nisargadatta siddharameshwar eckhart-tolle-78x111 ramana-maharshi-78x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho

Jupiter conjunct Saturn

The conjunction of Jupiter to Saturn shows that you have enormous potential for success, although it won't come without effort. In spite of overwhelming odds against success, you are eager to explore new means to make a massive assault and assert yourself in the world. You have the fortitude and staying power to mobilize all your resources for this task. Planning every step of the way is absolutely essential, along with knowing when to act and when not to. You have a vivid picture of your future already realized in your dreams, but you are realistic enough to accept the responsibility this entails. You know that even with a driving ambition, striving for significance is not enough unless it satisfies a clearly pictured mental vision. You have the courage to be ostentatious about your belief in yourself, while remaining cautious enough to stay within your limits. Your capacity to achieve goals is in direct proportion to your willingness to accept self-discipline and hard work. The glow of success is so sweet that you can accept these facts.

You are hopeful yet realistic, eager yet serious, assertive yet deliberate. Generally you don't take chances, preferring to use proven methods to get what you want. You apply your talents in the most practical way so that little effort is wasted on non-productive projects. You can find rewarding satisfaction and exploit your creative talents in law, education, medicine, accounting, or the ministry.

To these fields you would bring a profound understanding of people and an ability to help solve their problems. You are patient with less gifted people and willing to be of assistance when they need you.

In your moments of relative leisure, you enjoy reading informative books that are useful in your professional interests. In your constant striving to raise your level of competence, you might attend evening sessions at an educational institution. Never satisfied with the extent of your knowledge, you realize that competition requires you to keep abreast of current thought and developments in your field.

You respect the lessons of history, which stimulate your philosophical musings on destiny and the role of each individual in the destiny of man. Your retentive memory is a great help in crises that require an immediate solution; you may even be surprised that the necessary information comes to mind so readily at the right time.

Overdoing is your most persistent problem, for it can cause physical exhaustion. You especially need to get away from your daily concerns and truly unwind. Frequent 'little vacations' are especially effective in restoring vitality and giving you a fresh approach to your goals.

Jupiter conjunct Saturn: When enlarging, widening and augmenting Jupiter goes hand-in-hand with its opposite (i.e., with restricting, narrowing and inhibiting Saturn), inconsistency is the result. On occasions when we would like to be cheerful and enthusiastic, and would like to widen our horizons and throw ourselves heart and soul into some project or other (Jupiter), we fear a loss of security, become inhibited, and behave with extreme caution (Saturn). This leaves little room for spontaneity, and there is a danger that we shall let slip many good opportunities, because when we finally get round to saying 'yes' it will usually be too late. The reason we wait so long is that we want to be fully informed before making a move, or else we need time to overcome a nervousness of anything new. Of course, this aspect has the great advantage that it discourages us from rushing headlong into wild adventures.

However, the limitation, melancholy and general cheerlessness of Saturn are relieved by the underlying brightness of Jupiter; so that Saturn / Jupiter combinations do have a certain amount of joy about them even though this is tempered by seriousness. Also, whenever we are down in the dumps, the optimism of Jupiter can lift our spirits again.

With the conjunction, we are capable of toiling hard and long. We envisage future rewards (Jupiter) for the hard work we must do (Saturn). So the combination is excellent for tasks requiring steady application and considerable self-denial. A vision of the future is accompanied by a willingness to move forward stage by stage; so there is definite organizing ability. However, this will show itself clearly only if the background of the signs concurs, and if the aspect ties in with personal factors in the chart.

Jupiter conjunct Saturn: This aspect is interpreted on many levels of experience. Jupiter symbolizes how we relate to others; Saturn symbolizes restriction in some way. The sign of the conjunction is important, for it lends its qualities to the aspect. Jupiter symbolizes how we open up, and Saturn symbolizes the restrictions placed on us at an early age because of our father's attitude toward us, or our response to his influence. In a mundane sense, the conjunction means that the individual has a tendency to open up (Jupiter) and close up (Saturn) at the same time. He may reach out to share some new experience and be afraid to do it because there is an unconscious memory that authority figure or Fathers don't like him doing that. It may mean that the father is a restrictive influence when this individual is learning how to relate; maybe the father can't relate easily either.

