nisargadatta siddharameshwar eckhart-tolle-78x111 ramana-maharshi-78x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho

Mars conjunct Jupiter

With the conjunction of Mars and Jupiter, you have an abundance of energy and enthusiasm to take on tasks that would frighten all but the most courageous. In order to get what you want, you assert yourself fearlessly, even in the face of danger. You have a rather reckless faith in your ability to tempt fate and take chances, never doubting that you will succeed. What you lack in finesse you make up for in arrogance. You rise to a challenge at the slightest provocation, and your competitors have cause for alarm when you oppose them. You enjoy direct confrontation with your adversaries, and you revel in the accompanying glory and publicity. Fascinated by the entries found in the Guinness Book of Records, you would be pleased to find your name listed under some accomplishment there.

With your flair for the dramatic, you don't do anything in moderation. Not content to simply win over a competitor, you punctuate the victory with some kind of ritualistic, publicity-seeking display. You know how to achieve recognition by drawing the public's attention to your talents.

There are many ways you can use this very forceful, dynamic aspects. You have an exciting combination of physical stamina and intellectual resources. Because you don't believe in failure, your chances for success are improved. If you express your creative abilities physically, you will apply your intellectual skill and common sense to obtain the best results from your efforts. Should you follow a more intellectually demanding life pursuit, it will be characterized by an incredible degree of physical endurance and competitiveness. Such fields as sports, exploration, law, government, acting, composing, or writing would provide you with vast opportunities to display your talents and demonstrate what you can do.

Your most persistent liability is your lack of moderation, which can cause physical exhaustion. Your driving ambition to rise above the challenges you set your yourself can cause deterioration of your physical resources. It is essential that you take periodic rest or vacations from the constant abrasion of close competition.

Mars conjunct Jupiter: The energy and executiveness of Mars side by side with the expansiveness and jollity of Jupiter give abundant energy and a great need for activities of all kinds. Usually, with this aspect, we find an enormous appetite for life, strong vitality and the resilience to rise above difficulties. The optimism of Jupiter is coupled here with the courage, love of action and enterprise of Mars, which can give quick and energetic action on the spur of the moment - action which often strikes lucky. But the drawback is that the planets concerned carry the word 'too' embroidered on their pennons; they get us working too hard trying to overachieve. That is why we sometimes find dissatisfaction in this combination; a dissatisfaction that can express itself in rebellious behavior - unnecessary really, because the get-up-and-go of Mars plus Jupiter holds plenty of promise of success. Sometimes, with this conjunction, we take risks - physical, material, mental and other.

We have considerable need for independence and freedom of action; both Mars and Jupiter encourage us to go our own way. Mars can enhance the Jovian characteristics, and this can lead to great opinionatedness and the spirit of Liberty Hall, but also to proselytizing zeal and to a startlingly outspoken, disarming and sometimes very naive honesty. If we set our minds on anything, we do so heart and soul. Then we display courage and readiness to put up a fight, are energetic and businesslike, and have enthusiasm and great confidence in ultimate success.

However, with this aspect, we must always guard against all forms of exaggeration. For self-control is not our strongest point.

Mars conjunct Jupiter: Mars represents 'I act' and Jupiter symbolizes 'I relate, I reach out'. When these two energies are together, the 'I act' principle combines with the ability to expand, to reach out; the energy will be described by the signs in which the conjunction takes place. It can bring exuberance in the Fire signs, oversensitivity in the Water signs, etc..

The Mars-Jupiter conjunction can indicate an exuberant person, one who jumps to conclusions, one who has boundless energy, one who may over-relate or overreact. The aspect by itself is not harmful, for it generally indicates an open person who acts in a straightforward manner, expressing the energies of the sign involved in the conjunction. It can indicate a tendency to over commitment or a person who works too hard. It's important to note the other aspects to the conjunction in order to determine how they will affect this one, and to also check how the Mars placement will affect the expression of the Sun archetype. In matters of love, both the Mars and the Venus position should be considered, since these two principles work together.

