nisargadatta siddharameshwar eckhart-tolle-78x111 ramana-maharshi-78x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho

Mars conjunct Saturn

Mars conjunct Saturn shows that you are fortunate in being able to use your energy constructively. The normal desire to assert yourself on impulse is balanced by realization of the consequences of such an action. This quality of restraint can mean great accomplishments for you because you don't waste energy on unproductive efforts. Your sense of economy and efficiency are characteristics of success; you know how to use your talents purposefully for specific objectives.. You are realistic in applying good judgment before taking any action.

Your early training enabled you to take on major responsibilities without difficulty. Knowing your limitations, you rarely go beyond them. You are prudent and yet fearless, cautious and yet aggressive, hard-working and yet able to accomplish a great deal with economy of effort. Although you are a complex person, you use the most simplistic approach in solving problems. You represent the ideal in terms of a balance between aggression and self-control.

You are never indifferent to the feelings of others, but can become angry when others try to interfere with you. Frustration brings out the most dangerous kind of energy in you. You are not accustomed to having your plans challenged, and can launch vicious attacks against your adversaries, even resorting to physical violence. Other factors in your chart may indicate whether you would go do this extreme, but the potential for it exists in this planetary combination. Many professional pursuits are possible with this combination. Especially suitable are occupations requiring physical endurance and stamina, such as archaeology, exploration, geographic surveys, and forestry service. In the industrial field, research and development seem appropriate. Military service would be another means of expression for your controlled energy.

In your romantic pursuits, you easily play the roles of both prey and predator. You carefully evaluate the partner's line of least resistance in order to decide which techniques you will use. The remark 'pursued until you caught the pursuer' is descriptive of your method.

It is very important not to become chilled when indulging in physical activities. Cool off gradually and avoid cold liquids to prevent cramps. Use as little salt as possible when not doing strenuous physical work.

Mars conjunct Saturn: A Mars/ Saturn conjunction gives problems with our expenditure of energy. The enthusiasm, fervor, energy and executive ability of Mars are restricted by the tenacity and confining action of Saturn. At best, this produces well-thought-out activities, but generally speaking there are difficulties to overcome. Saturn tends to hold us back whenever we feel the urge to make our presence felt (Mars); and yet Saturn itself promotes a form of ambition born of the desire for greater security. So, on the one hand, there is the fear of being too forward which may express itself in a withdrawn or passive attitude, and, on the other hand and by way of overcompensation, there is possibly a determination to prove ourselves or to outshine everyone else come what may. In the second case, the assertiveness is great, but the motivation is really an enormous vulnerability.

Strange as it may seem, both forms of expression can be found in one person, and stop-go is characteristic of many with this conjunction. Sometimes they are busy moving mountains; at other times, a fire lit beneath their chairs would hardly rouse them.

Mars has much to do with resilience, and, when it is conjunct Saturn, mental and physical resilience are not always very strong.

Usually, with this conjunction, we pass through one or more difficult periods during life, when we are hampered by internal or external causes and are tied hand and foot by (for example) too much responsibility, too heavy a work load or mental pressures of some kind. But the conjunction of the two planets also supplies the strength to break these shackles. Saturn can apply the energy or Mars to a certain goal or project with great concentration for a very long time - which is the other, very profitable, side of the coin with this conjunction.

Mars conjunct Saturn: The 'I act' principle is affected by the influence of the individual's father. Mars indicates the ability to act out the energy of the Sun. The conjunction indicates that the actions may be limited or restricted because of something the father does while the individual's personality is forming (age 0-3). This influence inhibits the person's ability to react constructively and to feel confident about the action he takes. The conjunction usually has some effect on the sex drive.

Saturn says 'I take seriously', and conjunct Mars means 'I take my actions seriously'. This can serve to inhibit or restrict any action taken; it can indicate harsh action, for Saturn symbolizes the concept of law in each individual, causing this person to act out (Mars) the law (Saturn). This energy is sometimes used for law enforcement and can indicate a person who will enjoy a career that involves enforcing the law. This energy can create a sure-footed, slow-moving individual who moves cautiously in life; or an extremely hard individual who becomes an enforcer of the law regardless of the circumstances. It is wise to consider the other aspects to this conjunction for it will give a broader picture of how the personality will operate.

