nisargadatta siddharameshwar eckhart-tolle-78x111 ramana-maharshi-78x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho

Jupiter in the 1st House

People with Jupiter rising always have the courage of their convictions, and often great physical courage as well. Often they are engaged in a lifelong pursuit or truth through systems and ideas. They are natural philosophers, seekers of wisdom. Because they love the truth and seek it, for themselves, they scorn lies and will rarely tell a genuine lie, though they will often stretch the mundane truth so much in the telling that a less-imaginative eyewitness has a hard time recognizing it. They are boiling over with creative imagination, and must have some area in which to use it, or they will drive their loved ones crazy. This is an ideal position for a salesman, politician, or minister. It is also excellent for a writer, artist, or performer.

Generally good to look at, with an appearance handsome, noble, or dignified rather than 'cute', Jupiter gives them a charisma that outshines any physical imperfection. They have an innate sense of style and generally dress to perfection, except in cases where the truth-seeking scorns the material level to too great an extent, causing him or her to scorn mere appearance; or to the opposite extreme, where Jupiter becomes overblown by aspects of the Moon, Sun, Neptune or Venus, causing him or her to overdress, overeat, and overdo in all areas of self-gratification. These people's delight in 'dressing up' extends into adulthood; and they love to get in costume for plays, masquerades, parties, and so forth.

They are always charming, good storytellers, and, in most cases, good listeners as well. They are born diplomats, courteous, at ease with all kinds of people, the life of any party. They are usually witty and entertaining speakers, but so generous in spirit that, unless other placements harden the ego, they will rarely keep the center of the stage for longer than is their fair share.

They are proud, sometimes to a fault - usually too proud to stoop to low behavior of any kind, although the definition of what constitutes low behavior will vary from one individual to another. Their only real faults are their lack of humility and a tendency to go to extremes. They believe in themselves and the rightness of what they do, and are not inclined to question themselves. If they achieve power, they are generally noble in exercising it, unless aspects in the chart show a tendency to go to extremes in self-indulgent. In that case, the added power can make them grotesque in their hedonism.

Jupiter rising is often the sign of one who does it all by himself or herself ('Operation Bootstraps'), not because there is no-one to help, but because he or she is too proud to ask. These people sometimes get furthest by working for a cause, as they are perfectly capable of asking when it is for someone else.

If Jupiter is isolated - not related to other planets by aspect - they will tend to isolate themselves from the rest of the world, setting themselves up as higher somehow, wiser, more honorable, more worthy in some way, not condescending to associate with the lesser folk around them; kind and responsive to those who seek them out, but disdaining to seek out others themselves.

Jupiter rising can be the sign of those whose father failed to give them enough love, wisdom, or financial security, so that they are forced to seek it elsewhere and secure it for themselves. The lifetime search for truth can also be a lifetime search for a father figure, a guru, a patron - one who knows and cares.

Jupiter in 1st House: Self-expression: With Jupiter in the 1st house, there is wide scope, a sense of bigness to the natural expression of personality. You are gregarious and generous in spontaneous expression, holding back little and amplifying almost everything. The breadth can be profound or simply extravagant; and there is a tendency toward the pitfall of exaggeration. You're very social in your orientation, passing up few opportunities to express yourself in group situations. It's as if you feel more comfortable when there is a group audience; it draws out the natural buoyancy of your expression. Often, you'll find yourself projecting a positive self-image toward others even when your inner world is depressed or you're feeling pessimistic. The challenge is to let your personality maintain optimism.

Natural persona: Easy expression characterizes Jupiter in the 1st. The face here is intelligent, positive, and generally winning, although excessive posturing and calculated opportunism can sometimes cloud the image.

Your name-tag says 'I am social and friendly, open and honest, and very wise. Trust and believe me, even if I exaggerate my own self-importance'.

Self-awareness: You become aware of your inner self by radiating generosity, social conscience, and a positive, philosophical worldview. You are most aware of yourself in social or group settings; but even when you're alone, you often 'pretend' to be in the presence of others. It's as if you're preparing behind the scenes, practicing your lines, for this process births your self-awareness. Similarly, you're likely to spend much time examining social issues; and when you embrace a broadly philosophical perspective, self-awareness grows. It's not necessary that you work at wisdom; simply let it happen.

Boundaries: Enthusiasm and an easy, flowing feel for social process keep your internal and external worlds linked. Inhibition, restraint, or pessimism split the worlds apart, but inflated ego and careless exaggeration confound the clarity between the two, resulting in wasted opportunities and unfulfilled promise. Others tend to trust you; do not break that trust. The challenge is to radiate buoyancy and a visionary social awareness without pretence. Let your perspectives grow naturally; don't push them to distortion.

Vitality: With Jupiter, the 1st house indications around vitality are generally positive, with a large and resurgent life force; but there is a marked leaning toward excessive pleasures, and a specific tendency toward obesity, with vulnerability in the bodily regulators of growth. The liver is an especially important and sensitive organ. As with Venus, you must learn moderation in all things; but what is most necessary is a sense of broad stimulation: too much of any one thing can blow you out.

Jupiter in 1st House: You are the supreme optimist, long on enthusiasm but a bit short on applying yourself to your goals. You are overly generous, and thus lose out on many benefits you've earned. Everything you do is in a broad perspective, and you are often embarrassed because you cannot live up to your own expectations. You tend to overextend yourself in grandiose schemes, but you believe in yourself and refuse to accept defeat. You sometimes find it difficult to focus on a subject, because your interest wanders. You eagerly absorb every bit of information, for you know your career will benefit if you are well-informed. You will also derive greater self-confidence, for you know you can accept increased responsibility. People look to you for help with their major problems. You feel a strong spiritual responsibility to help others; and you derive much inner satisfaction from exploiting your creative talents in this way. You hope your children will also learn generosity and find enrichment in giving of themselves.

Your understanding goes beyond your immediate circle of friends. You relate easily to everyone, regardless of his or her social circumstances. You don't classify people according to their social, religious or political affiliations, but regard them simply as people whose company you enjoy. You dream of being able to do all the things you have had to postpone for reasons of expediency in your career. But your dreams may not come to pass if you don't plan for them well enough. It is absolutely essential to save during your productive employment years, leaving nothing to chance.

You are at ease with groups of people; and you enjoy having them seek your advice. You pride yourself on your good judgment, but you should be ready to compromise when others present arguments that contradict your position. You can make the best of any situation, because you know how to make people feel important. Your parents may have conditioned you to seek their approval before making your own plans for a career. Though you are naturally dutiful and loyal to your parents, their suggestions or interference in your affairs will annoy you. You want to live up to your own potentials rather than their expectations, unless they happen to be the same. For best results, establish your own priorities and stick to them. You can easily be distracted from your objectives by allowing others to make unfair demands on you. They will try to make you feel guilty for neglecting your obligations to them.

You trust people even when you know little or nothing about them. But sometimes you know more than you admit, and you may try to use your knowledge to gain an unfair advantage. In such instances, let your moral judgment guide you to do what is right. You are able to help others in their moment of greatest need; and if you can afford it, you might offer your services without charge. You are eager to show people how to be more self-sufficient.

Be aware of your careless disregard for money; you need to be more conservative! You tend to spend beyond your limit, so keep a watchful eye on your bank balance and pay some attention to your future needs. You put others' needs above your own; and you feel guilty about unjust conditions in society. Your compassion and understanding of other people's problems will enrich you even more than they benefit those who receive your unselfish generosity.

See also: Jupiter in the 1st House;

Jupiter in the 1st House: Sri Aurobindo, Marlon Brando, Bill Clinton, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Queen Elizabeth II, Sally Field, Jane Fonda, Uri Geller, Georges Gurdjieff, Tenzin Gyatso, Robert Hand, Dustin Hoffman, John Lennon, Shirley McLaine, Willie Nelson, Robert Plant, David Rockefeller, Albert Schweitzer, Malcolm X, AlexP, Ashira, Cheri, ChrisTr, Dunja, JudyPl, Jyothi, Lance, Lorraine, Mick, Pankaj, Suzanne, VinCal

Jupiter in the 2nd House

Jupiter in the second house connects ultimate values to the physical world of sensual needs, personal finances, possessions and resources, material security and maintenance of the status quo. There is something of a conflict between Jupiter (and the restless quest it symbolizes) and the qualities of preservation, stability, security and comfort represented by the second house. Jupiter is associated with risks. The second house tends for a part of human nature which does not want to take chances at all, for any purpose. Jupiter represents a vision of the future; the second house is focused upon the present. Jupiter stands for the need to grow and expand, to make better and bigger. The second house symbolizes the need to hold on to what is already possessed. Jupiter deals in possibilities. The second house deals with what is; and it is particularly intractable in its reluctance to deal with anything which lacks material substance.

If the individual with this placement connects values to second house affairs, she may make money, sensual appetites, personal possessions or overall security into gods. That is, any or all of these can be held to be so important that they are revered, idealized, and exaggerated in importance. She may expect too much from them and anticipate tremendous satisfaction when she finally gets enough money, enough food or sex, enough furniture. With Jupiter, the propensity is to never get enough, partly because it is Jupiter's nature to seek ever more, and partly because the need can easily get out of control. In this case, the individual with Jupiter in the second house has the potential to become a hedonist, who pursues pleasure to the exclusion of everything else, or a miserly sort who feels she never has enough money. The latter is somewhat less common due to Jupiter's association with confidence and optimism.

Because the second house is an Earth house, she may place all her faith in concrete goods or money, rather than in philosophical ideals or spiritual truth. She may feel the latter are not to be trusted because they are somehow not real enough - that is, not material. With Jupiter in the second, she may prefer to trust only what she can see and handle, not something as nebulous as an idea.

There can be a struggle between the Jupiter desire to gain more - more money, possessions, sensual input - and the second house desire to avoid risk. The individual may want more, but be unwilling to invest or take any other kind of chance. She may experience this as an uncomfortable dilemma, wishing she could improve her situation but unable to take the steps to do so.

The person with Jupiter in the second house may also have some inner conflict between the intellectual approach signified by Jupiter and the pragmatic tendencies of the second house. She will often solve this most successfully by doing something practical with her values and beliefs. That is, she needs to translate them into something concrete. For example, this is the type of person who collects goods to send overseas. She is not happy to merely pray for those who are less fortunate. She may even make practicality an ultimate value. She will not, for the most part, have a lot of tolerance for endless philosophizing and discussion, but will want to know how she can use the ideas she hears. Her tendency will be to discard those which are not immediately practical.

Many people with Jupiter in the second house can be quite materially or financially generous. Although they will not take unnecessary risks with their resources, they may have the confidence that is associated with Jupiter and assume that they can always get more money, acquire more possessions, and so on.

The second house does represent a need to deal with concrete products. Jupiter in the second may, therefore, make a particular item an object of extreme value. Books can be valued highly, or art objects may be the focus; money is always a strong possibility, as well. Art for the sake of art might be held up as of primary importance.

Generally speaking, the individual will tend to expect learning to be comfortable, not too demanding. She will not want to endure pain or go through a lot of struggle to gain knowledge. Comfort is far more important for her. However, some people experience this as being comfortable with higher learning. And as always, those who place too much faith in one area of life may set themselves up for future disappointment. Money and possessions are notoriously insecure. Material resources cannot provide the kind of satisfaction, the kind of fulfillment, for which Jupiter searches. Many who misplace their faith onto material goods or money find themselves with a great void, when some circumstance of life exposes them to the reality of what they have acquired. In such a case, they may experience real despair as they look around and ask, 'Is this all there is? Is this what it's all about?' Unsaid is the implication that it is not all there is; but the emptiness within can be devastating if a person has spent all her life and energy in the pursuit of goals which are suddenly seen to be empty and meaningless. Many people who have come to such a realization late in life have died within a few months, perhaps unable to start over with new values, or perhaps lacking the very faith and confidence in the future which is the great gift associated with Jupiter.

Some people with this placement may let the part of their nature represented by the second house dominate the part symbolized by Jupiter. In that case, they are susceptible to attempting to preserve the values and beliefs with which they started out. These people may have a real problem with the natural questing urge related to Jupiter, so much so that they can attempt to squash it, to deny it, to refuse to stay open to new ideas and concepts because there is always a time of anxiety when new thoughts challenge old. The second house does not want this time of uncertainty. It wants everything settled, certain and predictable. Consequently, such people may have a natural bent toward developing illogical prejudices; and with the second house tendency to get stubborn if challenged, those who do develop the prejudices are particularly entrenched in them.

Those who handle Jupiter in the second house constructively can value their money and possessions without becoming overly attached to them. They can preserve elements of knowledge and truth which have stood the test of time without attempting to keep everything static and stagnant. They can enjoy sensual pleasures without excessive indulgence or expectations of total fulfillment. They can find practical or artistic ways to express their faith without discarding the need for some intellectual and inspirational facets to that faith. Balance is always tricky with Jupiter, which represents a part of human nature which is naturally excessive in behavior; but those with Jupiter in the second house can find that balance when they understand the divergent natures of the planet and the house, and work to make room in their lives for both.

Jupiter in 2nd House: Keywords: Material security. Jupiter's position here in an 'earthy' house and the keywords of 'material security' do seem at first glance to confirm the narrow traditional meanings of the second house: money, possessions, wealth, etc.. However, this house has a far broader meaning in general; and when Jupiter is located in it, its range is stretched further still to a vast spectrum encompassing deeper values, a faith that the earth will provide what one needs, and a profound appreciation of nature and its bounteous creative powers.

Over forty years ago, Margaret Hone wrote that Jupiter in the second house could indicate a 'contentedness with possessions', which is surely a different image from that of greed for masses of money, which is the impression that students of astrology get from so many basic textbooks. There is often an inner faith that one will be provided for; but in perhaps half the cases, the person will use this faith as a reason not to save for a rainy day nor to exercise prudence with his or her assets. In some cases, a notable wastefulness is apparent, with a tendency to spend every dollar they receive. Perhaps some people can 'tempt fate' in this regard; but I have seen cases where the individual has been forced into a financial corner that is exceedingly uncomfortable by relying completely on faith while simultaneously spending or wasting rather large amounts of assets that came to him or her easily.

Invariably, when Jupiter is in this house, it will expand this area of focus in life. Sometimes, it will manifest as what Marcia Moore and Mark Douglas call 'an instinctive regard for Earth's bounty', with the person sometimes prospering through what they call 'the carefully planned development of natural resources'. In a broader view, Charles Carter was, as usual, way ahead of his time when in 1947 he wrote in Essays on the Foundations of Astrology that 'psychologically... the 2nd has much to do with one's contentment and ability to enjoy life'. From this perspective, I would say that - come what may financially - those with Jupiter in this house are always wealthy!

This Jupiter position has an appreciation for form, and for vast, inspiring images.

Jupiter in 2nd House: Once Jupiter gets over the cusp of the second house, it ceases to indicate those who get along on their own and becomes the sign of those who depend on patrons or the good will of others, so that locating the cusp accurately can be important.

Jupiter at this angle is concerned about religious and philosophical ideas, but does not let them get in the way of obtaining bread and butter. This is an excellent position for an artist or performer, as it guarantees patronage and support. It is a good sign for doing what one wants in life, although, unless Jupiter is trine the Midheaven, it is not so good for a career as it relaxes the anxious, upward thrust for sheer survival that is usually necessary for successful career efforts. At times of stress, rather than forge a new path in solitude, this one often turns to home, family, or old friends for strokes and needed support. Young people with this position may find it hard to leave the comfort of the family nest.

If Jupiter is trine the Midheaven, it assures a smooth and easy path to success, frequently with little conscious effort. They just seem to get all the breaks, are in the right place at the right time, and succeed more through good luck than through hard work. The further Jupiter is from a trine to the Midheaven (or a planet in the ninth or tenth, the more work is needed.

Good things come easily to these people; but it takes other placements to ensure that they stay. They tend to be big spenders who don't devote enough time and thought to practical matters. They tend to be 'easy come, easy go'.

Jupiter in 2nd House: Self-worth: With Jupiter in the 2nd, self-judgment is linked to optimism and social advantage. Optimism enhances positive feelings about yourself. The more opportunities for social expression are recognized and acted upon, the better you feel about your life. However, exaggerated feelings of personal worth lead to disappointment, for the challenge is not simply to feel good, but to convert the ease of social relating into real and grounded benefits. Lady luck is often with you; but do not depend on her presence.

Possession: Ownership becomes an area of opportunity. There is bounty here; but it's hardly the result of 'good luck'. It comes from well-developed intuition and an equally well-developed social network. The key is to take advantage of social opportunities for the acquisition of possessions, and be generous with personal property. Don't hold on, don't cling selfishly, for the challenge is to understand the fundamental truth of the old phrase, 'Easy come, easy go'.

Money: Acquisition of money is associated with a positive attitude and the broad development of social skills. These qualities should be used freely and without restraint to further social position, and to enhance the sense of opportunity for expression into cultural realms of collective involvement and sharing. The pitfall is waste of personal resources by resting too heavily on your laurels or counting on luck to provide a continuing flow of money. The challenge is to build an increasingly broad networking base through continual reinvestment of resources back into the social world.

Self-exertion: With Jupiter, as with Mercury, there is a mental orientation to the effort of working. But the mentality is different in that it is essentially conceptual rather than analytical; an overview of productivity is more important than the solution of specific problems. As with Venus, there is a tendency to take the path of least resistance in accomplishing tasks. This placement is well-suited to a networking orientation, for the bent toward work is essentially social in motivation, and you excel at motivating, organizing, supervising others. The challenge is to flow around obstacles like water. Don't let yourself be dammed up or bogged down, for the psychological sense of free movement is crucial. Whistle while you work.

Sensuality: Your experience of sensuality is full and flowing. Touch is seen as a way of connecting with others; and the pleasure that results is palpable proof of social participation in a shared reality. There is an ease in physicality, a sense of comfort or naturalness with your body. This may lead to a love of athleticism, the sheer joy of movement. It also inclines, as does Venus or the Moon, to a love of good food as purely sensual pleasure; but there is an increased appreciation of the social ritual of gourmet eating or the cultural history of food. Every opportunity for physical stimulus is enjoyed, since there is little in the way of moral restraint; but this can lead to pitfalls of excess and an exaggerated tendency to use your body to take advantage of others. The challenge is to fully recognize the opportunities for self-expression that touch can provide, but to do so in a way that ennobles the self.

