goals, the overall scheme, the best-laid plans can be totally forgotten in a moment of anger. The early childhood environment reflects parents who may have impulsively put a stop to the individual's activity in some way. This aspect can indicate some form of abuse toward the individual, either physical or emotional in nature. If the square also ties to planets that symbolize the mother and father, the source of the abuse can be determined.

On a sexual level, the individual may bring a great deal of anger into relationships. The aspect is sometimes found in adults who have some need to hurt either themselves or others because of the sex drive. The energy will manifest differently depending on the signs involved.

A woman with this square will function a bit differently from how a man will, for she may get into a self-destructive situation apparently caused by the kind of lover she chooses.

The energy can be creative once it is channeled properly, but that has to be learned. Part of the learning process includes taking responsibility for one's actions, learning to see how behavior patterns conflict with what one wants. Because Uranus represents the behavior pattern of a generation, this can indicate a person whose action conflicts with that of the peer group, and the conflict can manifest in either a constructive or a destructive manner. The choice is ours. If this energy is rechanneled, it brings out the creative genius that lies buried beneath the anger, for this aspect can indicate a brilliant mind.

Mars square or opposite Uranus: The tense aspects are the most difficult to live with: we find it extremely hard to curb energy (Mars) because Uranus keeps it under constant tension. Strained and restless, we easily become irritable and quick-tempered. The (often unintentional) disruption caused by this combination is great; hence its traditional association with separation and divorce. Reactions are usually too sharp, too rash, too thoughtless and too energetic in situations which call for calm. Also, with these aspects, we are inclined to go our own way at all costs; and this can cause conflicts at school when we are still young. Whenever possible we do as we please, and being prevented from doing as we please drives us wild (to an extent that depends on the rest of the horoscope). In any case, we enjoy being provocative.

We are virtually unable to control our energy: Uranus itself would make energy control difficult, even if it did not throw a hard aspect. It is impossible to stick at the same thing for long. We frequently hop from one thing to another without getting anywhere. This is a shame, because the combination packs enough power to move mountains.

We are eager to express (Mars) our longing to be free and our originality (Uranus); but, with tense aspects, are liable to emphasize them unduly. The consequence can be asocial or even antisocial behavior; but at epochs when a break has to be made with outworn values, we come into our own. The destructiveness inherent in the Mars / Uranus combination can be channeled into fighting sports (preferably not dangerous) and into occupations such as woodcutting, where we literally break things up: the release of tension helps us to handle energy better.

Mars square or opposite Uranus: Here we get a good deal of self-will and eccentricity. There is no lack of energy, but it is often fitful and ill-directed, and the native is often a relative failure, being unable for some reason to make as good use of his talents as might reasonably be expected. Ill-temper is common, but is not always present; sometimes there is a tendency rather to fretfulness and erratic self-will; the native may be blunt and abrupt, or irritable and querulous. Sometimes the nervous conditions lead to shyness and retirement. The native is often what is known as edgy or ornery, and is frequently not well fitted for ordinary existence; it is distinctly unfavorable for married life or for any restricted or ordered way of living, but it is not an aspect which as a rule indicates any essential ill-nature or vice.

Like all combinations which create a desire for freedom and unrestriction, this often externalizes in the shape of suicidal tendencies, the native being unfitted to brook patiently the check and delays that occur in most walks of life. Patience is a virtue that is seldom present, and humility is also rare. The native is likely to scorn diplomacy and any kind of maneuvering, and is prone to throw up the sponge as soon as this is called for. In a word, he wants his own way at all costs.

As we have mentioned before, there are often attacks on the native's morals or honor, and sometimes there are direct assaults on his person, provided other more vital points are afflicted as well.

Accidents are not infrequent, and these aspects do not make for longevity, for there is seldom much placidity with Mars-Uranus; and the ability to acquiesce cheerfully and readily in the dispensation of Providence is not often very noticeable. There is often a disposition to take risks, and to overwork.