The conjunction will indicate a person who takes relationships seriously, one who may work too hard on developing all the potential in a relationship. It may indicate a person who takes relationships so seriously that he or she is afraid of making a commitment, or even starting a relationship at all. This person may have relationships that are similar to the kind the father created; and the pattern can be determined by exploring memories of the father's friendships over the years. Once the pattern is understood, the father's influence is diminished, and the owner of the conjunction is free to pursue the kinds of relationships he wants to develop for himself - although he will approach the subject seriously.

In order to reach the fullest possible realization of life potential, in order to develop consciousness to its highest point, the individual with this conjunction will have to develop a perspective on how he reaches out to relate, and an understanding of the restrictive influence from his father - and then both aspects of personality will develop at the same time. As he begins to view his cautions, and as he faces his fears and the feelings of limitation and frustration caused by Saturn, his opportunity to open up and to relate to new experience will also be developed. This person will then have an above-average perspective, for he cannot relate fully until he takes responsibility for himself.

The aspect will be further determined by the sign of the conjunction, as well as the house placement. The conjunction taking place in the twelfth house seems to be the most difficult because this house signifies that part of ourselves which can remain the most unconscious.

Jupiter conjunct Saturn: A powerful but admittedly critical position. It must be regarded as potentially gloomy, for it occurs sometimes in charts of suicide, especially if it falls in Virgo. It distinctly favors a hard life, with privation, struggle, or danger. The native essays difficult though sometimes glorious feats, and may acquire fame through performances of great arduousness, whether mental, physical or spiritual. It is distinctly a sign of great possibilities to be realized by hard work.

It favors great singleness of purpose and endless patience. The native is generally religious, favoring old and established communions. There is often a rather eccentric tendency as regards the use of money: the native may be generous to the wrong persons and skinflinty to the deserving. Jealousy sometimes occurs.

With respect to external conditions, what has been said regarding the harmonious aspects is true also here, but the elements of toil and danger are likely to be more in evidence.

Jupiter conjunct Saturn: Walt Disney 1, John Lennon 1, Al 1, Seligma 1, Dick Cheney 2, Bruce Lee 2, Dheeraj 2, DavMcC 5, JerryH 5, Barack Obama 6, JT 6, Lance 6, George Clooney 7, Princess Diana 7, Carl Lewis 8, Susanna Arundhati Roy 8, George 8, Marie 8, Timothy Leary 9

Jupiter sextile Saturn

The sextile of Jupiter to Saturn indicates that your greatest asset is a vast reservoir of information. You are well-informed, and your comprehension is excellent. You invariably find uses for the knowledge you've acquired, no matter how useless it appears to others. You belong to the classic tradition that considers all knowledge useful, or at least broadening and enriching.

Because of your skill in planning, your creative ideas have an excellent chance of succeeding. Enthusiastic and optimistic, you believe in yourself, but you also reaslize that even the best-laid plans require hard work if they are to succeed. You are always searching for new avenues of expression, because you are determined to grow to your highest potential of development. You insist that your activities are entirely within the law, and you pride yourself on achieving your goals without resorting to questionable ethical practices. Your interest in philosophy has doubtless strengthened your conviction that honesty and sincerity pay the biggest dividends in the long run.

Many fields are suitable to your particular talents, including law, education, writing, journalism, politics, and the ministry. You would derive enormous satisfaction from efforts to improve a particular personal or social environment. You are especially concerned about mismanagement in government, and could easily launch a campaign of writing and speaking to alert the public about such practices. You always make sure you have the evidence before communicating your information to the proper authorities; you take total responsibility for everything you do, and will fearlessly challenge anyone to a debate on the matter.