See also: Jupiter in the 2nd House;

Jupiter in the 2nd House: ChrisC, Madonna Ciccone, Robert De Niro, Princess Diana, Bill Gates, Joni Mitchell, Dolly Parton, Donald Trump, Ludwig van Beethoven, Gore Vidal, Swami Vivekananda, Brian Wilson, Andrew, Arine, Carolyn, Cesar, Clark, Donny, Farmer, Flickinger, Jane, JerryGr, Jude, LaurieSw, Leif, Ralph, Ricardo, Robert, Silas, Tom, TomW, TonyO, Virginia

Jupiter in the 3rd House

In the 3rd house, Jupiter has a great deal to say. At best, the energy and inspiration which give rise to thoughts or words can be communicated and channeled to others, who are then 'fired', enlivened and expanded by what those with Jupiter in this house have shared or made accessible. At worst, they waffle on endlessly, more concerned with the quantity of what they have to say than the quality, pausing now and then to savor the rare genius of their insights.

Jupiter in the 3rd also expands the mind. While this may yield an over-abundance of thoughts on any one topic or a mind which is literally all over the place, it also gives an awareness broad enough to fit any one particular thing happening around these people into a larger framework or perspective. While focusing on something specific, they do not lose sight of what is going on in the background and all around it. Some may hurry through a book thinking that the sooner they are done with it the more quickly they can read the next; while others may find that just one sentence is enough to transport them on a journey to other worlds - and hence they never finish the book at all. Similarly, there can be a tendency to 'read too much' into another person's passing comment or glance; and they end up making a Mount Olympus out of a molehill.

One of Jupiter's main concerns is finding greater fulfillment. In the 3rd, knowledge can be worshipped as a god who offers them increased joy and mastery over life, inclining those with this placement to exhibit an almost insatiable need to learn things. Sometimes this position is referred to as that of 'the perpetual student'. For them, life is a huge jigsaw puzzle, and the more pieces they can find to fit together the better. Each time two parts click into place, a kind of mental orgasm is experienced. Some may think that they have to travel the world sixteen times over to achieve the ultimate release, while others learn sooner or later that there is more than enough just happening between the front door and the nearest travel agency.

Since those with Jupiter in the 3rd are expanded by whatever is around them, this placement normally indicates a good relationship with brothers, sisters, neighbors, etc.. Sometimes there is a large number of siblings. However, difficult aspects to Jupiter can manifest in fierce sibling rivalry or the hero-worship of an older brother or sister, and later disappointments if too much has been expected of them. People who have travelled or changed residences many times during childhood and adolescence often have this placement of Jupiter as well. Usually, early schooling is not found too threatening, but welcomed as an opportunity to broaden the horizons beyond what the family has to offer. Writing, teaching, lecturing, study, travel and knowledge of languages should all be encouraged.

Jupiter in 3rd House: You are well-informed on many subjects, but you sometimes neglect to follow through on a project to derive the most benefit from your knowledge. You are easily distracted by any new interest, so you must learn to focus your attention. You are an eager conversationalist, but you lack the organizing ability to make this talent serve a useful purpose. You are the eternal student, perhaps because you are still searching for a career that will make enough demands on your intellectual ability. You could do a satisfactory job in many fields, including education, law, politics, medicine or the social sciences. You always meet the requirements of any task, because you are totally enthusiastic while that problem occupies your attention. Your compassion and understanding will be appreciated by your mate. You find it gratifying to know that your mate shares your desire for growth and development.

Because you suffer from mental growing pains, you need to be free to expand as you want. You know that without this freedom, you would be unable to ventilate your mind and keep it active. You have great hopes that your children will respond to the advantages you have given them and will rise to their fullest potentials. In choosing a partner, you look ahead to see if that person will be able to fit your plans and grow with you.

You admire people who have distinguished themselves through their achievements, and you hope to emulate them. You may not choose a professional career, but you will conduct yourself professionally in your work. You know the limits of your training and education, but you also know that you can make a place for yourself in the world and win recognition as well. You learn from those who fail as well as from those who succeed; and because you are never satisfied with your level of accomplishment, you continue to pursue greater conquests. With some inspiration and imagination, you can be the best in your field. But don't take on tasks that strain your ability, because of course you have limits. Having your feet on the ground will help you keep your goals within sight.

The best investment you can make in your own future is being willing to use your talents to help people solve their problems. People usually trust implicitly in your ability to understand them and guide them in the best direction. You should set aside periods for pleasant rest and relaxation to help you unwind from the hazards encountered in your struggle to achieve the status you want. You've set your course, but you can always alter it. You have strong physical desires, but they are easily chilled by coarseness and vulgarity.

Stay clear of people who try to divert you from your objectives by preying on your feelings. Your greatest obligation is to fulfill your own potentials. You are vulnerable to such diversions because of the conditioning of your early years, when your efforts were curtailed by your parents. It's not that your loyalties are divided, but that you must learn how they can coexist. You owe it to yourself and to those you serve to make your rich creative talents available to the world. It will be easier to convert your talents into cash if you learn how to consolidate your resources.

See also: Jupiter in the 3rd House;

Jupiter in the 3rd House: G.W. Bush, Jim Carrey, Charlie Chaplin, Milton William Cooper, J.Paul Getty, Ernest Hemingway, Adolf Hitler, Mick Jagger, Groucho Marx, Vaslav Nijinsky, Osho, Evelyn Robert de Rothschild, O.J. Simpson, Ted Turner, Arrow, BenT, DonW, Gabriela, Geoff, Jean, Ju, Olof, Paulo, River, Samp, Shakura, Suji, Travis, VinCar

Jupiter in the 4th House

Someone with Jupiter in the fourth house may place great value on childhood, mother, nurturing ability, nurturance / absorption-type relationships, privacy, the family and / or clan, national group, and so on. There is a natural conflict between these, however, and the needs of Jupiter to range far and wide, so she could at the same time experience a great need for freedom from any or all of these.

She may move around a lot, roam a great deal in childhood, or own a mobile home as an adult. She may want large, open rooms with a lot of light. She is quite likely to prefer a rural home or one near trees or other country scenery. If she cannot achieve this, she may wish to decorate her home, if at all, in a way which brings nature inside: lots of glass and open vistas, or plenty of animal prints, or objects from various cultures from around the world.

She may make her home a place of continual study, with books and / or course material everywhere. As dearly as she loves to learn, she may be too restless to really focus on any one subject for long. or she may have a home in which artifacts of religion are prominent. She may hold study groups in her home, teach from home or hold travelogues at home. She may own a home in a foreign country.

Her mother could have modeled freedom needs and / or optimism, positive attitudes and confidence. She may have been very religious (positively or negatively), travelled a lot - a way to maintain her freedom - or have been an intellectual, always studying, expanding her mind, searching for more inclusive ideas. This parent also modeled how to live out ultimate values and world beliefs. She may have had a deep faith, or constantly searched for more knowledge and understanding. If she lived according to her own principles and morals, who provided a positive model, as long as she had realistic values. If she espoused standards and expectations for others which she didn't live up to herself, or if she held unrealistic values and unattainable standards but refused to modify these, then she provided a negative role model. Then the individual with Jupiter in the fourth will have to work harder to resolve the issues within herself. If mother repressed the Jupiter qualities, again the individual with Jupiter in the fourth house will have a more complex task to integrate the divergent needs of house and planet.

If the nurturing parent was religious, she may have taught a good lesson on faith. It may still be part of the deepest emotional security needs, especially religious ritual. The individual may feel closest to God when in her own home, or she may engage in church-oriented activities at home, or feel that to nurture others is her highest spiritual expression.

She may value motherhood highly, even consider it to be an ultimate value and preach its worth to others; but she will still personally require a great deal of freedom, and cannot stay devotedly in the nurturance role without giving up her own needs. She may, however, do precisely this if she considers mothering to be the thing to do, and everything else to be not as worthwhile. She could expect a kind of ultimate fulfillment from the motherhood experience, or even be unwilling to give up the childhood experience because it was valued so highly. Being a baby, being taken care of by others, may also become an ultimate value!

This can be a difficult combination, because Jupiter represents an intellectual drive which requires and desires great freedom to range as widely as possible and to take risks in the quest for more knowledge, or more of anything. The fourth house, on the other hand, symbolizes the urge for absorbing closeness, confinement, and complete emotional security and safety. The individual with Jupiter in the fourth may therefore place a great value on her home, and feel that a warm nest is a necessity. Yet contentment can elude her if, the moment she settles in, she begins to feel too confined and becomes agitated and feels smothered. Some people deal with this by having a home (preferably with high ceilings and large open rooms), but they travel frequently. For others, the solution comes when they buy a trailer or motor home. They take their home with them!

If she goes to extremes, the person with Jupiter in the fourth house may expect her home to be flawless, which may mean extremely expensive designer furniture or an unrealistic degree of cleanliness and tidiness, though Jupiter is frequently too busy with other interesting pursuits to get too hung up over housework. She may expect to find an ultimate sense of fulfillment just being at home.

She could have expected mother to be perfect, and suffered a tremendous sense of disappointment when mother wasn't available for her; or she could have thought mother was a perfectionist and had overly-high expectations. She may have thought mother was an ideal parent, only to be disappointed as she grew up and noticed some shortcomings. Mother may have even set herself up as God, or as a guru with all the answers. Or she may have been an excellent role model for optimism, high principles and enthusiasm for living and learning, or for sports. She might have eventually revealed herself to be hypocritical, cavalier, dishonest or foolish. She may have had extremely high standards for herself in the role of mother, perhaps even extreme, expecting herself to never let the children down over anything. Or she may have acted harshly to protect her own rights yet not expected or allowed others to have their own ideas, input or rights.

The individual who handles the drives of Jupiter in the fourth house effectively can search for deep understanding and consciousness of motherhood, emotional security needs and absorption / nurturance. In spite of the tremendous value she places on motherhood, she balances this with full awareness of her own need for a lot of freedom and intellectual stimulation or travel. Books, philosophy, religious pursuits or sports may all fulfill her deepest emotional security needs; and she makes sure to provide herself with them as a way to nurture herself at deep levels.

Jupiter in 4th House: Keywords: Action on the emotional and soul level. Although quite a private house, fourth house placements become at once more publicly attuned (because Jupiter is so outgoing) and more confidently action-oriented when Jupiter is found here. The self-confidence is often quite strong, emanating as it does from the depths of the person's being, although it is not flaunted. Just as Jupiter is exalted in Cancer, so it is also quite at home and prosperous in the unpretentious fourth house - a conclusion one must draw after considerable research. It seems that many people with this Jupiter placement are not fooled by the superficial allurements of the outer world and instead remain quite comfortably rooted in an inner security with which they are born. An inner generosity of spirit is often also apparent, and - with Jupiter’s tendency to broaden the scope of everything it influences - this largeness of spirit is not limited to family, as one must expect. As Charles Carter wrote, psychologically the fourth house 'probably rules the depth and sincerity of the affections, especially those arising from family ties'. But with Jupiter there, one might expect that such feelings would not be confined only to a small circle of people.

These people do need time alone to explore their inner world; and their religious orientation may well be strongly influenced by their upbringing. With the prophetic planet Jupiter in a 'watery', psychically sensitive house, one should not be surprised to find people with considerable psychic sensitivity and intuitive abilities. And, as Isabel Hickey writes, they are usually 'openhearted and generous'. Although some of these people do become well-known, there is still something very basic and 'down home' about them that persists and which the public sees and likes. As Marcia Moore and Mark Douglas wrote, those with Jupiter in the fourth house 'want to feel a sense of belonging to the community in which they reside, and would rather lead a rich and full life than struggle for worldly fame'.

A certain loyalty to and comfort with past traditions persists throughout the lives of those with this placement.

Reincarnation and karma are ideas to which Jupiter in the psychically-oriented fourth house might gravitate.

Jupiter in 4th House: While the Midheaven may be said to represent a peak of conscious striving, the face we present to the public - and indeed quite often identify with - the IC has to do with those private depths we may fall back into if consciousness is diminished, a pool of early experiences often partly hidden even from ourselves. It refers to the fundamental sense of belonging - or lack of it - which forms the base on which our conscious structures are built. Those with Jupiter in this house may not have been born with a silver spoon in their mouths, but there has usually been a feeling of promise around them in their early days, so that they are not later limited by narrow expectations of themselves.

Although the parent logically to be associated with this house would be the mother, and I am willing to accept that this may sometimes be the better interpretation, my experience generally confirms the traditional view that this is the house of the father. With Jupiter here, there is generally a father or father-figure who conveys to the child something of the breadth of the world and encourages exploration ('he broadened my horizons', said one client); and although he may have exhibited some of Jupiter's worst characteristics ¬unreliable or somewhat tyrannical - he is usually remembered with gratitude.

Home is not usually felt by those with this placement to be a narrow retreat or cozy nest; the opposite extreme of keeping open house is more common, a liking for company to enliven the situation. In one of his roles, Zeus was the protector of host and guest; and his hospitable side can be seen here particularly. In most cases, this was a feature of the childhood home which is carried over into later life.

Planets in the fourth have a way of popping up unexpectedly, without conscious control; and Jupiter here is prone to emerging as a spontaneous sense of fun which comes to the rescue in situations that would otherwise be tricky.

Jupiter in 4th House: Here Jupiter promises a rich, warm family life, though not always from the beginning. If there are bad aspects to Jupiter from its dispositor, the ruler of the chart, or angular planets, or if it shares the fourth house with the Moon, Mars, Pluto, Neptune, or Uranus, there may be loneliness or privation in childhood. However, the power and faith of Jupiter will succeed sooner or later in surrounding them with the love and warmth of family life.

There is a great desire to assist in making basic changes in society, helping to reform it for the good of all. Artists try to create a new way of looking at things; politicians, a new social order; musicians, new forms and style; writers, a new look at life, at love, morals, etc.

The only danger for people with Jupiter in the fourth house is that they do not always aspire as high as they might, but are so content with the family and community that their goodwill and understanding can be reserved for just the inner circle, while the needs and rights of those outside are disregarded.

With good aspects, it gives a loving, giving father. With difficult aspects, the father may be too self-indulgent, or be gone on business or pleasure too much of the time, or be gone altogether, although his loss is sometimes compensated for by someone who becomes a father figure. Good aspects can indicate the inheritance of a home, land, or real estate.

Jupiter in 4th House: At first, the hidden and insular 4th house seems an ill-suited domain for a sky-god like Jupiter. However, true to his nature, he manages to make a very comfortable life for himself in this sphere - provided that his home life does not fence him in too much.

I have seen many charts with Jupiter in the 4th in which the people were born into aristocratic families or had a few well-known ancestors. Through the father's line, there is often the influence of a foreign culture in the blood. But even if they can't claim descent from Louis XVI, the last Czar of Russia, or the king of the gypsies, they inherit a religious, philosophical or travelling nature through the background or early home conditions. Like the genie in the bottle, residing deep within those with Jupiter in the 4th is a powerful and expansive spirit wanting to be freed.

They can invest a great deal of energy in establishing the home of their dreams, but they had better ensure that there is enough room in it to satisfy their need to move around. Often they benefit from living out of the crowded conditions of the city, and in the more natural and open setting of the country where views and vistas are unobstructed. (I always picture them living on a ranch.) Some may travel from country to country looking for their spiritual home. Rather than aiming for public or professional recognition, they might devote themselves to work on the soul and inner growth.

Jupiter in the 4th may color the paternal relationship. In some cases, the actual father is confused with the image of God: he is seen as noble, majestic and larger than life. Reflecting some of the other qualities of Zeus, the father might be experienced as a promising figure full of potential and inspiration, but will an incorrigible roving eye and bags full of wild oats. Sometimes the father will suppress the Jupiterian side of his nature for the sake of structure and security expected of him; in this case, the child with this placement may grow up with an irresistible urge to enact what the father has not played out.

If Jupiter in the 4th is well-aspected, there is an underlying optimism and faith in life which will come to the fore as the person grows older. Generally, it favors a promising old age filled with many interests and pursuits. Contemporaries may lag behind while Jupiter in the 4th is still lively and progressive.

See also: Jupiter in the 4th House;

Jupiter in the 4th House: Woody Allen, Warren Beatty, William Blake, George Bush, Sr., Cher, Aleister Crowley, James Dean, Walt Disney, Judy Garland, Bill Hicks, Alfred Hitchcock, Paul McCartney, Meher Baba, Benjamin Netanyahu, Friedrich Nietzche, George Patton, Brad Pitt, James Taylor, Mark Zuckerberg, BarryKl, BenSt, Bobbie, Collon, Ellen, Jason, JBLight, JerGar, JonathanG, JRosh, Nancee, PapayaJ, Raga, Sky, Supr, TonyC

Jupiter in the 5th House

A Fire planet ought to be at home in the Fire house; and it is true that this is a comfortable placement for Jupiter. However, this is the house of the ego, and Jupiter is the planet of excesses, so there are lots of ways to go with this combination.

Jupiter placed in the fifth house connects ultimate values and the tendency to expand to the ego, self-esteem, willingness to take risks, courage, creative ability, children and lovers.

A person with Jupiter in the fifth house may value children tremendously and have many. He may expect his children to be perfect - that is, have extremely high or totally unrealistic standards for them - or he may project, and think they expect him to be so. He may set himself up as God in his relationship with them, and present himself as a parent who does not make mistakes and should never be questioned or doubted. He may enjoy teaching them, and may have to watch a tendency to play guru, to act as if he has all the answers. This is a particularly easy pattern to fall into because young children naturally look to their parents for answers and it can become seductive. In other words, the parent may enjoy the role so much he is unwilling to relinquish it later, and may fight the children when they come home with different ideas.

With Jupiter in the fifth, an individual may assume his children already are perfect, and defend them against all possible criticism. He may project Jupiter qualities on to them and discover that not only do they express all the confidence and enthusiasm and optimism which he lacks, but also they have outrageously unrealistic expectations of others, take too much for granted, assume they are entitled to anything they want, and irritate him with their tendency to preach. It is also possible with Jupiter in the fifth that the individual may value children in theory but want to maintain his freedom and so have none. Often this is experienced as a decision not to bring children into such an imperfect world. Or he may idealize certain qualities of children but be totally unwilling to deal with the realities of diapers, runny noses and crying fits.

All of this can be applied to lovers, as well. They may be idealized and put up on a pedestal. The individual may expect ultimate fulfillment from a lover or a love affair, or think he offers it himself. He may enjoy teaching a love partner, or expect her to have the answers. He may set himself or her up as a master who can do no wrong. He may set himself up as God, or assume that she is. He may demand too much from her, take her for granted, and have unrealistic expectations of her; or he may project, and experience all these from her. He may project his Jupiter qualities onto her, and be initially attracted to her free spirit, enthusiasm, optimism and intellect, but later be annoyed by her cavalier attitudes, self-righteousness and grandiosity.