In a personal sense, the conjunction can indicate a serious outlook regarding sexual expression. it can limit sexuality, cause one to avoid sexuality, indicate symptoms of frigidity in both the male and female, make one afraid of sexual expression, or cause one to attempt to force sexual standards on others. The Mars-Saturn conjunction indicates that the father inhibited the individual's sexual concepts or perhaps his early sexual expression in some manner. What he did is an unknown factor, but he did something. Other aspects to the conjunction may tell more about what happened.

It seems that this type of individual is rarely chemically attracted to another. The sexual difficulties cause guilt, and then the conscious mind decides to have a sexual relationship because the prospective lover will be 'good for me'. Or, because the individual is so rarely physically attracted to another, when the chemistry does happen he jumps into bed without going through the normal courtship period. Then the guilt begins because he feels he responded too quickly. This individual can respond sexually to the right person but he finds few people appealing.

The father may have had his own guilt about his sex drive; the father may have had a harsh attitude as the small child explored his body as all small children do. The rest of the chart will help tell the story. The pressure of the aspect can be relieved when this person investigates the relationship between sexual expression and universal law. Sex is not unhealthy; only people are.

Mars conjunct Saturn: A very powerful and in some cases dangerous combination. If other influences agree, there may be a distinct danger of unusual physical suffering. It occurs in the nativities of several victims of violence. All inharmonious combinations of these planets appear to point this way. In one case (conj. in Virgo in 2nd) there was great suffering from eczema tic gout with chronic irritation. In two more instances there were severe burns, illustrating the marked tendency of this combination to cause injury to the skin, said by some to be ruled by Saturn as the significator of the limits of the body. Blows, cuts and stabs sometimes occur, often as the result of falls.

Although this configuration must be regarded as of serious import, it is necessary to judge it carefully, and to give full weight to possible counteracting influences.

See also: Mars conjunct Saturn; Mars conjunct Saturn;

Mars conjunct Saturn: Helena Blavatsky 0, Howard Hughes 0, Dolly Parton 0, Virginia 1, Kay 2, Michelle 2, VinCal 2, James Taylor 3, Carolyn 3, Erin 3, Kyle 3, Tom 3, Roberto 4, Joni Mitchell 5, Robert Anton Wilson 5, David 5, Keith 5, Roy 5, Steve 5, Lucille Ball 6, Bobbie 6, Ingrid Bergman 7, Carlos Castaneda 7, Walt Disney 7, Donny 7, Jeff 7, Hillary Rodham Clinton 8, Mark Zuckerberg 8, Lorraine 9

Mars sextile Saturn

The sextile between Mars and Saturn indicates a blending of brain and brawn. You always try to assert yourself intelligently so you won't have to do something over again. You think before you act, which pays dividends in the results you achieve. Others can appeal to you through your logic and understanding, and you are appreciative when their proposals are reasonably acceptable. Your self-discipline and patience enable you to accomplish more than your competitors because you take the time to understand every detail of a problem before attempting to solve it.

Although your interests may be in generally physical areas, you prefer occupations that also require mental skills. Because of this, you may show an inclination for fields in which both physical and mental skills are essential, such as archaeology, exploration, forestry service, wildlife management, research and development in industry, or perhaps physical education.

Your avocational pursuits can follow many interesting avenues; ecology projects, Big Brother or Sister organizations, working with groups such as the aged or the shut-in, fund-raising campaigns for the physically handicapped, and other such enterprises could enrich your private life. You may be fascinated by all kinds of crafts, and eventually a craft could become your primary source of income.

You enjoy discussion groups, and you hold forth with clever use of language. You don't have to retreat from your position in a debate, because you rarely make a statement that you can't back up with very impressive evidence. Debate is one of your accomplishments, and could lead to a life in politics, at least at the organizational level of local groups and social clubs.

In your romantic affairs you seek a partner who has both intellectual and physical interests. You need someone who is multidimensional and who can complement your nature by sharing a variety of meaningful interests. In this way you will both be enriched by each other's companionship.

You respect authority and accept the laws as your protection. Since you have the ability to do most anything you set your mind to, you don't accept defeat easily. You will impart this same attitude to your children, and provide them with a good climate for development. You will never be too busy to listen to their problems, and you will try to teach them the wisdom of your experience. You will be enthusiastic about their accomplishments, although you may be conservative in displaying your emotions.