Mars conjunct Jupiter: Here we find that the native is commonly wealthy or at least comfortable, but there may be a demand for more and an ambitious or avaricious tendency. The feelings are active and powerful, with decided likes and dislikes, as is shown in Clemenceau; and there is frankness and outspokenness. There is much whole-heartedness in the pursuit of aims and objects.

In a congenial sign there may be a great love of fun and amusement, often with a satirical tendency. In more repressive signs (such as those ruled by Saturn or in Scorpio), it may give dissatisfaction and rebelliousness.

The native usually has an active and even a belligerent or disputative life, being either controversial or the object of controversy; or perhaps he is engaged in financial operations that bear resemblance to military man oeuvres and conflicts. In any case, he will prove a redoubtable opponent, with considerable resource and energy.

The combination inclines to daring undertakings and feats of prowess and courage.

See also: Mars conjunct Jupiter;

Mars conjunct Jupiter: Queen Elizabeth II 2, John F. Kennedy 5, John D. Rockefeller 5, Merrill 6, Walt Disney 7, Angelina Jolie 7, J. Krishnamurti 7, RoyO 7, Hugh Hefner 8, Jack Nicklaus 8, Fisher 8, Cate 9

Mars sextile Jupiter

Mars sextile Jupiter indicates that you can effectively use your considerable resources of mind and body to gain your objectives. You tend to establish ambitious and demanding goals, but you are prepared to take any steps necessary to see that your ideas are constructively implemented. Early in life you exploited your intellectual abilities whenever you could. Perhaps you applied your creative skills to devise games or indoor activities in which you could test your ability to meet challenging competition. You were giving your mental-physical muscle workouts that prepared you for later confrontations with serious opponents.

You know how to assert yourself under pressure and have developed your talent for effective communication through dramatic delivery and clever use of words. Never one to withdraw from a debate, you always document what you say with convincing evidence. You are quick to defend anyone who cannot defend himself because he lacks information or is not trained in the art of persuasive argument.

Your abilities can be easily applied to many professions or occupations. You will probably lean to the more intellectual pursuits, in which you shine, such as law, teaching, writing, drama, government, or the communications media. Any of these would be an excellent field in which to distinguish yourself and gain recognition. Still, recognition is not really as important to you as having the opportunity to fully utilize your talents.

You project yourself amazingly well and gain many admirers for your effusiveness. Young people are especially impressed with you and may even regard you as an example to aspire to. You can be blunt in saying what is on your mind, and it is rare that you will alter the truth as you know it.

You are drawn to persons who have a reasonably clear idea of where they are going and what they expect to achieve. You have great respect for anyone who has the courage of his convictions, even if they differ from yours. But you insist that honesty and integrity accompany one in seeking goals.

Your feelings are intense, and you need a loving companion with whom to share your experiences. Your sexual desires are strong, but probably they are best satisfied with someone with whom you have an intellectual rapport. This planetary combination unites spiritual and physical properties in an intellectual combination.

Mars sextile Jupiter: The sextile indicates a person who has been raised in a family that related to each other, so he is able to relate to the action he takes. He also can relate to his sexuality. He can enjoy both work and love. The sextile shows a family that took constructive action. This energy can be applied to career situations in adult life.

Mars trine or sextile Jupiter: In the harmonious aspects, the excess inherent in all Mars / Jupiter combinations has free rein. We possess more than enough vitality and combativeness to face whatever problems come our way, and, in fact, we are inclined to make light of them. Also we prefer to see everything in a social, religious or metaphysical setting. But the setting must be our own, not part of some system imposed from outside - the latter would restrict our freedom unbearably. in fact, whether on a large scale or on a small scale, we are likely to work out our own rules and morals.

We like to air opinions and make good propagandists. Therefore these are not bad aspects for the politician, the publicist, the clergyman or missionary, or the dedicated social worker. For if one thing is foreign to our nature, it is repose or idleness. Even the usual leisureliness of a harmonious aspect is banished by the fiery, bluff enthusiasm of this planetary combination.