With Jupiter in the fifth house, unless there are other factors in the chart to seriously dampen it, the ego, self-esteem and self-confidence tend to be high. With confidence and a healthy self-esteem, an individual can weather life's difficulties with remarkably little lasting damage. This is one of the placement which is most likely to have a positive world view - that is, to have a basic faith that the world is a good place and that he has a right to - and decent odds that he will - enjoy himself.

Low self-esteem is known to be at the bottom of many chronic mental health and dysfunctional behavior problems. The individual with Jupiter in the fifth has the most chance of avoiding problems which stem from low self-esteem. Jupiter's association with a natural confidence and optimism can be of enormous benefit in the fifth house due to their positive effect on self-esteem.

All that does not preclude problems, however. This is a very restless combination which is doubly exuberant, doubly positive, doubly courageous and doubly willing to take risks. This may denote a daring and bold personality. With the Jupiter propensity to symbolize excesses, however, there is a strong possibility it will indicate recklessness and foolhardiness. The individual may gamble money, time, or even lives, depending on the scope of his power. He may place all his faith in his courage, Indiana Jones-style, and neglect simple safety measures which would make the heroics unnecessary. He may become an excitement addict, living for thrills and living on the edge, because that is where he gets the biggest adrenaline rush. Or he could simply assume that he is a hero and brag about his smallest accomplishments as if they were epic adventures.

The fifth house is one of the keys to creative ability; and with Jupiter placed here, the person usually has a number of enthusiasms and creative outlets. He may have too many to keep up with adequately, or he may cheerfully overestimate his talent, his capacity for output, or his worth; but generally his positive outlook will carry him through. He can be a true inspiration to others if he is so inclined. He can teach others about the value of self-respect and self-appreciation, and may even find he can do so through the performing arts. He may have to guard against a tendency to expect too much of himself in this, once he discovers that he has a certain charisma.

This combination is one which indicates the potential for much joy and happiness. The fifth house is the house of fun, playfulness and a kind of childlike, hopeful approach to the world. People with this combination particularly enjoy expanding their minds, travel, the cultural arts such as theatre, opera, the symphony and so on, and even religious spectacles. They usually love ceremony; the more pomp, the better. They are also individuals who have the capacity to offer ego-boosting strokes to others, as well as hope and a dramatic vision of the future. For these reasons, they are often well-liked. If they develop their integrity, they will also be well-respected. If they live according to high principles, they will be highly regarded, which regard and approval can become a powerful value.

The individual with Jupiter in the fifth is usually proud of his values, his intellect and his faith. If he travels, he will be exceptionally proud of that. He will love to be complimented on any of these, but definitely has to be at least acknowledged for them. If he should find himself in an environment where he cannot win approval, or at least recognition, he will leave quickly. There is something about Jupiter in the fifth that has the effect that the person tends to truly value his essential inner being. Naturally, this can reach obnoxious proportions; but whether it does or not, this is not an individual who will put up with neglect or abuse unless there are other strong indications in the chart for that. Many people with this placement have a healthy sense of their own value, and do not tolerate for long any situation in which they are not appreciated. They have, therefore, much to teach those people who have chronic problems with co-dependency.

When Jupiter in the fifth is handled in a balanced way, a person has a great capacity to teach others about such life-transforming qualities as joy, optimism and confidence. He has the ability to draw from many sources to make the learning process enjoyable and entertaining. As he grows in understanding of the need for personal honesty, integrity and high principles, he can become an exceptionally find role model for many others.

Jupiter in 5th House: Keywords: Identity security. Since all of the 'fiery' houses have a major impact on one's attitude toward life itself, one would be correct in assuming that having Jupiter in this house (the house correlated with the Sun and Leo) would indeed motivate a person to have a strongly philosophical - and usually optimistic - attitude toward life. There is in this placement of Jupiter a powerful urge toward significance - toward 'being somebody' (as in show business), toward expressing something significant creatively, or toward making a significant contribution to society. It is not surprising that Jupiter in the fifth house is not known for a humble expression of one's self and beliefs, for such a big planet in such a powerful, dynamic house cannot be squelched or ignored.

The upbeat, optimistic quality of Jupiter is expressed well through the fifth house, with little inhibition; and, in fact, sometimes life is seen or felt to be a show, a drama, or an arena for spontaneous and enjoyable play. Traditionally, the fifth house rules speculation, and - with Jupiter in this house - risk-taking of all kinds is accentuated. Risking hurt by giving one's hear (fifth house) in love; risking financial loss through speculative investment; risking disapproval by appearing on stage in the hope of public approbation; or launching out into the world a creative work, thus risking criticism, rejection, or sheer neglect - all of these are fifth house ventures closely tied in with one's identity. All are a result of revealing and projecting publicly one's innermost self, as is also having children, another reflection of one's self (or, at least, so many parents seem to think!). So what does such extensive risk-taking have to do with 'Identity Security', this house's keywords? Simply that, by taking risks in a wide range of activities and modes of personal expression, we can grow more secure and gain confidence that we do indeed have something to contribute; and thus our awareness of our inner self and creative purpose (beyond mere personality) can be expanded.

In Indian Vedic astrology, the fiery houses (1, 5 & 9) are known as dharma houses, and are thus connected with right action. The fifth house specifically is known for symbolizing 'creative intelligence', which is not intellectual ability but rather a more intuitive perception with a creative flair. All the fiery houses have to do with projecting dreams into the physical world in the hope of seeing them manifested; but the fifth house especially - being the most creative house of all - represents a strong need to see an effect on the world at large through one's creative ventures and self-expression. With Jupiter in this house, this urge tends to be even more persistent and powerful than with most other placements in the fifth house. This house, in fact, has more to do with true creativity than with fame; many creative pioneers have various planets in this house but are relatively unknown. If I wrote about such individuals in this book, the reader wouldn't have the vaguest idea about who they are!

Creative expression can take so many forms that we should not fall into the trap of seeing creativity only as expressed in a few artistic or entertainment fields, for Jupiter in this house can indicate an entrepreneurial streak as well, creatively building a business through the power of vision into the future. Or one can find people who encourage others to grow or to express themselves, especially those who work with children. One can also find unique examples of creative expression. Jupiter in this house can also manifest itself as being outspoken in a creative way, thus having a strong impact on society.

Because the fifth house is known for taking risks, and especially so when Jupiter is posited in it, we have to mention the tendency toward going to excess through taking too much risk. As Charles Carter wrote about the fifth house in Essays.

Thus it would not be too much to postulate that the term 'the house of self-undoing' is much more applicable to this sector than to the maligned 12th house, which more often points to trouble through other people. Those who have ruined themselves through self-indulgence and recklessness... will usually show in their nativities an involvement of the 5th house.

Jupiter in 5th House: The serious business described by the earthy houses: acquiring, ordering, and achieving on the material plane: could scarcely be effectively accomplished without the complementary creative impulse of Fire, which precedes Earth in the zodiacal cycle. Before work (sixth house) comes play; and it must be the Protestant work ethic that would place such activity under the belittling heading of 'hobbies'. I would say rather that this house reflects our capacity to express ourselves by doing what we want to do rather than what we must. Animals, even when fully grown, find time to play, which suggests that play fulfils a very basic need; in fact, it is relatively easy to relate to other species on this level. A child at play tries out the range of life's possibilities; and the ability to play keeps adults elastic and creative.

With Jupiter in the fifth, there is usually plenty of appetite and enthusiasm for fun and games, as much or more so than when he is in the first. There is usually a great love of pleasure; and though those with this placement are sometimes accused of self-indulgence, they are happy to share their indulgence, and are often highly entertaining.

There is often a distinctly exhibitionistic streak. Jupiter's penchant for dressing up here seems to pick up something of Leo's liking for being on the stage; and this a very popular position in the charts of actors and performers. Frequent love affairs seem to go with this position too, as an expression of an irrepressible urge to find even more ways of having fun.

Jupiter in 5th House: This is an excellent position for Jupiter, as its powerfully harmonizing nature can work with both the Ascendant and the Midheaven to give leverage to whatever goals are set. People with Jupiter in the fifth have durable egos, and are not put off by much of anything. They can rise to power in whatever field they choose. However, due to the location of Jupiter just below the horizon, they may choose to become the power behind the throne; the king-maker rather than the king.

Children and young people are very important to those with this Jupiter. They may groom their children to achieve their personal goals. They are born leaders, but, until they reach the stage where their leadership is acknowledged, they may be lonely, because they are not good followers. They are usually self-employed; if they work for others, they will function best with a minimum of supervision. They may have trouble in school due to a strong sense of their own rightness and their disdain of low behavior. They feel that the mighty authority they sense within themselves far outweighs the puny authority of parents, teachers, and bosses. They have great courage and inner strength, though they may not know this about themselves until later, after they've lived a bit and examined their own lives and the results of their choices.

See also: Jupiter the 5th House;

Jupiter in the 5th House: Lucille Ball, Kim Basinger, Shirley Temple Black, Johnny Cash, Prince Charles, Tom Cruise, Bob Dylan, Sigmund Freud, Melanie Griffith, Hugh Hefner, Helen Keller, Henry Kissinger, J. Krishnamurti, Bruce Lee, Donovan Leitch, Jack Nicklaus, Nisargadatta, Cathy O’Brien, Ramakrishna, Ramana Maharshi, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Peter Sellers, Frank Sinatra, Stevie Wonder, Joanne Woodward, Paramahansa Yogananda, BPoe, Duane, Marcy, MFor, Michael, Phylissa, Q, RoyO, SFor, Victoria

Jupiter in the 6th House

A person who has Jupiter in the sixth house connects ultimate values and the search for truth to work, productivity, efficiency, and the mundane, routine little jobs which keep life running smoothly. This may be expressed as an extreme fussiness, where all details must be attended to perfectly. Nothing else will do. The perfectionism which Jupiter can indicate can combine with the sixth house attention to specifics to produce a particular perfectionist who will readily criticize both her own performance and others. She can have a sharp eye, all right, but may have a sharp tongue as well. She does not intend to hurt, but considers accuracy and precision so important that she often does not distinguish between situations where those qualities are important and those situations where they are not. She may also assume that it is her responsibility to correct mistakes.

As an example, to criticize a child's first attempt to make her own bed is inappropriate. Her level of competence is naturally far less than an adult's. That is not the issue - most people would agree that the child's self-esteem is important here. She needs praise for her attempt, and encouragement and appreciation for her help. However, the person with Jupiter in the sixth house may lose all sight of that, focus on the rumpled blankets, and either redo the job herself or point out all the mistakes. Such treatment tends to produce withdrawn, defeated children who may form the belief that nothing they do is ever good enough.

With Jupiter in the sixth, a person often expects herself to always do her job perfectly. She may also add pressure to herself and expect all her daily routines to be done perfectly all the time, as well. She can become chronically dissatisfied with herself and her job if she cannot meet her expectations. The likelihood is, however, that she will keep trying. It may be a long time before she will entertain the idea that she needs to lower her standards, or apply them with more discretion.

Eventually, as the sixth house is one of the keys to practicality, she will be likely to find that she is more willing to accept the realities of time and energy limits, and will start to reassess her expectations. She may also realize that her talent - and it is a valuable one ¬for finding mistakes and seeing what needs to be corrected is very constructive when used in a work context, on objects, projects or even concepts. That talent is proportionately destructive when used on people. Her zest for fixing things needs to be handled with discretion: used on objects and ideas, but not on individuals. When she learns this, she will learn that her ability is only a cross when she does it too much, too often or in the wrong place.

The sixth house is also one of the keys to health, an interest in natural foods and supplements, and a pure lifestyle. Jupiter here may mean that the person considers any or all of these extremely important, perhaps even as ultimate values. She may have health problems herself, particularly allergies, if she works too hard and permits herself no time to relax. Eventually her body rebels and forces her to take a rest. This may lead to a passion for healthy, pure foods; and she may expound their virtues to anyone who will listen and many who won't.

Jupiter in the sixth is a natural square. There is a conflict between the sixth house association with discrimination, picking among the details, and demand for practicality, and the Jupiter association with generalization, looking at the overall picture and intellectual approach. There can be a pull between the need for purity, accuracy and correctness and the tendency to want to wrap matters up quickly, to disregard details and assume things. This can lead to a chronically stressed-out nervous system.

At work, she can develop her passion for detail, and either be an extremely valued employee, or take it too far and be known as the office critic, or the one who is never satisfied. She may need to learn to appreciate small things. Her tendency to overlook benefits (rather than flaws) occurs when she makes criticism an ultimate value.

With Jupiter in the sixth, the individual may expect her job to be perfect. In other words, she looks to her job for the ultimate fulfillment in terms of salary, environment, co¬workers and so on. She may be continually disappointed that none of her jobs live up to her expectations. She may leave them - a covert way to retain her freedom. She may expect the job to be one which greatly improves the world - which is a way to find a practical expression of the idealism associated with Jupiter. She may find she enjoys work where she gets to spread the truth in some way; thus, publishing, writing, religious work and so forth are all avenues she may pursue. Teaching is also a strong possibility, especially philosophy. She will be happiest in a job which she judges to have importance and significance, which makes a difference to the world in some way. She may feel freest when able to travel in connection with her work. She definitely needs a lot of intellectual stimulation or a spiritual outlook in her work, or she will get bored and disappointed. She will also need a lot of physical space at work. Cooped up in a tiny back room, she will tend not to stay there, but will find excuses to leave all the time, visiting with co-workers, out to do errands, etc.. She will be dissatisfied with such an arrangement, and will not long tolerate it. Illness is one way to get out of a too-limiting or limited job.

Jupiter is also associated with politics, so she could work in a job while is political, or she could be a very political person at work. If projected, one's co-workers may seem initially attractive because of their positive, expansive outlook and ability to see the larger picture, plus their confidence in the future, their cleverness and wisdom. However, after a while it becomes apparent that they talk more than work; they philosophize endlessly but actually produce very little. Or they may make every mistake a moral failure, be jovial at inappropriate times, or have a cavalier attitude toward those all-important details. They may make promises they can't keep, or pull the individual into grandiose schemes, gambling, or rash, arrogant behavior. When Jupiter in the sixth is projected, one's co¬workers tend to be politically oriented, or office politics play a large part in the work environment.

Handled with balance, always a challenge with Jupiter, this placement can be expressed as constant study into natural foods, health supplements, and pure lifestyles, without obnoxious preaching. It may manifest as someone who values her job highly, feels it has importance and significance, and enjoys its continual growth and expansion, but does not expect to get all of her fulfillment from it, nor does she expect it will always be perfect. She can do her job to a high standard without expecting herself to be perfect. She learns to accept some mistakes in her work, from time to time. Jupiter is associated with goodwill and generosity; she can express both of these towards her co-workers. She may also learn to bring the positive, optimistic, hopeful view of the future, and the faith in her ability to take on challenges, to the work environment. She can become quite an inspiration to those with whom she works.

Jupiter in 6th House: From Virgo's point of view, the ideal working day would be ordered yet flexible, co¬ordinating the numerous necessary tasks as smoothly as possible for minimum effort and maximum efficiency, each item on the agenda having its place in a quasi-organic system. There would be very little chance of things getting out of control. Those with Jupiter in the sixth house are likely to feel imprisoned in such a highly organized world. There is impatience with routine, a preference for working according to the inspiration of the moment without such irksome restrictions as clocking in and out. There is a need to feel that the daily round points to something beyond itself, that there is scope for new discovery in it. Sixth house planets have a way of manifesting in those we work with; and Jupiter here often brings people in touch with colleagues who enliven the routine day and open doors to new experiences.

To synthesize Jupiter's vision with sixth house ordinariness is not particularly easy, and perhaps requires something of a Zen approach, according to which nothing is more significant than the trivial round of ordinary life, from cleaning teeth to filing papers. An element of ritual can be helpful; whereas Virgo creates rituals to keep chaos at bay, Jupiter develops rituals aimed at bringing the divine into manifestation.

The routine operations of the physical body are also a sixth house concern; we might say that ultimately this house has to do with an inner sense of order. Jupiter here seems to incline towards an intuitive and sometimes even spiritual approach to health and healing, and turns up often in the charts of holistic practitioners.

Jupiter in 6th House: Jupiter may seem a little cramped in the 6th house of health, adjustment to necessity, and the management of mundane affairs. But regardless of what he does with his time, he always manages to make something significant of it. Those with Jupiter in this house seek (or should seek) to experience meaning in life through work and service to others. Self-purification and the refinement of their skills and abilities afford them a greater sense of well-being and satisfaction.

As in the 3rd house, Jupiter may manifest in different ways. In a bid to do as much as possible for themselves or others, some might hurry through one task in order to move quickly onto the next. Others, however, will apply themselves to any small matter with the utmost concern and diligence. As in the traditional Japanese tea ceremony, a tiny detail can assume cosmic importance.

Pride will be taken in their work; and they usually have a great deal of energy to contribute to any employment situation. Although Jupiter is prone to believe that his way of doing things is best, they will normally have good relationships with co-workers. This position could indicate work of a Jupiterian nature - involving travel, public relations, educational activities, the promotion of art, culture, sports, religion, etc..

Some may burden themselves with too many duties in life and not leave the time to care for their own bodies. Others may become almost obsessed with health or making the body a better vessel for the spirit. These people might undertake any new diet, technique or exercise which promises heaven on earth. In fact, the whole day bay be strewn with such activities: waking up at seven, taking sex deep cleansing breaths, a two-mile jog, a hot and cold shower, some yoga, meditation, and then a breakfast of bran, grapefruit and one walnut. Although Jupiter in the 6th is normally associated with excesses of food and drink, I have noticed the extremes of Jupiter just as frequently operating the other way ¬week-long fasts eating nothing but grapes, for instance.

