nisargadatta siddharameshwar eckhart-tolle-78x111 ramana-maharshi-78x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho

Mars conjunct North Node

Natives with Mars conjunct North Node tend to act in harmony with the people in their environment, thus gaining both co-operation and approval. However, as the saying goes, 'Nobody is right if everybody is wrong'. The desires of the natives and their resultant actions can be swept along in a chain of mass passions that ends in self-destruction. For example, individuals caught up in a flood of misdirected patriotism can find themselves the agents or victims of war.

Mars conjunct North Node: Mars conjunct North Node: Collaboration and co-operation, union based on physical attraction alone. A lack of adaptability, the desire to quarrel. Associations of people working together to a common end or purpose.

Mars conjunct North Node: Mars conjunct North Node: Mars energy is very forceful for North Node activity. This position over-stimulates and sometimes exaggerates sexual arousal. It definitely puts action behind the North Node growth.

Mars conjunct North Node: This aspect provides strong interest in athletic or physical activities in these individuals. In this matter, the secret of their success depends largely upon the instincts rather than just a discipline. These instincts have long been developed in them from previous life, which increases their ability to react to situations tremendously. In this case, tempers and aggressiveness go hand-in-hand to achieve the objective without wasting any time. If they fail to get what they want, their temper provides the continuation of energy to either 'get even' or go after something more comparable. Their energy applications seem to have a preprogramming that once the things get going, it is more of a remotely controlled operation. Physical sex drive is often at its highest; and it has certain past-life connections. Sometimes these connections are in the form of unfinished manipulation or simple 'get even' from the previous life. It seems as if the Martian energies are coupled with the previous memories, and they have a Scorpionic touch. In a female chart, it indicates reversal of normal roles from the past life to this life (man-wife relationship turns into wife-husband, brother-sister to sister-brother, etc.). Strong assistance from brothers and sisters is seen in getting ahead in life, or vice versa.

Mars conjunct North Node: Assertiveness leads to growth, although during the overcompensating phase of the nodal balancing act assertiveness can get out of hand and lead to quarrels. Ability to concentrate on whatever goal is represented enhances growth potential. A need for activity stimulates growth.

Mars conjunct North Node: In the conjunction, Mars is experienced as a powerful driving force for progress. The personal advance upward is courageous, although unsuitable means are frequently used. The native has ambition and does not mind the trouble involved in undertaking unusual tasks, which often tax the strength, yet are carried out with energy and enthusiasm. Depending on the sign and house involved, the Martian force brushes aside all opposition, is often incensed by it, and can then put personal development first with a big show of aggression and egocentricity.

Mars conjunct North Node: Joseph Ratzinger 0, Victoria 0, Travis 1, Princess Diana 2, Jeff 2, Marie 3, Clint Eastwood 4, Carl Lewis 4, George Orwell 4, John Dillinger 5, Albert Einstein 5, Arine 5, O.J. Simpson 6, Jon Voight 6, Sarik 6, ChrisTr 7

Mars sextile North Node

This configuration gives the natives the ability to act at the right time to further their well-being and improve their relationship to society. Their activities gain the co-operation and approval of their social order; and they are able to find support for their endeavors to bring about constructive change.

Mars sextile North Node: Adaptability must be consciously worked at if growth is to come. Energy is more easily channeled into resisting growth than seeking it. The more the person consciously channels his or her energy into growth-producing activities, the more difficulties that will be overcome.

Mars trine or sextile North Node: This aspect invigorates the sexual nature and gives much vitality. In a woman's chart, it gives her the magnetism to draw a vital man into her life. For a man's chart, it shows good sexual strength and strong vitality. It can give a feeling of independence because of the vital nature these people have. This person is well able to function physically in most things he attracts. He is able to undergo danger with great courage, and has great endurance in conflict. It gives practical application of energy to the affairs of Mars and the South Node.

Mars trine or sextile North Node: The desire to co-operate with others, comradeship, and team-spirit, a social conscience, the desire for progeny. The attainment of joint or shared successes, the stage of entering into union with others.

