nisargadatta siddharameshwar eckhart-tolle-78x111 ramana-maharshi-78x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho

Mars conjunct Pluto

This aspect should give you considerable physical energy and vitality which you can apply to tasks requiring persistence, determination and endurance. You are able to direct a potent will towards realizing your aims; and your innate vitality when rightly directed will be the means by which you steer your life course.

The energy can tend to amplify any self-centered tendencies in you, stimulating your desire nature and setting goals to achieve which would be primarily for your own personal benefit and satisfaction. You may like to create challenges for yourself, as a test for the efficacy of your 'powers'. If this tendency is allowed to dictate life choices, then you may become dominated by an insatiable desire compulsion, which is rarely fulfilled; this can reflect a certain naivety or innocence in your outlook which is essentially selfish and adolescent in quality; and the 'I want' syndrome may need more conscious moderation in order for you to regain control.

Often you will prefer to assert your individuality, sometimes even as a compulsive expression despite the reactions of others. You may not always think things through enough, or consider the possible implications of your actions and words prior to committing yourself. This can obviously create some difficulties for you; it is similar to the behavior of an adolescent, which as most parents discover can lead to considerable family friction.

You will have a dislike of restrictions imposed upon you, always having a need for as much freedom as possible. If you feel that your energy is imprisoned, then you will be looking for the way out, feeling that before too long your energy will explode, and this can be quite uncomfortable. To minimize this, you should try to develop your life so that your choices of partner and work are reasonably compatible with your needs, if only to avoid unnecessary inner friction.

In your intimate relationships, you may be too forceful and aggressive. The Pluto energy will tend to make you too possessive and demanding of a partner; and you may attempt to dominate by your sexual expression. Sexual experiences will hold great meaning for you; and you will try to release much of your physical vigor on the physical level in an intense and potentially transforming manner. You may need to gain greater control over this aspect of yourself, to avoid it becoming obsessive or too extreme and violent in approach or tone.

As you mature more, you may discover an increasing interest in and awareness of social concerns; and this can be a fruitful channel through which to express your vitality and talents. You can be quite useful in encouraging others to apply their positions of power and influence to work for greater social benefit; and your ability to resolve difficult situations by strength of will can be creatively positive.

Mars conjunct Pluto: The conjunction of Mars and Pluto shows that you have a strong desire nature, with the persistence and determination to get what you want. You may often find, when you get it, that you didn't really want what you were pursuing after all; that it was merely an exercise to prove to yourself you could. Satisfaction is the only motive for many of your pursuits. You may easily mistake willfulness for desire in your motivations.

In a crisis, you can contain yourself until the right moment occurs to act. Then you will use all your energy to cope with and resolve the crisis. You have enormous compulsions to assert yourself, especially if you suspect that anyone is trying to restrict you in any way. You don't tolerate domination, although you do respect authority if it is fairly administered.

In your personal relationships, you tend to be the aggressor, which may make others apprehensive about getting too close to you. You are possessive in love and demanding even of your friends. Your desire nature precedes you, stimulating others either to anticipate your physical charms or to feel threatened and avoid you. Your physical needs are strong, and your ambitions could induce you to use sex as a device for achieving your goals. You often justify your methods as being the only way to gain your objectives.

You are aware of the social problems in your environment and can be extremely useful in urging others to make the necessary changes to solve these problems.

However, you are able to persuade others, because your demands have a threatening quality. You have the courage to take on the most difficult tasks fearlessly, and are resourceful in gaining financial support for your enterprises. You need to find a way to express yourself through constructive activities.

Mars conjunct Pluto: When there is a conjunction between two planets that both have to do with the wish for self-expression, with the wish to prove oneself and to make one's mark, then there is an almost compulsive need to show off combined with enormous will-power. Pluto intensifies the executive force of Mars and puts us in possession of an almost inexhaustible supply of energy and incredible resilience. The craving for power (Pluto), on the other hand, is activated by Mars so that we really want to take the reins in our hands and are fired by boundless ambition.

We can usually look after ourselves; we do not brook the least opposition but ram opinions down people's throats and go our own way without fear or favor. The aspect has been termed destructive, but need not be so provided we have an outlet for our strong drive and ambition. A splendid way of using energy constructively is in competitive sport; politics is another option. We do not spare ourselves. Whatever we engage in - politics, science, sport, occultism, etc. - we throw ourselves into it heart and soul, outstripping many of our rivals and making a name for ourselves. Life's challenge attracts us, and we get a kick out of playing for high stakes.