In a number of instances, I have run across Jupiter in the 6th in the charts of people who developed cancer; but in a good proportion of these cases they have overcome the disease. By nature this planet represents over-production; and in these cases, it is the cells in the body which proliferate. There is an intimate relationship between mind and body, or psyche and soma; and any planet in the 6th has an influence to bear on this coupling. For instance, if too much time is spent serving others, then a hidden resentment could build up in the person: 'When is it my turn?' or 'What about me? Sickness may be the only way the person can justify getting some attention for the self. Jupiter asks that we grow, expand and develop in different areas of our life; and if for any reason we are avoiding doing so, then the cells in the body may assume the job for us, and they start growing and expanding. Fortunately, it is not difficult for people with Jupiter in the sixth to understand illness symbolically and see it in the context of their lives as a whole. In the pursuit of a cure, they make significant alterations and changes in their entire lifestyle and philosophy of living. Those with Jupiter in the 6th could be the people who inspire others to participate more positively in their own self-help. By contrast, a poorly aspected 6th house Jupiter is sometimes an indication of the kind of person who falls ill on holidays or trips abroad.

Jupiter in 6th House: Keywords: Learning on the material level Jupiter in the sixth house gives not only a prodigious capacity for work, but also the ability to carry out one's duties and daily routines with an unusually cheerful outlook. Daily work, or at least being of practical use in the world and / or of service to others, is inordinately important to these folks, so much so that they may - in their boundless optimism - take on far too much for their constitution to bear. I personally have seen this placement expressed as that most rare of qualities: the ability to balance enthusiasm with humility. (Even Leo Sun individuals seem to express themselves in a more humble way when their Sun is in the sixth house!) These people usually feel optimistic about their daily routines, and are eager to help. As Charles Carter wrote in 'Essays on the Foundations of Astrology', those with Jupiter in this house exemplify a 'cheery or philosophical outlook'; and he goes on to explain another one of his original insights into human psychology: that the sixth house has 'a very strong (but apparently overlooked) relation with the disposition, especially one's moods, temper and manners'. Carter connects the sixth house not only with the traditional meanings that we find in all text books, but also with the temperament, even overriding the Ascendant to some extent. I would add that it is especially the temperament and moods as expressed in performing one's daily routine duties that are illuminated by the sixth house; but of course most of us spend the majority of our waking hours performing just such activities. The connection of the sixth house with Virgo, and hence with the nervous system, further confirms his insight; we have all noticed how a person with 'afflicted Virgo planets' can be 'cranky', peevish, or overly critical toward others. The same nervous tension may be indicated by 6th house planets whose aspects are less than harmonious.

The Virgo connection with this house also manifests in other little-known expressions of planets in this house. For example, craftsmanship is often notable in those with an emphasis on the sixth. This house is also known for an analytical focus of the mind.

Technical expertise and enthusiasm for scientific developments are often shown by Jupiter in this house. Moore and Douglas connect Jupiter in the sixth with 'loyal and devoted service'.

The sixth house is also traditionally known for having a major concern with one's health. One might say concisely that Jupiter in the sixth should encourage the person to take care of his physical (and nervous system's) health enthusiastically, but that - as always with Jupiter - some kind of moderation should be used.

Craftsmanship, as well as a precision in the use of language, is evident in numerous writers who have Jupiter in this Mercurial house.

Jupiter in 6th House: Without strong aspects from above the horizon, this can be a weak position for Jupiter, not bringing the rewards from transits that come from other locations. Those with a sixth house Jupiter will get their greatest pleasure from the work they do. Most of their good times occur in the workplace or with fellow workers. They make good managers because they are kind to subordinates and are usually loved and respected by them.

They have great sympathy for others less fortunate than themselves, and may give away more than they can afford (unless Jupiter is in Capricorn). They are inclined to align themselves with hopeless or outworn causes, techniques or individuals, and may sacrifice much out of loyalty. Their politics is truly the politics of love. They are inclined to work by fits and starts, and need a well-placed Saturn and Sun to help keep them moving steadily forward.

Their line of work is very important to them. It must be valuable work, something of significant use to humanity. They cannot be happy with frivolous or purely commercial work for long.

A good placement of Mercury or Uranus is necessary to give perspective, because Jupiter here doesn't have much. If Mercury is not strong, this person can suffer some big errors in judgment somewhere along the line

There will be more power, more follow-through, if Jupiter is in the fixed signs, particularly Scorpio. There is little strength in the mutable signs for furthering self-interests, but much for helping others.

Jupiter in 6th House: Disease and healing: Disease is induced by physical or psychological excess. There is a tendency to attempt too much in a given time period, both in overt behavior and more subtly in mental attitude. You assume that no amount of stimulation is ever too much; that the self can and will 'digest' any amount of experience. Do not expand too fast, or your system could blow out and collapse, forcing you back inside yourself. The result is breakdown through exhaustion. Your liver is an especially vulnerable organ. The challenge is to discover and correct misunderstandings in the regulation of personal experience. Relax back into the self, gradually exhaling your excesses.

Unequal relationships: You are not especially sensitive to unequal status relationships; instead, there is a comfortable awareness of the pragmatic necessity for inequality; an acceptance of the natural social order. With this acceptance comes an attitude of opportunism, gliding through the levels, riding on Teflon surfaces of good manners and easy likability. If you feel resentment toward superiors, you rarely show it. If you feel condescension toward inferiors, you mask it, although not as well as in the reverse situation. The pitfall involves unconscious abuse of privilege through feigned sincerity. Don't take advantage of your position too often. Remain humble and friendly, and make sure your sincerity is authentic. The challenge is to use hierarchies of power for the greater good - for yourself, certainly, but for others as well.

Duty and service: Helping is natural, a source of social pride. You offer to share the bounty of your life, however great or small it may be. The more you share what you've amassed, the greater is your future reward. Your particular method of helping is to remind us that God is on our side, that within ourselves are all the tools needed to create a whole and happy life. At times you may not even believe this yourself; but if you counter the pessimism around you with positive attitudes, then you'll return to an optimistic and confident state. In reminding us, you remind yourself. The pitfalls lie in empty promises and dashed hopes. Be certain that your message of good faith has some basis in pragmatic fact, for there is little in life more discouraging than being told that things will get better, only to have them grow worse. The challenge is to tell the truth in the best possible way.

Technical mind: Mental discipline is 'a natural addiction'. The feedback loop of nervous stimulation and mental activity dovetail in perpetual rhythm. If you are left on your own, there's little to stem the flow of increasing self-absorption with mental stimuli. Even in a social situation, once you've begun revving on logical processes, only dramatically negative feedback from others brings you back to reality. Free association is entertaining, but not necessarily productive. Lack of precision is a major pitfall. The challenge is to observe how people behave socially, and to organize observations into a coherent body of information.

Discipline and routines: You can embrace regular routines, a solid nine-to-five life, or an independent flow with no schedule at all. It's all the same to you as long as the tasks you're addressing plug you into the larger worlds of social activity. Your work is not so much based on literal tasks, although these will naturally be part of your day, but more on issues in the realm of culture. As much as possible, let others take care of the details.

Jupiter in 6th House: You have a strong desire to have all of life's comforts, and you accept the necessity of working to get them. You know you will succeed, because you have the necessary potentials, and you are willing to develop them to serve your purposes. This isn't easy, however; and circumstances sometimes force you to take on an extra job to meet expenses. You accept this situation with resignation, since you believe in an honest day's pay for an honest day's work. Not that you won't accept gifts, but you don't depend on them. You feel it's your duty to do everything that's expected of you, so you often do more than your share. You could improve this picture by getting a higher education, which will allow you to earn more while working less, with more free time for yourself.

With your parents' help, you learned to take advantage of opportunities and to grow and develop from the experience. You believe in yourself, just as your parents did; and you have no doubts that you will succeed. Looking ahead, you want to do what you can for those who seek your services. Others appreciate it when you help them, and they are further impressed by your dedication and sincerity. Because you had to work for what you have, you understand what it means to be in need.

Although you believe in yourself, you have some doubts that your ideas are as good as others say they are, and you often fail to promote them as fully as you should. Consider it this way: if you try them and they succeed, all's well. If they don't, at least you won't have to waste any more time with them. You could help solve important social problems if you respond to society's needs. Your understanding and natural desire to be helpful could be effective tools to help those in need. It is quite likely that the career you choose will require you to serve the public.

You owe it to yourself to take good care of yourself. Avoid depleting your vitality by taking on too many responsibilities; and discipline yourself to get enough rest and relaxation. You owe it to others to use your skills and talents to help solve their problems. When you know that there is a future for you in the field you've chosen, you will understand that spending any amount of time and energy will be a wise investment in your future. You never let down anyone who has come to depend on you; and they appreciate your obvious commitment to serving their best interests.

If you fail to respond by helping those who need your professional skills, you will seriously undermine your chances of winning recognition, and you would affront those who cannot help themselves. The excuse that you don't feel you are capable is unacceptable, because deep inside you know you are. This is your opportunity to prove yourself by using the creative talents you've developed. You wouldn't think of turning your back on your mate in similar circumstances, which proves that you can do something about these problems. You tend to compare yourself unfavorable with competitors and to undersell yourself. To fail others is to fail yourself.

See also: Jupiter in the 6th House;

Jupiter in the 6th House: Ursula Andress, George Carlin, William Randolph Hearst, Carl Lewis, Maharaj Ji, Jack Nicholson, George Orwell, Ezra Pound, Joseph Ratzinger, John D. Rockefeller, Mitt Romney, Suzanne Somers, Meryl Streep, Vincent van Gogh, Robin Williams, Oprah Winfrey, Bram, Eva, George, Gina, J, JerryP, Joy, Keith, Kyle, Maureen, Prabhuta, Zeno, Zoë

Jupiter in the 7th House

When Jupiter is in the seventh house, the person may search for ultimate fulfillment in the love relationship or from close friends. He may expect that love will make him feel whole, fulfilled and complete. He may hope that love (or at least companionship, being with other people) will help him cope with an inner restlessness, an inner expectation that something great is about to happen, soon! He may find someone to love and put her up on a pedestal, thinking that she is absolutely perfect. Of he may find someone who thinks he is perfect and adores him for that. After a while, however, the imperfections begin to show, and the disappointment sets in. They begin to tell each other that they should be better; and each feels criticized, unaccepted, and let down.

With Jupiter in the seventh, it is possible to hold marriage and close friendships as ultimate values, to hold them with a sense of great reverence and importance. This can be a wonderful quality if not taken too far. When it is, the people can have outrageous expectations of themselves, the mate, or the relationship. They can expect themselves to have all the answers, expect that mate to be a wise teacher, or find a mate who expects them to play guru. Jupiter needs to seek, however, to keep moving. If the expectations get too high, or the disappointment too great, then the individual may just leave and look elsewhere. Ideally he will realize that he is expecting himself or his partner to be God, to provide complete perfection and fulfillment. It works better when the partners agree to share the search for truth and God instead of looking to each other to be either.

Since Jupiter is a key to where we place our faith, in the seventh it indicates a tendency to place a lot of faith in other people, especially those to whom we are close.

This may be just a positive trust in and regard for the other, or it can be sheer gullibility. The individual may simply assume that others have his best interests at heart, whether the evidence is to the contrary or not.

This is another very restless combination, and a double emphasis on intellectual ability. A person can take a philosophical attitude toward close relationships, or go to extremes and intellectualize all the closeness and feeling out of marriage. There may also be a strong value on socializing together, as the couple who do a great deal of entertaining.

Handled positively, Jupiter in the seventh is expressed as a healthy level of trust in others, positive regard and general goodwill toward them - without wholesale gullibility. The individual can be generous with friends, and they reciprocate. He may share wide-ranging intellectual interests with those to whom he is close. He may find a mate with whom to share an ongoing pursuit of more knowledge, more insight and more understanding. In fact, this is one of the placements which has the capacity to turn a relationship into a path of spiritual growth, if the couple is mature and honest enough. As Jupiter is a freedom planet, however, the relationship will need to be developed in such a way that both individuals have a lot of freedom. They will not thrive if tied down by rules and expectations, or expected to remain static. If this situation arises, either partner may back out and may leave altogether. Don't fence Jupiter in!

Jupiter in 7th House: Keywords: Action on the social and intellectual level. Although much influenced by other people, especially close partners, those with Jupiter in the seventh house themselves usually express a strong optimism and confidence in all their actions. Their confidence, however, does rise noticeably when supported by an enthusiastic partner or when approved of by the public. This position gives a sensitivity to the trends of society and to what will appeal to the public taste. Note that this is the house corresponding with Libra, and although intellectual activities are indicated by Jupiter here, they often bear an artistic coloration as well.

Charles Carter point out how placements in the seventh house can lead to personal publicity; and the number of famous Jupiter in the seventh people who have enjoyed unusually high and sustained levels of popularity is virtually endless. Some such public figures have not only been extraordinarily popular but also projected an aura of classiness and dignity.

One should not lose sight of the fact that, as the keywords indicate, there is a strong urge toward various sorts of intellectual activity, often focused toward key issues in society and one's culture. There is also often a strong desire to promote ideas that they believe in, whether through communications media or through politics.

Moore and Dougles use the keywords 'profitable partnerships' for this placement; and it is an accurate designation in more ways than merely the narrow traditional notion that one will gain wealth through the partner. Those with Jupiter here have an enthusiasm for sharing life and concepts with others. They gain from close associations not only materially but also intellectually, philosophically, and in character development. These folks seek mutual understanding in human associations, and they are often adept at encouraging others to express themselves and to grow from self-discovery. The nobility of Jupiter shines through in many cases, often expressed as dependable honesty in relationships, and as an ever-expanding broadmindedness as the understanding of human nature develops. As Moore and Douglas wrote, 'these people tend to give people the benefit of the doubt'.

One-to-one interaction comes so instinctively to these individuals that they are often natural counselors to whom others go for advice. They are good listeners, and they are often so adept at understanding the other person's point of view that they may also achieve notoriety as speakers or writers, since they will be able to express what others are thinking.

I suspect that Jupiter in the seventh is often found in the charts of the spouses of famous and extraordinarily prominent people, even if the spouse keeps quite a low profile. In other cases, one will experience a launch into more prominence through the partner. Just as old traditions suggest, if Jupiter is in one's seventh house, the life partner will most probably reflect various Jupiterian qualities. At best, he or she will be inspiring, encouraging, tolerant, and generous; I will leave it to the reader's imagination what a Jupiterian partner (or partners!) might express in his or her less attractive manifestations.

One last dimension of the relationship field of experience must be mentioned. Although Jupiter in the seventh is considered generally to be a 'fortunate' position in any chart, it should be recognized that Jupiter's scope of action and arena of exploration tends to be much broader than the more intimate, personal Venusian domain of the seventh house. There may be extensive social interests and involvements for those with Jupiter here; much depends on Jupiter's sign, but in most cases, those with Jupiter in the seventh need to have a broadminded partner who is not particularly demanding or controlling.

Jupiter in 7th House: The notion that this is a fortunate position for marriage does not in my experience hold very much water; Jupiter here seems if anything less stable than Uranus; the institution of marriage is ill-equipped to satisfy Jupiter's insatiable appetite for new experience. How a person handles this placement will depend greatly on whether the implied restlessness is acknowledged as a part of him- or herself, or whether it is always seen as an attribute of the partner.

Expectations are usually high regarding long-term relationships, but can be rather unrealistic, as is the case with Neptune in the seventh; and while a permanent bond may be consciously sought, a partner who will shortly sabotage this praiseworthy plan is frequently chosen. In a surprising number of cases, I have come across marriage or marriage-type relationships literally with a foreigner who represents all sorts of romantic and unfamiliar possibilities but never becomes much more than a stranger. In one case, a woman married a foreign national she had only known for a few weeks. After she had been living with (and supporting) him for a year or two, he vanished, to reappear occasionally over the next twenty years. That she never got round to divorcing him in all this time suggests a certain investment in a formal tie with an unreliable figure; and it is probably that he lived out her fantasies of a footloose existence which did not tally with the values with which she identified.

Where the roving Jupiterian quality is experienced as part of oneself, relationships can soon lose their sap. They do not, however, usually leave a lasting bitter taste, for the old expectations soon assert themselves again. Obviously, it is possible to find a relationship in which both partners move on together; but this means a felicitous choice of a travelling companion. It involves living a little dangerously; but Jupiter can thrive on danger.

Jupiter in 7th House: Rather than looking directly into yourself, you gain the knowledge you seek through relatedness. It is the source of wisdom, since each encounter offers unique perspectives. The pitfall is that you may be so oriented toward relating as a 'learning experience' that you forget to truly interact with your partners. As with Venus, your tendency is to skim along the surface, often barely penetrating the emotional depths below. This can rob you of the greatest insights relationships offer. Relatedness itself provides the opportunity; but the person with whom you are relating is sacred, not merely to be taken for granted. The challenge is to take full advantage of the bounty waiting for you.

Equal partnerships: Relationships are like wildflowers, beautiful and free, to be enjoyed but not possessed. You flow into partnerships easily, encountering little resistance, and it's natural for you to regard others as equals. Unlike Mars here, relationships are not a battleground, but a chance to learn about the human condition. The pitfall involves your tendency to be loyal but very freedom-loving, so that your fidelity is truthful in principle more than in fact. The challenge is to experience as much as you can in each partnership you create, to drink fully from the cup of sharing, becoming wise in the ways of humanity.

Contracts, commitments: You are fascinated by contracts, eager to discover the ethical principles that govern their success or failure. Your own commitments in partnership are a laboratory for experimentation with ideal principles. This abstract interest is so high that you commit yourself on many levels and in many relationships, often simultaneously. Your sense of opportunism is so strong, however, that while you recognize the importance of commitments, you may fail to see the necessity of fulfilling them. Partnerships for you are more in the mind than in the heart, so remember that others of a less philosophical bent may be seduced by your enthusiasm. The challenge is to balance commitment and freedom, in order that you fulfill your spirit as well as your mind.

Co-operation: Co-operation is easy for you, a path of least resistance. Your natural optimism makes negotiations flow smoothly. However, there are potential pitfalls. You are sometimes so bluntly honest that you offend others without realizing why. It may not occur to you that they could be vulnerable or sensitive. You are also very proud, and may respond to ego wounds with misplaced haughtiness. Maintaining a sense of humility is crucial if your relationships are to remain bountiful and happy. The challenge is to develop your natural love for socialization into tactful statesmanship. Protection of the emotions is as necessary as enthusiasm of the spirit.

Natural partner or partnership: Your natural partner is a person whose nature is generous and noble, whose actions are optimistic and spontaneous. Your mate is a very special person, one who loves the expansive sense of relatedness with many different individuals. There is a persistent wanderlust to see the world; and he or she wants to share that experience with you.

A natural partnership is one that broadens your horizons and opens you to the bounty of life. It contains open and joyful exploration; and you feel enriched by its effect. It has lightness and buoyancy, a sense of flying rather than staying firmly on the ground. You feel the intangible presence of something wise and good, and it makes you feel more care for all of humanity. The image is a hot air balloon, floating majestically in clear skies high above the earth, from which the horizon extends forever.

