nisargadatta siddharameshwar eckhart-tolle-78x111 ramana-maharshi-78x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho

Jupiter conjunct Neptune

This conjunction occurs approximately every thirteen years, and tends to create characteristics that are often similar to the Pisces temperament, where both the positive and the negative qualities of both planets are present and highly active.

Tendencies towards excess, idealism, creativity and naivety will be evident. The Jupiter impulse of expansion may encourage you to reach beyond your actual capabilities. Whilst this can aid in stretching you - and in some cases you will succeed to a greater degree ¬the likelihood is that when it is combined with a Neptunian distorted perception of your abilities you will fail more regularly than triumph. Over time this can become a repetitive and inhibitory pattern which powers your self-confidence.

The sphere of relationships is likely to be a source of many lessons for you, and to reflect back several of your own tendencies towards those less realistic qualities of Jupiter and Neptune that are present in an nonintegrated personality. Whilst faith and trust are potentially positive qualities to possess, life experience often demonstrates that placing our confidence in everyone will unfortunately and inevitably lead to disillusionment. In the ideal world this would be possible, but in our current reality there are many who will self-centeredly take advantage of others' naivety and innocence (and ignorance too). A more realistic appraisal of the motivations and nature of others is necessary; an unconscious automatic offering of your trust and faith in the goodwill and fine nature of others will lead to your abuse. Discrimination is always required, so that you can recognize those in whom such fragile qualities will be rightly respected. Blind faith is an innocence waiting to be ruined; and many will be queuing up to take their pickings.

Yet this ideal of relationships will still persist, often despite many disappointing experiences over the years. It is probably wiser to be more careful in your more personal and intimate relationships, because unless you are aware of what is occurring, your love life could be painful. As you have a natural impulse to care and serve others, you could be exploited by less scrupulous individuals, taking advantage of those tendencies of sacrifice and martyrdom that hide within the Neptune influence. This also leads you towards illusions related to the feelings of others for you, where you convince yourself that they are a strong and true love, and then allow yourself to become deeply committed to the relationship; you may be correct in your assessment, but it is an area in which you are very vulnerable to self-deception, and perhaps more caution and less haste should be advised. Time take in establishing others' motivations and deeper nature is often time well spent; resorting back to a blind faith, trust and assumptions founded on satisfying your own needs can be a recipe for future problems. A careful evaluation of the other is necessary; otherwise, under the pressure of actual marriage or living together, other aspects of the other's nature will emerge which may not suit you (or vice versa). Many relationships flounder today due to mutual self-ignorance, where inner projections of illusions and the anima-animus patterns overlay the real nature of the participants, until time dissolves them and each partner wakes up to realize that they are living with a stranger.

It is not suggested that you become overly skeptical or cynical, but that a deeper and discriminatory look is made, into both your own nature and that of any proposed partner. It may be that those tendencies of faith and trust should be applied in a more impersonal sphere, where instead of having to believe in individuals (who are always capable of letting you down) it becomes more abstracted into a belief in the essential goodness of humanity that is slowly evolving and being anchored in the world. Certainly your experience of relationships will be a testing ground, and one where many lessons can be realized; and, it is to be hoped, where your evaluations will become more acute and realistic.

When disappointment strikes you, there is a tendency to retreat into a private fantasy world. This can be positively used as a self-healing technique, but you must avoid any temptation to use this purely as an escape, for if you do so you risk losing contact with reality. A place to consider the implicit lessons and meanings for you, yes, but not one where you elevate withdrawal as a means to remain ignorant and persist in any illusions.

You may have desires to experience 'sublime feelings and emotions', an intensity that is not commonly found in everyday life, and an expansion beyond your normal boundaries of existence. This can be a latent mystical proclivity, which you search for in love affairs. You may be similarly attracted towards involvement with drugs, alcohol or spiritual cults. Certainly the addictive attractions should be avoided, and if you do look towards the spiritual scene, be careful of illusions related to gurus, cults and the like. Discrimination is vitally necessary in these realms too.

Throughout your life, there should be a fertile imagination at work, which may find means of expression in art, music or literature, or by absorption in religion and philosophy. Suitable channels for this imagination need to be established, or else it will just amplify your inner dreams and distorting illusions.

Idealism will remain strong, although there can be a lack of real practicality and common sense, where through a lack of persistent self-discipline you often fail to deliver what you are capable of doing. As a result of your high emotional sensitivity, you may be attracted towards work related to a feeling of social obligation, where social welfare and aid for others becomes dominant. Such spheres as medicine, nursing, mental health, teaching, community welfare or voluntary service could satisfy this need. You may have to guard against becoming too personally involved when you offer sympathy and support, or else your own ability to serve will be weighed down by the weight of the world on your shoulders. That type of martyrdom which turns you into a victim is often an unnecessary sacrifice, and can be avoided by a different inner perspective.

Jupiter conjunct Neptune: With Jupiter conjunct Neptune, you are inclined to do things to excess. You may talk about subjects you don't really understand or try to accomplish tasks beyond your capabilities. You trust others to maintain the confidences you share with them, carelessly assuming they deserve your trust. When you give others the benefit of the doubt, you may be sadly disillusioned, for they often seem to deceive you. Your faith in people is deep, but you assign it blindly.

You are philosophical about people, and hopeful that you will find someone in whom you can confidently believe. From your experiences with others, you learn many lessons that help to refine your judgment. You have a spiritual understanding of your social obligations, which you fulfill by offering your talents, inspiration, and imagination whenever you can. You would work with particular effectiveness in the broad area of human welfare. Such professional activities as teaching or working in a Sunday school, orphanage, mental health program, medical relief agency, or the Peace Corps, are suited to your temperament and disposition. You can easily become totally immersed in providing sympathetic understanding to those who most desperately need it.

There is always a danger of abuse from people who may try to capitalize on your willingness to serve others. Unless you are alert, this can also happen in your personal relationships. You want to believe that your lover's feelings are those of true love, and you may encourage the relationship to develop, hoping it will lead to marriage. Unless you learn to question everyone's motives in relating to you, you will certainly be disappointed.

You must develop respect for the harsh realities of your surroundings. In your desire to experience the highest emotions and most exquisite sensations, you risk aligning yourself with escapist fanaticism. Avoid drugs, cults, and irresponsible charlatans.

Jupiter conjunct Neptune: The impact of a need for expansion and for widening horizons upon a basic need to refine and disassociate things (which is felt most strongly in the areas of religion and philosophy) produces a state of affairs that is rather hard to define. The combination could lead to dreamy and impractical idealism.