See also: Mars sextile Saturn;

Mars sextile Saturn: Lance 0, Pete 0, Thomas Edison 1, JerGar 1, MFor 1, Carl Jung 2, John D. Rockefeller 2, Brian Wilson 2, Jean 2, Robert 2, Bette Davis 3, Paul McCartney 3, Pablo Picasso 3, Lynn Forester de Rothschild 3, O.J. Simpson 3, Eva 3, Maitreyi 3, Joze 4

Mars square Saturn

With Mars square Saturn, you alternate between periods of aggression and periods of recession and apathy. You are constantly at war with yourself because you cannot resolve this problem, which is not an easy one, as your experience has shown. Even when you gather the will to assert yourself, you are apprehensive that your timing may be off. Likewise, when inertia prevails, you realize you should have taken advantage of an opportunity earlier. Only time will improve your capacity to correctly judge when you should take action.

You will have to be very careful not to become embittered by your occasional setbacks. If you can learn from them, you are ahead because of the experience. Potentially you can accomplish much, once you know your limits. You can excel in occupations requiring endurance and follow-through, as in the fields of military service, land development, sports, and physical therapy. In whatever profession you follow, you must be willing to start at the bottom and work your way to the top. There is no easy way to gain a position of authority - you must earn it. Any shortcuts to the top are at best hazardous, because your position will be insecure.

Your greatest lessons in life will probably be learned through your relationships with others. You don't always know just how much you can assert yourself in your associations. You especially need to develop your opinion of yourself by learning to use your talents so skillfully that you never need to feel threatened by anyone else. You must develop self-confidence about meeting challenge and competitors. When you say 'No!' you must mean it, and when you say 'Yes!' it should be with firm conviction based on reason. You must especially avoid vacillation and indecision, because they raise doubts about your credibility.

Your romantic relationships are ensnarled with inconsistencies of temperament and emotional intent. You suffer deeply if your advances are rejected by someone. It is possible for you to become vindictive and even use physical violence against people you don't really want to hurt. You tend to hurt the one you love without realizing it.

Caution in all physical activities is advised, because this planetary combination inclines to accidents and broken bones. Be particularly careful around machinery, and when you are unsure whether you can do something that requires considerable physical strength, don't.

Mars square Saturn: The 'I act' principle conflicts with 'I take seriously' or 'I regard with caution'. The father's influence on this individual's psyche built an atmosphere of mistrust or fear ¬he did not encourage the individual's actions. Authority seems to be the 'thing in the way' of personal action. The person often feels that all authority figures (Daddy, teachers, bosses, men in general) are against whatever he may be trying to do. As an employee, he can appear as a subversive type for he may develop a strong anti-authority complex. The aspect can indicate a rebel, a rabble-rouser, or someone who works to change the status quo. The energy has to be directed, for action must be taken from a constructive point. As a youth, this person may be so negative to authority figures that he 'cuts off his nose to spite his face'.

As far as sexuality is concerned, there is a seriousness to it that is unwarranted, and self-imposed restrictions on sexuality are the result of a subconscious fear caused by the father early in life. Men have been traditionally expected to enjoy sex with many women; we have been trained to think that men should enjoy any sexual contact. Men with this aspect seldom do, however, for they find few partners pleasing, and when they do, they fall deeply in love. The female reacts the same way, and, depending on the freedom of the generation she was born into, her sexual enjoyment may vary considerably. In this day and age, many women are experimenting with sexual freedom, and some women with this aspect are shocked, since few men appeal to them. Some of the women married early, have had a family, a husband, and no sexual pleasure, for they married before trying sex.

The aspect doesn't completely restrict sexual feeling, but it's difficult for these individuals to find a pleasing sexual partner. Once that is understood, people who have the aspect can cease judging themselves so harshly. The original sexual restriction had something to do with the father and his influence on a small child. Sometimes analysis can help to get to the root of the problem; sometimes self-diagnosis can do it. At any rate, this aspect indicates serious and loyal people, for once they make an emotional or sexual commitment, they mean it.