See also: Jupiter in the 7th House;

Jupiter in the 7th House: Warren Buffett, Wilt Chamberlain, Sean Connery, Mahatma Gandhi, Jimi Hendrix, Charles Manson, Marilyn Monroe, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Wilhelm Reich, Tiger Woods, Al, AndyF, Dheeraj, Erika, Jamie, JerryH, Joze, Judin, Komala, PaulS

Jupiter in the 8th House

Jupiter in the eighth house is a likely indication that the individual has a general attitude of optimism toward emotionally intimate relationships, self-transformation and joint resources. She may have a strong drive to study and increase her understanding of the dynamics of marriage and other very close relationships. She could place a lot of faith in the fulfillment to be found in such relationships, and expect it to lift her out of herself, or she could place that trust in jointly owned finances and possessions, or those owned by other people. She will tend to extend a generous amount of goodwill to her mate, to think the best of him and to assume his goodwill in return.

If her focus is on relationships, she might experience a restless need to explore more and more possibilities in that area of life. This may make her go from relationship to relationship on her search; or she may look for ways to improve the one she is in, if committed to it. Possibly she will be motivated to teach others what she learns. She will tend to place a great deal of value on emotional intensity, candid in-depth sharing, mutual support and rapport, and may be miserably dissatisfied unless she can achieve this. Her tendency in early life will be to expect too much from herself in the relationship, too much from her partner, and / or too much ultimate satisfaction from the relationship itself. If she allows a love relationship to become an ultimate value, she may protect it at all costs, even to her own detriment. She is a likely candidate for the co-dependency type of relationship, if she needs to be in one at almost any cost!

She will also tend to need, more than most, to feel her partner shares and appreciates her values, beliefs and moral standards, especially toward self-improvement and personal growth. She may go overboard and begin to tell her spouse what he should believe and how he should conduct himself, in an attempt to make him meet her standards. If her standards are unrealistic, her approach harsh or her demands insistent, she has little chance that he will co-operate or grow as she wishes. People prefer to change according to their own timetable; but the nature Jupiter symbolizes does not respect this, unless other chart factors are strong enough to hold in check the misplaced enthusiasm or exaggerated expectation. This may all be done personally, or could be projected so that the spouse is perceived to behave this way. Then the individual is upset about a spouse's tendency to pontificate, demand his needs with no respect for her own, or to think he is God.

She may, rather than being the person with all the answers, expect her partner to be the great teacher and guru and look to him with wide-eyed, probably inappropriate, adoration. At the extreme end of the negative scale, she may expect herself to be totally perfect within the relationship, to always be there for her mate, to have all the answers, to save him from any and all misfortunes, and to be cheerful in the face of adversity. Or she could expect and demand this from him, and take it for granted when she gets it, or self-righteously push him harder if he cannot provide it.

Again, either of these extremes can be projected, in which case the mate may expect the impossible from himself, or arrogantly demand it from her. The first is a manifestation of the 'I should be more like God' attitude; and the second is an acting out of the 'I am God and you should be better than you are' belief. One woman with Jupiter in the eighth told of an incident in which her husband, whom she has since divorced, told her an argument they had had was entirely her fault, as she had not handled his insults and abusive behavior 'the right way'! If both share the Jupiter energy, which is often the case, they can do any or all of these behaviors to each other.

On the positive side, they can enjoy long, involved and wide-ranging philosophical discussions. They may get a kick out of solving the world's problems, at least in theory. They may also enjoy intense discussions on comparative religion, education and other issues which involve large segments of the society. They may need to find a higher meaning and purpose to the relationship than companionship, or even than love. Excessive talking may be something of a problem in the relationship; and they could, if not alert to this, encourage each other in judgmental attitudes.

The sexual side of the relationship will usually be similarly important. There may be an expectation of some kind of ultimate fulfillment from sex. Some people will react to this attitude by wanting a lot of sexual activity, perhaps even a lot of partners. They tend to expect too much from sex, and may demand too much from their partner(s). Others will feel satisfied to experience great reverence for the intimacy, sensitivity and trust required to create a deep, powerful bond through love-making. Still others may project and find their mate extremely demanding, or chronically unfaithful, or both; and sexuality then becomes an arena for great disappointment.

In religious matters, she may tend to have a strong interest in life after death, reincarnation and spiritualism. These can seem natural and logical to her as they give even the greatest personal transformation, death, a positive connotation. She may find within herself a solid faith that death is not the final step! This is a constructive way to use the Jupiter belief that there is always more to discover and understand. She may, however, go overboard here too, and respect the supposed wisdom of discarnate spirits more than that of living beings who just might have more relevant advice.

There is always the danger, with Jupiter in the eighth house, of attaching such intense emotions to beliefs that she uses - and feels justified in the use of - power, and underhanded and / or manipulative tactics to propound those beliefs. Power begets the same, so power struggles over religious, philosophical, political or intellectual beliefs are a possibility. Naturally, the individual who expresses Jupiter will assume her own rightness automatically; and the willfulness associated with the eighth house makes it difficult for her to back away or to change her position with grace.

On a psychological level, she may develop a compelling interest in self-transformation and self-mastery, forever taking herself to higher levels of understanding, insight and all-encompassing wisdom. As she grows more experienced, she may develop a powerful insight into what motivates other people to act the way they do, especially their unconscious motivation. She may write about these, or teach, or both.

She could value depth psychology, confrontational therapy; deep-tissue bodywork therapy, internal herbal purges, and other penetrating but intrusive modes of healing. She may adopt the attitude that these are the only therapies which have value, because of the powerful regenerative effect they can have, but in the process may ignore or deride the right of others to work with more gentle means. She could attempt to take on too much in one or more of these therapies, use them too frequently, use them in inappropriate situations, or believe they offer far more wide-ranging effects than they actually do. She may go to extremes and preach that all people need these procedures, and imply or openly state that only the morally inferior would balk at them.

These could all be projected, as well, and seen to be the qualities in the mate; or they could be shared with the mate, constructively or destructively. other areas which may be intensively studied, valued or overvalued, or expected to provide ultimate fulfillment include archaeology, joint resources and finances, ecology, recycling, research, detective or other research-type activities, investment, and personal and emotional power. The latter may be used to control oneself and to work intensively toward self-transformation, or to control others for the sake of apparent emotional security. If projected, any or all of these may describe the mate.

Because of the ceaseless and churning mental activity associated with this position, the individual will be most likely to experience the best of it if she finds a partner who is similarly inclined and who will share her intense thirst for self-mastery, knowledge, understanding and Truth. She will have to make sure she engages in these herself, rather than finding a mate to do them. Shared, there is far less need to impose it; but the individual with Jupiter in the eighth house will always need to remain alert to her tendency to leap in, either to rescue or to make more perfect, and to remember that either impulse is a prescription for extreme unhappiness in a relationship.

This is another position with a strong potential for turning the marriage relationship into a path of spiritual growth. That is, either or both individuals could realize that a close relationship provides them with many opportunities to grow through learning things about themselves.

Our mates mirror back to us many traits and issues with which we need to reacquaint ourselves, if we are able to become more whole. If we are truly committed to taking full responsibility for ourselves, interaction with a partner will provide us with lots of chances to do so. The seventh and eighth houses are the most likely places in the chart to indicate projected qualities: thus, marriage can be seen to be a fertile area for learning to see those projections in action. The more we take back our projections, the more wisdom and self-understanding we require. If Jupiter's finer expression of honesty is used carefully, in the seventh and eighth houses it can indicate a powerful path of growth into consciousness.

The prescription for happiness with Jupiter in the eighth consists of a strong respect for a partner's growth timetable, the adoption of well-thought-out and reasonable standards for what is acceptable in the relationship, and a healthy respect for the potency and impact of the individual's weaknesses on other people.

Jupiter in 8th House: Keywords: Emotional and soul security. The above keywords encompass the innumerable modes of expression that eighth house energies take. Generalizations are difficult to make when discussion eighth house factors, for it is a rather daunting task to attempt a summing up of such a profound field of experience that can manifest on so many levels. In addition, the nature of the eighth house is so private, not to mention intentionally secretive, that finding prominent people with this placement has not been the easiest of tasks. Although such individuals seek power and / or deeper knowledge, they do not generally seek publicity.

These people tend to have an enthusiasm for exploring the deeper laws of life, even if their search leads them to confront 'taboo' areas of experience. In fact, far from having any fear of the eighth house matters which so fascinate - but also terrify - most people (sex, death, power, psychic and occult laws, etc.), these folks deliberately and honestly face these taboo subjects, and often feel an exhilaration and inner freedom from having done so. They have an inner conviction that they are morally right to follow their individual path of discovery, even if society frowns on it. And their optimism about confronting the dark side of life is often remarkable. For example, in her later years, one older lady with Sagittarius rising, and her ruling planet Jupiter in the eighth house conjunct the Sun and Neptune, told her daughter, 'Dying sounds like a great adventure, doesn't it?'

Those with Jupiter in the eighth house need time alone to explore things that are hidden, whether involved with their own inner life or with various types of research or investigative work. They are dominated by overriding yearnings to find well-being through a search into the deeper forces that seem to them (depending on their level of consciousness) to be at the core of life's processes: physical laws (such as chemists, doctors, engineers or surgeons have to learn); psychic or occult laws; biological / emotional energies (sex and concomitant emotional urges to merge with another); financial / economic laws; or universally true religious principles.

In fact, the religious needs of those with Jupiter in the eighth are never completely orthodox. Their religious yearnings are satisfied only by deep inquiry.

One unifying factor that explains something of the eighth house mystery is once again found in the writings of Charles Carter. He points out that the Ascendant has much to do with the vitality, the sixth house with the 'tissues' (and - I would add - the general state of health, especially as an expression of attitude and the nervous system), and the eighth house with the state of health of the 'large aqueous content of the body'. This is perhaps a far more profound statement than Carter even realized when he wrote it. For example, the impact on the overall health of the emotions has only really been explore in the latter half of the 20th century. Carter goes on to observe that the eighth house, somewhat like the sixth, influences the moods and the general temperament. Carter's connection of the eighth with the aqueous (or watery) element in human nature correlates perfectly not only with the intuitive expressions of the eighth house, but also with the profound 'urge to merge' with others that one finds in those with an eighth house emphasis, whether that urge is manifesting through sexual expression, emotional experimentation, or devotion to some esoteric path.

For those with Jupiter in the eighth, sexuality must be seen within a larger context of broader meaning, not simply as a physical instinct; and there is often a certain emotional turbulence experienced as the individual seeks to understand these powerful, but often warring, urges.

We cannot leave the discussion of the eighth house without also mentioning its correlation with business and investment, another expression of seeking security through accruing behind-the-scenes power and / or wealth. Moore and Douglas use the keywords 'financial finesse' for this position, which aptly describes the abilities of many who have this placement. They describe such a person as a 'shrewd operator' who 'can salvage and turn to profit the waste which other people discard'. These people recognize value where most people don't see it; and they often have strongly-felt intuitions about where current trends will lead in the future. These 'gut-feelings' often turn out to be strikingly accurate, which is one of the keys to the investment success of people who have Jupiter here.

See also: Jupiter in the 8th House;

Jupiter in the 8th House: Ammachi, Alan Arkin, Ingrid Bergman, Helena Blavatsky, Al Capone, Deepak Chopra, Clint Eastwood, Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, Michael Jackson, Carl Jung, John F. Kennedy, Karl Renz, Will Rogers, Bruce Springsteen, Robert Anton Wilson, AbbieJ, Beth, Cynthia, David, Dewitt, Doug (end), Erin, Fergus, Ivy, Johanna, Lina, Michelle, Patrice, Pete, Steve, Tammy

Jupiter in the 9th House

Jupiter in the ninth house may be at home, but it may also be a case of too much of a good thing! The double-Fire placement is extremely restless, both physically and intellectually. The intelligence may be well above average, but the attention span noticeably short, particularly if the conversation turns to boring subjects such as emotions, the baby, one's mother-in-law problems or, for that matter, any other kind of small, day-to-day problems. Jupiter deals with positive future possibilities, and would rather be occupied with conjecture, theory, and exciting plans to expand than with anything negative, mundane or overly practical.

It is a good idea for someone with this placement to have a sports outlet of some kind: physical exercise will help use up some of the restless energy; and the fun of playing team sports of some kind is particularly enjoyable. This placement may even indicate that sports of physical fitness is made into an ultimate value. The person can become addicted to the ceaseless movement offered by workouts and sports. When more in balance, it may merely indicate a strong enjoyment of sports and a preference for participation rather than passive observation. This placement may also gamble on sporting events, overinflate expectations of his favorite team(s), and perhaps idolize sports heroes. He may be intensely disappointed if he learns that his favorite player is somehow less than ideal.

This placement in a chart is a strong indication of a need to be clear about values, belief systems, expectations, and assumptions. The individual most probably has a positive world view, but he may always expect too much; his standards are very prone to being set far too high, and he, more than many, may suffer a lot of pain when he first tries to lower them. He may avoid recognizing that he needs to, burying himself in philosophical justifications or existential explanations of why he needs such high ideals. It must be said that it can feel to him like a particularly vicious self-betrayal to even question his standards. He has to be highly motivated - which usually means his life is such a mess even he can't dismiss it any more - before he will get the message that his ideals are unrealistic, and that, far from inspiring him and others, they actually create despair or discontent.

The individual with Jupiter in the ninth has a forceful need for a lot of intellectual stimulation. He will tend to be extremely interested in a lot of subjects and issues, possibly including politics or social issues, usually travel, and almost always philosophy, whether he calls it that or not. Many a backwoods philosopher will expand on his ideas to those who will listen, and reveal himself to be a man of broad horizons. Sometimes these individuals startle others with their grasp of complex issues. With all their enjoyment in learning, they may have been too restless, or too eager to travel in their youth, to have gained an education. Nevertheless, their minds take in an incredible amount of information; and they begin to make connections, to see patterns and to form conclusions. The way their minds work, they tend to form cohesive systems of thought from their conclusions, and it is these systems which so impress others.

Jupiter in the ninth is one indication that the individual may be a perpetual student. This can range from the man who keeps learning, keeps updating his knowledge to stay current and because he enjoys it, to the fellow who is still going to University and getting degrees at forty years of age, but won't work because he doesn't think he knows enough yet. Since Jupiter can indicate perfectionism, both learning and knowledge can be expected to reach an extremely high standard. Those who go completely overboard may feel they never know enough, or they don't do perfectly on exams and therefore don't trust themselves. With Jupiter, it may all be assumed to be coming in the future. This also can be turned around so that nothing gets done today.

With Jupiter in the ninth, it is possible for the individual to be very confident. Again, this can be a healthy, wholesome and effective confidence, or an arrogant, pushy, and demanding confidence. Taken to an extreme, it can manifest as absolute certainty in the right to do anything desired, often justified by convenient religious convictions, complete idealization of the Truth - as accepted by the individual - and a self-righteousness and judgmental attitude which knows no bounds. These people can be incredibly cruel and not suffer any remorse because they are so convinced they are right. They may feel it is their right to expound their version of the truth without limits, including without consideration of the psychological harm they can do.

This placement often indicates a lot of vitality, excitement and enthusiasm. Someone with Jupiter in the ninth, especially when it is well-handled, can have such an outgoing personality and such a positive outlook on the world that he or she wakes up every day full of life and joyful expectation. Since belief systems tend to be self-fulfilling - that is, the belief creates the reality - many people with Jupiter in the ninth actually have interesting lives, full of fun and excitement, exploration and travel.

Some, however, definitely take the Jupiter drive and do strange things with it. Many fall prey to Jupiter's association with 'bigger is better', or self-justifying excesses of all kinds.

Some place their boundless faith in all areas of life which not only are inappropriate but also doom the individual to eventual disappointment. The bigger the investment in faith, the stronger the resistance to seeking the inevitable flaws, and the greater the resultant pain when the whole bubble collapses. Some turn the pursuit of knowledge and / or Truth into an ideal, and become heartless creatures dedicated to some kind of intellectual ideal, unwilling to give credence to emotional or psychological needs.

Since Jupiter is a key to the confidence so many badly lack, this placement may indicate an individual who is an inspiration to others, who uplifts others with his unreserved faith, who demonstrates to others how a truly positive attitude tends to create a fulfilling, joyous life. Jupiter does have this possible manifestation; and the individual who can express it in healthy ways is a wonderful role model for others.

Jupiter in 9th House: Keywords: Learning on the level of identity. The above keywords are meant to convey the idea that an emphasis on this house often, at one level or another, impels the individual to seek to discover who he or she really is, beyond the level of surface personality. In other words, with what ideal, force, goal, philosophy or truth will I identify myself and enthusiastically dedicate myself to? And, of course, the outcome of that search has a continual and profound impact on each person's attitude toward life itself. One might also call this house a sector of 'self-discovery' or the field of experience wherein one searches for meaning for its own sake. Perhaps this is why many Vedic astrology traditions consider the ninth house, one of the fiery houses of dharma, to be the second most important house in a chart, after the first house. The ninth house has much to do with what some Eastern teachings call right action, and this seems confirmed by Charles Carter describing this as the 'house of conscience'. In other words, if the higher mind is developed and disciplined, a person can focus on a more profound discerning of right from wrong and on dedicating him- or herself to constant self-improvement. If the higher mind is not developed, planets in this house can be expressed as wildly and carelessly as the negative manifestations of Sagittarius.

When Jupiter is in its own house, naturally all the tendencies of Jupiter - both constructive and wasteful or excessive - are augmented. Hence, moderation is almost invariably needed when this placement is found.

Aspirations, dreams of the future, and ideals play a great part in the lives of those with Jupiter in the ninth. There tends to be a broad, philosophical, optimistic outlook on life, and the person often has a playful, humorous nature.

Promoting ideas or ideals comes naturally to those with Jupiter here, whether through cinema, writing, speaking, teaching, or simply using their lives as examples of their idealism.

This placement has long been known for favoring dealings with foreigners and / or living in foreign countries. This seems to be borne out by many examples in my experience. Often, those with an emphasis on the ninth house feel much more authentically 'themselves' when outside the borders and the psychic boundaries of their native land.