You would make an ideal teacher, for you could dramatize your sense of history and the lessons learned from it in an exciting way. With young people, you convey an intimate understanding that can stimulate them in their search for meaning in life. Your knowledge and appreciation of contemporary social structure are easily picked up by those who wish to learn and benefit from them.

In your own way, you make a substantial contribution to society by your genuine concern for its members. Your depth of understanding might be the basis of a published work on some important issue that involves improving the management of social programs. Whatever gains your interest must have significance for you, and you feel responsible for communicating this to others. In many ways, you are a standard bearer for the forces that spotlight social injustice.

Jupiter sextile Saturn: The sextile between Jupiter and Saturn indicates a pretty healthy home environment. The relating principle is not adversely affected by the individual's father. The sextile indicates that the father's influence probably helped the individual to view the reaching out and opening up process as normal. Authority figures were not damaging to the development of this person's relating ability.

Although the aspect may not be appreciated until after the age of thirty-five, the later years bring a maturity and a consciousness to the concept of relating that this individual can use to better develop the potentials of the Sun.

Jupiter trine or sextile Saturn: The way in which we seek expansion, improvement and increase harmonizes here with perseverance and the way in which we discipline ourselves and define our egos. A balance between the two planets gives us the possibility of being level-headed visionaries looking for a solidly-built future. A structured career pattern is another possibility and is quite likely to bring success.

We are often filled with a justifiable optimism, a sort of well-balanced enthusiasm, and this enables us to promote joint efforts in a thoroughly relaxed way.

We are good organizers, and know how to combine a look ahead with a sense of current realities; responsibilities seldom over-burden us, and we have little dread of the future. Nevertheless, the promising and stimulating side of these aspects will never turn our heads. We are and remain serious, and will retain the necessary self-discipline to achieve our ends. For in these aspects Jupiter strengthens the ambition and the diligence of Saturn so that we never rest until we have attained our goal.

Jupiter trine or sextile Saturn: This combination is commonly regarded as singularly fortunate, particularly, of course, if the signs and houses occupied are of a congenial nature. It is the token of constructive power, the progressive energy of Jupiter taking form and permanency through Saturn. Hence it is a common aspect in the charts of materially successful people.

The type of character engendered may be described as one of serious purpose, the native being as a rule much in earnest, and yet cheerful and optimistic.

The constructivity lends to many forms of expression such as politics, municipal and administrative work, art, and commerce: sextiles between the two planets, especially from Libra to Sagittarius, or from Sagittarius to Aquarius, or from Aquarius to Aries, seem very favorable to art.

It must be recollected that the best of any aspects between heavy planets such as these can only appear if the lighter planets are also well placed; in a sense, the heavy planets depend for expression on the lighter. Therefore, too much must not be expected from this combination alone. But few contacts possess greater potentialities.

The native will have the ability to take long views, and he will work steadily towards one end in life, year after year, with the utmost patience, learning from the past and adapting its lessons for the future. He is usually generous, but is judicious in bestowing help.

There will probably be a distinctly Jovian streak in the character or pursuits of the father, who may be a religious teacher, a sailor, a lawyer, or may show the less happy aspects of the planet and be feckless and irresponsible, if Jupiter is not strong.

It inclines to mould the native in Jovian ways also, as, for example, to make him travel, or to follow law or some other Jovian activity; and sometimes family influences are the determining factors in this matter.

Jupiter sextile Saturn: Mark Zuckerberg 0, Kay 0, Joni Mitchell 1, Gore Vidal 1, Ray 1, Jane Fonda 2, Ayn Rand 2, Kyle 2, Robert 2, Warren Beatty 3, Sigmund Freud 3, Karl Marx 3, Peter Sellers 3, David 3, Salvadore Dali 4, Jack Nicholson 4, Eva 4

Jupiter square Saturn

The square from Jupiter to Saturn indicates problems in self-awareness. You tend to put yourself down when you compare your capabilities to the skills of other people. The fact is, you are trying to avoid your responsibilities to yourself and to those persons who depend on you.