Mars square or opposite Saturn: In the hard aspects between Mars and Saturn, the incompatibility of the planets comes more to the fore. Usually, we are ill-at-ease as a result of inferiority feelings which, as in the conjunction, can make us very reserved and even passive on the one hand, and full of (overcompensating) ambition on the other; consequently, we strive hard to reach goals, and are not to be deterred by any obstacles in the path. These aspects are often associated with intermittent bursts of energy; either we are taking things easy or we are being intensely active - there is no thought in our minds of a happy medium.

Because we feel so vulnerable, bearing is poised and stiff, and the impression we make on others is of someone hard and even forbidding. People can find us intimidating, and so a vicious spiral is set up. They in turn behave coolly toward us, or refrain from responding to us at all, and so our inward hurt increases and we become even more withdrawn. Although aloofness may look like egotism, it is really a form of shyness and sensitivity.

Perseverance comes hard to us; aims (Saturn) and actions (Mars) are always in conflict. Sometimes we attract circumstances in which we are unable to get enough of our own work done; as if, here again, aim and action are out of balance. Generally, our own attitude is to blame, but we can correct this as we grow older. For, even with the active tense aspects, we can set our sights on responsible long-term goals.

Mars square or opposite Saturn: These are frequently stated in text books to be of a violent character, indicating brutality, cruelty, and blood-lust. It may at once be said that this is by no means invariably the case; in fact, the writer has at least two friends with this combination (the square) who are conspicuously kind and gentle, there being of course other indications of this nature in their charts.

It may be said that it may incline to a certain hardness or sternness, but if the rest of the horoscope is good this may be necessary to the native by reason of his occupation and the tempers of those with whom he has to deal. Again, the severity may be turned inward and there may be an inner austerity and self-discipline.

Its chief effect on character appears to be of a quite different kind. The Saturnian influence acts as a brake on the Martian energies, and I have certainly often noticed a sort of erraticism in these people, so that their enthusiasms are sudden and violent, but short-lasting, with alternations of 'blowing hot' and 'blowing cold'. Sometimes there are spells of laziness, due to the inhibition of the Mars action; sometimes there is a restless energy without good directing common sense when Mars overcomes Saturn.

Definite purpose often seems lacking, as if the native regarded life as something of a child's game, passing from one interest to another lightly and inconsequentially. However much in earnest such people are (and they often seem very much so), I have noticed that they commonly forget their pursuits as soon as they cease to amuse them. True depth is generally deficient. In one case there was great love of starting fresh enterprises and considerable ability in this way; but the natives soon lost interest in them when the initial difficulties had been surmounted, and left them to another; here Mars was also square Uranus.

There is usually a certain amount of selfishness or egoism. Thus, even when there is real kindness of heart, the native likes to go his own way, and will not readily turn aside from what interests him personally in order to minister to others. There is an inclination to impatience with those who do not readily agree. Exteriorly, Mars-Saturn tends to a life of hardship and suffering, as well as to the undergoing of physical violence. The former may occur in the way of health. There is a danger of strain and excess; and this may be followed by the need for prolonged rest, rigid attention to dietetic and other restrictions, and otherwise 'paying the price'. The aspects seem to have a distinct affinity with enteric fever. There is also a liability to burns and scaldings.

The square is not uncommon in the victims of murdering. But in all such cases other potent factors will occur in addition, for the bad aspect of two planets (as apart from Sun, Moon and Angles) cannot, however serious, destroy the life prematurely or violently. General Charles Gordon had the two planets in trine, but Mars was debilitated by sign. The same occurs in the case of Alexander II of Russia (killed by a bomb).

These aspects do not by any means forbid success, though this will come late and after severe struggles.

See also: Mars square Saturn; Mars square Saturn;

Mars square Saturn: Charlie Chaplin 0, Albert Schweitzer 0, Mikael 0, Tyler 0, Evelyn Robert de Rothschild 1, William Randolph Hearst 2, BenSt 2, Ju 2, Judi 2, Milton William Cooper 3, Ernest Hemingway 3, SFor 3, Queen Elizabeth II 4, Adolf Hitler 4, Salvadore Dali 5, L.Ron Hubbard 5, Ken Kesey 5, JerryP 5, Jyothi 5, Komala 5, Shirley Temple Black 6, River 6, Melanie Griffith 7, Angelina Jolie 7

Mars trine Saturn

With your Mars trine Saturn, you know how to assert yourself dutifully. You use your energy efficiently, wasting little of it on nonproductive endeavors. You are a fine disciplinarian because you don't expect the impossible from anyone under your authority, and in fact you are often helpful in giving assistance. Your temper is generally under control, and you don't fly off the handle when someone performs a task unimaginatively. You are a good teacher because you are creative and enthusiastic, and care enough to use your talents wisely.