Jupiter in 9th House: Jupiter in this house, of which he is the undisputed natural ruler, produces the constant seeker and explorer who always sees something more beyond what he or she has already discovered. Where the search is defined as a spiritual one, it often leads people through a succession of different traditions, each in turn embraced enthusiastically and later discarded; and when a particular path is chosen and adhered to, there is usually a refreshing ability to keep finding new inspiration within it, so that there is still a sense of wonder and of being on a journey.

A church which discourages personal enquiry is not appreciated by those with a ninth house Jupiter.

There are of course sometimes keen travelers with this placement, though surprisingly few of the best known. It also manifests as an unbounded appetite for pursuing and developing theories and philosophies.

Jupiter in 9th House: Conceptual frameworks: With Jupiter in the ninth, you teach and learn with equal enthusiasm, often combining the two in animated dialogue. You regard others' thoughts as resources to be mined, since you understand that everyone has something worth knowing. You're progressive but traditional, and not above falling into an occasional cliché. Philosophy, ethics, religion, or law are synthesized in an endless search for the perfect generalization. You through new ideas into your mental soup-pot to see what flavors emerge. Unfortunately, some people don't appreciate their hard-won knowledge being treated like fodder for your mental cuisinart, and you may offend others on occasion. You can be a master chef of the mind; but appreciate the dish that each individual offers before scurrying off to hold court in your own kitchen. Guard against pomposity, and avoid the pitfalls of righteousness or mental superiority. The challenge is to humbly acknowledge that wisdom comes from living well rather than knowing everything.

Cultural perspective: Travel in any form is a delight. You take advantage of every opportunity to increase perspective. You want to see the development of the world written in the history of its places, and you have a tremendous feeling for the effect of group-consciousness on any particular place. It delights you to discover the universal mark of culture existing in even the most remote human outposts. You're most at home when you're learning; and you learn more effectively when you're on the go, exploring the world.

Higher education: You see guiding principles in every event, every experience. Thus, the whole world is your classroom, whether in school or out. As a result, all education is simply a stimulus to the productivity of your fertile mind. You may be a farmer or a professor; but beneath your outer role, you are a true intellectual at heart, a natural philosopher; and your education will continue no matter where you are, no matter what you're doing. It is your greatest joy, your most natural means of self-expression, so indulge yourself. Take advantage of every opportunity to learn.

The search for truth: You love to speculate on the truth, to philosophize your brain out, to build layer upon layer of hypothetical conjecture, and to leap from minimal data to the largest possible generalizations. In fact, what you really love are generalizations themselves. You're great at communicating. The question is, do you understand what you communicate? Don't be seduced by the pitfall of glib wisdom. The fact that you may be able to convince others is no guarantee of true maturity. A golden tongue is not the same as a golden mind or heart. You have a gift here. Don't abuse it. Don't stop with the obvious; the challenge is subtle refinement. Truth is the end-product of evolution.

Ideal society: Everything would be permitted in your ideal society, with nothing forbidden, except, of course, pessimism. Everyone would be positive, and interested in sharing his or her optimism with others, who would be completely receptive. Business and politics would abide by a sense of honesty and fair play. Petty concerns would drop away in the realization of larger implications. Everyone would respect the ideologies of others without conflict. As Ruler of the World, you would be Plato's philosopher / king, conferring wisdom borne of perfect vision.

See also: Jupiter in the 9th House;

Jupiter in the 9th House: Carlos Castaneda, Dick Cheney, Bette Davis, Johnny Depp, John Dillinger, George Harrison, Howard Hughes, Angelina Jolie, Ken Kesey, Nicole Kidman, Timothy Leary, Mickey Mantle, Arnold Palmer, Jack Parsons, Robert Redford, Edouard de Rothschild, Bertrand Russell, Sting, Mother Teresa, Mark Twain, Abbe, AndySc, Doug (cusp), Fisher, Jen, Lori, LouG, Mark, Medwick, Merrill, Miriam, Nicole, Nirvesh, Seligma, VinG

Jupiter in the 10th House

Jupiter in the tenth house connects values, beliefs and the search for Truth to career, father or father figure, authority and authority figures, the structures which form society, and the drive for success, power, and control in the world.

Since Jupiter is one key to transpersonal tendencies, and the tenth house relates to power (particularly executive power), this placement may indicate an ardent interest in politics and political power. The person could pursue this through politics itself or through publishing, so that she offers commentary on those in politics.

The person is likely to place a lot of faith in the development of her career objectives. She is likely to have strong ambitions to succeed, and a powerful drive to make her mark in the world. She is apt to be idealistic in her ambitions: that is, to hold a definition of success which includes making the world a better place. She may make a career out of travel, education, philosophy, teaching, religion, ethics, or, in some cases where it is backed up by other indications in the chart, in sports.

An individual with Jupiter in the tenth may have to watch a tendency to expect too much from her career or employer. She may take for granted that she will get a great deal of fulfillment from her career, without questioning where that expectation comes from or if it is appropriate give her overall needs and the career which she pursues.

Some people with this placement experience a great disappointment when their career does not give them a complete sense of satisfaction. It does not easily occur to them to spread themselves, their interests and their efforts around, to cultivate many areas of life from which to gain satisfaction. Those who look only to their occupation leave themselves terribly vulnerable if the company fails, the boss turns out to be a monster, the job changes, or the company changes its policies in some way. The sole source of fulfillment can be cut off so easily.

With Jupiter in the tenth, the individual may also have to look at the standards and ideals she expects from her immediate superior and from the company which employs her. They may, in either or both cases, be higher than reasonable. She may expect her boss to always be honest, straightforward and professional, and be disappointed if she turns out to be casual, flippant and cavalier. She may feel it is an imperative that her superior be extremely intelligent, and be frustrated at any signs of thick-headedness. She may expect her manager to live up to high moral and ethical standards, and be disgusted to discover this is not the case.

Generally, a person with this placement expects herself to do her job to a very high standard. She may let this get out of reasonable bounds and begin to expect more from herself than she can produce. This can lead to making promises she can't keep, or to taking on more work than she can complete and either getting stressed out or trying to commandeer help from others, or not doing the work and getting a doubtful reputation. Often, an individual with Jupiter in the tenth can be charming and disarming enough to win the help she needs, however, and so she can just pull the fat out of the fire. If she applies unreasonably high standards to herself, however, she may be forever dissatisfied when she is continually confronted with the discrepancy between her goal and her actual achievement.

Often, with Jupiter in the tenth, an individual will place her faith in the work ethic, worldly success, material security, achievement and power. She may make these Gods, and pursue them vigorously. She may consider power, whether political or in her career, to be an absolute must in her life. She may idealize it, and her way of handling it; or she may simply use it ruthlessly. She could also turn this around and make faith and confidence her way of coping with the immense power of the world and society. In other words, she believes it is there for her benefit, not to threaten or overwhelm her. Again, this can be a healthy level of respect for the law, social organizations and power, or it can be an overly idealistic view.

With Jupiter in the tenth, the person's father or father figure - and all authority figures afterwards - could have been idealized, seen as an exemplary parent, or expected to be perfect, with consequent surprise and censure when he revealed inevitable human limitations. He could have expected himself to be perfect, and inadvertently role-modeled a destructive way to handle expectations, values and standards. He could have set himself up as already perfect, and brooked no dispute, perhaps with a sanction from religion. He might have simply taken the attitude that as father or supreme male he had a natural (Divine?) right to do as he wished. He could have acted out the freedom-loving side of Jupiter and travelled or left entirely. He might have been a minister or a man who spent his life engaged in a search for meaning, significance and truth. He might have had high moral and ethical principles and lived up to them himself. Or he displayed the hypocrisy which is often associated with Jupiter and held high standards for others but did not live up to them himself. He could have been interested in or involved in politics, social improvement, or merely social approval. He might have been a lifelong philosopher, educator, or orator. Any combination of these is possible too.

The important point is that the father, a father figure, and consequent authority figures are role models for the way to handle - or not handle, as the case may be - ideals, expectations, values, opinions and standards. If he dealt with these issues positively and effectively, she can emulate his principles because she knows they were successful. If he did not learn to deal with these issues well, the individual with Jupiter in the tenth may copy his mistakes and get the same results, or look around for a better role model. Unless she makes a conscious decision to be different, however, her instinctive tendency will be to follow unthinkingly in father's footsteps.

When Jupiter in the tenth is expressed constructively, a person has the capacity to bring a high degree of integrity, honesty, and wisdom to her career. She could be vitally concerned with issues which affect society or the world as a whole, and choose a career which she feels makes a difference to those issues. She has the ability to bring an ever-expanding wisdom to her vocation. The tenth house can ground and direct the idealism of Jupiter, so that this individual has the ability to produce highly practical results out of her ideals. She can place a high value on structure, order, and discipline, and see these as effective ways to help her manifest her vision.

Jupiter in 10th House: Keywords: Action on the material level. With Jupiter in a worldly, ambitious house known traditionally for status, reputation, and authority, it is no wonder that there is no shortage of well-known people to discuss in this section. As Margaret Hone wrote in her superb Modern Textbook of Astrology, Jupiter here is an 'excellent indication for success in affairs of the world, in business, profession, political or social life'. This is the traditional view, and it is fairly well-founded; however, because this is a Saturnian house, which implies fulfilling an impersonal role, those with this placement may not always experience 'fame', in the sense of a cult of personality. In fact, in many cases they will put more value on reputation, respect, and real authority than on ephemeral fame and popularity.

Fame of course does accrue to those with Jupiter here, since Jupiter lends itself toward grand expressions and social involvement. But let us probe beneath the surface of this placement a bit.

Those with Jupiter in the tenth live energetically in the arena of worldly achievement. Status and authority are important to them, sometimes for the idealistic reason that this enables them to accomplish their goals more easily, and sometimes simply for ego-aggrandizement. Those with Jupiter here tend to have long-range ideals that they strive for with sustained determination and committed ambition. They often have an optimism and confidence that in some cases derives from an inner sense of a 'calling'. Carter points out the sense of responsibility the tenth house placements express; and Moore and Douglas elaborate on this idea nicely in relation to Jupiter in this house. An ingrained sense of responsibility and a capacity for far-sighted planning combine to raise this individual to a position of prominence.

These people often have broad talents for organizing and managing substantial projects or enterprises. Accomplishment and tangible results matter to most of them, whereas in some other cases status (and recognition) seems to be an end in itself.

There is a large number of famous and great painters with Jupiter here, and there are also sculptors, writers, musicians, and film-makers.

Jupiter-in-the-tenth people can project an image 'bigger than life' or be associated in the public mind with something extraordinarily large and powerful.

Jupiter in 10th House: The Midheaven represents that quality of us which is most in public view; and I have noticed that people often identity with the sign on the MC even if it is untypical of the chart as a whole. It appears in the face of the shopkeeper we see from across the counter and in the face the politician presents to the television cameras; and it tends to be the face that mother encouraged.

When Jupiter comes up in this interface between self and public, it comes across as open and good-humored; and where public prominence is achieved, it can bring popularity, often because the particular vision the individual presents to the world captures the public imagination; this in turn fuels confidence, and it is a position which enjoys the limelight. It is not in itself especially ambitious, though where there is ambition Jupiter can of course inflate it enormously. In such cases, there are usually challenges from other planets; Saturn for example can goad Jupiter into seeking ever-greater glory and self-promotion. I have seen this placement in several charts of stage children, behind whom there are almost invariably high maternal expectations.

Although Jupiter in the Midheaven graves the public image, it by no means necessarily indicates career success. As usual with Jupiter, there can be considerable restlessness, and a feeling of endless possibilities which may never be realized, one thing after another being tried and found wanting, and no profession seeming to offer the scope or freedom required. A role is needed in which the person can use his or her powers of exploration or ability to see the way forward.

Jupiter in 10th House: Collective responsibility: Though you are likely to be offered cultural power in the course of your life, amassing it is not so important. What is important is fulfillment of your responsibilities with a clear sense of conscience for the greatest good. Doing what seems most correct is not only morally right; it's also the most practical strategy for you, for it opens doors to fulfillment. However, guard against the pitfall of self-righteousness. Humility is the best antidote. The challenge is to take advantage of every opportunity to do the right thing. No-one needs to tell you what that is, for every situation has subtle keys. For you, acting responsibly costs less and brings more rewards than any other course of behavior.

Professional ambition: Unless other factors override this placement, your profession will be group-oriented more than one-to-one. It may require travel; but even if you're not constantly on the go, the people you deal with are spread over a wide area, both physically and philosophically. Your natural task is to organize and operate a network connecting individuals to a central whole, and to set up procedures to clarify how the structure works. Putting your best foot forward is natural, as is presenting yourself in the best light possible. These factors are more significant than sustained effort. Work hard to make it look easy.

Missions and messages: You seem to us very fortunate in some basic way. Whether or not you are well-endowed in personality, we see you as having good luck at all the right moments. We remember the importance of social contacts, the results of creating a broad network, and the meaning of humanitarian or group concern. Finally, we learn about universal bounty from you. If you can have even what you don't apparently deserve, then perhaps life is on our side after all.

'Outer-link' parent: Your father was concerned with social evolution, with the meaning of culture, and with principles more than situations. He also impressed you as a man who loved being in social situations, one who had considerable ease and command when it came to dealing with relative strangers. With either quality, your father was probably not as close to the family as you felt he should have been. This is not to say he was uncaring; but you may have felt him to be more interested in the outside world than in his own flesh and blood, more concerned with teaching lessons of morality than with sharing the simple act of loving. On the other hand, you learned a great deal from him about how to live in the world, how to move in the social realm. As an adult, you find your philosophy of life gradually comes to reflect his brand of optimistic conservatism.

Authority: You cultivate relationships with authoritative people, for they aid you in personal growth and professional prestige. In fact, you could benefit by apprenticeship with someone in a high position. When you are in positions of power, your own style of authority has the natural grace of royalty, as if you were born to lead. And presuming that you don't sink into the pitfall if pomposity, you do indeed make a terrific boss. You command with an easygoing touch, relying on wisdom, dignity, and fairness to get your points across. The challenge is to inspire faith in your leadership.

Jupiter in 10th House: This is an excellent indicator of success and enduring fame, although sometimes not until after death. It is an excellent placement for a successful career effort, although oppositions from the fourth house unrelieved by trines or sextiles can frustrate success. Usually, however, they will have achieved their career goals by their early fifties.

They will always find help, financial help from partners, or whatever they need in order to continue. In turn, they are generous in manner and are given to lavish entertaining, particularly for political purposes. They are past masters as being in the right place at the right time. If they write, they find publishers; if they paint, they find patrons. Whatever they do tends to work out for them. They may or may not make a lot of money, but they will always have as much as they need to do what they want to do.

They are inclined to be greedy when it comes to gaining power, and jealous of it once they get it, ordering others about and throwing their weight around, sometimes losing the love of those who supported them initially, but clever at buying the love of newcomers. No matter how autocratic and obnoxious they become, they are always capable of outbursts of generosity, for they don't want to give up the image they have of themselves as generous and kind to those beneath them.

If life and bad aspects frustrate their ambitions, they may become bitter, though they will try to hide it. They may suffer from grandiosity, the secret belief that they are better than anyone realizes (not so secret in some signs). This position gives tremendous vitality, the ability to bounce back and snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. They are never done until they are dead, and sometimes not even then.

Jupiter in 10th House: The ancient Greeks believed that if Zeus appeared to a mortal dressed in all his splendors and bedecked in his full array, then the poor earthling would be turned to ashes just at the sight of the god's radiance. Similarly, those with Jupiter in the 10th want to be seen for all their power, brilliance and leadership abilities. When they step out of the house and into the public eye, they don't intend to slip by unnoticed.

It is through career, status and recognition that they seek meaning and fulfillment in life. In some cases, fame itself is worshipped as something numinous and divine. Often they can rise to good positions in reputable professions such as law, education, banking, politics, corporate management, etc.. Their careers may involve travel or international connections. Others may be actors or exponents of religion and philosophy. The choice is varied; but no matter what occupation they are in, they bring with them a high degree of energy and enthusiasm, vision, insight, and the capacity to organize others. They can work well with people, but probably do best if they have a fair degree of authority and a lot of room in which to maneuver. Usually, they are sought after for posts, and will not find too many obstacles in the way to being successful.

The image of the mother will be reflected by Jupiter in this house. In certain cases I have seen, she has been experienced as dramatic and theatrical, adept at manipulating others through her emotional dramas. Sometimes, she has a far-reaching interest in religion and philosophy which makes her seem as if she is not really of this world. She could be foreign, or from an influential and well-known family background. The child may experience and worship her as something larger than life; and some daughters with this placement may feel competition and rivalry with such a mother. On the positive side, the mother could be a source of inspiration and guidance, with helpful advice about meeting life, and yet not saccharine and over-protective. With this kind of mother, the child feels confident about encountering the world and those in authority in general.

Jupiter in 10th House: Your high degree of self-confidence gives you an advantage in achieving your goals. You have little doubt that you can grow into more important positions if the opportunity comes along. Because you usually enjoy your work, you are more involved in developing all your creative talents to become successful. But sometimes you overextend yourself and get fatigued. You should learn to exercise some restraint. Knowing the value of money as you do gives you a further advantage over your competitors, because you can make better use of your basic resources to become financially secure. You stay well-informed, and you get the right advice before making any investments. It is satisfying to know that you have achieved all your objectives without resorting to unethical practices. The chances are good that you can successfully manage a varied program of financial investment if you seek proper counsel.

You show quiet enthusiasm in your work; and the people you serve are impressed with your compassion and understanding in helping them find solutions to their problems. If you plan ahead for the day when you can indulge in your favorite pastime, you should be able to achieve the necessary financial security. For you, retirement is not likely to mean total inactivity, for you have so much to offer beyond your career. You can be a source of inspiration to younger people who will follow your example by capitalizing on their own creative potentials.

Living up to the public's expectations may be difficult sometimes, because you encourage people to make excessive demands on you. Your partner must understand this predicament and be supportive when the pressure seems unbearable. Often you take on more work than you should and feel unable to live up to the goals you've established. This probably results from the fact that your parents taught you that you could not fail, regardless of what you tried to do.

You have complete confidence that with your creative talents you can accomplish almost any goal imaginable. What you need most is the self-discipline to develop and promote those talents so that they are useful skills. Success in your career depends on this; and there is no substitute for hard work to achieve that objective. You must realize that if you invest some of your ideas in the marketplace, they will yield substantial returns for the rest of your life. Don't overindulge your children in the belief that they will be forever grateful. You could be denying them the opportunity to achieve on their merits by learning self-discipline.