Mars square Uranus: Kim Basinger 0, Albert Schweitzer 0, Marybeth 1, Wilt Chamberlain 2, Tom Cruise 2, Tenzin Gyatso 2, John Malkovich 2, Joseph Ratzinger 2, Madonna Ciccone 3, Elton John 3, Karl Renz 3, David Rockefeller 3, Roberto 3, Samp 3, Sky 3, Mahatma Gandhi 4, Robert Redford 4, Joy 4, JulieD 4, Steve Jobs 5, AndyF 5, Arrow 5, Keith 5, Judy Garland 6, John F. Kennedy 6, Jack Parsons 6, CharlesS 6, Marcy 6, Silas 6, Cathy O’Brien 7, Judi 7

Mars trine Uranus

With the trine, the Mars and Uranus energies should be reconciled and capable of working well together. in several respects there is similarity with the sextile, although there will be less emphasis upon the level of mind as a dominating factor.

There will be a multiplicity of interests and fascinating areas of knowledge that will attract you; and you will demand that you have sufficient freedom to be able to explore them. Building upon the results of your studies and skills that you have developed, you will feel attracted towards ways of creativity which demonstrate your capacity for self-expression. Being creative is important to you; and once stimulated you may have the problem of choosing what idea to work with out of the many that appeal to you. Discipline can be necessary at such a point, once you decide to follow a creative project, so that you succeed in completing it, before diverting yourself into others.

Independence seems necessary for you; and that impatient, restless nature often makes you soon tire of any enclosing intimate relationships. You need a broader scope, with the stimulation of more people to offer more expansive horizons. Group involvements can help to satisfy such needs, as well as providing a focus for your energies. Potentially, you can become a leader of such groups; but if you do so, you may find that your independence becomes constrained and the accompanying duties and responsibilities are onerous. Organizational routines and predictability would limit your freedom - which you would hate. A routine life and employment will not suit you. A greater degree of mobility and choice of activity can be aimed towards building a lifestyle that satisfies your needs, rather than frustrating them. Otherwise, those nervous tensions will grow, and can lead to psychosomatic illness.

If your creative spirit is released, and you enter into a less conventional life, you will find that more unorthodox relationships are appropriate and liberating. A traditional marriage may feel limiting, assuming that this tends to imply a traditional lifestyle as well. Under social pressures to conform, people often find that they are being forced to live in certain ways that are inimical to their natural needs and desires as evolving individuals. Nonconformity is usually penalized, and demands a strong personality to oppose these pressures and so create a life that is appropriate for them. Most societies favor a predictable 'grayness’ of population, rather than welcoming a multi-colored richness that is harder to control.

Mars trine Uranus: The trine from Mars to Uranus shows that you act with originality and creative enthusiasm. There is a feeling of drama in the way you express yourself. Although you are impatient, it is only because you are always excited about what interests you. You demand freedom in order to exploit your creative potentials and to indulge yourself when you choose. Your energy is boundless, and you have innumerable projects to keep you busy. You feel sorry for people who are trapped in limiting circumstances, because you realize how these can destroy creative development.

You are best suited for occupations that give you mobility and self-determination. The nine-to-five scene is just too routine and full of restrictions. You should become involved with group activities, where your leadership qualities can be used to best advantage. Exploratory enterprises, research, invention, travel, industrial sales, and engineering are some of the occupations that could provide you with the kind of incentive you need.

Even politics could be fascinating for your abundant creative talents. You enjoy being with people who are exciting, progressive, and interested primarily in the developments of tomorrow.

You do need to learn greater moderation, though, and you must be patient if others don't act with your decisiveness. Occasionally you need to unwind to ease the nervous tension that frequently builds up. You may not realize how abusive this can be to your physical condition, for you pride yourself on getting along with no let-up and little rest.

In your romantic affairs, you are impulsive and restless. It goes without saying that you have strong sexual needs. You don't tolerate rejection with grace. The limiting ties of marriage are not of much interest to you, and you disdainfully view the conventional life as a relic from the past. You prefer to enjoy a wide circle of friends who can give you a variety of pleasures. Others may envy you for your exciting life¬style.

Mars trine Uranus: An astrology teacher once described this aspect as the mark of genius. Uranus indicates erratic, unconventional behavior; Mars indicates action. If the action taken is unorthodox or unconventional and constructively applied, this individual can bring new ideas into his generation. However, if the ideas or behavioral attitudes are merely unconventional, the aspect may reflect a person who thinks he is creative only because he is 'different'.