There are many professions you can follow, such as teaching, exploration, law, police or military service, forestry service, and ecological enterprises. All endeavors in which conservation is an important factor would be suitable for you. You would excel in industrial planning and control (efficiency). The areas in which you could apply your talents are almost unlimited. In any occupation, you would eventually rise to a position of authority, because you have exceptional managerial skills.

You should get along well with everybody. You respect others for what they are and accept them at their level of development. You really know how to get people to accept their responsibilities through careful planning. You show them that success is rarely an accident - and you are the best example of this. People in difficulty may seek your advice because you always seem to succeed, in spite of temporary setbacks or reversals. In other words, you tend to do the right thing at the right time, so people value your judgment. You are guardedly optimistic in all your affairs, whether in personal relationships or material concerns.

You are moderately aggressive in your romantic pursuits. You relate well to responsible, mature people, and you are particularly attracted to individuals who have well-defined goals and want to make something of their lives. Your sexual needs are average, and you generally satisfy your physical needs in traditional ways. Though others may consider you a 'square' in this respect, you are convinced that a binding emotional relationship should include other, more important matters. A family and its security, objectives and goals, respect in the community, and the satisfaction of a job well done are more important to you than the mechanics of lovemaking.

See also: Mars trine Saturn; Mars trine Saturn;

Mars trine Saturn: George Bush, Sr. 0, OmNi 0, George Orwell 0, Jack Parsons 0, Doug 0, Marilyn Monroe 1, George Carlin 2, John Dillinger 2, Terence McKenna 2, AbbieJ 2, Friedrich Nietzche 3, Lina 3, Barack Obama 4, Ronald Reagan 4, H.G. Wells 4, Malcolm X, JT 4, Dustin Hoffman 5, Karl Marx 5, AndySc 5, Bernie 5, Nirvesh 5, TonyO 5, Bobby Fischer 6, Groucho Marx 6, Seligma 6, Mother Teresa 7

Mars quincunx Saturn

The inconjunct between Mars and Saturn shows problems in fulfilling yourself without being destroyed in the process. You have difficulty in exactly determining your responsibilities, both to yourself and to others. Lacking this determination, you often trap yourself by indulging the whims of other people who take advantage of your willingness. Perhaps you feel guilty because in the past you were rather indifferent to others, and you are trying desperately to prove to yourself that you really care about other people. You are hoping to win approval and atone for past misdeeds in order to be finally free of liability. The pain of submitting to others is in proportion to the anxiety and guilt you feel when you don't.

Once you can psychologically get off the hook in this regard, there is much you can accomplish for your own benefit. Military service, sports, conservation, and physical therapy are some of the fields to which you could constructively apply your talents. You might work in union activities or public welfare programs, for which you are qualified. If you are not careful, you may become involved in disputes between your co-workers, because you can be easily intimidated. Try to control your temper when such incidents develop, or you may spoil future opportunities for advancement. Concern yourself with personal matters and avoid getting involved in the affairs of others.

In relating to others, whether they are competitors or associates, you tend to consider them more gifted or competent than you, and you therefore assign yourself a position of relative unimportance. Learn to be expert in your chosen profession so that you don't have to seek confirmation of your expertise from others. You must know you're good at what you do in order to succeed.

Unless you are firm in your convictions, you may experience some irritating problems in your personal and romantic relationships. Some partners may try to take advantage of you until you demonstrate strength of character and thereby gain their respect. Don't allow anyone to use your feelings against you in a kind of emotional blackmail to gain your submission. You don't need the kind of person who would resort to such leverage. Also, the physical expression of love should be in keeping with your self-respect.