The activity of Mars is enhanced by Pluto, and we are quick to push ourselves into precarious situations. In more placid times, we can eagerly mastermind a strategy for pulling off some coup or other. The person with a Mars/ Pluto conjunction has a strong, extremely inflexible will, and is not to be balked. We will run our lives without reference to current rules and regulations. If we are thwarted, we can go to extremes; sometimes gradually cutting ourselves off from everybody.

Mars conjunct Pluto: The 'I act' principle may be overwhelmed by the power of Pluto's energy. This may indicate an individual who takes 'controlled action'. Action may be manipulative of either self or others, or both. This individual may be unconsciously angered, for Pluto indicates unconscious motivation and Mars can symbolize anger. Action taken based on an unconscious motivation may not be responsible action, and it might be harmful to others. Action may be caused by anger or control needs. It may be that this individual is influenced by the symbols of the collective unconscious; that the images in the psyche interfere with any physical action taken. It indicates (because of the energy coming from the psyche) that action taken can be inspired by the mythic images of the collective unconscious. Action may be extremely creative. Before the creative potential can really be expressed, however, the anger must be worked out.

If this person has other aspects that indicate problems expressing sexuality, this conjunction may indicate a set-up for sexual violence. Sexual violence may range from having sex that hurts self or others, to possibly indicating the rapist, the masochist, or the person who may draw sexual violence to him.

An astrologer once told me that hard aspects between Mars-Pluto combinations implied a need to develop conscious responsibility for action taken. She recommended the study of metaphysics.

Mars conjunct Pluto: Brian Wilson 0, Hillary Rodham Clinton 1, Melanie Griffith 2, Donovan Leitch 2, Paul McCartney 2, BenT 3, Elijah 3, Ingrid Bergman 4, Cher 4, Will Rogers 4, Maitreyi 4, Princess Diana 5, Robert Downey, Jr. 5, Carl Lewis 5, Lorraine 6, Supr 6, Johnny Depp 7, Bruce Springsteen 7, James Taylor 7, Virginia 7, Robert Redford 8, Sting 8, Bertrand Russell 9

Mars sextile Pluto

You will expect honesty and straightforwardness in your dealings with people, preferring to hear the truth rather than be confused by evasion, innuendo and psychological manipulation. In fact truthfulness is one of your most highly valued qualities. You have a sensitivity to the motives of others; and whilst you have no real illusions about the nature of the human race, you tend to give a high regard to the principle of truth, whilst maintaining a wary eye on your fellow men. You cannot always live up to your own ideal, but at least you try!

You have a mind which tends to be analytical and deductive. Added to this, you are articulate and generally persuasive - if only in the force with which you express your opinions, arguments and beliefs - and have a grasp of dramatic presentation which you apply in order to influence listeners in your favor, personally and to support your position.

Your level of physical vitality should be high; and you may be attracted towards exploring your body or developing it in terms of physical activity and culture. You should have a more healthy and positive approach to sexual expression than those who have the Mars-Pluto square or opposition; and you perceive sex in essentially natural terms without inner compulsions complicating and distorting the energy release.

Usually, others know where you stand on things, as you are not shy of revealing your viewpoints, and express them clearly and directly; and you expect the same of others. If people tend to express themselves in less direct ways, and if you later discover them to have been telling lies, then you can be quite unforgiving in your attitude to them; even if you store the knowledge away for reference, they have forfeited your trust.

You may need to become a little more self-righteous. Because of your directness, forcefulness and relative clarity of expression, you may begin to believe that your perception is invariably right, and begin to pay more attention to your own pronouncements than to the view of others. The viewpoint of others is as valid as your own, and is usually worth listening to, as different perceptions can help to expand your own understanding, to correct misapprehensions, and to enhance contact and dialogue. There can be many routes to the top of the mountain; and even from the peak there can be many ways to reflect the view back down into the valley.

There may be a tendency to think and talk about things in your life without actually doing them, almost as though this level of involvement were sufficient and satisfying. It is likely that you could manifest your aims in a more distinct and objective way, to ground them more in everyday reality and enable others to respond to and share them.