Parental influence played an important role in your lack of self-esteem; your early conditioning led you to believe the you were less competent than others and that you had to yield to those who were 'obviously' more talented. Now your actions show that you lack the courage to persist in spite of adversity. You feel you don't have the right to expect anything worthwhile for yourself. You have little hope for success, but this is just lazy self-indulgence and is inexcusable.

Stop making comparisons with other people's accomplishments; you have your own. You have a vast storehouse of information with which to gain your objectives, but you must formulate them yourself. Once you've established goals, prepare a program for achieving them, and adhere to it. Try to focus on one thing at a time, and direct all your resources and energy toward that. Stop making excuses for yourself and realize that only hard work will pay you any dividends.

You could become successful in such fields as law, education, physical therapy, or the ministry. The demands of these occupations may tax your endurance and cause periodic setbacks, but you must persist with great determination. It is important for you to be able to look back with satisfaction on occasional successes and realize that you are capable of much more. You will encounter resistance from superiors, and you may have to endure many indignities for the sake of job security. Acquiring the credentials that attest to your competence will mark a milestone in your development.

You will have to learn the hard way that accomplishment comes from a lot of hardship and self-denial. There is no easy road to victory for you. Don't make any agreements that you can't fulfill, and don't sign any contracts that go beyond the limits of your abilities. Give yourself the opportunity to reach your goals. Yours is a bittersweet destiny with many highs and lows, progress and reversals; but you will always move toward realization and fulfillment.

Faith is your greatest ally when nothing else seems to work for you. It can sustain you through your most difficult periods, and comfort you when you reach your goals with assurance that you have done your job well.

Jupiter square Saturn: The square indicates that the individual is raised in an atmosphere that prohibits or restricts the relating principle. The father places restrictions on this person, and these restrictions will be carried into the adult life on some subconscious level, causing the young adult to feel inhibited about relating; or he may relate excessively periodically and then withdraw.

Jupiter indicates 'I relate'; it indicates how we open up and allow new experience in our lives. it indicates how we will relate ourselves to another human being through the bonds of friendship or love. The Saturn square indicates a restriction, a holding-back in the relating department. It can also indicate a person who turns on and off in a somewhat unpredictable manner. These people may feel apprehensive about taking chances on new relationships. The apprehension can even undermine personal confidence to the extent that they are uneasy about accepting new jobs, new responsibilities, etc..

The square can be understood if the father's relating values are examined. The early childhood years can be explored again in order to decipher any pattern that can be an indicator of the influence. If the father adversely affected the individual's relating ability; if he restricted the individual; if he encouraged apprehension or fear in regard to new undertakings... that pattern can be reasoned out and let go.

In personal relationships, this individual may be drawn to inferior types or may choose people to love who are unable to help him through relating problems connected with the relationship. Personal cautions and apprehensions will have to be looked into consciously. The individual will have to take responsibility for his relationships and relationship conditions. As that happens, he will find himself drawn to more healthy relationships in the future.

Jupiter square or opposite Saturn: Whenever we feel like setting to work enthusiastically, improving our chances or seizing fresh opportunities (Jupiter), we are aware of the dead hand of Saturn. Fearing to make a move, we delay too long, or else, by an error of judgment, we saddle ourselves with a pile of unwanted work. Whatever the case may be, our theory and practice, vision and reality are out of alignment and, to begin with, we are uncertain how to proceed. This leads to extreme modes of expression. We can balk at undertakings, but may also bite off more than we can chew. When, for example, we take a position of responsibility (Saturn), Jupiter can propel us into a situation that is too taxing for us or into one where we are forced to take too many risks (financial or mental), and there is an even chance that by adopting half-baked measures to mend matters we shall only make them worse.

With conflicts between Saturn and Jupiter, we learn after many slips and recoveries what we should be aiming for and when to make an all-out effort; initially we lose a great deal of energy by misreading the situation. We are likely to be somber and melancholy, and subject to disappointment.