Fantasy is usually well-developed, and we have a Utopian vision of the future; perhaps seeing opportunities and improvements (Jupiter) where none exists, or, if they do exist, failing to recognize their drawbacks (Neptune) and nursing vain hopes about them. Because, with this combination, we do not have a very good grip on everyday practicalities, we need to proceed with caution. We take risks we would never accept if we were not wearing rose-colored glasses, and can end up with a fiasco. The conjunction and the hard aspects (if linked with the personal planets) commonly indicate inveterate gamblers.

If we have any Neptunian aspect, we are not easily moved to take positive action. But as soon as the unseen world, or the world of art or of emotional union with a greater whole, enters in, Neptune offers every imaginable help. And when, as here, Jupiter forms part of the aspect, we possess an added insight into the religious or the mystical. Jupiter gives a natural love of spiritual things, and the conjunction with Neptune intensifies devotional feelings. Ideals (Jupiter) are fostered by these feelings and especially by the need for the sense of oneness given by Neptune. Not only do we have social sympathies, but we are also keen on social action; for example, by engaging in relief work in deprived inner city areas or in the Third World and in general by standing up for the underdogs (including literal underdogs, such as stray animals). Idealism is great and it is deeply rooted, which is why we can serve others for a long time, or alternatively, can devote ourselves to artistic or spiritual activities. In other areas, where there is not sense of underlying unity, we find it hard to summon up much enthusiasm but spend a lot of time dreaming of better things.

Jupiter conjunct Neptune: The conjunction between Neptune and Jupiter is not a personal aspect, for it will be present in all the charts of people born when Jupiter is transiting the same sign that Neptune is during a given year. The aspect indicates a group of people who will view relating from a more spiritual point than those born in the same year.

Neptune clouds the Jupiter position, causing many different kinds of personality traits. These traits can range from an overly spiritual or cosmic-love approach to all relationships down to the mundane set-up for too much sugar intake. Neptune symbolizes the creative dream as well as universal and impersonal love. When a person reaches out to relate (Jupiter) and his relationships are colored by too much 'universal love', the individual with this aspect is more prone to be hurt when the relationship doesn't stay in the lofty spiritual heights that he expects it should - thus a withdrawal into the personal universe full of love that can be made more sweet by the addition of candy, starchy foods, or even alcohol.

On the other hand, when this individual realizes that he tends to see relationships through rose-colored glasses, that he may project too much Neptunian dream-world spirituality onto his relationships, he can begin to reconstruct the way in which he approaches other people. When the reaching out or relating principle (symbolized by Jupiter) gains perspective, he can then use his Neptunian energy to uplift the kinds of relationships he forms, but from a conscious point. He can recognize the qualities he brings into his life, or the qualities he needs in order to feel complete when he looks for companionship. The energy is thereby transformed, and he can proceed to develop very special ways to share his personality with his fellow man. The aspect implies that a spiritual awareness, or a need for discovery of the man-universe relationship, is important.

Jupiter conjunct Neptune: Among natives with this aspect are to be found a wide variety of effects, some of a purely external character and some showing its psychological side. Among the former we have several cases where there has been a seafaring strain in the family, the case of the daughter of a murderer, born whilst her father was awaiting trial, the case of a child born in a penitentiary, and children of preachers, sailors, and others with Neptunian-Jovian characteristics. The conjunction of two planets both possessing, through the sign Pisces, much in common, saturates the birth chart, so to speak, with its influence, which will show forth in many directions, though often in a somewhat subtle and not very obvious manner. It tends to religion and idealism, though often not of a conventional kind; it is extremely humane, and is fond of animals.

The sensitivity of the contact may cause a certain degree of 'astralism'. In one case (in Cancer, with Pisces ascendant), the native 'saw fairies' from early childhood in circumstances which almost precluded the possibility of suggestion. James Coates, mesmerist, had the conjunction in Aquarius; and Algernon Blackwood, the writer of occult fiction, had it in Aries. It is musical and artistic.

Jupiter conjunct Neptune: Lorraine 2, Victoria 3, Erin 4, Q 4, Sarik 4, Michael Jackson 5, Gina 5, Madonna Ciccone 6, Willie Nelson 6, Sky 6, Edouard de Rothschild 7, Leif 7, Prabhukar 7, Robert 7, VinCal 7, Carolyn 8

Jupiter sextile Neptune

The sextile includes several of the themes of the conjunction, but often develops and defines them more clearly within the individual, and so they are probably more easy to deal with and apply in daily life.

In personal relationships, that tendency towards gullibility is still present, aided and abetted by powerful sensitive feelings and emotions that encourage you to believe in the commitment of your partner who satisfies your needs and desires. Your evaluation of the status of your intimate relationships may be unrealistic, and there are bound to be times when your belief in the aptness of your choices is later seen to be merely self-deception; wherever your emotions are involved, they are the source for many illusions and much vulnerability. Standing beside you in the shadows of love is always the prospect of disappointment. Take more time to know someone, be more cautious and check with them how they feel about the relationships too; do not just assume that because you feel in love and happy they feel the same. They may... but the rising divorce rate seems to indicate that the reverse is, regrettably, often the real situation.

The theme that is more defined in the sextile is that of optimism, imagination and idealism. The likelihood is that this will be more focused within your mind, and that your lifestyle will reflect this more clearly. In you, faith and trust becomes a more optimistic spirit looking towards future prospects and opportunities. The sphere of expansion is in that direction, and much attention is likely to be paid to contemporary social problems.

This vision is probably radical in nature, and often veering to the 'New Age' perspective. You are alert and aware enough of social conditions, desires and needs, yet you also add a broader perspective to what is currently occurring and what needs to occur in order to build a brighter future. You are capable of an analysis of modern social problems, seeing intrinsic dangers there, and can be articulate in raising these issues. You may become involved in groups that are public voices for such concerns, those minority pressure groups that perform such an essential public service in the Western world. The failings of established political, religious and social power blocs should be recognized, although you may choose to work within them as an influence for inner change.

You value individualism highly, and see how others can be unconsciously swept along by powerful ideologies and socially acceptable ways of behaving. This can encourage you to make your own stand against any negative social ideologies that are currently powerful, even those emanating from governments and the churches. You may become a publicist for your ideas and those of affinity groups in an attempt to alert public attention to what is occurring. Idealism will be vitally important to you, and you will feel quite passionate about those ideals.