Mars sextile Pluto: With Mars sextile to Pluto, you are eager to know the truth, motivated by the realization that truth is more powerful than fiction. You are as persistent in your search for the facts as a detective seeking unassailable evidence. Forceful and articulate in conversation, you command the attention of your listeners. You know how to dramatize yourself to establish your position both to large groups and to individuals. You can effectively stimulate action to correct social injustices, and will not tolerate weakness as a defense for inaction by anyone.

Because you are aware of other people's motives, you are rarely caught with your defenses down. In your personal contacts, you usually establish your position clearly so that no-one has to guess about your intentions. In return, you expect openness both from associates and from competitors. You deplore subtlety as unnecessary and indefensible.

You have strong physical desires, though you won't accept a merely physical relationship. To be acceptable to you, the relationship must include compatibility in other areas.

It may be necessary for you to yield occasionally to other people's opinions, for they are as valid as yours. You tend to be explicit in your expectations of others, and may feel no need to make any adjustment in your attitude to compromise with theirs.

It is especially important that you do more than merely talk about your objectives. You must become actively engaged in pursuing them. You often talk as though you were involved in some activity when you have really only talked about it.

Mars sextile Pluto: Mars represents the action principle used to express the Sun archetype. Pluto indicates the collective unconscious; the unconscious motivation that may underlie our actions later in life. If Pluto represents the masses, then action taken by this individual may be beneficial to the masses. This person was exposed to the idea of co¬operation in the early family environment. The sextile indicates an individual who can develop a talent that is marketable as long as the action taken co-ordinates with the needs of groups: so, media, communication, politics, etc., would be a good direction to follow.

Mars trine or sextile Pluto: We have a great need to prove ourselves and to exercise power. In many instances, we manage to engineer circumstances in which - to a greater or lesser extent - we end up in a position of authority, even if it is only by doing something others cannot do. We have an unbelievable fund of energy, and, even if physical strength is limited, mental power and perseverance enable us to fight our way through.

We are often very self-willed with these aspects, and the fact that they are harmonious does not save us from confrontations. We enter into the latter with head held high, determined not to be done down, and becoming very angry when we are. Our grim determination can achieve a great deal, but can also isolate us somewhat from those around us. Even the easy aspects do not enable us to take things easy.

We can go far if we know how to use our energy constructively; but, by the same token, can go badly astray if we take a wrong turning. Easy aspects are actually the worst aspects when it comes to persisting in the wrong direction until finally being pulled up short by a dead end. But, as already mentioned, resilience is great; so that, in principle, we can overcome all our problems. Pluto is insatiable and will never be satisfied with what Mars can do. We expect a lot from ourselves with these aspects, and may overtax our strength, although the danger is not so great as in the hard aspects.

Mars sextile Pluto: Ramakrishna 0, Karl Renz 0, Samp 0, Bobbie 1, Travis 1, John Lennon 2, John Malkovich 2, Eva 2, Marybeth 2, Kim Basinger 3, Peter Sellers 3, Paramahansa Yogananda 3, JudyPl 3, Komala 3, Silas 3, Fred Astaire 4, Flossie 4

Mars square Pluto

With the energy released by the square, you will be mainly motivated by self-centered tendencies and a need to 'throw out' overflowing and excess Martian energy. You tend to think that the power of your natural energy is sufficient to win you success and satisfaction; and indeed the force and directness of it often can, but using it in such a way often overrides sensitivity and awareness of others. Considered aims and planning are often ignored under the immediacy of impulse and desire; and a spirit of recklessness can ignore any thoughts of the possible future consequences of your actions, provided you believe that your desires will be satisfied.

You find it difficult to motivate yourself for long periods of time, as in a commitment to achieve something through careful planning; you have problems in disciplining and directing your will sufficiently for that kind of effort, and you are more suited to using your force in a more immediate, spontaneous impulse for self-satisfaction. This is also partly because you experience some conflict in directing your will to achieve your desires, and rarely feel as though you are making the most of your talents.

There can be a sense of inner frustration, caused by the forceful nature of this energy, and a lack of a suitable channel along with to direct it in a constructive manner. This will create a lack of patience, a potentially violent temper and sexual aggressiveness, where you 'throw out' excess energy through a dictatorial and demanding personality in order to dominate others. You may need to develop a more healthy perspective on sexual expression, one which regards sex more in terms of relationship and partnership, and less in terms of self-satisfaction, energy release, domination, exploitation and aggressiveness.