You understand the value of your education and training; and you are willing to extend yourself to gain the recognition you feel you deserve. The proof of any education is in what you can accomplish when you enter the real world of competition. You probably planned your career carefully to waste as little time as necessary in gaining the public status you wanted. You hope the public regards you as a true professional and appreciates your accomplishments. Don't forget the people who helped you get started. You will always think that your goals are just around the next corner, which is good, for it stimulates you to sharpen your skills.

See also: Jupiter in the 10th House;

Jupiter in the 10th House: Muhammad Ali, Salvadore Dali, Robert Downey, Jr., Lady Gaga, Steve Jobs, Alex Jones, John Malkovich, Bob Marley, Al Pacino, Pablo Picasso, Ayn Rand, Susanna Arundhati Roy, Paul Simon, Gloria Steinem (end), Jesse Ventura, Orson Welles, Cate, DavMcC, Dipesh, DJenkins, Elijah, Flossie, JulieD, Kay, Maitreyi, Roberto, Sarik, Tara, Yarrow

Jupiter in the 11th House

With Jupiter in the eleventh house, the person connects values, morals, ethics, social mores, and the search for truth to friends, associates, humanitarian concepts, and individualism. This is another very restless combination, very cerebral, which requires and may well demand constant intellectual stimulation. The person's mind is usually very good. He is bright and quick to learn. However, he may be too fidgety to do well in school; his mind roams far and wide, and he can be impatient if he always has to wait for others. He can react to this with frustration and disrespect, or with taking matters into his own hands and skipping out.

This is a position which is not only doubly restless and doubly intellectual, but also doubly humanitarian, interested in bettering the world for the common person. Paradoxically, it tends to be something of a harsh placement, not strong in compassion for, or decency toward, an individual. The values tend to relate to the mind, new age ideas and beliefs, technology, individualism, and friends.

The person with Jupiter in the eleventh may make an ultimate value out of individualism, out of the rights of each person to do his or her own thing. This may be in balance; but if it is not, this person may consider that chaos is preferable to control. He may fight all kinds of structure as a way to eliminate restrictions on personal freedoms.

Naturally, he will sooner or later threaten the larger social institutions which both support and confine the people they serve. He will, at the very least, have a strong natural resistance to being pushed around. This person really has to do things his own way. That does not mean he cannot co-operate, but means that he will tend only to do so when he chooses, on his terms. He will not do it in the service of someone else's values or needs unless other factors in his chart indicate this. Even then, he will strongly oppose any attempts to make him go along with a crowd, or to give up any of his personal freedoms for some other sake. It is sacrilege to him.

This goes for marriage as well - he will not suffer being held down. He values his freedom so much that he may never get married at all; but if he does, he needs to have a mate who understands his need for freedom, for constant stimulation, and for a relationship which does not restrict him too much. For his part, he needs to remember that people have emotional needs, and if those are starved, they will eventually drive him mad with their demands or go elsewhere. If he is a person who values his marriage as well as his freedom, he will have to make sure he looks after each, in appropriate ways.

With Jupiter in the eleventh house, friends can also be made into ultimate values. This can lead to exciting friendships with fascinating, brilliant people who are always into some new interest. It may lead to friendships in which discussion of philosophy, learning, and debate of opinions is the focus. The individual may have may acquaintances from foreign countries and cultures, and learn much from them. He may place his friends up on a pedestal and idolize them, think they are the ones with all the brain and wit, and feel inadequate next to them. He may think they ought to be perfect, and drop them as soon as the human flaws become evident. Or he could expect himself to always play the great guru with his friends, to be the one with all the answers.

His friends may set him up in this role. He could have high or totally unrealistic expectations for his friends, or they for him. In real extremes, he may take his friends for granted, demand anything he wants from them, and expect their unqualified support about his rightness. Or he may find his friends all tend to fit this pattern, that they manifest the harsh side of Jupiter.

Usually this placement indicates a very strong interest in new-age ideas, the New Thought churches or something similar, and quite probably in very up-to-date technology. He can be as fascinated by the newest computers as by the teachings from Science of Mind-type churches. He is not interested in conventional anything, but particularly not in his religion. He may even have fundamentalist beliefs, although that is extremely rare with this placement, but he will not associate himself too deeply with any church; his expectation of freedom, intellectual as well as physical, is too strong.

Ideally, a person with this placement values his friends, technology, new-age thought and individuality, without expecting complete fulfillment from any. He respects the rights of individuals in balance with respect for his own rights. He is a ground breaker, but does not feel any compulsion to destroy valuable structures, conventional establishments, or old-fashioned values in order to make room for the new. He takes an eclectic approach, able to glean the best from the old and integrate it with the most promising of the new.

Jupiter in 11th House: Keywords: Social and intellectual security. Those with this placement tend to be idealists, dreamers, and vast schemers, often with a strongly optimistic motivation. With future-oriented Jupiter in the future-oriented eleventh house, this person is often overflowing with plans, goals, and a multitude of vast objectives. (Note that traditionally the eleventh is the house of hopes and wishes, and that Jupiter here is usually considered a benefic influence for attaining one's objectives.) A planet of considerable social involvement, Jupiter naturally functions freely and enthusiastically in the house that represents the larger human community; there is often an emphasis on dealing with society at large or with social or international issues. Quite often there is a need to be involved with social change or social improvement schemes, and so these people are often found in politics, organizations, foundations, and professional associations that share a common - usually a humanitarian or progressive goal.

The keywords point to the fact that these individuals seek security in merging their energies with a large group or movement, which gives them a feeling of prosperity and well-being. With a generous planet in a generous house, they are usually liberal with the time and resources that they will devote to a greater cause. Moore and Douglas state that these folks are natural planners and organizers of group activities.

The other facet of the above keywords reveals how these people also seek intellectual security and thus are attracted to vast systems of thought. They often want to be with people who share their concepts and world view; sometimes they create entirely original mental worlds.

Jupiter in 11th House: The eleventh house reflects our attitudes towards and experience of any group to which we belong, from society at large to the social microcosm of, say, a club, business organization, or even, in the first place, our family. Planets here tend to manifest in the group context, and are often experienced via other group members, and also figure in our ideas about how a group should be organized - in other words, our political notions.

In the more casual context, those with this placement like to spread themselves among different circles and keep as many social options open as possible. They are usually good at facilitating group participation. It is a popular placement on charts of politicians, and inclines towards political theories of a fairly idealistic nature, with an emphasis on freedom. Though there is often considerable political vision and enthusiasm, those with Jupiter in the eleventh make poor party members, as strict adherence to a line laid down is not their style; they prefer to make the rules rather than keep them.

Jupiter in 11th House: Group participation: You have such a spontaneous social sensibility that groups want you around. They often come to you rather than your going to them. These opportunities are not to be taken lightly, since they offer you the challenge of recognition and the chance to expand your social horizons. In fact, a real pitfall involves presuming that since you've been asked to join in the past, you will be in the future. Don't overlook these real resources.

Appropriate behavior is very natural for you, almost like a sixth sense. You seem to instinctively know how to act in almost any social setting. You're interested in what other people think, but probably not overly concerned. At your best, criticism slides off you like water off a duck's back; but be careful of the pitfall of self-righteousness. Everyone screws up occasionally, including you, so have patience in bearing the gracelessness or inconsideration you sometimes have to suffer. The challenge is to use your relaxed social sense to make others more comfortable, thus increasing your acceptance.

Friendship, social circle: Friendship requires little effort. You understand and accept people, which makes you a good friends to have; and you expect others to treat you with the same understanding and acceptance. You're willing to be friendly, even in trying circumstances; and this is communicated to others, who respond in kind. It's only when they don't that you reveal your righteous side. Your social circle is a barometer. If it's large and vibrant, it means you're addressing Saturn's placement in your natal chart. If it's unfulfilling, or if you're isolated, it indicates that you're trapped. Either you're ignoring your Saturn, which means you're not investing enough to warrant a return in friendship, or you're striving to solve those Saturnian riddles too intensely, working so hard that you have no energy left to enjoy yourself. Relax and enjoy the bounty of your friendships.

Shared creativity: You repeatedly find yourself linked with organizations whose purpose is creative. Through the ability to oversee the direction of the group's thinking, you influence the creative results, while at the same time becoming recognized as an invaluable source of insight for the group. Cheerleading the whole process is not only enjoyable, but something you revel in. Your creative role is to provide enthusiasm and perspective, to give the group renewed life.

Receiving love: Being loved is based on the positive vision of yourself reflected in another's eyes. Primary among these is wisdom. When your wisdom is recognized by others, you feel loved. If you're treated as ordinary, however, you do not recognize the presence of love, even if it exists. You like your ego to be stroked. When your lover delights in your spontaneous self-expression, you feel that he or she truly loves you. If constrained or put upon to limit yourself, you back away. When a relationship increases social contacts in your life, you experience being loved. If there is too much possessiveness, the feeling of ingrown isolation destroys the love for you. When your honesty is unquestioned, you are in the flow of love. However, any mistrust or accusation surrounding the purity of your motives or actions is offensive. You don't like being tested. The challenge is to find a person who shares your vision of optimism and free expression, and, having found that acknowledgement, to honor your beloved with fidelity.

Jupiter in 11th House: This location of Jupiter adds luck to the life. Without serious bad aspects, these people will have influential friends who assist them greatly. Even with bad aspects, this Jupiter acts as a cushion, preventing difficulties from going to too great an extreme. No matter how lonely or unsatisfactory the personal life may be, in front of groups they appear vital, relaxed and in control. It is a good position for a teacher, politician, bandleader, manager, or anyone dealing with groups. They love to party and hang out with as large a crowd as possible.

Whatever group these people lead will feel tremendous loyalty towards them, and they in turn will feel loyalty to the group. In fact, they cannot work with or for any group they don't love or believe in, which may cause difficulties when it comes to earning a living, because they hate to compromise their principles. This can dull a career effort, because they will work with great enthusiasm for a while, only to lose interest when they discover faults in individuals in the group, or that the group's goals are not totally altruistic. Another difficulty is that when they do find a group they can believe in, they have a hard time leaving it for bigger and better things. Although they are so group-oriented, it is always the individuals within the group who are important to them, rather than the group itself; thus, a career soldier may hate the army but love his unit.

These people are believers, first and foremost. They need to show enthusiasm and to belong to something noble and worthy that they can be enthusiastic about. If they show cynicism, it is only a thin layer, and they will throw it aside as soon as possible. It is good for them to develop some kind of special skill or area of expertise that sets them above the common herd, at least in their own mind. Otherwise, they will suffer from a vague feeling that they deserve nothing better than their lot. If they play an instrument, they will belong with the greats of music and be one with Mozart and Beethoven - at least while they are practicing.

Anything that enhances their membership in a group, that enables them to enlighten or entertain others, is good for them. They are usually good joke and story-tellers, and like to be the life of the party.

The closer Jupiter is to the twelfth house cusp, the less they will be oriented towards profit-making, and the more towards helping those less fortunate than themselves.

Jupiter in 11th House: The God Zeus had the task of looking after the well-being of the populace. Similarly, the planet Jupiter, extending our awareness beyond the self-centered concerns of Mars, reminds us of the larger social context in which we exist and have a part to play. In this respect, Jupiter is quite at home in the 11th house.

The people prayed to Zeus for help, guidance and protection against harm; and those with this placement may be sought by friends and groups to provide the same sort of inspiration and support. Conversely, their own horizons and understanding of the meaning of life are broadened and expanded through social interaction. They may assume the role of a guru, hero or heroine in the eyes of friends or groups, or find themselves looking to a friend or group to be their protection and salvation.

Jupiter in the 11th will normally join clubs or organizations which promote humanitarian and egalitarian causes, or which promise growth and expansion for everyone involved. Usually they are in tune with new currents and progressive social trends. Difficult aspects to Jupiter may indicate high expectations and ideals, and disappointment when the group fails to solve all their problems or doesn't succeed soon enough in eliminating the woes of the world. Undismayed, however, they will move on to the next cause or organization in the hopes that a new-found formula will be the key.

Jupiter in this house suggests an ever-expanding circle of friends, often of varied cultures and nationalities. For some, life's significance only comes to fruition if their diaries are fully booked and they are having to choose between Mick Jagger's birthday party and an invitation to St. Moritz for the weekend. Sometimes, an over-involvement in social activities or too great an entanglement in the lives of their friends may dissipate their energy and detract from their applying themselves in other areas of life.

Both Jupiter and the 11th house are concerned with becoming more than we already are ¬therefore, these people are usually not short of goals and objectives in life, and can almost always be seen looking ahead. As soon as one objective is attained, another one appears in its place. A narrowing down of goals or more discrimination in choosing which ones are worth following may be necessary if they are not to spread themselves too thinly. If they shoot their arrows too high, these may come back down on them; if they aim in too many different directions at once, they don't know where to shoot first. It's dizzying just watching them. However, because there is usually such a strong faith that they will and should achieve what they want, life can't help but support them accordingly. Often, friends or groups share this faith in them and their goals, and will be helpful in their realization.

Jupiter in 11th House: You hope that later in life you will have the financial resources necessary for a bountiful lifestyle. If you really want to guarantee that this will happen, you must devise a program with that goal in mind. You don't doubt your ability to succeed in achieving your expectations, although you are often distracted from the necessary course of action. Still, you are optimistic that you will eventually realize your objectives. People often turn to you for guidance because you show that you are sensitive to their needs. Your benign influence will help you succeed if you decide to enter a professional service field.

Your ability to grow and expand your field of influence is nearly unlimited. You have the capacity to acquire new information, which will certainly increase your value to yourself and to the world. You are always ready to assume a more responsible position; and you don't have to resort to chicanery to achieve what is expected of you. As your level of accomplishment rises, the burden of responsibility increases, so you may wonder how you will cope with it. If you are concerned about this problem, aim for less until you feel confident that you can fulfill your responsibilities.

You question whether you will always have opportunities to fully demonstrate your creative talents. But you must keep looking for opportunities, because it is urgent that you exploit and promote your potentials so that you will attract the attention of people in important positions. Your abilities are not questioned by those who benefit from them. Be cautious about overindulging your children, for they may not make the effort to exploit their own potentials. Do your homework and learn to curb your spending habits. If you can't seem to get organized, get help from a qualified person. You can accomplish much with your resources and get a substantial yield that will assure your future security.

You must accept full responsibility for your own losses as well as your gains in your work. Although you might not enjoy the arduous tasks required by your career, doing them will improve your competence until you are ready for a more important position. You are qualified to render services that people need, so you must find time to accommodate them. You are grateful for the benefits that your parents provided; but along with fulfilling your obligations by them, you have to establish your own roots.

You will be greatly enriched if you set aside your fears and anxieties and work to help those who cannot help themselves. Not wanting to be unknown, you may refuse to work behind the scenes, but that is precisely where you will reap the greatest spiritual rewards. It would be heartwarming, of course, to have the public remember and appreciate you for your accomplishments.

Jupiter in 11th House: This indicates that you should have good luck with friends throughout your life and that you like being with others and having a good time. Especially later in life, your friends may be socially prominent people who can do favors for you. However, the danger in this is that you might choose only those friends who you think can help you get ahead socially or professionally. In that case you would be seeking out people for superficial reasons rather than for a real emotional bond. This would be unfortunate, because if you do choose friends for the right reasons, that is, for personal compatibility and mutual emotional support and affection, you will probably find people who are very good for you at all levels.

Also you are likely to seek friends who will show you new aspects of life, who can expose you to what you would never have seen otherwise. For this reason, your friends are often somewhat older and more experienced than you are, and as you get older, you are likely to play this same role for younger people.

Probably you are an idealist with high hopes and wishes for yourself. This does not mean that you are impractical but that you have set high goals for yourself. In fact, if, you work hard and remain optimistic, you can probably achieve what you want, especially if you seek out friends who make you feel more confident about yourself. As you go through life, you will grow and mature most rapidly through your friends and the groups you associate with. Don't try to go it alone.

Attracts friendships that are an aid in achieving goals and objectives in life. Ambitions attained through friendships. If afflicted, extravagance and wrong type of friends can cause downfall. A love of social life. Many benefits through travel. If unafflicted, intuition and good judgment.

Jupiter in 11th House: Jupiter in the Eleventh House indicates people who achieve their goals through friendships and group activities. These people are kind to their friends and concerned about the welfare of humanity at large. Hence they are well liked, and they attract friends who are generous and helpful to them.

If Jupiter is well aspected in this house, much substantial, inspiring moral and spiritual advice is received from and given to friends. But if Jupiter is afflicted, the advice is not always sound or practical.

There is a spirit of cooperation and mutual consideration with friends, making it possible to carry through large, constructive endeavors success¬fully. With this position, group activities often have charitable or humani¬tarian goals, and they often take place through religious, educational, or fraternal organizations. Business activities may relate to inventions, science, or organizational endeavors.

If Jupiter is afflicted in the Eleventh House, there can be a tendency to sponge off friends and take them for granted, while neglecting respon¬sibilities toward them. Friendships are sometimes built on the ulterior motive of personal gain.

See also: Jupiter in the 11th House;

Jupiter in the 11th House: Fred Astaire, George Clooney, Ty Cobb, Isadora Duncan, Art Garfunkel, L.Ron Hubbard, Michael Jordan, Karl Marx, Elvis Presley, Ronald Reagan, Patti Smith, Elizabeth Taylor, Jon Voight, Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., Andrea, Antonio, Jeff, JJ, JT, Leen, Marie, Marybeth, Molly, Prabhukar, Shiloh, Tyler

Jupiter in the 12th House

With the planet of ultimate values placed in the house of ultimate spiritual values, anything seems possible! Both Jupiter and the twelfth house represent elemental components of human nature which do not wish to accept boundaries. It is their nature to go beyond boundaries. In the first case, through ceaseless expansion. In the second, by transcendence. In addition, both of these elemental components deal in future possibilities, not practical issues. They are both mutable; restless and changeable, not stable.

Jupiter in the twelfth may indicate an individual who has limitless faith in the universe, its goodness and her future in it. It is another of the placements which has a somewhat stronger than usual possibility of a supportive basic world view, of a foundation belief in the perfection of the cosmos, of the protection or at least general good will of the Being or Knowingness behind it all. With the level of faith possible in this placement, this person can become a fantastic inspiration to all who know her. The broadness and depth of her spiritual acceptance may be incredible. It may also fall into the category of 'Goody Two Shoes'. She might insist that everything that occurs, no matter how tragic, has to be good. In so doing, she may deny the very real pain of people who need to grieve.