Yet what can let you down is the fact that you are essentially a theorist, in that activity is via a mental perspective, and the ability to ground your vision is often lacking in basic common sense and practicality. At worst, you may recognize social problems, acknowledging that you do have a social responsibility and then fail to take any action about it. Your innate altruistic and humanitarian nature can remain inhibited.

If this is happening, and it is partly a symptom of an nonintegrated Neptune which dissolves the will to act, then you may need to give yourself a shake. Certainly social change does need visions and theories, but ultimately these have to be anchored on this level, and that inevitably involves a transformation of their nature, often compromising the initial pristine vision. They never come through pure; and they often come through channels and areas of life that are surprising and unexpected. There are 'thinkers and doers', and ideally the two need to work together, but even the thinkers can become more practical, even if thinking is their real task and not just an excuse for doing nothing. One simple step is to transfer money towards those who are 'doing' and support them in that way. Or you can evaluate your skills and resources; you should have an articulate imagination, which could be positively applied in the publicizing of vital issues, be inspirational, or express positive social ideals. These are possible channels for you to work along which will be beneficial to yourself and others and will avoid any tendency to retreat into isolated reactive theories, a private monastery of the mind. We can all complain about aspects of life; but the issue is 'what are we doing about them?' We can all do something, and even if our contribution is apparently small and insignificant, collectively we can make a difference.

Jupiter sextile Neptune: The sextile between Jupiter and Neptune shows that you are imaginative, articulate, and extremely hopeful about the future. You study human nature, trying to learn the lessons of the past for guidance in solving the problems of tomorrow. Since you are mainly a theorist, some of your solutions may be realistically impractical. you recognize your social obligations but often dwell on them without taking any action. However, you will help publicize important social problems in order to arouse public response.

You are especially sensitive to negative political conditions, and will offer your services to a candidate who promises to correct them. You are similarly sensitive to religious and social ideologies that don't seem to serve the public interest. An idealist, you are a champion for people who are too timid to voice their objections.

You are ideally suited to work in religious, social or political enterprises, because you are not afraid to stand and be counted. With your imaginative understanding, you can be inspiring in your efforts to bring about social order by uniting its chaotic elements. You would also succeed at writing for the official magazine of an organization. You have the broad perspective to visualize how the individual can unwittingly be swept along by the tide of social, religious, or political concepts. Your sensitive delivery could help avert this kind of totalitarian effect.

Though you recognize the dangers inherent in social structures, you are still personally vulnerable to deception. You assign qualities to your personal relationships that may be unrealistic. Because you want so much to believe you have made a good choice, you may be unprepared for deception and disillusionment. If you really want to know how someone feels about you, ask and find out. Be cautious and evasive when declaring your love for another; don't get yourself out on an embarrassing limb. Your best development will come through self-discipline and practical action.

Jupiter sextile Neptune: The sextile energy is easier to use than that of the conjunction, square or opposition. The energy doesn't really manifest until the middle thirties, for it is a latent talent that needs development. The individual is taught to accept his own creativity when he reaches out to relate to his childhood environment, and that encouragement develops certain unconscious ideas about creativity and relating that can be used in later life.

This aspect will be outweighed by any hard aspect involving Jupiter, because the hard aspects need to be taken care of, reassessed and rechanneled before the Neptune sextile can take effect. The conjunction indicates the possibility of sugar addictions; the sextile does not because it isn't strong enough or threatening enough.

The sign and house placements are important in diagnosis, for they show the qualities and the areas of life that will be affected or improved by the conscious direction of the energy implied by the aspect.

Jupiter trine or sextile Neptune: The harmonious aspects between Jupiter and Neptune make us just as idealistic and dreamy as the conjunction does, but there is a fair chance that we shall be able to express ourselves more easily with the former in our charts than with the latter. However, this ease of expression can be accompanied by passivity; we have definite artistic and musical talents but may fail to develop them.

In general, we display considerable interest in religious and metaphysical topics and problems, but sometimes have difficulty in keeping both feet on the ground and tackling problems in a sensible way. We try to make things out to be more beautiful and ideal than they are, and can stray for a long time in a world of illusion. All the same, just like people who have the conjunction in their charts, we may feel impelled to undertake social work. It is quite likely that we shall have a great love for people and animals; but we need to take care not to impoverish ourselves so much in helping others that we become part of the problem we are trying to solve. Even with the harmonious Jupiter / Neptune aspects, excessive generosity and unworkable idealistic schemes for helping others can set us on a collision course with hard facts. Addictions are another possibility. In aspects of this kind, particular attention should be paid to the personal planets, through which the aspects can readily make their presence felt.

Usually we are deeply religious: perhaps as traditional church-goers (never dogmatic in a rigid sense but sometimes extremely fanatical), perhaps as a follower of some system of metaphysics or spiritual science. The need for a sense of personal (Jupiter) and universal (Neptune) integration is very strong, but the actual form in which this need will express itself is not too crucial.

Jupiter trine or sextile Neptune: One of the commonest and most marked results of this influence is hospitality, and this is but one aspect of the quick sympathy which it is usually ready to bestow upon all who are in need. Sometimes this is directed towards the animal world, sometimes towards the slum-dweller and outcast.

There is considerable emotional content, and, besides philanthropy, this is often discharged in the form of art, especially music. The sensitivity is very great.

The Jovian part of the combination also inclines to metaphysical speculation or psychic investigations, and thus we get many spiritists, students of New Thought, Christian Scientists, and followers of other sects of this description.

Like Mars-Neptune, it inclines to make the native seek the grandiose and the seeming-impossible, but its action is milder, gentler, and more subtle. It is idealistic, and may easily tend to drift away from the actual world, or to deny or ignore its importance. It is other-worldly, and its sense of values is at variance with that of the ordinary man or woman. It is often unable to develop properly in mundane conditions, and may seek the shelter of some form of retirement.

Whereas Jupiter-Uranus seeks power, this influence is much more concerned with service, even of a lowly kind; in less practical charts, there may be a proneness to a life of fantasy. It does not notice barriers, either between the classes, sexes, or nationalities, or between spiritual and mundane things; the whole range of the senses and the emotions is indefinitely enlarged.

It is good for receiving help from others without having directly merited it. Thus the native may himself minister to others in connection with a charitable organization, and may be successful in obtaining funds for that purpose. Or he may find that he is himself the recipient of kindnesses from friends or strangers without having rendered them any particular services; he is often benefited by a 'helping hand'. Sometimes there is relief and happiness through religious retreat, and it is always an influence through which spiritual help and strength may come to the native abundantly.