This experience of inner stress is symptomatic of clashing energies; it is not something that you have to endure all your life; it can be adjusted to be more harmonious. One way to begin this reorientation is to learn how to determine the overall direction of your life, to see a broader picture of your immediate social influence and how you want to live in relationship with others. To break down this preoccupation with self and to appreciate and acknowledge the feelings and needs of others as being as valid as your own is essential, and a key to transformation. By becoming clearer as to personal aims, you can begin to apply your will consistently in order to achieve them over time; desires for instant self-gratification are unrealistic. Learn how to live in equality of partnership and relationship; a mutuality of needs, desires and responsibilities requires mutual sharing and co-operation. Avoid tendencies towards domination and power struggles. Basically, you require suitable channels into which to pour your energy, constructive channels that are life-enhancing for you and others. You tend to devote most time and energy in opposing others through conflict and aggression rather than in working together for group benefit; find ways to become positively in favor of something, and then add your energy to help it become real. There is much greater satisfaction and fulfillment in that form of achievement than in struggling to satisfy a very separate self that you try to maintain.

Mars square Pluto: The square of Mars to Pluto provides you with an overly forceful nature. You are inclined to be extremely aggressive in pursuing your ideas, and your behavior is often foolish and reckless. If you assume that you can assert your will on others with impunity, you may discover later that you've created a problem you can't handle. The embarrassment of such an incident can make you angry, and you may even resort to physical violence in retaliation.

When frustrated, you can become abusive, which will cause problems in your relationships with others. The result may be domestic difficulties and antagonism from your superiors, which could jeopardize your income. You must learn to curb your temper under stress, or you will bring yourself more grief that any temporary satisfaction would warrant. Once you learn this, you will find that you can accomplish what you wish because of your courage, determination, persistence, and self-driving ambition.

You have a highly developed but unrefined sexual drive. When your advances are rejected, you overdramatize and exaggerate the importance of the incident. The sexual drive is significant, to be sure, but you need to assess its value in relation to your total life direction. Make sure it is balanced by other facets in your relationships with people.

When you are unhappy with disagreeable elements in your environment, examine these elements realistically, not emotionally. Get someone else's opinion and then submit the problem to a person with the authority to do something about it. If you attempt to take matters into your own hands, they will only get stained in the process.

A final word - try to be for a cause with the same enthusiasm you show when you are against something. Love works wonders in getting people to work voluntarily with you. Resist using ultimatums when you run into resistance.

Mars square Pluto: This is a difficult energy level that needs to be channeled and understood before it becomes productive. A square indicates that the planets involved in the aspect are working against each other. In this case, it indicates that Mars (I act) works against Pluto (my unconscious motivation). It signifies a person who takes action that may be spurred by negative input from the psyche, or a person whose need for control works against his ability to take action.

Anger may be confused with sexuality when this aspect is present. This individual may use sex to control other people. The Pluto-Mars square requires that an individual control the action taken, and when his universe crumbles, anger takes over. Blind rages can surge up from the unconscious. Because the rage can be so intense, those who own this aspect are aware they have it. They are usually afraid of their own anger. They may not be willing to admit that the anger exists, for these are often people who implode - they push the anger far down into the depths of the personal unconscious because they are afraid of expressing it. People born in Fire or Air signs usually suppress this aspect, for anger is not considered 'spiritual'. Folks who've attempted some form of spiritual development don't want to admit to having this anger, for they are not proud of it.

However, in order for the aspect to become productively creative, the anger has to become conscious and channeled into other directions. Anger is merely unchanneled creativity. This person needs to become aware of the Plutonic sensitive points so the anger can be consciously let go. Anger usually manifests when we are afraid of something or when our feelings are hurt. When the fears and hurts are understood, we no longer need to be angry.