You may experience some physical problems, such as accidents that result in fractures, or somewhat immobilizing conditions such as arthritis or bursitis. As you get older you will tend to eliminate physical activity and exercise, but you should guard against becoming too inactive.

The inconjunct between Mars and Saturn shows problems in fulfilling yourself without being destroyed in the process. You have difficulty in exactly determining your responsibilities, both to yourself and to others. Lacking this determination, you often trap yourself by indulging the whims of other people who take advantage of your willingness. Perhaps you feel guilty because in the past you were rather indifferent to others, and you are trying desperately to prove to yourself that you really care about other people. You are hoping to win approval and atone for past misdeeds in order to be finally free of liability. The pain of submitting to others is in proportion to the anxiety and guilt you feel when you don't.

Once you can psychologically get off the hook in this regard, there is much you can accomplish for your own benefit. Military service, sports, conservation, and physical therapy are some of the fields to which you could constructively apply your talents. You might work in union activities or public welfare programs, for which you are qualified. If you are not careful, you may become involved in disputes between your co-workers, because you can be easily intimidated. Try to control your temper when such incidents develop, or you may spoil future opportunities for advancement. Concern yourself with personal matters and avoid getting involved in the affairs of others.

In relating to others, whether they are competitors or associates, you tend to consider them more gifted or competent than you, and you therefore assign yourself a position of relative unimportance. Learn to be expert in your chosen profession so that you don't have to seek confirmation of your expertise from others. You must know you're good at what you do in order to succeed.

Unless you are firm in your convictions, you may experience some irritating problems in your personal and romantic relationships. Some partners may try to take advantage of you until you demonstrate strength of character and thereby gain their respect. Don't allow anyone to use your feelings against you in a kind of emotional blackmail to gain your submission. You don't need the kind of person who would resort to such leverage. Also, the physical expression of love should be in keeping with your self-respect.

You may experience some physical problems, such as accidents that result in fractures, or somewhat immobilizing conditions such as arthritis or bursitis. As you get older you will tend to eliminate physical activity and exercise, but you should guard against becoming too inactive.

Mars quincunx Saturn: The inhibiting effect of Saturn on Mars comes out most strongly in the inconjunct. A secret, ill-defined uncertainty and fear bothers us as soon as we want to prove ourselves or take an active part in life. Quite possibly, we will stop short, or even fail to make a proper start, due to a growing feeling of incapacity. Although all Mars / Saturn aspects have a stop-go character, initially there is more stop than go about the inconjunct.

Also we find it hard to express a sense of responsibility; as soon as we emphasize Saturn, we undermine its influence by our actions (Mars) but, due to the fact that the aspect is an inconjunct, are slow to fathom what is wrong. Unintentionally, we can stand in our own light and suffer from a sense of inadequacy, anxiety and frustration. Yet in spite of these drawbacks, we are very ambitious and can become extremely irritated at the slightest reverse. Usually we vacillate between forcing the issue and creeping away from it; we have no idea of the whys and wherefores of our behavior.

Nevertheless, when we learn to adjust to the fact that our goal-setting and sense of responsibility (Saturn) seek to express themselves differently from our energy and executive ability (Mars), we can bring out the positive qualities of this aspect.

Mars quincunx Saturn: Here the activity of Mars is influenced subtly by the restrictions of Saturn. The psychological effect of the father on the individual, the limitations within the psyche, are present but not obvious.

Action may be taken with gritted teeth, and others don't see this internal dilemma.

Sexuality may be inhibited in some way, for an image is retained in the psyche that says one shouldn't do that.

Mars quincunx Saturn: This can be a difficult aspect because it signifies a conflict between your sense of responsibility and your desire to fulfill your own needs and do what you want. This leads to a struggle within you that may keep you from acting decisively. Instead of deciding what you will do, you feel caught between these two forces, wondering whether you have the right to do what you want. You may feel that others are trying to frustrate you, but it is only your own indecisiveness that is causing the trouble. Sometimes this conflict makes you very irritable and resentful about nothing in particular. Then, when someone happens to act in a way that is obviously annoying, you focus all your built-up anger on that person.

Sometimes with this aspect there really is someone in your life who discourages you and makes you feel that your efforts are futile. You must learn to avoid negative people who make you feel bad about yourself. Your parents should work very hard to give you self-confidence and show you that you are a valuable and important person.