However, here, as in all cases, much attention must be paid to the general strength of the two planets, especially by sign. Cases occur in which. Jupiter being out of dignity, even the technically good aspects carry with them some troublesome limitation, such as nervous debility, bad eyesight, family misfortunes due to fraud or imprudence, or scandal. In the charts of women, it may incline to faithlessness, indifference, or some form of 'Neptunium'. Among examples of technically good aspects between these bodies I find: a woman whose husband was passionately fond of the sea and was frequently in danger on the sea; another whose fiancé belonged to a family with an insane taint; another whose husband died directly after marriage; one who contacted disease owing to the husband's loose living; one whose husband was lame; and another whose husband's chief fault was incurable unpunctuality.

Perhaps the chief effects of this configuration can best be described as anti-Saturnian - it tends to deprive the native of the virtues associated with the greater malefic, making them slack, kindly, apt to lend and borrow without regard to strict merits, Bohemian, free-and-easy, and changeful. But in the case of women it is clear that these characteristics are often exhibited through the husband, the native herself sometimes being very strict and conscientious, according to the tenor of the ascendant.

Jupiter sextile Neptune: Bill Gates 1, Ramana Maharshi 1, Steve 1, AbbieJ 2, JBLight 2, JerryGr 2, Nancee 2, Lady Gaga 3

Jupiter square Neptune

The square aspect tends to indicate great promise which is usually frustrated by the more negative qualities of these two planets. It is the potent dream world that you create which is both the source of your creative potential and the cause of your challenges in actual achievement. The problem is that often your dreams remain just dreams, an inner world into which you retreat, a world that you invest much energy in maintaining. Dreaming becomes too addictive for you, and your life becomes just an unrealized dream.

This frustration is often caused by a lack of self-discipline and too much self-indulgence and time-wasting. Concentration is poor, and discrimination in decision making can be virtually non-existent at times, as well as being hampered by an unconscious attraction towards flawed ideas and projects. The influences of others are powerful, and you are often pulled from side to side as alluring ideas take control of your dreams. Confronting reality and accepting responsibility is not your favorite activity as you prefer to be absorbed within your current 'castle in the sky', which feels emotionally satisfying. You may be capable of spinning great yarns about what you are going to do, but time reveals that usually you are incapable of actually doing anything, except to dream.

Even when you begin to anchor an idea or intention, what occurs is that it is soon revealed to have flaws, in that faulty logic and reasoning have already eroded firm foundations, and it is seen that those ideas lack real substance and an ability to deliver. Financial awareness is another area where you are rarely at your best, due to the distortions of Neptune and the expansive over-reaching of Jupiter. By unwise actions and lack of preparation, you can create financial problems for yourself quite easily. Your nature is a little other-worldly, running away from the realities of the physical-plane life, and you may have an ongoing struggle to shore up a collapsing ordinary life when your attention has been elsewhere for too long. You tend to become lost in cloudy visions, unable to see clearly through those mists and inner fogs. The real world can feel oppressive and too restricting, and you want to shake it away, yet really you need to properly face it or you will receive many more rude awakenings from those inner dreams.

Yet you are often generous and sympathetic with others, having a good heart which is also liable to be abused and taken advantage of by less understanding people. You can lack discrimination towards those in whom you place your faith and trust. That tendency to be gullible and naive will be present, and you may find that others use you as an excuse for their own failings, placing any blame on your shoulders. There can be the 'victim syndrome' operating through your nonintegrated Neptune. Because both of these planets have similar characteristics, it is likely that you will express both of their more negative dimensions. This can cause a blockage in action, a hesitancy over decision-making. You can become like a seeker of a dream, frustrated by always looking and never finding. Eventually you may even become apathetic at the failure of your attempts and surrender hopes of ever achieving success.

Relationships can pose problems; distortions and misunderstandings may be common, your consistency questioned, or a liability to be emotionally abused is likely. Offering your heart to unsuitable lovers is probably inevitable at some point. What keeps you going? Dreams.... You dream of exotic adventures, exotic lands, exotic mysteries. You find it very difficult to settle in this world. A tendency of restless wanderlust is common, on physical, emotional and mental levels. Contentment is rarely found. Yet it need not be like this, as many of these frustrations are of your own making, and certainly the potential is there waiting to find channels of expression through a disciplined control being applied. It may be difficult, but facing reality, conforming to its restrictive limitations and learning how to be more practical could be the key to success. Some of those private dreams could become real if you became more concentrated and dedicated to achieving one at a time, instead of withdrawing when the going gets tough. The first step is to become aware of your receptive patterns, to see how they operate, see what consequences occur, see the point where things fall apart. Then, resolve to change that pattern, put more thought into building the dream, more realistic self-evaluation, more discipline and effort placed into making that intention successful. By slowing the process down, and by applying yourself more consciously to what you are doing, you may be able to transform this pattern of frustration into one of future success - it could be well worth the effort.

Jupiter square Neptune: The square from Jupiter to Neptune shows you have creative potentials that need only self-discipline and control to become activated. You are excessively self-indulgent, so the dreams you crest never have the slightest chance of being realized. You tend to reject any social burden as being too demanding of your time. Yet you casually waste your time elsewhere and offer yourself to projects of questionable validity, although you don't see them in that light. You are gullible and easily influenced by others to adopt their attitudes.

Your greatest problem is in overextending yourself in buying on credit. There is no excuse for not using your intellect to determine how far you can indulge yourself before you land in trouble. Your higher mental faculties are in good order, but you don't want to face reality and responsibility. Your lines of reasoning are somewhat distorted, and your vision is clouded. Don't be a sucker for deceptive advertisements - they're designed to sway you and others with your vulnerable temperament.

You are sympathetic and kindly toward others, but it may be a mistake to extend yourself to people who will take advantage of your unselfish nature. In your professional work, be extra careful and don't take any chances. If an accident can happen, it will happen to you. Openly discuss who will be permitted to have classified information, and rigidly adhere to the decision. You could easily be the fall guy when there is an infraction of the rules. Mind your own business, and don't discuss your personal life with anyone. When you speak, you often reveal secrets without realizing it.

It would be wise for you to avoid any discussion about religion or occult matters in general. You are not temperamentally equipped to defend your position in such a conversation. Be hesitant and cautious in everything you do, and try not to emotionalize your romantic attachments. When you do, others may get the impression that you would indulge in escapades even with someone whose ethics and spiritual values were unacceptable.