Mars square or opposite Pluto: Tense aspects between Mars and Pluto are the most forceful and violent we can have. Everything to do with executive ability, energy, action and the like is combined and intensified. Therefore the fierceness and pugnacity of these aspects can run to extremes, in both a positive and a destructive sense. This is seen in the champion sportsman (especially in those practicing pugilistic sports like boxing), but also in criminals. With the hard aspects, we are determined to get the most out of ourselves and out of life by doing something hair-raising (like stunt work), by pushing ourselves to the limit (especially in sports that are physically or mentally demanding), or by pitting ourselves against formidable opposition even without resorting to physical violence (as seen in that indefatigable exponent of passive resistance, Mahatma Gandhi). We are fascinated by challenges and fights, physical or mental (or a combination of both), and can never have enough of them. Too many of them weary us, but we seem unable to ignore them.

We are always eager to prove ourselves; and this makes us opponents to reckon with in politics, sport, etc.. With the energy of the tense aspects, we fight hard, provoke controversy, and seem to enjoy throwing ourselves into the fray. The danger with these aspects is that we can be too hard on ourselves and others, to the point of cruelty. However, if the rest of the chart indicates gentler tendencies, we confine ourselves to holding our own. The more drastic the situation, the grimmer and more purposeful we become. The ability to work under great strain is outstanding.

Obstinacy, energy, craving for power, and desire to succeed are great, and can make us impervious to what others want and think. We go our own way in spite of everything. But obduracy can bring us into risky situations, so we do need to be careful.

Mars square Pluto: Bruce Lee 0, OmNi 0, Arnold Palmer 0, George Patton 1, Edouard de Rothschild 1, Oprah Winfrey 1, LucJr 1, Zeno 1, Muhammad Ali 2, Dheeraj 2, Fisher 2, U.G. Krishnamurti 3, Susanna Arundhati Roy 3, Suzanne Somers 3, Judin 3, LouG 3, Evelyn Robert de Rothschild 4, Maureen 4, Raga 4, Roy 4, Steve 4, Ernest Hemingway 5, JulieD 5, Prabhukar 5, Ursula Andress 6, Mick Jagger 6, AndyF 6, Cheri 6, Cynthia 6, Leif 6, Mick 7

Mars trine Pluto

The energy and qualities released through the trine aspect can be quite beneficial and socially constructive. In many ways, you should find this an uncomplicated and straightforward aspect to live and work with.

You will feel at ease in applying your potent will-power to ensure the success of any aims that you clearly decide to achieve and which are realistically within your scope. You are likely to observe over time that, when necessary, the self-discipline required to direct your will consistently in the chosen direction also stimulates an inner change to occur, whereby your qualities and talents seem to be remixed or rebalanced according to the needs of your objectives. This can be very useful as a regeneration of the inner life to reflect a pattern of internal harmony, in which conflicting energies and tendencies are no longer competing for expression and diverting your attention away from your purpose. However, this process should only occur during phases where you need to be intensely one-pointed and concentrated enough to make your decisive active step, and should not be encouraged to continue, as the result may be a repression of aspects of your personality and a pushing them down into the unconscious mind. See it as a temporary 'selective tightening' necessary for a short time, and then allow a relaxation and a release of these temporarily unexpressed aspects to be free again in your personality.

You tend to have insight into people and situations, and the capacity for direct, realistic analysis. You prefer to allow space for others to be themselves, being quite tolerant of most people - providing they are not causing deliberate harm or taking advantage of others. in addition, you have a clear sense of interrelationship with society, and feel that you have a natural responsibility to use your energies in a socially constructive way. In particular, you take a certain pleasure in attempting to resolve social problems by becoming involved with social pressure groups which indicate directions to follow which they believe would be socially beneficial. You can become very committed to supporting causes that you have faith in, devoting time and energy to furthering the cause, and in being true to yourself and your personal beliefs. The only point to bear in mind with such a tendency is the need for an ongoing evaluation of belief and self, to determine your current standpoint and to allow it to change and evolve naturally, as you develop through time and greater life experience; belief should not be an unquestioning, static position.

Mars trine Pluto: With Mars trine Pluto, your aggressiveness is well aligned with your dedication to causes. You can be effective in solving awesome problems in society because you have a deep understanding of those problems and their origin. You offer your services out of a spiritual conviction that you are obliged to do something constructive about your surroundings. You may even feel that as a member of society you have contributed to the problems. On the other hand, the ease of this planetary aspect may enable you to dispassionately detach yourself from any responsibility and remain simply an observer.