Yet, when all is said and done, these are aspects that offer us great opportunities provided we have a well-defined field of action; so that we might do well, for example, by taking on responsibilities under the sort of supervision that allows a fair amount of freedom. Then we can produce hard and painstaking work and develop self-confidence.

Jupiter square Saturn: Sally Field 0, Angelina Jolie 0, Howard Hughes 1, Donovan Leitch 1, Nisargadatta 1, Woody Allen 2, Queen Elizabeth II 2, Lady Gaga 2, Wilhelm Reich 2, Ricardo 2, Steve 2, Deepak Chopra 3, Terence McKenna 3, Nikola Tesla 3, Flossie 3, Suzanne Somers 4, JerryGr 4, Thomas Edison 5, Hugh Hefner 5, Beth 5, Elroy 5, Wilt Chamberlain 6, Marilyn Monroe 6, Dolly Parton 6, Robert Redford 6, Collon 6, PaulS 7

Jupiter trine Saturn

With your Jupiter trine Saturn, you integrate the lessons you have learned through past experiences with your designs for the future. Your goals are within the guidelines you've set for yourself. Success is not a surprise; you expect it because your proposals for yourself are responsible and within your capabilities. People may think you are inspired because things always come up roses for you, but you know differently. You have access to useful information and are skilled in evaluating the details on which you base your actions. The outcome of this planning is generally a sure thing even before you become involved; you don't really take chances on anything.

Having great faith in yourself, you project a wholesome expectation of success in all your endeavors. You don't waste precious time and effort on trivia, but you are thoughtful in applying yourself to the matters that you feel are important. You might succeed in law, finance, physical therapy, counseling of young people, education, or the ministry. You are creatively inspired in using your talents for working with people, especially in religious endeavors. In making any public presentation, you dramatize yourself effectively. You are fairly easy-going with co-workers, and don't challenge them if they are less competent than you.

You could become apathetic and indifferent to success, since this planetary combination gives you the luxury of such a choice. But it would be a loss to society if you elected to detach yourself in this way. If you choose, you can be the catalyst for the development of other people's talents. People without dreams of their own can achieve with your prodding. Their destinies would be immeasurably benefited by contact with you.

You may decide to avoid the hostile world of professional endeavors. If so, you might devote your talents to such areas as recreation, physical development, or training young people in need of a strong adult who believes in them. Participating in programs for their achievements would be a useful way to offer your expertise to those desiring it. You would be of great value and would be enriched by the results of your efforts.

Jupiter trine Saturn: This aspect indicates an individual born into a family with a generally healthy perspective on life. As this person reaches out to relate, to bring in new life experience, his parents are supportive. The father image is healthy and it gives this individual a sound psychological basis from which to work as he approaches new situations in his life. Authority figures are not frightening; there is an innate sense of responsibility for actions taken; and the chances are that any commitment will be thought out carefully. Relationships will be regarded seriously, and any attempt at developing them will be considered from a responsible point.

As this person matures, as he passes through the various cycles relating to the maturation process, he will discover that he opens up and expands his conscious awareness at a similar rate to his letting go of Saturnian cautions and fears. This aspect indicates a steady growth and steady maturity; and therefore the growing process may be more difficult to discern. The person with the Saturn-Jupiter afflictions will grow with leaps, bounds and fallow periods. The trine will move from one level of awareness to another from a more circumspect point.

The trine between Jupiter and Saturn will not outweigh aspects indicating personal conflict. It can be used to indicate the available inner strength needed when working through other, difficult aspects in the chart. An individual may have developed such an intense dislike of the father during the early childhood years (the dislike being based on other aspects in the chart) that he may be unable to see any constructive father effect in his life. Understanding the Jupiter-Saturn trine may give him new insight into the early experience with the father.