Adventure appeals to us and we long to make good (Jupiter heightens the ambition of Mars); we are ready to fight for our ideas and ideals (Mars strengthens Jupiter). But with a harmonious aspect, we encounter less resistance than with a discordant one; which makes it easy to cling to our opinions, even when they need revising. Hence, however profitable this combination proves to be, it tends to make us wayward and full of self-will; nevertheless we do seem to know how to get away with these character defects.

Mars trine or sextile Jupiter: This combination is mainly one of optimism and enthusiasm, and the native has as a rule the ability fully to enjoy life, while such interests as attract him are strenuously and wholeheartedly pursued. These are generally of a Jovian character, for the heavier planet appears to be the directive factor, whilst Mars supplies the energy. Thus we find enthusiasm for sport, travel, hunting, the stage, religion, political freedom, and science, though as regards the last, it is what may be called the 'live' sciences which attract, such as psychology and astrology.

The native is often a propagandist or publicist, and enjoys nothing more than acting the evangelist proclaiming the truth that sets men free. It is excellent for a missionary, a slum-worker, or one engaged with young people - or young peoples.

There is usually plenty of loyalty, pride, and honor.

In a worldly way, it is a distinctly fortunate combination, and the native is rarely other than comfortable in a worldly sense, though there is not always wealth. Yet even if this is denied by other factors the native is generally close to it, perhaps missing it narrowly through some special circumstances. However well placed financially, the native is rarely lazy.

See also: Mars sextile Jupiter;

Mars sextile Jupiter: Vaslav Nijinsky 1, Wilhelm Reich 1, Carlos Castaneda 2, Robert Plant 2, David 2, Kay 2, Carl Jung 3, Bertrand Russell 3, Tiger Woods 3, BobG 3, Joy 3, Leigh 3, Maitreyi 3, Mikael 3, Joni Mitchell 4, Jack 4, LucJr 5, Yarrow 5

Mars square Jupiter

Your Mars square Jupiter indicates that it is essential for you to discipline yourself in using your abundant physical and intellectual resources. Everything you do must be planned, or you will waste a lot of energy in nonproductive enterprises. You want to emulate those you admire for their professional accomplishments, but you may not be willing to endure all the hard work required to succeed. You make valiant efforts to acquire knowledge, but when there is no immediate reward you quickly lose interest. Once you acquire faith in your ability to succeed, persistence and determination will come. You are impatient to an extreme, but with some contact between Saturn and Mars or Saturn and Jupiter, this will eventually be corrected.

In spite of the sloppiness resulting from your careless use of your energy, you will nevertheless benefit somewhat from the lessons learned. Only time can refine your manner of applying yourself. You need to define your objectives clearly and then establish a program for realizing them, a schedule you can adhere to. You need to consolidate your resources to make a massive assault on your most important priority. To do anything less than this would be a sheer waste of energy. Diversification is fine, if you take up each subject exclusively, but not if you attempt to develop a variety of interests simultaneously.

You are almost certain to have domestic and professional difficulties when you first set out to make a life for yourself. This planetary combination inclines you to have some difficulty in dealing with people. You feel threatened by competitors and unfairly treated by superiors in your job. You don't accept criticism gracefully. Your domestic tranquility will be disturbed because you complain so bitterly about the way you are treated that your partner becomes bored with it all.

You have the potential for excellence in law, government, teaching, writing, public speaking, sports, acting, and the communications media in general. This aspect gives you the necessary drive to accept challenges, for you realize that they are the only way to determine your competence. You are probably more likely to avoid a confrontation when you suspect that your opponent is expertly trained and has a greater advantage than you. With experience, you will meet any challenger with complete assurance of success. Even if you don't succeed, you will know you have given your best, and that is all that can be expected.

This configuration indicates that you are accident-prone because of your reckless disregard for safety measures. You tend to act impulsively, not taking time to consider whether any danger is involved. Because you do everything to excess, you need frequent rest to restore your physical reserves.