On the positive side, this aspect can mean that you control your aggressions and energies so that they work out constructively. But make sure that you do work out your aggression instead of keeping it hidden, because that can result in sudden bursts of temper, which may work against you. Also, if you repress these energies, they may turn against you and be expressed as illness or accidents.

See also: Mars quincunx Saturn;

Mars quincunx Saturn: Wilhelm Reich 0, Jon Voight 0, Andrea 0, Bram 1, Joy 1, John Dee 2, Cheri 2, Jamie 2, Marcy 2, Suzanne 2, Georges Gurdjieff 3, Michael Jackson 3, Patti Smith 3, Erika 3, Marie 3, Princess Diana 4, Mitt Romney 4, Sky 4

Mars opposite Saturn

The opposition between Mars and Saturn indicates some conflict between your desires and your sense of responsibility. You alternate between moments of intense activity and periods when you cannot seem to gather the energy to accomplish anything. Your temperament is either aggressive or completely apathetic. You find it difficult to maintain a moderate position that would allow you to achieve your goals without 'highs' and 'lows'. You are the only obstacle in your path to achievement. You need to become self-disciplined in using your energy constructively, and you must establish goals within your reach. Resolve firmly that you will not let feelings of futility keep you from reaching them.

You tend to be awed by the accomplishments of your associates or competitors, probably because you give them greater credit than they deserve. You desperately need competition so you can evaluate your own worth; ignorance of your capabilities is your greatest liability. The chances are that others will always have a higher opinion of your potential than you, and you will need to be reassured that your talents are genuine.

Once you get over the idea of your unworthiness, you can go far. You must like yourself enough to feel that you deserve the success you can achieve, but you will have to assert yourself. You could find some expression in law enforcement, industrial engineering, military service, conservation, or physical therapy. Initially, you would probably work best alone, until you can convince yourself that you could make a significant contribution in your field. Later, you could work satisfactorily with others without feeling threatened by their competence. You tend to establish goals somewhat out of reach, which makes you unhappy with your accomplishments. It would be better for you to grow into higher levels of responsibility by taking one step at a time. In that way, your current security is never jeopardized.

Your personal and romantic relationships never measure up to your expectations. Your desires always seem to be frustrated or to encounter great difficulties. The phrase 'After you get what you want, you don't want it' is descriptive of your feelings in these relationships. In any case, it is doubtful that your desires will be fulfilled to your satisfaction, and some denial is to be expected.

Moderation is necessary in all your affairs, or physical depletion can result. Rest is very important in order to maintain physical well-being. Accidents resulting in fractures are common with this planetary combination, as are problems affecting the joints, such as arthritis and bursitis. Moderate exercise is helpful if you get sufficient rest.

Mars opposite Saturn: This tie between sexuality and responsibility is one that is difficult, for it involves a compromise regarding either sexual expression or action taken, or both. Mars symbolizes the 'I act' principle and Saturn indicates the restriction is caused by the image of the father in the psyche. Mars is 'I sex' and Saturn is the restricting influence from the father because of views he had about sex when this individual was young.

It can seem that Father Time, or the Wise Old Man, is universally against any action attempted, for every action is tested for merit. The individual who lives with this energy may become resentful and feel that too much is asked of him. He may rebel against society, authority or his father. If this energy is used constructively, the rebellion against the father can establish a personal ethic that causes the individual to become involved in changing cultural conditions that need it. If not, it can indicate an individual who may be harsh, who wishes to become a law unto himself.

In the sexual sense, it may be that the Saturn opposition controls the sex life, that there are losses connected with sexual expression; it may be difficult to establish long-lasting relationships. It may be difficult to find an enjoyable sexual partner. In this case, check out Venus and Moon aspects as well, for that may tell the story more completely.

As far as career is concerned, the Mars-Saturn opposition can cause restrictions on any action taken; so movement may be stagnated, or the individual worries too much about what he does. The aspect may indicate a person who doesn't handle crises well, for any crisis demands immediate decisions and immediate action. He may be restricted because of ideas and concepts learned from the father. As this energy is worked with, it can develop a slow and careful decision-maker, a steady worker, one who is precise and deliberate.