Your ardent sexual nature is reasonably under control. You are intensely concerned that the object of your affection truly cares for you in more ways than just as a lover. You expect more than a physical expression of love, and you offer more than this in your love. The physical release you seek is enriched by a shared spiritual union. Your loving nature extends in many directions to transform those you contact socially and emotionally.

You aren't preoccupied with power as an instrument for gain, but see it rather as a force for continued growth. you realize that life is a continuing spiritual process in which patterns of ever-increasing awareness unfold. Recognizing that everyone has his or her own level of development, you are tolerant when others occasionally stumble. You will offer your hand in assistance when you are needed, but rarely interfere except to avert an impending tragedy.

You are fearless in defending your rights and may surprise your friends with your ruthless courage in the face of overwhelming odds. You can draw on vast sources of spiritual energy to sustain you through the most difficult crises.

Mars trine Pluto: Mars represents the action principle; when it trines Pluto (our unconscious motivation), it indicates that the energies can merge in a productive manner. This individual was encouraged in childhood to express himself, to co-operate with groups, to act for the common good of the family. The collective images in the psyche may influence actions that are taken, but in a constructive manner. The creative facet of the aspect may not be used early in the life, for this individual will be coping with the more difficult configurations in his or her birth chart at that time.

Mars trine or sextile Pluto: We have a great need to prove ourselves and to exercise power. In many instances, we manage to engineer circumstances in which - to a greater or lesser extent - we end up in a position of authority, even if it is only by doing something others cannot do. We have an unbelievable fund of energy, and, even if physical strength is limited, mental power and perseverance enable us to fight our way through.

We are often very self-willed with these aspects, and the fact that they are harmonious does not save us from confrontations. We enter into the latter with head held high, determined not to be done down, and becoming very angry when we are. Our grim determination can achieve a great deal, but can also isolate us somewhat from those around us. Even the easy aspects do not enable us to take things easy. We can go far if we know how to use our energy constructively; but, by the same token, can go badly astray if we take a wrong turning. Easy aspects are actually the worst aspects when it comes to persisting in the wrong direction

until finally being pulled up short by a dead end. But, as already mentioned, resilience is great; so that, in principle, we can overcome all our problems. Pluto is insatiable and will never be satisfied with what Mars can do. We expect a lot from ourselves with these aspects, and may overtax our strength, although the danger is not so great as in the hard aspects.

Mars trine Pluto: William Blake 0, Aleister Crowley 0, Jack Parsons 0, Mark Twain 0, Mickey Mantle 1, Flickinger 1, Dustin Hoffman 2, Shirley Temple Black 3, Albert Einstein 3, River 3, Steve Jobs 4, Ken Kesey 4, George Carlin 5, Prince Charles 5, Brad Pitt 5, DJenkins 5, Jack 5, Joze 5, Art Garfunkel 6, Karl Marx 6, Tiger Woods 6,  Alicia 6, Marcy 7, Mikael 7

Mars quincunx Pluto

The inconjunct from Mars to Pluto shows that you are overly responsive to demands by your environment or by the people in your daily life. You may wonder whether others think of you as a workhorse to be driven at their pleasure. Your compulsiveness in taking on more tasks than you can safely handle results in depleted energy. You are driven by the ever-present thought that there is so much to do and so little time in which to do it. In fact, you are persecuting yourself.

Although your sexual needs are considerable, you may encounter problems in satisfying them. Sex depletes your energy to an unusual extent, so moderation is advised. Make sure you get proper nutrition to help conserve your energy and give you a necessary sense of well-being.

When events don't proceed as you had expected, you tend to feel guilty and to punish yourself unnecessarily. You may become arrogant and bad-tempered because you seem to carry a greater burden than others do. Financial stress can cause you to become overly anxious, especially when others involved seem so casual about it.

It is important that you establish priorities in the matters that require your attention. Learn to manage your time more efficiently and to put aside matters that can be safely postponed. Learn how to just waste time occasionally, and give yourself a chance to simply relax. In time you will realize that you're an important person too. If you will become a bit more selfish about giving of yourself, your friends will be amazed at the change in you. They will also secretly admire you for your new-found courage to say 'no'.