In order to determine whether or not the aspect is functioning creatively, the rest of the chart must be synthesized, for the creative energy expresses better when action is taken because we like ourselves. If either the Sun or the Moon is afflicted, perhaps the creative energy will not manifest until this person becomes conscious of the need to bring body and soul into context. Once the Sun and Moon energy find appropriate expression, this individual has creative energy at his disposal.

Mars trine or sextile Uranus: The restlessness, impatience, over activity and self-will of the conjunction are also seen here. Mars and Uranus stimulate one another whenever they are mutually in aspect, so here, too, we have a need to live our own life, to interest ourselves in new things, and, above all, to look for excitement. The harmonious aspects offer the advantage that circumstances are more likely to swing our way. Originality and reforming zeal give us the opportunity to become the independent, pioneering leader of a group.

We are quick to seize fresh opportunities, and expect others to do the same. On the other hand, we lack patience, and have only a limited capacity for co-operation; but where we have to make a solo effort we can do outstandingly well - because it fits in better with our deep-rooted love of liberty. The changeability and fickleness of Uranus make an impact on energy and executive ability; therefore we find it hard to remain long at the same task - we do need varied activities, not to mention a certain amount of challenge and adventure. With the harmonious aspects, we usually know how to create or find situations in which we obtain what we seek. The abruptness of a Mars / Uranus combination always makes itself felt and even with the harmonious aspects we have to be guarded in our actions, which can sometimes be disruptive.

Uranian tension is not far to seek in the harmonious aspects, and from time to time we may suffer from nervous diseases and overstrain. With this combination, we seldom rest; for although the harmonious aspects tend to be rather passive, two such active planets in combination will put this passivity to flight. Provided life is full of action and variety, and provided we get the opportunity to show what we can do, we can be extremely creative and innovative - quite often in technical / mechanical fields.

Mars trine or sextile Uranus: The contacts between these planets are of an important character, producing some of the most marked results of any aspects. They are valuable, and yet, unless the planets are well placed by sign and have no other aspects of a discordant kind, they may be somewhat critical, even when they are technically of a benefic nature.

They greatly add to the energy, vigor, decision, and will-power of the native, who is very rarely of a milk-and-water or nondescript character. He will as a rule know his own mind excellently well, and much will depend on the rest of the chart, for, unless this shows sense and judgment, the strength of Mars-Uranus may lead to disaster because of its very strength and courage.

It tend to give physical robustness, the ability to stand hard conditions, and the capacity for hard work; but even thus, cross aspects from other bodies may result in high nervous tension and an overwrought condition, the will, as it were, tearing the body asunder. In one case known to me there is a trine between Mars (Taurus) and Uranus (Virgo) with a cross aspect to the latter from the Sun (Sagittarius). Here the heart has suffered, as the outcome of nervous strain, and the native is almost an invalid. In another case, with the same trine from the same signs, but with Sun and Saturn in square to Uranus from Gemini, there is indomitable courage, but it is spent in an uphill fight with poverty and sickness. It may be said that any ill aspect to the harmonious Mars-Uranus combination will occasion a greater or less degree of nerve-tension.

This tension seems to externalize itself frequently in the form of accidents or assault. Even among those who possessed good aspects between these planets this is sometimes exemplified. For instance, Queen Victoria and King Edward VII both had them, but in each case there were attempts on the life, which may in part be ascribed to these positions. Wallenstein was a great leader, with that personal fascination that goes with good aspects of Uranus, but he was assassinated. Sometimes the attack takes the form of slander.

But as a rule grave danger need not be anticipated from the good aspects, and on the other hand they bestow excellent qualities, particularly for those who are called on to deal with difficult, arduous, or perilous conditions. Only if the rest of the chart is weak or violent does the Mars-Uranus trine or sextile seem to be involved in the general crisis.

Mars trine Uranus: Bobby Fischer 0, Brad Pitt 0, Andrew 2, Cynthia 2, Fisher 3, Medwick 3, Georges Gurdjieff 4, Oprah Winfrey 4, Sarik 4, Victoria 4, Fred Astaire 5, Abbe 5, JerryP 5, Leen 5, Ramana Maharshi 6, Farmer 7, Seligma 7

Mars quincunx Uranus

With the inconjunct from Mars to Uranus, you function with great drive and originality, but you always seem to be under some pressure. Perhaps you are trying to prove something to yourself or to others. Why are you killing yourself? Is it so important to convince others of your talent that you will risk physical exhaustion in the process? You sometimes act as though you were expected to do more than everyone else. Learn to distinguish responsibility from abuse. It may be that your deep concern for your future drives you to do everything immediately. There is more time than you know, so first establish your priorities, and then you can accomplish all you want.