Jupiter trine or sextile Saturn: The way in which we seek expansion, improvement and increase harmonizes here with perseverance and the way in which we discipline ourselves and define our egos. A balance between the two planets gives us the possibility of being level-headed visionaries looking for a solidly-built future. A structured career pattern is another possibility and is quite likely to bring success.

We are often filled with a justifiable optimism, a sort of well-balanced enthusiasm, and this enables us to promote joint efforts in a thoroughly relaxed way.

We are good organizers, and know how to combine a look ahead with a sense of current realities; responsibilities seldom over-burden us, and we have little dread of the future. Nevertheless, the promising and stimulating side of these aspects will never turn our heads. We are and remain serious, and will retain the necessary self-discipline to achieve our ends. For in these aspects Jupiter strengthens the ambition and the diligence of Saturn so that we never rest until we have attained our goal.

Jupiter trine or sextile Saturn: This combination is commonly regarded as singularly fortunate, particularly, of course, if the signs and houses occupied are of a congenial nature. It is the token of constructive power, the progressive energy of Jupiter taking form and permanency through Saturn. Hence it is a common aspect in the charts of materially successful people.

The type of character engendered may be described as one of serious purpose, the native being as a rule much in earnest, and yet cheerful and optimistic.

The constructivity lends to many forms of expression such as politics, municipal and administrative work, art, and commerce: sextiles between the two planets, especially from Libra to Sagittarius, or from Sagittarius to Aquarius, or from Aquarius to Aries, seem very favorable to art.

It must be recollected that the best of any aspects between heavy planets such as these can only appear if the lighter planets are also well placed; in a sense, the heavy planets depend for expression on the lighter. Therefore, too much must not be expected from this combination alone. But few contacts possess greater potentialities.

The native will have the ability to take long views, and he will work steadily towards one end in life, year after year, with the utmost patience, learning from the past and adapting its lessons for the future. He is usually generous, but is judicious in bestowing help.

There will probably be a distinctly Jovian streak in the character or pursuits of the father, who may be a religious teacher, a sailor, a lawyer, or may show the less happy aspects of the planet and be feckless and irresponsible, if Jupiter is not strong.

It inclines to mould the native in Jovian ways also, as, for example, to make him travel, or to follow law or some other Jovian activity; and sometimes family influences are the determining factors in this matter.

Jupiter trine Saturn: Carl Jung 0, Gabriela 0, LucJr 0, Steve Jobs 1, Ramakrishna 1, Maitreyi 1, Marcy 1, Ammachi 2, Bette Davis 2, Duane 2, MarieBr 2, Shirley Temple Black 3, J. Krishnamurti 3, Miriam 3, Suzie 3, Alex Jones 4, Gloria Steinem 4, Ralph 4, Alan Arkin 5, Elton John 5, Mitt Romney 5, ChrisC 5, Jude 5, Jyothi 5, Aldous Huxley 6, Frank Sinatra 6, Erika 6, Jamie 6, Travis 6

Jupiter quincunx Saturn

With the inconjunct of Jupiter to Saturn, you feel painfully burdened by your responsibilities, but you find it difficult to justify these feelings. You carry a burden of guilt from some past incidents in which you avoided duty whenever possible. Now you don't have this freedom to choose, and you are disturbed at now knowing how long this situation must be endured. You need not assume that you must always serve sacrificially to be rid of this burden. You need the advice of someone you trust, who can help you evaluate your priorities and determine the extent to which you must serve others. More important is to know when you must serve yourself.

In many ways, your attempts to exploit your potentials are useless because you try to use them to satisfy your obligations to others. In this way, you put yourself under binding restraints and will always be at the mercy of those who will take advantage of you. If this continues for a prolonged period of time, you may become resentful and bitter of the people you serve, even though you chose them yourself. This bitterness is really self-disgust for letting yourself be abused.

You must stand way back to get a proper perspective of yourself, honestly and objectively. You are talented, and you certainly know right from wrong, but you seem destined to make life difficult for yourself. Spend some time and effort to develop your creative potentials and become an expert in your chosen field. In order to escape from obscurity, you need to have a higher estimation of your own worth.