Mars quincunx Pluto: With the inconjunct between Mars and Pluto, we ought to be able to manage our energy better than we generally do. For whenever we stand up for ourselves, our efforts are intensified by Pluto; so that we act more forcibly than intended and with a grim determination that surprises us. The upshot is that others are provoked and start causing trouble; which means that, in a sense, we are to blame for our own insecurity. Initially, we find it strange that we arouse such fierce reactions, but we radiate Plutonian emanations that others find disturbing whenever we try to influence them, although we ourselves have no idea of the impression we are making.

Also, with the inconjunct, we have an enormous desire to prove ourselves; although we are not so quick to see that this is so as we would be with one of the other Mars / Pluto aspects. We can go far, but tend to be over insistent about our own opinions ¬even when we think we are making every allowance for the opinions of others. Consequently, we force issues that would be better left alone; and so our career or aim in life absorbs more energy than necessary. Pluto represents the urge to get to the bottom of everything; in this aspect, the result of such a course of action is a feeling of uncertainty. Nevertheless, once we realize the reason for discomfort, we shall find that we have an enormous fund of energy at our disposal, and that even the inconjunct is an asset in its own way.

Mars quincunx Pluto: This is not a heavy aspect. It indicates a strain between the action taken and unconscious motivation for it. The failure of the Mars reaction to be understood by the partner causes an overreaction based on the qualities of Pluto's sign. The problem can be analyzed consciously and reasoned out.

Mars quincunx Pluto: Jane Fonda 0, Hugh Hefner 0, Bram 0, Meher Baba 1, Sigmund Freud 2, Joanne Woodward 2, Carl Jung 3, Groucho Marx 3, Patti Smith 3, Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. 3, Jeff 3

Mars opposite Pluto

The opposition aspect tends to reflect an inner conflict in you, that of a clash between your personal desires and a possible contributing positive role in society, as represented by the opposition between the personal Mars desires and the more socially orientated Pluto.

You probably require a greater understanding of the nature of personal power, the right application of it to benefit the group rather than to satisfy purely personal aims and desires, especially as you may have the tendency to take advantage of a group's power and influence to further your own ambitions.

Your nature will express a forceful will, which can be experienced by others as aggressiveness, making them avoid too close a contact with you; in fact, you often appear to be quite unaware of your effect on people; and a greater sensitivity to the rights and reality of others is a quality that you could do well to help develop. This would help minimize any negative effect you may have on others, especially those in close relationship to you, whom you often attempt to dominate. Control in an intimate context is attractive to you; and you are likely to have an intense and powerful sexual nature, which at times can lead towards an affinity with forms of potentially violent passion and sexual undertones. You tend to link sex with power as an exaltation of personal force; and this can stimulate certain problems, although some potential partners can find the sheer physicality extremely exciting and provocative. This, plus the psychological manipulation that you attempt, can lead to stormy relations; and you are probably wiser to moderate and discipline your release of energy through a controlled awareness of its impact on others. You may observe that your flow of sexual energy can be erratic and irregular, where your passions are either 'hot' or very 'cold', and you are basically unable to regulate them according to demand or switch them on.

In your home life, you may find problems arising in the spheres of financial management, and power struggles, and on the emotional levels of relationships. You probably find that your emotions are driven by the force of passion and sexual energy, and that you have a lack of real understanding of their nature, as they tend to be swept along on the tide. Perhaps this is why you often demonstrate little awareness of the emotions of others in everyday life, as yours are often held in a state of suspended repression, like waters blocked from following their natural route by a dam wall. If the emotional level was released carefully and consistently in a healthy way, the blocked Pluto energy operating on that level could be freed, and many of your problems would begin to dissolve, leading to personal transformation. This would then adjust the level of force and suppressed violence in you, so that you would deal with your power more positively. This would lead to a clearer perception of self and others, allowing partners more personal freedom through mutual agreement and compromise, rather than your previous imposition of will. Taking such a course could develop also towards greater social involvement, using your energy in positive and creative channels, realizing that if you can change from living mainly to satisfy purely personal desires at the expense of others, then there is the potential for a self-centered violent society to change from exploitation to co-operation and mutual benefit.

Mars opposite Pluto: With Mars in opposition to Pluto, you have a defiant attitude toward the effects of your aggression. Lacking sufficient control of your energy, you are surprised at the response you stimulate in others. You challenge people to be on the defensive in their dealings with you. You tend to overdramatize your competitors' motives and may even raise unnecessary barriers to protect your own interest. Your actions often cannot be logically justified.