Mars square Jupiter: The square indicates that the relating principle and the action principle are at odds. Mars represents the action taken on any physical level, including sexual expression. Jupiter represents the relating principle and how one opens up to new experience. The square indicates that this person may not relate to the action he takes, and therefore may be accident-prone, for he may expose himself to unnecessary risks. He may not relate well to career decisions either; he may not understand the actions he takes regarding his job responsibilities. On the sexual level, he may not relate to his own sexual needs; he may have excessive needs, depending on the additional aspects in the chart.

Any square between Mars and Jupiter indicates a setup for excessive action, and when things don't go as planned, this individual often overreacts. The aspect indicates a childhood environment that was excessive during the formative years. If the square also ties into the Sun or Saturn (father) or the Moon or Venus (mother), we can see which parent helped form the reaction pattern.

Because Mars indicates action and sexuality, the square to Jupiter indicates a problem relating sexually, as well as an over-relating in other aspects of life. If the square doesn't tie to any of the parent symbols, everyone in the family was functioning that way during the individual's formative years. Overreacting sexually may be indicative of a parent who only relates on a sexual basis, or one who is confused about sexual attitudes. The individual picks up the reaction and makes this response a part of his or her adult experience.

Because of the square, one form of expression that happens is that of not relating to the partner after a sexual relationship has been established. Sex is separated from the relating experience. The complex can be cured by examining the needs of both planets by sign and function. Combining the energies in some constructive manner can be learned. Examining old relationships may be of help in discovering the relating pattern, so that new ones can be established.

Mars square or opposite Jupiter: Although the optimism and enthusiasm, the executive power and force of the Mars / Jupiter aspects already mentioned are equaled if not exceeded here, this is not an unqualified blessing. Great care is needed; for not only are the two planets not noted for self-control, but the strain set up between them makes it hard to use and manage our energies properly.

We are never satisfied, but are always looking for more - though not necessarily in material things; the aspect works even more strongly on the mental plane. We crave adventure, have an enormous need to prove ourselves, and want to be completely unfettered and independent. We ram our opinions home (sometimes we go on about them far too much), and are extremely pugnacious where ideals are concerned. Fair play is something on which we insist, and we champion new things or indeed anything we find absorbing. But the constant danger is that, because we can underestimate the force and application needed to gain our ends, we shall always be wanting too much and pushing ourselves (and possibly others) too hard, often to the point of exhaustion. All the same, we do manage to keep extricating ourselves from self-made difficulties, and our sense of purpose can be tremendously stimulating to those around.

See also: Mars square Jupiter; Mars square Jupiter;

Mars square Jupiter: Brad Pitt 0, JJ 0, Howard Hughes 1, Nicole 1, Vincent van Gogh 2, Robin Williams 2, Tenzin Gyatso 3, Alex Jones 3, Erika 3, Marcy 3, Beth 4, Travis 4, Ty Cobb 5, Steve Jobs 5, Mickey Mantle 5, Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. 5, Jen 5, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis 6, Dolly Parton 6, Jesse Ventura 6, BillH 6, Jean 6, Johanna 6

Mars trine Jupiter

The trine from Mars to Jupiter indicates that you apply your physical resources in a well-integrated way. Because you have a good blending of intellect and physical strength, you will be able to achieve your goals with only a moderate amount of effort. However, you may not rise to the challenge of competition because it doesn't seem worth the effort. you are creative and sometimes inspired in accomplishing tasks that would overwhelm others. Luck seems to play an important part in your successes, although talent is applied too. You have the knack for doing the right thing at the right time, or of being in the right place when an opportunity is presented. You never have to resort to subterfuge to get what you want. Honorable in temperament, you uphold the law in your dealings, and trust people without question. Your 'easy come, easy go' attitude makes you a bit careless about spending money. You have amazing optimism about life, and it never occurs to you to fear that you won't gain what you want.

Such fields as law, government service, sports, working with children, teaching, exploration, writing, or arts and crafts seem appropriate to your talents. Success of itself is not terribly important to you. You merely want to express yourself to the fullest through work that you enjoy. The 'rat race', in your opinion, takes too much effort for the returns you get. You are too self-indulgent to deprive yourself of the many pleasures you enjoy by mortgaging yourself to limiting endeavors.