Mars square or opposite Saturn: In the hard aspects between Mars and Saturn, the incompatibility of the planets comes more to the fore. Usually, we are ill-at-ease as a result of inferiority feelings which, as in the conjunction, can make us very reserved and even passive on the one hand, and full of (overcompensating) ambition on the other; consequently, we strive hard to reach goals, and are not to be deterred by any obstacles in the path. These aspects are often associated with intermittent bursts of energy; either we are taking things easy or we are being intensely active - there is no thought in our minds of a happy medium.

Because we feel so vulnerable, bearing is poised and stiff, and the impression we make on others is of someone hard and even forbidding. People can find us intimidating, and so a vicious spiral is set up. They in turn behave coolly toward us, or refrain from responding to us at all, and so our inward hurt increases and we become even more withdrawn. Although aloofness may look like egotism, it is really a form of shyness and sensitivity.

Perseverance comes hard to us; aims (Saturn) and actions (Mars) are always in conflict. Sometimes we attract circumstances in which we are unable to get enough of our own work done; as if, here again, aim and action are out of balance. Generally, our own attitude is to blame, but we can correct this as we grow older. For, even with the active tense aspects, we can set our sights on responsible long-term goals.

Mars square or opposite Saturn: These are frequently stated in text books to be of a violent character, indicating brutality, cruelty, and blood-lust. It may at once be said that this is by no means invariably the case; in fact, the writer has at least two friends with this combination (the square) who are conspicuously kind and gentle, there being of course other indications of this nature in their charts.

It may be said that it may incline to a certain hardness or sternness, but if the rest of the horoscope is good this may be necessary to the native by reason of his occupation and the tempers of those with whom he has to deal. Again, the severity may be turned inward and there may be an inner austerity and self-discipline.

Its chief effect on character appears to be of a quite different kind. The Saturnian influence acts as a brake on the Martian energies, and I have certainly often noticed a sort of erraticism in these people, so that their enthusiasms are sudden and violent, but short-lasting, with alternations of 'blowing hot' and 'blowing cold'. Sometimes there are spells of laziness, due to the inhibition of the Mars action; sometimes there is a restless energy without good directing common sense when Mars overcomes Saturn. Definite purpose often seems lacking, as if the native regarded life as something of a child's game, passing from one interest to another lightly and inconsequentially. However much in earnest such people are (and they often seem very much so), I have noticed that they commonly forget their pursuits as soon as they cease to amuse them. True depth is generally deficient. In one case there was great love of starting fresh enterprises and considerable ability in this way; but the natives soon lost interest in them when the initial difficulties had been surmounted, and left them to another; here Mars was also square Uranus.

There is usually a certain amount of selfishness or egoism. Thus, even when there is real kindness of heart, the native likes to go his own way, and will not readily turn aside from what interests him personally in order to minister to others. There is an inclination to impatience with those who do not readily agree. Exteriorly, Mars-Saturn tends to a life of hardship and suffering, as well as to the undergoing of physical violence. The former may occur in the way of health. There is a danger of strain and excess; and this may be followed by the need for prolonged rest, rigid attention to dietetic and other restrictions, and otherwise 'paying the price'. The aspects seem to have a distinct affinity with enteric fever. There is also a liability to burns and scaldings.

The square is not uncommon in the victims of murdering. But in all such cases other potent factors will occur in addition, for the bad aspect of two planets (as apart from Sun, Moon and Angles) cannot, however serious, destroy the life prematurely or violently. General Charles Gordon had the two planets in trine, but Mars was debilitated by sign. The same occurs in the case of Alexander II of Russia (killed by a bomb).

These aspects do not by any means forbid success, though this will come late and after severe struggles.

See also: Mars opposite Saturn;

Mars opposite Saturn: Aldous Huxley 0, Raga 0, Robert Downey, Jr. 2, Gina 2, LucSr 2, Patrice 2, William Blake 4, Warren Buffett 4, Martin Luther King, Jr.4, Elijah 4, Lori 4, Tammy 4, Tara 4, Ty Cobb 5, Bruce Lee 5, Ted Turner 5, LucJr 5, Michael 5, Michael Jordan 6, Paramahansa Yogananda 7, Dheeraj 7, Phylissa 7, Sean Connery 8, Nicole Kidman 8, Beth 9


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