Mars sextile North Node: Adolf Hitler 0, Ayn Rand 0, Oprah Winfrey 0, Andrea 0, Gore Vidal 1, Robert Anton Wilson 1, Charlie Chaplin 2, JudyPl 3, Sean Connery 4, Timothy Leary 4, Nancee 4

Mars square the Moon's Nodes

This aspect indicates a condition in which the actions and impulses of the natives are likely to be at odds with current social standards. These people tend to express their aggressive tendencies at inappropriate times and places. They may appear to have bad luck, because they lack the ability to act in harmony with the events around them. Others then become irritated, and the natives themselves frustrated.

Mars square North Node: Along with this aspect comes cruelty or a stern nature. This person has sudden erratic bursts of enthusiasm and energy; he blows hot and cold. He usually wants to start new enterprises but loses interest in them when the first challenges are met. It gives impatience, and may disturb the physical vitality, which can cause physical suffering. It gives much sexual energy, sometimes to the point of sexual promiscuity. Squared energy (Mars) doesn't work well with the South Node area; it leads to excess. However, it does seem to work better with the North Node area where this excess is needed.

Mars square North Node: This person generally wants to grow, and starts new activities accordingly, but may lose interest in growing once challenges have to be faced; the nodal pull can exert tremendous tension. There's similarity with Mars conjunct North Node in that tensions caused by the nodal imbalance often find an outlet in quarrelling or aggressiveness; there are also many similarities to Mars conjunct South Node. The way in which conflicts are dealt with will tell you a great deal about the state of nodal balance.

Mars square North Node: Energy balance is achieved, or forced into being achieved, in this configuration. Often one finds that they have no energy when they have a lot to do, and vice versa. In a woman's chart, it often signifies hidden difficulties with men or even difficulties reaching sexual satisfaction. Lack of good health is more common in this aspect than squares by nodes to any other planets. Dealings with brothers, or being big brother to someone, is highly necessary as a part of this aspect. The energy applications of this person are often curtailed or obstructed by the circumstances. As a result of this, their goals get distorted or the efforts do not necessarily go along with their desires. Common consequences are accident-prone nature or misdirected energies.

Mars square or opposite North Node: Disharmonious collaboration, the desire to quarrel, a lack of good fellowship. Quarrels and disputes within communities, organizations and associations, interruption of associations.

Mars square Nodes: Osho 0, Karl Renz 0, Lance 0, Samp 0, John Malkovich 1, Mitt Romney 1, Michelle 1, Mikael 1, Kim Basinger 2, Shirley Temple Black 2, Vincent van Gogh 3, JerryH 3, Marybeth 3, Silas 3, Virginia 3, Mick Jagger 4, James Taylor 4, H.G. Wells 4, Fisher 4, Meher Baba 5, AndySc 5, BarryKl 5, River 5, Robert Hand 6, Ashira 6, Cheri 6, David Rockefeller 7

Mars trine North Node

This configuration gives the ability to act and to time actions so that they are in harmony with socially accepted modes of behavior. Thus the natives gain popularity as social leaders. The configuration favors politicians and others who lead public lives. The energy needed to deal with social trends and institutions is available.

Mars trine North Node: Ability to face potentially dangerous situations and a great deal of courage are generally growth-enhancing assets. A need to co-operate with others encourages growth. A need for healthy sex or a desire for children can stimulate growth.

Mars trine North Node: This aspect provides added physical strength or reserve energies to that individual. They can always recall these energies when needed to get the work done. This is not an initiative-creating situation, but an energy-strengthening condition. For women, this aspect often signifies better success in marriage and love relationships. Due to strange Karmic learning tactics, this aspect provides more than one happy marriage for women, just to reward them and strengthen their faith in that soul. This condition has been brought about by past life compensation and total circumstantial withdrawal from 'fun and games'. Assistance from brothers or to them is very prominent in this person's life.

Mars trine or sextile North Node: The desire to co-operate with others, comradeship, and team-spirit, a social conscience, the desire for progeny. The attainment of joint or shared successes, the stage of entering into union with others.