Jupiter square Neptune: This is not likely to be a very difficult aspect, but you should watch out for some of its negative characteristics so that you can avoid them, and you should also learn to take advantage of its positive side.

On the negative side, this aspect may indicate that you are very dreamy, living in a fantasy world that has little relationship to reality. You tend to be foolishly optimistic, never taking into account the real risks in any venture. Because of this, you may lose material possessions and even friends.

You like to see the best in people, ignoring anything bad even when it is hurting you. On the other hand, this is a strong point in a way, because you are nonjudgmental and willing to accept people with all their flaws. Just make sure that you are realistic about their flaws, without pretending that they don't exist.

Sometimes you may set your ideals too high or have grossly inflated expectations in some situation. Of course you will be disappointed, and then you will become dis¬illusioned and see nothing good in the world. But that is just the other side of the same coin. In either case you are refusing to accept reality, which is usually not as ideal as you would like to think.

The positive side of this aspect is that if you are reasonably in tune with reality, you will take risks that may have quite magnificent results. You refuse to let fear of losing keep you from trying out new things, so your life may be richer than the lives of those who are more cautious.

Jupiter square Neptune: This aspect strongly suggests emotional excesses and impractical, flowery, undisciplined religious idealism. Natives will build castles in the air while the important affairs of their lives are in shambles.

They crave exotic experiences, such as can be had by traveling to far¬away places or by involvement in mystical cults. With the wanderlust this aspect produces, they are not likely to remain in the place of their birth but will do a great deal of seemingly aimless wandering, either physically or mentally.

They are usually kind and sympathetic but lack discrimination in the bestowal of their kindness. Often they are merely maudlin, with little inclination to exert themselves enough to be really helpful.

They promise more than they can deliver. In extreme cases, they are downright dishonest. Some are smooth talkers who present a glowing pic¬ture of projects which have little substance. Generally lacking is the dis¬cipline and natural ability to support these projects.

Unless other factors in the horoscope indicate otherwise, there will probably be laziness and self-indulgence. If the native has money, this aspect can lead to a life of idleness and nonfulfillment.

Overindulgence in eating is characteristic, and a tendency to be over¬weight or to carry excess fluid in the tissues makes the natives feel and look heavy.

Jupiter Square Neptune: The tendency to exaggeration and confused emo¬tions can cause difficulties in whatever areas these two energies are placed. Can cause person to be deceived or deceive, according to its house position. Not apt to see straight. The schemer and the dreamer who can be unstable as water, constantly veering and changing course. Apt to be unreliable and lacking in emotional control. Can be a weak character but seldom a mean or cruel one. Can be dominated by a stronger mind due to suggesti¬bility.

Jupiter square or opposite Neptune: If Jupiter is square or opposite Neptune, the person is confused in his judgment. He is sentimental and affected by excessive emotions. He has difficulty distinguishing the real from the unreal. He has a great imagination but little common sense. He is idealistic and is easily fooled and exploited. He may see only the good in others. The person is extremely generous, sometimes to a fault. He always wants to help. He must develop a balanced sense of proportion and try not to waste or squander his energy. He is thrown off balance by wishful thinking, and his lifelong task is to learn discrimination and discernment.

The person may be an impassioned spiritualist. He loves the mys¬tery, romance, and magic of life. However, he should be extremely careful in this realm because he is such an escapist. He is easily fooled by gurus and religious teachers. He is awed by their power and magnetism, and lacks the necessary prudence to protect himself. The person is prone to religious fervor. He is vulnerable, and always susceptible to disappoint¬ment and disillusionment.

The person has tremendous devotional urges. He is dedicated, faithful, and enthusiastic about spiritual growth. He is selfless, altruis¬tic, and very empathetic. He is psychic and open to mystical realities that are closed to the average mortal. He excels in all kinds of social work. If the rest of the birthchart is strong, the person can make great use of his fanciful imagination. He may be a fine writer of fiction. Or he may do well on stage or in the film industry.

There is a need for discipline and responsibility. Many people with hard Jupiter-Neptune aspects neglect the requirements of daily life because of their infatuations and whimsical cravings. The person may be weak in character. He may be inconsistent, changeable, undisciplined, and incapable of ever realizing his goals. He must guard against strange, difficult-to-diagnose health problems which are caused by poisons and other substances specifically attacking the liver. Speculation and gam¬bling are not favored. The person should beware of business dealings with associates who "promise the stars." There is simply too much naiveté, and the person does not see straight.

Drugs and alcohol are particularly dangerous. The person has a sensitive liver and powerful escapist tendencies, which manifest as potential addictions. The person searches his whole life for perfection or nirvana. In some cases the person is too metaphysical for his own good. He may be superstitious and too psychically exposed. He has to be more precise in his work, and avoid making commitments he cannot fulfill. Marilyn Monroe, who experienced an inordinate amount of disappoint¬ment and disillusionment, had the Jupiter-opposition-Neptune aspect within four and one half degrees. Fidel Castro has the same aspect within two degrees.

Jupiter square Neptune: Jim Carrey 1, Bertrand Russell 1, Wilt Chamberlain 2, Isadora Duncan 2, Robert Redford 2, Jeff 2, Travis 2, Zoë 2, George 3, Jamie 3, Marie 3, Pankaj 3, George Clooney 4, Princess Diana 4, Carl Lewis 4, Alford 4, Farmer 4, Ju 4, Jude 4, Henry Kissinger 5, Paul McCartney 5, Erika 5, Gabriela 5, Bill Hicks 6, Joanne Woodward 6, Antonio 6, Geoff 6, LucJr 7, Marcy 7

Jupiter trine Neptune

The trine aspect between these two planets offers the most fluent and the easiest ways of expressing that inner potential, and has several similarities with the characteristics of the sextile.

There is likely to be a natural religious and spiritual affinity, whether orthodox or unorthodox, and possibly pursued through a more mystical orientation, an interest in occultism, or by your own heightened psychic sensitivity. You tend to recognize that spiritual insight and attitudes can help you to infuse supportive foundations in the lives of those who are responsive, and can enhance meaning, purpose and life direction. These need not be traditional religious philosophies or theology, but are a personal path which unfolds from your own insights and values, emerging from that ability to understand life and people that seems to be a part of you.