This person may make spiritual development and reconnection with the Divine Nature an ultimate value. She may honor a peaceful, loving, flowing attitude as the highest path. She could revere music, art, or the savior role. She could also be seduced by the victim and martyr roles, due to an overemphasis on self-sacrifice. She may need to learn that there is a considerable difference between self-sacrifice and self-annihilation. She could get into the habit of giving up too much of herself in order to help others or to keep peace. She might expect all of life to be flowing, harmonious, loving and sublime, and suffer wretched disillusionment when the harsh realities of life catch her by surprise. She may be able to view the world with rose-colored glasses indefinitely.

With Jupiter in the twelfth, the person could idolize spiritual values to such an extent that she tries to apply them in areas of life where they are inappropriate, such as in human relationships. She may have completely unrealistic expectations of others. She might not realize that in an ideal world her ideas would be the norm; but we do not yet live in that ideal world. She could enshrine passivity, gentleness, and surrender. She could confuse total acceptance of what comes one's way in life with giving up. She might expect herself, as well as others, to always be empathic, sensitive and receptive.

Jupiter in the twelfth is another natural square. Zip Dobyns characterizes this type of combination as a clash between 'head goals' - what we think should happen - and 'heart goals' - what we feel would bring peace and love. An example of this is when an individual holds both human life and human rights to freedom of choice in reverence. Where, then, are the loyalties to go in issues such as abortion - the sanctity of human life versus the right of each woman to decide for herself - or the murder of an incredibly abusive spouse - again, the sanctity of human life versus the right of each human being to decent treatment? Another example would be when a parent has to make a difficult decision to discipline an unruly youngster. Hear heart may make excuses and try to be empathic, and may want to 'spare the rod and spoil the child'. Her head, however, may tell her the child will grow up to be irresponsible or selfish, and thereby unable to create a happy life, unless she is taught some fundamental lessons at an early age. The two sides, each with its own values, clash within the one person.

Sometimes this placement indicates someone who places an unhealthy amount of faith in God, with no expectation that she will ever need to do anything practical to take care of herself. Or, she could have unrealistic expectations of God and be disappointed when she sees the unfairness and bleakness which is part of life on this earth, thinking that if there was a God, He wouldn't let such things go on. She may have God confused with Superman, and expect Him to be around to rescue all those who break the rules.

An extreme manifestation of Jupiter in the twelfth is total worship of the Truth - the individual's truth, that is - to the exclusion of all other considerations, including decency, integrity or other fundamental principles.

At its highest expression, Jupiter in the twelfth could symbolize someone who puts the mystical, magical and spiritual aspirations of the twelfth house into intellectual concepts which can be published and taught to others. It could indicate a person who values spiritual development to such a degree, and seeks it with such passion and hope, that she makes breakthroughs in understanding which markedly inspire others on the quest. She may use music, art, or inspirational writing as media through which she communicates important concepts from the unconscious.

Jupiter in 12th House: Keywords: Learning on the emotional and Soul Level. Jupiter in a house that has both a Jupiterian and a Neptunian coloration is usually expressed as an active fantasy life, full of imagination, dreams of the future, and / or yearnings toward a spiritual or idealistic goal. There is usually an inner generosity of spirit, sometimes manifesting as charitable or philanthropic activity or as work in the helping professions or healing arts. In the deepest region of their heart, these people usually trust in life (or God), and feel that they will be taken care of; hence, they are eager to treat others with similar protection and abundant giving. The experience of solitude, or even of loneliness, is not an oppressive condition for these folks, but rather a profound inner need, to enable themselves to search within and to explore their inner world and higher goals.

As life goes by, these people learn subtle but very essential life lessons on a profound level, sometimes at a level so deep that it is impossible to express it in words; it may even be completely unconscious. These individuals need to grow beyond the constraints of the past by exploring old emotional patterns and transcending them. Tuning in with a positive attitude toward spiritual truths helps them to overcome the feeling of confinement that the twelfth house often symbolizes. In fact, those with Jupiter here will often find fulfillment and enjoy working in places of confinement (hospitals, prisons, special schools, etc.) or in charitable or educational institutions. A tendency toward seclusion is usually apparent, although less so than with most other twelfth house placements, since Jupiter represents a rather enthusiastic and outgoing energy. However, even those with Jupiter in the twelfth are usually not particularly ambitious (unless other powerful chart factors indicate it), because their need for growth and social involvement is often expressed in less 'worldly' fields of activity. And so, while Jupiter here is comparatively rare in prominent people, we can still find a wide variety of expressions of this principle.

As one might expect with Jupiter in a somewhat Jupiterian house, there are a large number of successful athletes in this group, including many Olympic champions. We might inquire why this is so, for this is not a Mars factor, the astrological symbol traditionally associated with athletics. In addition to the rulership of the outdoors by Jupiter, physical activity of this type gives one a sense of expansiveness, room to breathe, and a sense of exhilaration. Also, the team games constitute their own fantasy world, an appropriate twelfth house domain, in which the individual can try to accomplish the impossible or at least can realistically experience the satisfaction of constantly improving his or her own performance. In addition, most athletic training requires a solitary focus, separate from the rest of the outer world. And finally, a sense of deep faith is required to sustain oneself during the times of inevitable defeat, frustration, and personal failure. In many ways, one needs to transcend, at least temporarily, one's ego-self in order to perform at one's peak in many athletic endeavors.

The tremendous life of the imagination mentioned earlier is often expressed through the arts. We cannot leave the subject without acknowledging that individuals with Jupiter in the twelfth can be extravagant, irresponsible, and so unrealistic that they can become caught up in big schemes that lead them toward destructive behavior.

Jupiter in 12th House: The service required by the sixth house is of an immediate and practical nature, coping with the succession of small tasks that enable smooth running of the machinery.

Twelfth house service is of a different order, involving complete and utter availability in which there is no room for self-interest. It is the house of sacrifice; and planets here are never fully to hand for conscious personal use, but must be offered, whether we like it or not, to something beyond ourselves. It is frequently strongly tenanted in charts of Mediums and psychics who, from no personal choice, find themselves surrendering personal control to allow the passage of something else through them. We are channels through which twelfth house influences manifest themselves.

Jupiter is traditionally the natural ruler of the twelfth house, a fact which was brought home to me when I looked at several hundred members of that most Piscean of callings the acting profession and found that a very high proportion had Jupiter in this house, pushing the more flamboyant fifth house position well into second place. Here, then, is the receptive side of Jupiter, giving expression to all our fantasies, carrier of moods and longings and fears which are not the actor's own but belong to everyone. He or she puts us in touch with the mystical realm, with stories and experiences that are universal, and in the process becomes something much larger than everyday life permits.

The gain with a twelfth house Jupiter is perhaps in proportion to our ability to lose ourselves; and this can be experienced in the traditional places of confinement and isolation, so that there are sometimes experiences of unexpected joy and meaning in hospital or prison when all the normal trappings have been stripped away; and particularly when the planet is well-aspected here, there can be a feeling of mysterious protection. There is sometimes a strong psychic attunement and a susceptibility to prophetic dreams.

Jupiter in 12th House: Imagination: Fantasy means freedom, release from the constraints of personality. It is also a road to wisdom and truth. The pitfall involves the possibility that your dreams may not translate into reality, that they remain instead a source of illusory optimism while your real life remains blind. The challenge is to use your imagination to see what's possible in the human realm, and then work to infuse that goodness into your day-to-day living.

Unfocused intuition: Intuition works through the conceptual mind. You see patterns of understanding, huge puzzles resolved by a single formula. Currents running through the collective imagery of humankind reveal themselves as pure ideas, or laws to live by. The more people you interact with, the more you plug into your intuitive base. Strangers trigger new insights, new ways of seeing life. New social structures galvanize your enthusiasm. Visit the ruins of ancient cultures. Feel the presence of civilization. However, avoid the pitfall of oversimplifying reality into a set of moral rules. Remember, life is bigger than philosophy. The challenge is to let higher sources guide the development of your understanding.

Withdrawal or isolation: You can be filled with bountiful life, but you need isolation to stay in touch with it. Retreat is necessary to rejuvenate your positivity about relationships. Religion has great significance for you; and you may become immerse in the study of spiritual questions. The pitfall involves withdrawal into an unreal world of ideals and aspiration. You may waste yourself thinking about how wonderful life can be without doing anything to create it, becoming involved with an image of yourself rather than who you really are. The challenge is to use privacy to connect with life's wonderful possibilities, and, renewing your faith, to come back into the world ready to make life more positive.

Selfless giving: To an extent, each of us is imprisoned within his or her human self; we are a concentration of life-energy into a temporary package. You're more sensitive than many people to the restrictions of your cell walls. Offering yourself without consideration for gain allows you to feel the translucence of those cell walls. The pitfall lies in groundless help, offering this season's vintage of distilled philosophy without providing any pragmatic assistance. Also, you are occasionally too opportunistic in giving, offering yourself only when it is convenient for you to do so. The challenge is to show your faith in others, and to effectively convey that things have a way of working out.

'Past lives': In past lives, there's a possibility that you misunderstood social relating; and that pattern has built sufficient momentum to bleed into this life. There may have been false promises; commitments made but not honored. You took advantage of others, or were used badly by them. Now you need to learn how to communicate and relate so that no-one is abused. There are also incarnational patterns involving the abstract mind. Misconceptions you drew from teachings in others' lives have left you mentally out-of¬-round. Finally, you may have been a spiritual seeker who sought the divine through miracles. You need to understand how to ground that experience, to test it in the crucible of real life. Balance your hopes and dreams against the stricter demands of pragmatism. Let your idealism shine through, but remember the Hindu admonition: 'I you see the Guru on the road, kill him, for he's not the Guru'.

Jupiter in 12th House: Jupiter in the twelfth gives a proud bearing, similar to Jupiter in the first, though there is often a touch of sadness about it, like the dignity of a good king or queen in exile. These people are extremely good-hearted and willing to give and to help others, but they often suffer from a feeling of spiritual isolation, a sense of loneliness in their perception of things, the feeling that no-one else shares their point of view. They are inclined to give too much to friends, acquaintances, or strangers, and then be hurt to the quick by the ingratitude, sloth, and selfishness they may get in return. This can cause them to swing to the opposite extreme and to refuse to help others in any way or to give anything at all. They may become so isolated at some point that they will require help from an institution. This often occurs through the workings of fate, or karma, and no apparent fault of their own. Nevertheless, a twelfth -house Jupiter is a potent insurance against real disaster or any lasting difficulty. It is a sort of magic talisman that does little when things are going well, but casts a protective spell in times of trouble.

The sorrows of an older relative or advisor may be a turning point for them, causing them deep anguish and introspection that leads to a change of perspective or of lifestyle.

The closer Jupiter is to the Ascendant (within ten degrees), the more benefits it brings, similar in quality to those it brings in the first house, though there will often be strings attached, or varying degrees of constraint in the ability to take full advantage of them.

Jupiter in 12th House: The poet Holderlin wrote that 'where there is darkness, the saving powers also rise'. This is one of the most important ramifications of Jupiter in the 12th - just when things seem the most helpless and bleak, Jupiter arrives out of nowhere and salvages the situation. Those with this placement may feel as if they have a guardian angel, who appears in the nick of time with a shiny new 'get-out-of-jail-free card'.

But should we put this down just to luck and good fairies? What really sustains and rescues those with Jupiter in the 12th is a deep faith in the benevolence and significance of life, and an openness and willingness to receive whatever it has to bring them. In any house in which it is placed, Jupiter is looking for meaning in life; but in the 12th, that meaning is not found in any outer event or external reality, but rather, it exists nascently within the self. Through the meaning and significance they choose to attribute to an event, those with Jupiter in the 12th can turn negative experiences into positive ones, and obstacles into blessings.

Jupiter's house is where we are looking for the truth. In the 2nd, this may be sought in values, money or possessions; and in the 7th, through partnerships; but in the 12th, the truth is found within the self, on the level of the unconscious mind. A willingness to turn the attention around 180 degrees and explore the inner imaginary realm of dreams and symbols will help those with Jupiter in the 12th find the kind of truth they are seeking, and contact the inner 'wise person' inside each and every one of them. The breadth and scope of infinity, that bigger picture Jupiter craves to see, can be found in the vast interior recesses of the psyche - a world beyond time, space and all boundary. Meditation, stillness, prayer, retreat, music or art may be the path into that world. Imagine Jupiter's joy when he finally arrives there.

Running around desperately hunting for their joy in all other directions, many people with this placement will look everywhere else but inside for their fulfillment. Reckless behavior, overindulgence in alcohol and drugs, manic theatricality, hypocrisy, general imprudence and other such negative traits may be the 'self-undoing' of a 12th house Jupiter.

Jupiter in the 12th house can be the channel through which inspiration and healing flow; and therefore those with this placement have much to offer working within hospitals, prisons and various charitable institutions. The expanded vision which dawns in times of trouble not only provides hope and inspiration for themselves, but will guide others through difficulties as well. I have seen this placement in the charts of a number of gifted counselors, psychics and healers. Flowing aspects to Jupiter in the 12th also bode well for those who are institutionalized for any reason. Benefitting from the care and protection they receive, they can turn the experience into a positive one, or else they will probably not have to stay confined for any longer than necessary.

Jupiter in 12th House: Because you are sensitive to other people's needs in your emotional and professional affairs, you will probably respond and demonstrate that you can serve their best interest. This ability assures you of continued growth and development, and indicates that you will reach your goals. But your contributions may be considerably lessened if you spend too much time and energy in satisfying your own desires. Those who lack your resourcefulness may turn to you to learn how to sustain themselves more effectively. If you have learned from your parents' example, you know you need to establish your own roots before you can succeed in your endeavors. Your parents' faith in you helped you realize that you are qualified to seek your own destiny. By setting your own course in life, you will be able to extend yourself to reach your objectives, which will inspire you with greater self-confidence.

You are always eager to demonstrate your abilities to your superiors, who quickly feel confident of your ability. Probably you will be given many opportunities to prove that you can take on even greater responsibilities. You generally know what is expected of you, and whenever possible you try to exceed that. Knowing how important it is to be financially independent, you can see the wisdom of regularly saving something from your earnings. This will lessen your anxieties about security in the future, when your earning ability may be lessened. Plan to put something aside for a rainy day, for you could run into foul weather at some time in the future.

People with problems are drawn to you, perhaps because they recognize that you can help them. You should seek a career in some area of personal or social service. As you succeed, your confidence will increase, thereby improving your self-image. Capitalize on your gifted imagination by getting the education you need to successfully exploit your creative ideas. When you understand the problems you face and have the training to deal with them, there is no limit to the heights you can reach. Hard work, along with your wealth of creative inspiration, will certainly lead to success and the satisfaction of reaching goals that seemed beyond your limit.

You can meet the challenge of competition if your partner shares your dreams and supports you. Knowing that someone depends on you spurs you to excel in your endeavors. All this can happen if you invest in developing your creative potential into skills. Your children may want to pattern their lives after your example, so you should learn how to increase your creative output. You may find it difficult to satisfy your children's needs as well as your own. Reason and good judgment must prevail, but unless you can improve your output, it may be difficult to fully satisfy their needs.

You are probably not aware of all your hidden resources, which will be revealed through meditation. By reflecting on your problems, you can always come up with a solution. It is essential to define your goals and prepare a plan for mobilizing your resources so you can reach them. Serving people who are less qualified or less fortunate beings brings out the very best in you. Knowing that you've stimulated those around you to succeed on their own will give you great fulfillment.

Jupiter in 12th House: This placement indicates that even while young you will be very kind and generous toward less fortunate people. You see that your own growth and advancement in life depend on the advancement of everyone as a group, and you would like to help in that process. Unless there are strong indications to the contrary, you should be a very gentle person who cannot stand to see others hurt and who always takes the side of the underdog. You are more unselfish than most people of your age, and you don't worry so much about getting ahead personally. As a result, people whom you don't even know may help you during your life, and in the same way you will probably help others anonymously.

In some cases this placement may work out less easily, especially if Jupiter in this house receives difficult aspects. In that case, you would have to watch out for errors of omission or sloppiness, possibly extravagance and wastefulness, as sources of difficulty in your life. But if you are careful and pay attention to what you are doing, this should not be so much of a problem.

Unless this placement is contradicted by a strong Sun aspect, you probably do not enjoy being in the limelight very much. You prefer to remain humble and quiet, feeling that if you make a big issue of yourself, it will work against you. And when you are alone, you find comfort in the peace and quiet of your own inner world, a world that should sustain you even in difficulty.

Jupiter in 12th House: The invisible protector. Unseen help that acts as a guardian angel. Should work in hospitals or institutions. Reversals (if afflicted) followed by success. Good position for research or working behind the scenes. Ideas should be worked out in private before presentation. If afflicted, haste may hurt chances of success due to poor judgment and bad timing. Gain directly or indirectly through enemies who will be turned into friends. Success in middle life. Help comes from friends even when Jupiter is afflicted.

Jupiter in the Twelfth House shows an interest in an inner spiritual search through seclusion, meditation, and introspective study. Mysticism and intuition may be prevalent, especially if Jupiter aspects Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto.

Deep sympathy for those in need is incorporated in this position of Jupiter. If the planet is well aspected, the natives aid those in need by lavish donations to charity. They derive emotional satisfaction from helping others, and they often work behind the scenes in large institu¬tions, such as hospitals, asylums, universities, and churches.

With this position of Jupiter also comes the ability to make friends out of enemies, if the planet is well aspected. Sincerity and humility are the rule if Jupiter is not afflicted. When it is afflicted, there may be neurotic tendencies, a martyr complex, and an impractical idealism. These people can become wards of charitable or religious institutions or parasite on those who take pity on them. In this way they neglect the responsibility of developing their own capacities for creative work and productivity. There is likewise a tendency to escape into fantasy, as with an afflicted Neptune in the Twelfth House.

If Jupiter is well aspected, these people receive hidden support and sustenance in times of crisis, which they merited by their past good deeds.

See also: Jupiter in the 12th House; Jupiter in the 12th House;

Jupiter in the 12th House: John Dee, Bobby Fischer, Aldous Huxley, Elton John, Martin Luther King, Jr., U.G. Krishnamurti, Terence McKenna, Paul Newman, Barack Obama, OmNi, Lynn Forester de Rothschild, Babe Ruth, Gloria Steinem (cusp), Nikola Tesla, H.G. Wells, GaryCl, Judi, Leigh, LucJr, LucSr, Mikael, ScottS, Sugeet


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