Your intense sexual nature may lead you to form strong alliances, but it may just as easily cause severe rifts in your relationships. If you use your magnetism to gain control over others, you may later find yourself the victim of another's obsession with power. The problem is to determine whether you are motivated by a lust for power and control or whether you should use your energy as a force for social responsibility. You could be spiritually dedicated to making necessary changes in your environment. However, you may encounter powerful forces with the economic advantage to frustrate you in your objectives.

Above all, it is important that you evaluate the positive and negative aspects of any proposition.

Consider the values of compromise before taking action. You must carefully judge the effects you hope to achieve and be reasonably certain that you will not deny other people's rights. You will still alienate some persons as you assert yourself. Only you will know if the achievement of your goals justifies this.

You are sure to encounter problems in your personal affairs. It is almost certain there will be problems affecting your marital status if you are too demanding of your mate. Domestic turmoil could result from mismanagement of income, disputes over authority, or extreme jealousy expressed by either of you. You may have some problems concerning an inheritance or credit responsibilities.

Mars opposite Pluto: The action principle, or the action taken in life, works against the images coming from the unconscious. The aspect indicates that action may be forced; the individual may not be co-operative. Usually hard aspects between Mars and Pluto indicate an individual who avoids groups; who doesn't care for crowds because he feels out of control there. This can cause certain kinds of claustrophobia or ochlophobia.

Some kind of compromise has to take place between the action principle and the sensitivities from the unconscious. The unconscious motivation represents and influence (or a sensitivity) developed in the early years that will work against constructive action. The difficulty with Mars-Pluto aspects is learning how to control anger; how not to act or react because of anger; how to diffuse the anger when one is out of control.

Before the benefits (the creative action potential) can manifest, the aspect must be understood. Anger is so intense that the individual more often implodes than explodes. This person may not even be conscious of the anger he is shoving down into his personal unconscious. Until the anger is recognized, it can't be rechanneled. Anger is usually caused by hurt feelings and / or fear. The hurts or fears can be handled intellectually; they can be reasoned out. When hurt, fear or anger appears, one can ask 'Why am I hurt? What am I afraid of?' The answers will reflect the needs of the Sun or Moon, plus the signs involved in the Mars-Pluto aspect. The next key will be the Pluto position, for it indicates an unconscious influence.

Once the anger becomes conscious it can be worked out. The power of the aspect shows management ability as well as the potential for creative group action. It's worth the work.

Mars square or opposite Pluto: Tense aspects between Mars and Pluto are the most forceful and violent we can have. Everything to do with executive ability, energy, action and the like is combined and intensified. Therefore the fierceness and pugnacity of these aspects can run to extremes, in both a positive and a destructive sense. This is seen in the champion sportsman (especially in those practicing pugilistic sports like boxing), but also in criminals. With the hard aspects, we are determined to get the most out of ourselves and out of life by doing something hair-raising (like stunt work), by pushing ourselves to the limit (especially in sports that are physically or mentally demanding), or by pitting ourselves against formidable opposition even without resorting to physical violence (as seen in that indefatigable exponent of passive resistance, Mahatma Gandhi). We are fascinated by challenges and fights, physical or mental (or a combination of both), and can never have enough of them. Too many of them weary us, but we seem unable to ignore them.

We are always eager to prove ourselves; and this makes us opponents to reckon with in politics, sport, etc.. With the energy of the tense aspects, we fight hard, provoke controversy, and seem to enjoy throwing ourselves into the fray. The danger with these aspects is that we can be too hard on ourselves and others, to the point of cruelty. However, if the rest of the chart indicates gentler tendencies, we confine ourselves to holding our own. The more drastic the situation, the grimmer and more purposeful we become. The ability to work under great strain is outstanding.

Obstinacy, energy, craving for power, and desire to succeed are great, and can make us impervious to what others want and think. We go our own way in spite of everything. But obduracy can bring us into risky situations, so we do need to be careful.

Mars opposite Pluto: Vaslav Nijinsky 0, Mahatma Gandhi 1, Phylissa 1, Woody Allen 2, Tenzin Gyatso 3, Medwick 3, Bobby Fischer 5, Angelina Jolie 5, Timothy Leary 6, Nancee 7, Robert 7, Marlon Brando 8, Suzanne 9


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