This approach is less intellectually biased than with the sextile aspect, focusing more on feeling, emotion and intuition, and so the path of the mystic and of contemplative meditation may feel more natural to you. Exalted emotional experiences are of an intensity that you welcome; and it is the evocation of such sensations that can draw you towards communal and religious activities that enhance ceremony, atmosphere, communion and a touch of dramatic mystery. It could be the appeal of the High Church that you find attractive. It is the love and relationship aspect of the spiritual life that motivates you, rather than the knowledge or wisdom dimension, and indeed you may lack discrimination to some degree. Even so, you do succeed in successfully integrating your inspired knowledge so that it is absorbed within your optimistic outlook on life and serves to add richness and variety.

There is likely to be a deep sensitivity to your local and world environment, and a strong sense of community spirit. Your basic attitudes are positive and progressive, in that you see the light imprisoned even within the deepest darkness, and have faith that it can be released into constructive activity. It is this essential trust in life and people that can give you strength, both in your own path through life and in supporting others when times are hard and challenging. Your generosity of spirit is one which can be relied upon when friends and family are in need. In several ways, you will both grow and feel fulfilled if you are engaged in service to others, when something real, constructive and positive can emerge from your efforts; and this can lead you into the medical and nursing professions, community welfare and forms of teaching, or into developing beneficial social programs which increase the opportunities for others to release their potential or enjoy life more. Attempts to refine and improve society are likely to be your most effective channels to work through, although you may also do this through creative means, such as art, music and literature, where your expansive imagination can find ways to be anchored in objective forms. You recognize that there are always causes which can benefit from your support and energy, such as international aid organizations.

In intimate relationships, ideally you require someone who is essentially compatible with your outlook and attitudes; someone who can understand and respect your sensitivity and refinement, and who acknowledges, values and supports these qualities. Because you have so much to offer, there may be occasional inner clashes between a few self-centered demands and needs and your higher ideals; following the path indicated by your ideals will prove the most apt way, and ensure that the positive tendencies of these planets shine through.

In a few, the spiritual and mystical worlds may be extremely attractive, so much so that the ties of mainstream society fail to bind them into a traditional lifestyle. In such cases, a withdrawal into the world of contemplation may occur; a monastic life or one of non-materialism may greatly appeal. Some prefer to remain free and wander without too many ties or possessions, and adopt a travelling Bohemian lifestyle like the 'New Age travelers’ scattered across the world, free to listen to their own inner inclinations and to experience the boundless nature of Planet Earth by exploring alternative cultures.

Jupiter trine Neptune: With the trine between Jupiter and Neptune, you have the inspiration and integrated knowledge to make your life rich and contented. Your deep spiritual understanding of life and people will give you moments of serene contemplation. Being aware of the coarse realities in your environment, you may offer to make some contribution to refining them. You can see good where others see evil, constructive potentials where others see decay, and restored order where others see chaos.

With your sophistication, you should participate in activities that benefit the public. Your efforts could stimulate social programs for developing the productive potentials of poor people. Education, art, religious interests, and writing are some avenues for expressing your enormous creative talents. These would prove successful to you and immeasurably beneficial to others.

You have the deepest respect for religion and philosophy because they bring order to the lives of those who respond to them. For yourself, however, you are fascinated by the occult and have a deep understanding of mystical matters. Your psychic abilities are considerable, and much of your knowledge comes through this faculty. Others sense your strength when they seek comfort from you. Permitting others to benefit from your tender, loving care helps relieve your spiritual anxieties. Your greatest fulfillment is through service to others, especially when your efforts result in lasting benefits. There are always causes to which you can make a significant contribution. Even if you are not gainfully employed, you will be involved in useful activities, such as art or fashion shows or a benefit for a needy cause.

Your refined nature is comfortable in romantic attachments with others of similar persuasion. You never sacrifice your ideals to satisfy a physical need, for you respond only to people who have meaningful spiritual values.

Jupiter trine Neptune: Here the addiction comes up again. This person will be in pursuit of the perfect spiritual relationship and may be drawn up sharply when he discovers that other people don't relate the way he does, or that other people don't want the same kind of relationship he wants. He wants some lovely pie-in-the-sky kind of relationship that just happens. The reality of having to compromise with another person, and the reality of having to face the necessities of survival - like working and paying the rent, etc. - may bother him. This personality may not want to take self-responsibility in the real world. When this happens, he attaches himself to other people without looking to see what the other party wants from him. He may not recognize what the possibilities of the relationship are.

On the constructive side, this aspect indicates a person who is naturally interested in religious philosophy and the pursuit of metaphysics; and even orthodox religion may give solace. However, it's important that he really learn how to relate, for he will feel better about himself if he does. When Neptune clouds relationships, it really indicates that he doesn't fill half of the relating requirement - he doesn't take the time to determine what the other person wants from a relationship, what the other person needs, or even if the other person is available. Unrequited love relationships are not the answer. He must learn to listen to the other person. As he develops perspective, he will find himself in more fulfilling situations.

Jupiter trine or sextile Neptune: The harmonious aspects between Jupiter and Neptune make us just as idealistic and dreamy as the conjunction does, but there is a fair chance that we shall be able to express ourselves more easily with the former in our charts than with the latter. However, this ease of expression can be accompanied by passivity; we have definite artistic and musical talents but may fail to develop them.

In general, we display considerable interest in religious and metaphysical topics and problems, but sometimes have difficulty in keeping both feet on the ground and tackling problems in a sensible way. We try to make things out to be more beautiful and ideal than they are, and can stray for a long time in a world of illusion. All the same, just like people who have the conjunction in their charts, we may feel impelled to undertake social work. It is quite likely that we shall have a great love for people and animals; but we need to take care not to impoverish ourselves so much in helping others that we become part of the problem we are trying to solve. Even with the harmonious Jupiter / Neptune aspects, excessive generosity and unworkable idealistic schemes for helping others can set us on a collision course with hard facts. Addictions are another possibility. In aspects of this kind, particular attention should be paid to the personal planets, through which the aspects can readily make their presence felt.

Usually we are deeply religious: perhaps as traditional church-goers (never dogmatic in a rigid sense but sometimes extremely fanatical), perhaps as a follower of some system of metaphysics or spiritual science. The need for a sense of personal (Jupiter) and universal (Neptune) integration is very strong, but the actual form in which this need will express itself is not too crucial.

Jupiter trine or sextile Neptune: One of the commonest and most marked results of this influence is hospitality, and this is but one aspect of the quick sympathy which it is usually ready to bestow upon all who are in need. Sometimes this is directed towards the animal world, sometimes towards the slum-dweller and outcast.