You enjoy the company of a variety of people who lend interest to your life. While you don't make excessive demands on people, you will not submit to such demands by others either. You prefer to enjoy your friends freely and always maintain the right to end any association that tries to bind you.

You are not especially disturbed by current changes in attitudes towards organized religion. You are privately secure in your beliefs, regardless of the prevailing dissent among theologians and philosophers.

You are romantically attracted to persons who are similarly turned to an untroubled existence. your physical desires are strong, but even these are reasonably controlled. You expect more than physical expression from the person you love. You are an idealist who will not settle for less than a mate who shares your needs and wants in mind, body and soul.

Mars trine Jupiter: The trine between these two planets indicates an individual who was presented with a family atmosphere that encouraged a positive and constructive action. This individual had someone around in childhood who encouraged him, and he was shown (through other family member interactions) that one can related to what one does and that one can be open about action taken. The two energies express well together.

This usually indicates an individual who enjoys sex and enjoys loving, unless the Mars placement is in turn involved in some other hard aspect.

Mars trine or sextile Jupiter: In the harmonious aspects, the excess inherent in all Mars / Jupiter combinations has free rein. We possess more than enough vitality and combativeness to face whatever problems come our way, and, in fact, we are inclined to make light of them. Also we prefer to see everything in a social, religious or metaphysical setting. But the setting must be our own, not part of some system imposed from outside - the latter would restrict our freedom unbearably. in fact, whether on a large scale or on a small scale, we are likely to work out our own rules and morals.

We like to air opinions and make good propagandists. Therefore these are not bad aspects for the politician, the publicist, the clergyman or missionary, or the dedicated social worker. For if one thing is foreign to our nature, it is repose or idleness. Even the usual leisureliness of a harmonious aspect is banished by the fiery, bluff enthusiasm of this planetary combination.

Adventure appeals to us and we long to make good (Jupiter heightens the ambition of Mars); we are ready to fight for our ideas and ideals (Mars strengthens Jupiter). But with a harmonious aspect, we encounter less resistance than with a discordant one; which makes it easy to cling to our opinions, even when they need revising. Hence, however profitable this combination proves to be, it tends to make us wayward and full of self-will; nevertheless we do seem to know how to get away with these character defects.

Mars trine or sextile Jupiter: This combination is mainly one of optimism and enthusiasm, and the native has as a rule the ability fully to enjoy life, while such interests as attract him are strenuously and wholeheartedly pursued. These are generally of a Jovian character, for the heavier planet appears to be the directive factor, whilst Mars supplies the energy. Thus we find enthusiasm for sport, travel, hunting, the stage, religion, political freedom, and science, though as regards the last, it is what may be called the 'live' sciences which attract, such as psychology and astrology.

The native is often a propagandist or publicist, and enjoys nothing more than acting the evangelist proclaiming the truth that sets men free. It is excellent for a missionary, a slum-worker, or one engaged with young people - or young peoples.

There is usually plenty of loyalty, pride, and honor.

In a worldly way, it is a distinctly fortunate combination, and the native is rarely other than comfortable in a worldly sense, though there is not always wealth. Yet even if this is denied by other factors the native is generally close to it, perhaps missing it narrowly through some special circumstances. However well placed financially, the native is rarely lazy.

See also: Mars trine Jupiter;

Mars trine Jupiter: Eva 0, Kim Basinger 1, Robert Hand 2, Helen Keller 2, John Malkovich 2, Collon 2, Geoff 2, Marybeth 2, Bob Marley 3, BenSt 3, Robert 3, Ursula Andress 4, Arnold Palmer 4, Karl Renz 4, AndySc 4, Samp 4, Peter Sellers 5, Judin 5, Seligma 5, Charlie Chaplin 6, Milton William Cooper 6, ChrisC 6, Clark 6, Shakura 7, Silas 7

Mars quincunx Jupiter

The inconjunct between Mars and Jupiter represents difficulty in establishing priorities in your affairs, especially in dealing with people. Through your generosity to others, you try to buy their permission to indulge yourself whenever you choose. You willingly offer your services to people, assuming that they cannot take care of themselves. In the process, you deprive yourself of your resources, and you deprive them of the opportunity to become self-sufficient. If something that must be done isn't done immediately, you feel guilty. You can be a carping critic who is never satisfied unless something is done your way. You often interfere where you are not wanted, which encourages people to resent you. Learn to mind your own business, and don't take your own guilt out on other people; they may have their own guilt to concern themselves with.