Mars trine or sextile North Node: This aspect invigorates the sexual nature and gives much vitality. In a woman's chart, it gives her the magnetism to draw a vital man into her life. For a man's chart, it shows good sexual strength and strong vitality. It can give a feeling of independence because of the vital nature these people have. This person is well able to function physically in most things he attracts. He is able to undergo danger with great courage, and has great endurance in conflict. It gives practical application of energy to the affairs of Mars and the South Node.

Mars trine North Node: Salvadore Dali 0, Lady Gaga 0, Angelina Jolie 1, Joze 1, Jack Parsons 2, Ramana Maharshi 2, Robin Williams 2, BobG 2, Carlos Castaneda 3, Antonio 3, Cate 3, Tom 3, Bill Hicks 4, Marilyn Monroe 4, Will Rogers 4, Jesse Ventura 4, CharlesS 4, Phylissa 4, Steve Jobs 5, Al Pacino 5, Shiloh 5, Robert Downey, Jr. 6, Bruce Springsteen 7

Mars quincunx North Node

Mars quincunx North Node: Jim Carrey 0, Queen Elizabeth II 0, Michael Jackson 1, Nisargadatta 1, Patti Smith 2, Suzanne Somers 2, Yarrow 2, Ludwig van Beethoven 3

Mars opposite North Node

In this aspect, the physical energy is highly channeled inward to heal the internal structure. Naturally, the outward energy applications look quite weak. In a woman's chart, this often denies sexual satisfaction or the other extreme, depending upon the rest of the chart. Here, the soul learns subconsciously to curb its martial authoritative nature. In a previous life spectrum, the indulgence and misuses of physical power, sex, and energies have brought about this condition in this life. Circulatory problems or blood difficulties can be a normal deficiency for these people. General temperament of these people is very difficult to grasp. When they want to be angry or temperamental, a sudden curb on energy is imposed by circumstance and they often fail to show the reactions appropriately.

Mars opposite North Node: The South Node stimulates Mars passions and senses, but can give poor timing, for the South Node influence pushes forward with passion and then pulls back. Action and fear need to be balanced. This is what the aspect is: action, then fear.

Mars opposite North Node: On the positive side, this aspect can cause the natives to question the militaristic values or group actions of their society. They may step aside if they feel that the trend is to no good. They sometimes become loners, acting upon their own decisions and disregarding what others think or do. On the negative side, their actions and desires tend to be out of harmony with the standards of society. They may act at the wrong time and in the wrong place, antagonizing others and causing opposition. They are likely then to lash out in anger and frustration.

Mars opposite North Node: Adaptability is limited, hindering growth. A tendency towards accident-proneness or fear of injury can lead to stagnation. When angular, this position frequently coincides with loss of a mate or parent through death or separation, or sometimes some traumatic blow to the self-esteem at an early age.

Mars opposite North Node: In the opposition, the militant energies can prevail. According to the sign and house, the native will tilt at windmills and misdirect his or her energies. Wrong ideas are fiercely defended, but without convincing others of their merit. Many resort to feverish activity and waste their strength. The time that must elapse before the native learns the most profitable use of the latter depends largely on other planets aspecting Mars.

Mars square or opposite North Node: Disharmonious collaboration, the desire to quarrel, a lack of good fellowship. Quarrels and disputes within communities, organizations and associations, interruption of associations.