There is considerable emotional content, and, besides philanthropy, this is often discharged in the form of art, especially music. The sensitivity is very great. The Jovian part of the combination also inclines to metaphysical speculation or psychic investigations, and thus we get many spiritists, students of New Thought, Christian Scientists, and followers of other sects of this description.

Like Mars-Neptune, it inclines to make the native seek the grandiose and the seeming-impossible, but its action is milder, gentler, and more subtle. It is idealistic, and may easily tend to drift away from the actual world, or to deny or ignore its importance. It is other-worldly, and its sense of values is at variance with that of the ordinary man or woman. It is often unable to develop properly in mundane conditions, and may seek the shelter of some form of retirement.

Whereas Jupiter-Uranus seeks power, this influence is much more concerned with service, even of a lowly kind; in less practical charts, there may be a proneness to a life of fantasy. It does not notice barriers, either between the classes, sexes, or nationalities, or between spiritual and mundane things; the whole range of the senses and the emotions is indefinitely enlarged.

It is good for receiving help from others without having directly merited it. Thus the native may himself minister to others in connection with a charitable organization, and may be successful in obtaining funds for that purpose. Or he may find that he is himself the recipient of kindnesses from friends or strangers without having rendered them any particular services; he is often benefited by a 'helping hand'. Sometimes there is relief and happiness through religious retreat, and it is always an influence through which spiritual help and strength may come to the native abundantly.

However, here, as in all cases, much attention must be paid to the general strength of the two planets, especially by sign. Cases occur in which. Jupiter being out of dignity, even the technically good aspects carry with them some troublesome limitation, such as nervous debility, bad eyesight, family misfortunes due to fraud or imprudence, or scandal. In the charts of women, it may incline to faithlessness, indifference, or some form of 'Neptunium'. Among examples of technically good aspects between these bodies I find: a woman whose husband was passionately fond of the sea and was frequently in danger on the sea; another whose fiancé belonged to a family with an insane taint; another whose husband died directly after marriage; one who contacted disease owing to the husband's loose living; one whose husband was lame; and another whose husband's chief fault was incurable unpunctuality.

Perhaps the chief effects of this configuration can best be described as anti-Saturnian - it tends to deprive the native of the virtues associated with the greater malefic, making them slack, kindly, apt to lend and borrow without regard to strict merits, Bohemian, free-and-easy, and changeful. But in the case of women it is clear that these characteristics are often exhibited through the husband, the native herself sometimes being very strict and conscientious, according to the tenor of the ascendant.

Jupiter trine Neptune: Martin Luther King, Jr.0, Dipesh 0, DJenkins 0, Johanna 0, LucSr 0, Tom Cruise 2, Dustin Hoffman 2, Vaslav Nijinsky 2, John D. Rockefeller 2, AndyF 2, Marlon Brando 3, Ezra Pound 3, David Rockefeller 3, Tiger Woods 3, Ivy 3, Maitreyi 3, Miriam 3, Olof 3, Yarrow 3, Ammachi 4, Kim Basinger 4, George Bush, Sr. 4, Michael Jordan 4, John Malkovich 4, OmNi 4, Karl Renz 4, Alicia 4, Duane 4, Marybeth 4, Ralph 4, Samp 4, Bob Dylan 5, L.Ron Hubbard 5, Groucho Marx 5, Jyothi 5, Silas 5, Shirley Temple Black 6, John Dee 6, George Patton 6, Ronald Reagan 6, Andrew 6, Mikael 6, Suji 6

Jupiter quincunx Neptune

The inconjunct from Jupiter to Neptune indicates some distortion between your intellect and your emotions. Your reasoning tells you not to overextend yourself for others, but your emotions make it difficult to refuse. You are inclined to persecute yourself by creating impossible problems, that are so painful to solve that you wind up in an emotional bind. It is sometimes difficult to know which is greater, other people's dependence on you or your need for their dependence. You are constantly struggling to expiate an undefined guilt concerning service to others.

By imagining social obligations that are not even your responsibility, you push yourself to extremes. You might even seek out the most painful and demanding profession just to work out your addiction for pain. At the same time, you may complain bitterly about your work, without doing anything to find a less demanding situation. You are particularly awed and fascinated by work involving institutions such as prisons and other places of detention for unruly elements in society.

Your positive attitude could be beneficial because you have a warm, sincere understanding of socially afflicted members of your environment. However, even this is dangerous, because you tend to absorb the ills of those you care for. You are unconsciously seeking to take the burden and guilt of humanity on your own shoulders.

You are susceptible to physical problems that are obscure in origin and difficult to diagnose. Oftentimes, the causes may be psychosomatic in origin, caused by your misunderstanding of your responsibilities and by the guilt associated with them.

You need the advice of someone you trust and admire to help you determine when and if you should burden yourself with duties toward others. You must learn to say 'no', even to those who can't seem to get along without your help.

Jupiter quincunx Neptune: The inconjunct is not very different from the square and the opposition in its effects. However, the lack of understanding is greater. The conflict between the planets concerned is not open but disguised. Just where and how things go wrong is hard to detect, but one thing is certain: we need to beware of making false evaluations. When we launch out full of enthusiasm under the influence of Jupiter, an emotional element slips in that is hard to pin down and even harder to exclude. Therefore the eagerness with which we start can be neutralized by some contrary emotion. Perhaps the hopes we set out with are too high, or our (idealized) partners let us down. Whatever the case may be, a nagging uncertainty plagues us in some form or other. We sense that there is a strange tendency for matters ruled by Jupiter to go awry; but the fact that we are dealing with an inconjunct makes it difficult to trace the source of the trouble. At the same time, the dream and fantasy world (Neptune) is covertly but unmistakably enlarged and strengthened by Jupiter - to the extent that it may not be easy to tell reality and fantasy apart.

Nevertheless, the combination is outstanding for those wanting to enter into the spirit of myths, fairy tales and legends, and into the still magical world of childhood. If we conquer uncertainty and manage to keep our feet on the ground, we could do well working with infants, or in the fields of music, metaphysics, spiritual endeavor or creativity.

Jupiter quincunx Neptune: The quincunx is not a very difficult aspect between Jupiter and Neptune. There are probably more important squares, oppositions and conjunctions in the chart that will indicate more serious personality dilemmas.

The relating principle (Jupiter) is affected by the illusions and dilemmas of Neptune. Some vague disturbance can be working on an internal level because this individual dreams of having an inspiring and special kind of relationship that may not occur. Probably all relationships are somewhat disappointing because he reaches out according to the sign that Jupiter is in, and dreams of handling his life differently.