There is much you can do if you plan carefully and use your talents where they will be appreciated. Law, government, medical services, welfare programs, research enterprises, physical therapy, rehabilitation of the handicapped, and religious organizations are some of the areas in which you can constructively apply yourself. You need to see the results of your labors, and any of these fields would demonstrate your effectiveness in using your creative resources. You would be especially competent as a teacher because you can stimulate students to manifest their individual potentials.

In your persistent need to be useful, you are sometimes victimized by people who will take advantage of you and exploit your ideas for their personal benefit. Learn to withhold information about any project you are developing until you can capitalize on it yourself.

You must protect yourself against connivers who will try to undermine your self-confidence. You are inclined to go along with people who suggest that you are incompetent and to accept a subservient position to them. But this raises serious questions in your own mind, because you consider yourself more than competent. If you stop constantly seeking approval, you will never have to submit to interrogations about your capabilities. Develop your talents and test them in competition, and you will gain the self-assurance you need.

In the same way, in your romantic relationships, don't humble yourself as though you don't deserve the best. It's fine to be generous toward the one you love, but be critical in deciding whether the individual is sincere and deserving.

Mars quincunx Jupiter: With an inconjunct between Mars and Jupiter, it is very difficult to see ourselves as we are, especially where executive power and energy are concerned. Whenever we set to work, the influence of Jupiter seems to deprive us of a sense of proportion: we get involved in a bigger task than we had planned, or we put in too much effort. Possibly we fail to get our priorities right; we want to do everything at once - at the risk of messing everything up. Therefore we need to be chary over making promises: not guessing what it will cost us to keep them, we are inclined to bite off more than we can chew; this, of course, can cause trouble.

When we become involved in Jovian matters such as study, travel and expansion of the spiritual horizons, things tend to get out-of-hand, because we start doing too much, or we stress ideas or experience more forcibly than we think. So clashes are not always avoidable.

With the inconjunct between Mars and Jupiter, setbacks and recoveries will teach us that our expenditure of energy (Mars) suffers in an underhanded way from the expansiveness of Jupiter, and that the watchword must be 'look before you leap'. The same applies to Jupiter, which is secretly fired by Mars, so that we tend to do things on too large a scale and try to make too much of an impression. In sports, for example, there is a need to learn that physical limits are reached sooner than we suppose. But, by and large, this aspect is also a source of enthusiasm and encouragement.

Mars quincunx Jupiter: The quincunx indicates a strain wherever it exists, and here a strain is indicated regarding the action taken in life and the ability to relate to what is being done. There may be feelings of a vague discontent regarding the sexual needs versus the relating needs. In career situations, the action taken may not complement the manner in which this individual relates to fellow employees. Both planets need to express, and the qualities of both signs need to find an outlet.

See also: Mars quincunx Jupiter;

Mars quincunx Jupiter: Mark Twain 2, BarryKl 2, Cynthia 2, MarieBr 2, Benjamin Netanyahu 3, Arnold Schwarzenegger 3, Arrow 3, Princess Diana 4, Carl Lewis 4, Zeno 4

Mars opposite Jupiter

The opposition from Mars to Jupiter shows that you enjoy challenges and eagerly seek them out. You are physically competent to take on any adversary to prove to yourself that you can succeed, and you do need to prove it. You use competition to reassure yourself of your capabilities. You might fail, but you are willing to take that chance. However, you sometimes bite off more than you can chew, which you regret later when you are thinking it over in private. You operate on the premise that the one who strikes first has the advantage over his opponent, but that is true only when one has first made careful plans. Being both imprudent and ostentatious, when you succeed you make grandstand plays to call attention to yourself.