There are many fields in which to creatively express yourself, such as physical therapy, medicine, education, and construction trades. In any of these, you will have to avoid becoming the victim of less capable co-workers who will try to use your knowledge for their own benefit. Beware of being a 'patsy' for another employee's incompetence. It is probably better for you either to be self-employed or to work with a small number of people. There is no limit to how far you can go once you recognize your true capabilities. You are potentially an expert in whatever field you choose; and you can command a high salary for your ingenuity and inventiveness. Know your own worth so you can put a price on your services. Don't undersell yourself - you're probably worth more than you can imagine.

Eat moderately, and never eat when you are suffering from any anxiety. You are inclined to have problems in digestion and assimilation. You must learn to relax in order to stay healthy. Get away frequently from your daily occupation, and see unfamiliar faces and places. A brisk walk or physical exercise is especially beneficial for you.

Jupiter quincunx Saturn: Whenever we set out to tackle something with cheerful enthusiasm, it is not long before we start feeling insecure. Say, for example, we were thinking of asking for a better job, we might hold back because 'we wouldn't stand much chance of getting it anyway'. And yet we would be hard put to it to give one good reason for such pessimism. In fact, we can be our own worst enemy when it comes to realizing potential. This inconjunct often goes with restlessness, inconstancy and inexpediency.

If we are engaged in responsible work (Saturn), then we experience a cover feeling of dissatisfaction because we want to be free and unconstrained (Jupiter), but if we throw in our hand we do not know what to do next because we then feel rudderless. Therefore, responsibility and its opposite, complete irresponsibility, are both in the cards with this aspect. We are continually looking for circumstances to suit us, but there is no possibility of finding them until we understand that we need them to provide both restriction and opportunity, not just either one or the other. Having gained this understanding, we shall be more balanced in our reaction to rules and regulations and will not try and take unfair liberties. Until then, we are likely to undergo many changes in both private and public life, due to an inability to combine form and vision.

Jupiter quincunx Saturn: The quincunx aspect is not as strong as the square or opposition. It causes a strain that can eventually affect the health if it's left untended.

Jupiter indicates the relating ability and Saturn represents the area of caution or apprehension in the personality. The strain between the two qualities indicates that the effect of the father on the individual may not be consciously understood. Relationships may be unfulfilling because of an experience absorbed in the early childhood. There will be some conflict between pursuing relationships and remaining closed to them.

The aspect can be handled when the signs involved in the quincunx are understood intellectually. Both facets of personality need to find expression.

Jupiter quincunx Saturn: Bernie 0, River 0, Meher Baba 1, Sri Aurobindo 2, Mickey Mantle 2, Osho 2, Meryl Streep 2, Alford 2, BenSt 2, Ellen 2, Jane 2, Paulo 2, Willie Nelson 3, Joanne Woodward 3, AlexP 3, DonW 3, Andrea 4, Joy 4

Jupiter opposite Saturn

The opposition from Jupiter to Saturn indicates that you fluctuate between knowing what you are worth and having grave doubts of your value. You are never completely sure of yourself, and need to be constantly reassured by others that you are as talented as you think. Probably some strained contact with superiors, perhaps your parents, has given you this poor understanding of your capabilities.

This is a push-pull planetary combination. Because you need approval, you seek people who will make demands on you to prove your competence to them and to yourself. If their praise is not forthcoming, you reject them and alienate yourself. You seem to be looking for 'yes' people to give you the approval you require. But how hollow the victory that is forcibly extracted. Wouldn't it be simpler to accept competition from your peer group and make your determination that way? You obviously cannot face the truth, and your progress will be slowed until you can be honest with yourself. You generally reject other people who have qualities like your own.