There is an element of guilt underlying your intense preoccupation with doing more than your share. This is extremely important in your occupation. Make sure that others don't make demands of you that are physically impossible or perhaps unnecessary. It is easy for others to impose on you, but only if you permit it. Don't be a patsy for other people's incompetence. You admire those who seem successful, and try to emulate them, but this can lead to even greater frustration. Try to exploit your own creativity and uniqueness, for they are your individual contributions, through which you will gain independence. Learn to be independent of people who challenge the way you do things. If you don't, you're merely an extension of them. You don't take criticism easily; and to avoid it, you yield. If you fight for the freedom to 'do your own thing', in time you will gain the respect of others, and they will back off.

Even in your romantic interests, you show signs of latent insecurity about your competence. You lean toward those who seem totally in command of themselves, even if they make demands of you. You must be admired, though, for the assistance you give others who truly need it.

Mars quincunx Uranus: Where there are two impulsive and active forces, one of which secretly energizes the other, there is a big risk that we shall behave thoughtlessly and cause upsets without intending to do so. Whenever we take positive action (Mars), Uranian impatience unconsciously comes into play, and we may be more rude or more awkward than we suppose. What has been painstakingly built up can be blown to smithereens in this way. Many times during life, we shall see things crumble around us - due, we think, to circumstances beyond our control, though all the while the reason lies in our own subliminal field of tension. Even when we want to be original and to make room for personal development (Uranus), we are apt to force the issue (Mars) and to put too much energy into it; encountering, as a result, more resistance than we expected. The latter irritates us, and we become involved in a vicious circle, with self-will and belligerence alienating us from those around us.

As in the hard aspects, we need to find a safety valve for excess tension and energy to enable us to function in a more efficient and balanced way; although we must learn to live with our restlessness.

Mars quincunx Uranus: Mars represents 'I act' and Uranus indicates 'I behave'. The combination here brings a subtle strain that can be interpreted via the signs and houses involved. Other people won't notice the problem, but it brings some inner consternation to those who own the aspect. Both energies need to manifest, and find appropriate expression.

Mars quincunx Uranus: Elroy 0, Ricardo 0, William Blake 1, Ted Turner 1, Nicole 1, Karl Marx 2, AlexP 2, MarieBr 2, Deepak Chopra 3, Wilhelm Reich 3, Pete 3, Warren Beatty 4, Aleister Crowley 4, Adolf Hitler 4, Ken Kesey 4, MFor 4

Mars opposite Uranus

The energies generated by the opposition aspect are often projected out into the external world; and this will be true in respect of the powerful energy released by this Mars-Uranus aspect. If this is expressed through a more integrated consciousness, which is sure of the direction to travel, then its impact can be considerable. If it is manifesting through a less integrated personality, then it can create real problems in life.

Again, the revolutionary tendency is very strong, and you will have a natural antipathy towards traditions and static patterns of acceptable social lifestyles.

Your attitude will be anti-authoritarian, and you will be iconoclastic in your questioning of the status quo, and critical of those who are in positions of social responsibility and power. Hypocrisy from 'leaders especially upsets you, and you can be scathing in denouncing it. In fact, you probably have developed a fairly demanding set of personal principles and ideals from which you perceive the world.

You tend to expect less from 'ordinary people', acknowledging their frailties; but you expect the highest standards from social leaders. Concepts of social justice, equality and change attract you, and this can draw you into relationships with revolutionary or reactionary political groups. Depending upon the overall bias of the chart, your radicalism could be directed towards a re-creation of past patterns or a new creation to suit future needs and realities. Generally though, with the Uranian impulse it will be future-orientated, and this will lead you to more altruistic liberal and humanitarian groups.