Mars opposite North Node: Merrill 0, George Bush, Sr. 1, Brad Pitt 2, Nikola Tesla 2, Suji 2, VinCar 2, Willie Nelson 3, BenT 3, Farmer 4, TomW 4, Howard Hughes 5, Terence McKenna 5, Bob Marley 8, Robert 8

Mars sextile South Node

Mars trine South Node

Mars quincunx South Node

Mars quincunx South Node: Jen 0, Paulo 0, Tenzin Gyatso 1, Ezra Pound 1, Ted Turner 2, JerGar 2, Patrice 2, SFor 2, Joy 3, George Clooney 4

Mars conjunct Part of Fortune

Mars aspecting the Part of Fortune brings the desire/action function (symbolized by Mars) in contact with your good fortune. If the aspect is positive, this is generally considered to be a very favorable aspect. This is true, also, because desire and action are usually necessary ingredients for you to actualize your potential good fortune. Your desires and actions will naturally be attuned and oriented toward your good fortune and in the direction symbolized by the Part of Fortune’s house placement. This is the case with conflicting aspects, as well, except that the focus is a negative one. A Mars contact will usually either stimulate or inhibit your pursuit of fortune, depending on whether the aspect is easy or challenging.

Your masculine qualities and/or men in your life may also be instrumental in your pursuit of fortune.

Mars conjunct Part of Fortune: H.G. Wells 1, Brad Pitt 2, JRosh 2, Mother Teresa 3, PapayaJ 4, Leif 5, TonyO 5, Jack Nicklaus 6, Sting 6, Salvadore Dali 7, Vincent van Gogh 7, Brian Wilson 7, Suzanne 7, Helena Blavatsky 8, Charlie Chaplin 8, Helen Keller 8, Bruce Lee 8, Meryl Streep 8, Bram 8

Mars sextile Part of Fortune

Mars sextile Part of Fortune: Pablo Picasso 0, David Rockefeller 0, Roberto 0, Tom 0, G.W. Bush 1, Elton John 1, DonW 1, Prabhuta 1, Sigmund Freud 2, Will Rogers 2, Dewitt 2, Ivy 2, Ricardo 2, Dick Cheney 3, Donovan Leitch 3, Albert Schweitzer 3, Patti Smith 3, Clark 3, Nicole 3, Arrow 4, Marie 4

Mars square Part of Fortune

It is challenging for you to attune and orient your desires and actions toward your good fortune and in the direction symbolized by the Part of Fortune’s house placement.

Men in your life may be negatively instrumental in your pursuit of fortune.

Mars square Part of Fortune: Jimi Hendrix 0, Terence McKenna 0, Shirley McLaine 0, Leen 0, SFor 0, Deepak Chopra 2, Cate 2, Flickinger 2, Lorraine 2, Bob Dylan 3, William Randolph Hearst 3, Geoff 3, Jyothi 3, Suji 3, Travis 3, Evelyn Robert de Rothschild 4, Robert Anton Wilson 4, TomW 4, Yarrow 4, Abbe 5, Kyle 5, Patrice 5, Sky 5, Alex Jones 6, Timothy Leary 6, Al Pacino 6, Jane 6, Ju 6

Mars trine Part of Fortune

Your desires and actions will naturally be attuned and oriented toward your good fortune and in the direction symbolized by the Part of Fortune’s house placement.

Your masculine qualities and/or men in your life are positively instrumental in your pursuit of fortune.

Mars trine Part of Fortune: L.Ron Hubbard 0, BenT 0, VinCar 1, Muhammad Ali 2, Hillary Rodham Clinton 2, Bob Marley 2, Peter Sellers 2, Ludwig van Beethoven 2, Jude 2, Mark 3, Michael Jackson 4, Jesse Ventura 4, Jon Voight 4, JerryP 4, Mark Zuckerberg 5, Zoë 5, Cheri 6, LouG 6

Mars quincunx Part of Fortune

Mars quincunx Part of Fortune: Sean Connery 0, Karl Marx  0, Malcolm X 0, Victoria 0, VinG 0, George Harrison 2, Carl Lewis 2, Erika 2, Olof 2, Seligma 2, Ernest Hemingway 3

Mars opposite Part of Fortune

Mars opposite Part of Fortune: Donald Trump 2, Tom Cruise 3, Nicole Kidman 3, John D. Rockefeller 3, Babe Ruth 3, Groucho Marx 4, Arnold Schwarzenegger 4, Doug 4, Tara 4, Johnny Depp 5, Steve Jobs 5, JerGar 5, Shiloh 5, Robert 6, AbbieJ 8


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