You are inclined to be irresponsible and look for the easy way out of duty. This attitude needs severe adjustment. First, you must face reality and accept the responsibilities it brings; second, you should learn how your behavior hurts people and try to be less indifferent to them. If you can change in these ways, you can rise to any goals you set for yourself. However, if you doubt your own competence, your associates may also refuse to attest to it. You have work to do, and it is advised that you begin soon, if you haven't already.

The same problem in evaluating your worth will crop up in personal relationships, both in friendship and in romantic interests. You might well decide to use better judgment in these instances, because it wouldn't do to sever an alliance with someone very special to you. You don't usually make generous overtures to anyone, even to a lover. Even though you casually reject anyone who doesn't voice enthusiastic approval, you are surprisingly shattered when you are rejected and can't believe you deserve such treatment.

Once you know what you are worth, you won't feel threatened by anyone. Then you can proceed to develop your potentials for success.

Jupiter opposite Saturn: Jupiter indicates the relating principle; it tells how the individual will reach out, open up to new experience; how an individual will attempt to relate himself to his universe; to his friends, lovers, family. Saturn indicates how the father influences, hampers or restricts the individual when he first attempts to reach out to the world around him. The influence may be physical or it may be merely that the father has a disapproving attitude.

The opposition suggests that some definite restriction was placed on the individual early in life. Whenever he reached out for something new, his father disapproved. This subconscious memory will remain for many years, and every time effort is made to open up, a fear symptom may be set off, causing this person to reach out with great caution. He may reach out and then run away - he may be open and receptive one minute, and closed and cold the next. He may have difficulty relating to people he considers to be authority figures - teachers, supervisors, partners, etc..

If these individuals pursue the drive for consciousness; if they believe in self-responsibility, then the personal qualities symbolized by Jupiter and Saturn will have to be integrated. Often, these people grow with leaps and bounds followed by severe fallow periods between growth cycles. The concepts of relationship possibilities will have to be explored at the same time that a confrontation of the fears and apprehensions caused by Saturn takes place.

If Jupiter represents how we assimilate the universe around us, the opposition indicates that every time we have a new idea it will be tested by Saturn. Our mettle will be tested and molded, our character developed, and the Hero venture intensified. The universe doesn't hurt us, but the untested warrior is no warrior. As Jupiter develops, the personality becomes more secure in itself because it has been tested by Saturn.

The opposition also signifies a break with the father, a break with the tradition of the family. That doesn't mean that the individual must leave home forever; but unhealthy family traditions can be left behind.

Jupiter square or opposite Saturn: Whenever we feel like setting to work enthusiastically, improving our chances or seizing fresh opportunities (Jupiter), we are aware of the dead hand of Saturn. Fearing to make a move, we delay too long, or else, by an error of judgment, we saddle ourselves with a pile of unwanted work. Whatever the case may be, our theory and practice, vision and reality are out of alignment and, to begin with, we are uncertain how to proceed. This leads to extreme modes of expression. We can balk at undertakings, but may also bite off more than we can chew. When, for example, we take a position of responsibility (Saturn), Jupiter can propel us into a situation that is too taxing for us or into one where we are forced to take too many risks (financial or mental), and there is an even chance that by adopting half-baked measures to mend matters we shall only make them worse.

With conflicts between Saturn and Jupiter, we learn after many slips and recoveries what we should be aiming for and when to make an all-out effort; initially we lose a great deal of energy by misreading the situation. We are likely to be somber and melancholy, and subject to disappointment.

Yet, when all is said and done, these are aspects that offer us great opportunities provided we have a well-defined field of action; so that we might do well, for example, by taking on responsibilities under the sort of supervision that allows a fair amount of freedom. Then we can produce hard and painstaking work and develop self-confidence.

Jupiter opposite Saturn: Sarik 2, J.Paul Getty 4, Sting 4, Paramahansa Yogananda 4, Leen 4, Bertrand Russell 5, CharlesS 6, James Dean 7, BPoe 7, Dunja 7, Sean Connery 8, Arrow 8, Arnold Palmer 9, Stevie Wonder 9, Bobbie 9, Keith 9


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