Your personality can be very assertive, even aggressive and combative. You have an image of yourself 'at war' with whatever you disagree with, whether this is just a war that you fight in your own head, or it is one that you externalize by opposing social establishments that you dislike. There is a stimulation for you in conflict; and whilst it may not always be openly displayed, you enjoy competition and intend to win and dominate. This is reminiscent of the Scorpio characteristics, which are reflected through this aspect, with the Mars-Scorpio link and Uranus exalted in Scorpio. The quality of assertiveness could be extrovertedly expressed, stridently and powerfully, or quietly through the power of a strong personal presence.

You enjoy arguments and discussions; here the stimulation of ideas, beliefs and attitudes can be enriching. Often you play devil's advocate on ideas, just to enjoy the sparks that can fly; but if it is on a subject close to your heart, then a more passionate, committed side of you emerges, one that is determined to 'win' the argument.

You oppose in principle any restrictions to individual freedoms, although in practice and with serious consideration, you do tend to impose 'limits' for valid social reasons. Your main thrust is towards a broadening of personal freedoms, and the creation of more variety and scope for potential experience and opportunity in life. If discipline is imposed upon you, and you feel that you are imprisoned in a stultifying routine, then you will rise to oppose it; however, for your own purposes you can be highly motivated and self-disciplined.

Freedom is extremely important to you, and is the key to developing your own uniqueness. You feel that you have to get your own way, and this can cause problems if you are too selfish about this demand. If denied, you feel emotionally frustrated, and this becomes a form of pent-up physical tension, which in extreme cases could result in violence.

Tendencies to be arrogant, authoritarian and too self-willed can cause friction in social and intimate relationships. If your lifestyle becomes inhibiting, then this can also create explosions of sudden temper and excessive arguing to release inner pressures.

Whilst you see yourself as an outsider, a loner following a personal path, there is an underlying lack of self-confidence, which Scorpio-like is hidden beneath the mask. You insist on finding and making your own way in life, pursuing one's 'dharma' (own truth), and will be like the traditional stubborn mule if anyone else tries to lead you against your will.

You learn from life's hard experiences, and indeed, you tend to accept and welcome such intensity and challenges. Often, you will be tempted to throw off the binding shackles of the past, slough off the old skin like a snake, and burn those bridges to leave yourself free to travel forward into the bright future. You seem as though you know what you are doing, and appear to be optimistic, but this is the glow of a belief in your own ability to succeed, to cross those challenging abysses. You may need to unify your will and clarify your desires so that they work more in harmony.

Potentially, this aspect if rightly applied through a reabsorption of any negative projections back into yourself for transformation, can offer a 'magical' ability to succeed in your aims. The 'enemy' is not just 'out there'; and you need to use the tension for self-transformation, to balance out the relationship between yourself and society, so that your revolutionary spirit manifests as an agent for the evolutionary spiral of human progression.

Mars opposite Uranus: With Mars opposition Uranus, you have a genius for arousing others to challenge you. You enjoy competition, and have a flair for gaining dominance over others. The simple fact is, you are arrogant, demanding, and authoritative in your dealings, which tends to disarm people. You seem to thrive on bickering and argument, even if you aren't serious about it. This is just another way to provide continuing excitement.

Your behavior has little to do with your competence, although your forwardness often convinces others that you know what you are doing. With your flair for expression, you should seek occupations such as selling, politics, group interests, or science, that depend on this quality. You could become interested in hazardous occupations like flying, racing, exploring, or mountain climbing, but you must be extremely careful and take all safety precautions. Because you are accident-prone, these endeavors are not recommended. You tend to throw caution to the winds, especially when someone is watching. Your desire for approval is so strong that you will even risk danger to gain it.

You don't tolerate any restrictions on your freedom and mobility, and need to be constantly on the move. Is this because you are afraid others will discover how insecure you really are? Perhaps your life-style is a defense against admitting that you are mainly a 'physical' person.

You aren't the easiest person to get along with. Your outbursts of temper and cantankerous attitude really rub people the wrong way. A revolutionary, you are basically against tradition with all its limits to individuality. You are critical of anyone who wields authority, and want your own way so much that you become violent when anyone tries to deny it. Your unpredictable nature may cause you to lose dear friends who will not tolerate your arrogance.

Mars opposite Uranus: The action principle essentially describes the action taken (through Mars) to represent the Sun sign archetype. Uranus indicates how the generation behaves as well as the kinds of eccentricities to which an individual is prone.