Jupiter quincunx Neptune: MFor 0, Pete 0, Johnny Depp 1, Ramakrishna 2, Ted Turner 2, Carlos Castaneda 3, Al Pacino 3, Malcolm X 3, Dewitt 3, LouG 3

Jupiter opposite Neptune

The opposition has several similarities to the square, but here the source of 'contention' is projected externally onto the outer world and people. There is the difficulty of 'follow through', where intentions and plans are often thwarted by an inability to actually realize them, despite your original aims; things are started but never completed in any satisfying way. You tend to resent and resist any external pressure that can be placed on you by others' expectations of your performance and abilities.

Conflicts often arise in interpersonal relationships, especially with other work colleagues, who may attempt to take advantage of your skills or persuade you to take on responsibilities which may be thankless tasks, or in which for reasons of their own advantage they expect you to fail. There is often a lot of manipulative activity in work places, and you can become a victim of this if you are not aware of the hidden motivations of others. You can become paranoid and suspicious of people, perhaps as a result of previous experience, and there is often a kernel of truth and validity there; yet equally, part of this is a projection emanating from you based on the tensions inherent within this opposition. You tend to either oppose or antagonize others, sometimes by being too direct in your comments and attitudes; there is little social diplomacy in your style of expression, and sometimes you can be very tactless and too adversarial.

There can be a blind spot in your character that is often unrecognized, and is related to the sign and house positions of Jupiter and Neptune. Whilst you may fail to fully comprehend your own nature and what you 'should be doing', you still express yourself forcefully and with a tendency to be authoritarian. Yet you also often challenge the dictates of those in positions of authority, questioning their perceptions and rights to wield power. There is less of a social awareness and conscience here with this aspect, as most of the energy is tied up in an external uneasiness; you do not have any great trust in the good nature of others, which, whilst possibly more realistic, is also symptomatic of your own inner fragmentation and stress - you cannot relax and trust yourself either. You need to learn how to accept others as well as accepting yourself; the two are intertwined, and if you can manage this then stress will be diminished and all your relationships will improve as you correspondingly feel more at ease in your own nature.

Intimate relationships can pose difficulties until the step of personal integration and resolution is taken. Your choices of partners may be unwise, especially where those anima-animus projections are superimposed on the partner, apparently turning them into the ideal lover who possesses everything that you believe you desire and need. When these projections collapse, you are liable to be emotionally distraught and see that person as another one who has deceived you; in fact, it may have been your own illusions that have been self-deceptive, and so the consequences of a hurt heart should not be taken out on your partner in any emotional or physical aggression. Resorting to the Neptunian addictions of drugs or alcohol must be avoided at such traumatic times.

Some form of religious or spiritual life and aspiration is likely, yet this too can suffer from some distortion and invalid projections. Your spiritual attitudes may lack a practical dimension, or even a serious application by yourself in everyday life. There can be a greater attraction toward the glamours of more exotic religions, which offer a colorful fascination and mystery that appeals. Cultism and an idealized surrender to gurus can be a temptation, despite your resistance to forms of authority, and can seem to offer a way out from the disappointments and stresses of your life. Alternatively, you may dream of foreign travel or pilgrimages across the world as an antidote to the lifestyle you feel trapped within.

Realizing that so much of what dissatisfies you in the world is a reflection of an inner lack of integration would be a major step forward. Reabsorbing those powerful projections, allowing yourself to re-own them, can only strengthen you and give you back the ability to redirect your life in ways that you want it to move in. Taking such control and self-responsibility is crucial, unless you want to persist in the likelihood of unsatisfactory relationships with others, where your need for development and expansion is perpetually thwarted by 'external resistance'.

Jupiter Square or Opposite Neptune: If Jupiter is square or opposite Neptune, the person is confused in his judgment. He is sentimental and affected by excessive emotions. He has difficulty distinguishing the real from the unreal. He has a great imagination but little common sense. He is idealistic and is easily fooled and exploited. He may see only the good in others. The person is extremely generous, sometimes to a fault. He always wants to help. He must develop a balanced sense of proportion and try not to waste or squander his energy. He is thrown off balance by wishful thinking, and his lifelong task is to learn discrimination and discernment.

The person may be an impassioned spiritualist. He loves the mys¬tery, romance, and magic of life. However, he should be extremely careful in this realm because he is such an escapist. He is easily fooled by gurus and religious teachers. He is awed by their power and magnetism, and lacks the necessary prudence to protect himself. The person is prone to religious fervor. He is vulnerable, and always susceptible to disappoint¬ment and disillusionment.

The person has tremendous devotional urges. He is dedicated, faithful, and enthusiastic about spiritual growth. He is selfless, altruis¬tic, and very empathetic. He is psychic and open to mystical realities that are closed to the average mortal. He excels in all kinds of social work. If the rest of the birth chart is strong, the person can make great use of his fanciful imagination. He may be a fine writer of fiction. Or he may do well on stage or in the film industry.

There is a need for discipline and responsibility. Many people with hard Jupiter-Neptune aspects neglect the requirements of daily life because of their infatuations and whimsical cravings. The person may be weak in character. He may be inconsistent, changeable, undisciplined, and incapable of ever realizing his goals. He must guard against strange, difficult-to-diagnose health problems which are caused by poisons and other substances specifically attacking the liver. Speculation and gam¬bling are not favored. The person should beware of business dealings with associates who "promise the stars." There is simply too much naiveté, and the person does not see straight.

Drugs and alcohol are particularly dangerous. The person has a sensitive liver and powerful escapist tendencies, which manifest as potential addictions. The person searches his whole life for perfection or nirvana. In some cases the person is too metaphysical for his own good. He may be superstitious and too psychically exposed. He has to be more precise in his work, and avoid making commitments he cannot fulfill. Marilyn Monroe, who experienced an inordinate amount of disappoint¬ment and disillusionment, had the Jupiter-opposition-Neptune aspect within four and one half degrees. Fidel Castro has the same aspect within two degrees.

Jupiter opposite Neptune: Queen Elizabeth II 0, Hugh Hefner 2, Zeno 2, Albert Schweitzer 3, Robin Williams 3, Jesse Ventura 4, Marilyn Monroe 5, JRosh 5, Aleister Crowley 6, Komala 6, Robert Downey, Jr. 7, Beth 8, Shiloh 8


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