You resent people who demonstrate their superiority over you, and you may resort to unfair tactics to discredit them. This tendency alienates your associates and friends, who view you with suspicion and give you a wide berth. They may also try to destroy your credibility because of their resentment. You must be careful not to cut off all sources of support, for it can be lonely to be cast off by your peers.

Your best opportunities to gain recognition and express your creative potentials would be in law, government, sports, communications media, acting, teaching, or public relations. Once you learn to temper your combative tendencies with moderation, you can achieve great heights. Even your competitors will admire you for a job well done. Your only problem is your fear of inadequacy in the face of responsibility. Careful planning and application should relieve you of any anxiety in this respect. You've got to know you are qualified to meet challenges without feeling threatened by competitors.

Your physical desires are as powerful as your ambitions. You are not satisfied unless you can express your sexual appetite when aroused. This can cause problems, unless you are lucky enough to have someone available at all times. This will not be an important matter if Saturn makes a contact to Mars, giving you a built-in factor of self-control. Your mate must match your physical prowess in this respect, or complications will develop that can seriously endanger the relationship.

Moderation is advised in everything you do. Indecision will be an irritant until you recognize your self-worth and can take a firm stand without waiting for approval.

Mars opposite Jupiter: The opposition is similar to the conjunction or the square, for it indicates a person who may not relate to the action taken. The individual is raised in an atmosphere of law and order, but with little explanation as to why one does what one does. It indicates a person who feels he must compromise his action or his sexual needs in order to have a relationship. This attitude is learned in early childhood. It can help develop an excessive attitude, and the person may push to have his own way; he may overreact to life situations and take excessive risks. He may act before he thinks; he may generally be an over-responder to many life situations presented to him. This can indicate poor judgment as far as career moves are concerned. It can indicate the type of person who is in love with someone new every few weeks, for the exuberance is rarely lasting, and as one exuberance fades, another comes along.

In order to rechannel the opposition, the compromise must be understood, and overreactions have to be checked. Individuals in the process of overcoming the aspect are forced to think out every move, and they may spend six months evaluating every decision. 'Will this action be good for me six months from now as far as my overall goals are concerned?'

The cause of the frustration comes from either the family environment and the ethics or traditions espoused, or from one or both of the parents. If the opposition also ties to the Sun or Saturn (the father) or the Moon or Venus (the mother), the parental influence can be determined so one can see where the pattern comes from. In order to develop consciousness we must each take responsibility for what we do, and that is difficult as long as the opposition causes us to function without regard for actions taken or our sexual needs.

Mars square or opposite Jupiter: Although the optimism and enthusiasm, the executive power and force of the Mars / Jupiter aspects already mentioned are equaled if not exceeded here, this is not an unqualified blessing. Great care is needed; for not only are the two planets not noted for self-control, but the strain set up between them makes it hard to use and manage our energies properly.

We are never satisfied, but are always looking for more - though not necessarily in material things; the aspect works even more strongly on the mental plane. We crave adventure, have an enormous need to prove ourselves, and want to be completely unfettered and independent. We ram our opinions home (sometimes we go on about them far too much), and are extremely pugnacious where ideals are concerned. Fair play is something on which we insist, and we champion new things or indeed anything we find absorbing. But the constant danger is that, because we can underestimate the force and application needed to gain our ends, we shall always be wanting too much and pushing ourselves (and possibly others) too hard, often to the point of exhaustion. All the same, we do manage to keep extricating ourselves from self-made difficulties, and our sense of purpose can be tremendously stimulating to those around.

See also: Mars opposite Jupiter;

Mars opposite Jupiter: Mahatma Gandhi 2, Friedrich Nietzche 2, Cesar 2, Bruce Lee 3, Swami Vivekananda 3, Fergus 3, Sigmund Freud 4, Dheeraj 5, George 5, Keith 5, George Harrison 6, LaurieSw 6, Roberto 6, George Clooney 7, Alicia 7, J 7, Lucille Ball 8, Karl Marx 8, Ivy 8, Lynn Forester de Rothschild 9


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