When the opposition is in effect, the action taken by the individual is compromised or colored by the behavior pattern; he may not relate well to his peer group. This individual may take self-willed or erratic action rather than make necessary compromises in life. In some cases, he may be violent when angered or threatened. Because the will is involved in the action aspect, this individual may be overly willful and want immediate satisfaction because constant internal pressure is at play. The childhood environment was unpredictable, and this person may have been so repressed at home that high anger levels are considered 'normal'.

When people act one way and feel compromised by their eccentric needs, the action taken may not only be unproductive, but these individuals feel internally angry with themselves. If the anger is projected onto others; if others are blamed for the mistakes created by those who have this aspect, then the energy is destructive. They will have to learn to act in such a manner that any eccentricities within the nature also have a chance for constructive expression. When the anger is directed neither at the self nor at others, the energy is free to express creatively.

When attempting to determine where this behavior pattern comes from, check the planets that reflect the effect of the mother or father. This person may have been abused as a child. If so, much resentment may be harbored toward the parent, along with guilt because one is not supposed to hate one's parents. It's important that the anger be understood and not suppressed, for until the energy is free to flow, the creativity cannot be released. This person may wish to undergo analysis to get help breaking the old pattern.

Mars square or opposite Uranus: The tense aspects are the most difficult to live with: we find it extremely hard to curb energy (Mars) because Uranus keeps it under constant tension. Strained and restless, we easily become irritable and quick-tempered. The (often unintentional) disruption caused by this combination is great; hence its traditional association with separation and divorce. Reactions are usually too sharp, too rash, too thoughtless and too energetic in situations which call for calm. Also, with these aspects, we are inclined to go our own way at all costs; and this can cause conflicts at school when we are still young. Whenever possible we do as we please, and being prevented from doing as we please drives us wild (to an extent that depends on the rest of the horoscope). In any case, we enjoy being provocative.

We are virtually unable to control our energy: Uranus itself would make energy control difficult, even if it did not throw a hard aspect. It is impossible to stick at the same thing for long. We frequently hop from one thing to another without getting anywhere. This is a shame, because the combination packs enough power to move mountains.

We are eager to express (Mars) our longing to be free and our originality (Uranus); but, with tense aspects, are liable to emphasize them unduly. The consequence can be asocial or even antisocial behavior; but at epochs when a break has to be made with outworn values, we come into our own. The destructiveness inherent in the Mars / Uranus combination can be channeled into fighting sports (preferably not dangerous) and into occupations such as woodcutting, where we literally break things up: the release of tension helps us to handle energy better.

Mars square or opposite Uranus: Here we get a good deal of self-will and eccentricity. There is no lack of energy, but it is often fitful and ill-directed, and the native is often a relative failure, being unable for some reason to make as good use of his talents as might reasonably be expected. Ill-temper is common, but is not always present; sometimes there is a tendency rather to fretfulness and erratic self-will; the native may be blunt and abrupt, or irritable and querulous.

Sometimes the nervous conditions lead to shyness and retirement. The native is often what is known as edgy or ornery, and is frequently not well fitted for ordinary existence; it is distinctly unfavorable for married life or for any restricted or ordered way of living, but it is not an aspect which as a rule indicates any essential ill-nature or vice.

Like all combinations which create a desire for freedom and unrestriction, this often externalizes in the shape of suicidal tendencies, the native being unfitted to brook patiently the check and delays that occur in most walks of life. Patience is a virtue that is seldom present, and humility is also rare. The native is likely to scorn diplomacy and any kind of maneuvering, and is prone to throw up the sponge as soon as this is called for. In a word, he wants his own way at all costs.

As we have mentioned before, there are often attacks on the native's morals or honor, and sometimes there are direct assaults on his person, provided other more vital points are afflicted as well.

Accidents are not infrequent, and these aspects do not make for longevity, for there is seldom much placidity with Mars-Uranus; and the ability to acquiesce cheerfully and readily in the dispensation of Providence is not often very noticeable. There is often a disposition to take risks, and to overwork.

Mars opposite Uranus: Jane 0, PapayaJ 0, Evelyn Robert de Rothschild 2, Babe Ruth 3, Jon Voight 3, Friedrich Nietzche 7, Peter Sellers 8


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