nisargadatta siddharameshwar eckhart-tolle-78x111 ramana-maharshi-78x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho

Composite Venus conjunct Composite Neptune

With the conjunction of Venus and Neptune in a composite chart, your affection for each other can become idealized to the point of unreality, unless you are careful. This combination of Venus and Neptune can be a beautiful illusion, or it can be the perfect mystical ideal union, which obviously is an ideal that is not easily achieved.

A love relationship with this aspect usually starts out in a burst of romantic fervor, for the Venus-Neptune aspects are the most romantic of all astrological configurations. Unfortunately, however, such a relationship usually doesn't take place between two real individuals but between two fantasies that people form about each other. Be sure that your love is for a real person and not for some imaginary ideal that your partner represents to you. The effect of Neptune can be to make your disappointment more intense when dull reality replaces the beautiful illusion.

If in fact you both come close to each other's ideal, you will have a beautiful relationship, the kind that inspires song and verse. But be honest with yourselves; such ideal situations are rather rare.

Neptune is a nonphysical planet and therefore may turn an affair that would otherwise be sexual into a platonic relationship. The physical aspect of sex somehow does not come up to the spiritual idealism of Neptune. Often this aspect will bring the deepest love but no sex. Even a friendship will have this idealistic quality, but in that case the physical aspect is less of a problem. The important reminder with this aspect is to be realistic.

Composite Venus conjunct Composite Neptune: It might seem that your souls are merged. There isn't much of a veil between your deepest feelings. Intuitive flashes about one another are probably not uncommon. The romantic inside of you both finds easy access into the great imagination you possess. Being swept off of your feet is exhilarating. The idealism you awaken will need to be balanced with reality. A love for the arts may be just as strong as your feelings for one another. The beliefs you share are a point of unity. Others might think you to be the perfect couple. Be careful in expecting your partner to be a miracle worker. You are only human. Mistakes will be made. Sensitivity and compassion emanate from you. The faith you show in one another goes far in establishing intimacy.

See also: Venus conjunct Neptune;

Composite Venus sextile Composite Neptune

Like all composite Venus-Neptune aspects, the sextile increases the idealistic and romantic tendencies of a relationship. A friendship becomes more than an ordinary encounter, for each of you idealizes the other in some almost magical way. In fact, this aspect favors friendship more than a love affair, because like the other Venus-Neptune combinations, it inclines toward a nonsexual relationship. Neptune operates on the nonphysical, nonmaterial plane and denies physical manifestations, including sex.

Nevertheless, this aspect does not mean that a would be sexual relationship will be unsuccessful. It simply means that it will have a strongly spiritual tone in addition to its sexual and physical dimensions. This can be a very beautiful relationship for both of you, if you keep your feet on the ground, at least a little bit. It should open your eyes to the sublime aspects of the world around you and make you more receptive to beauty. Through this relationship you will also experience the beauty that lies within you. At its best, this can be a bond between true soul mates who are matched spiritually as well as physically.

Composite Venus sextile Composite Neptune: Getting stimulated through sharing your ways to seek comfort and pleasure is likely. You know how to make each other feel accepted just as you are. Business and romance are easy for you to keep separate. Each can be satisfying parts of your lives. Doing fun things makes being together a timeless flow. The faith you have in your partner is genuine and confidence provoking. Entertaining your friends and business associates illustrates your intuitive gift in pleasing others. You spark greater idealism in each other.

See also: Venus sextile Neptune;

Composite Venus square Composite Neptune

The square of composite Venus and Neptune requires that the two of you be quite wary about the true nature of this relationship. If you are not careful and unless you evaluate yourselves thoroughly, you could experience great disappointment. With this particular Venus-Neptune aspect, you may believe that you have met the ideal of your life, especially in a romantic sense. The love of your life is here! Everything may seem perfect and ideal, but there may come a time, rather suddenly, when it all turns out to be quite different from what you had imagined.

Neptune is the planet both of illusion and the ideal, and under its influence you are likely to find it very difficult to tell which is which. This relationship may in fact be a very good one from which you will derive much value, although even at best you will probably idealize it. But even a really good relationship may at the same time be a complete illusion. Without knowing it, the two of you may not be able to see each other for what you are at all. You must ascertain whether each of you is for real; that is, are you relating to each other or to some idealized fantasy? Is the spiritual element that you see in each other and in your relationship real or not?

You must examine this situation very closely, for you cannot afford to live in a fool's paradise. Your relationship may be either very good or very unreal, and you must find out which it is.

Composite Venus square Composite Neptune: Emotions are easily aroused. You can grow addicted to the ocean of love felt in this relationship. Though you need to keep expectations attainable. Rome wasn't built in a day and neither will your eternal happiness! Capturing each other's most romantic images can be done with intuitive ease. A mutual fondness for aesthetic experiences is probable. You may run into discord over everyday preferences. A lack of faith in your partner is taken very personally. Remember to talk. Assuming you are understood could produce embarrassing and confusing circumstances. Certain beliefs might need your tolerance in order for you both to find acceptance. You will tend to spend money on pleasure and the finer things life has to offer. A vague way of conducting business together could be another trouble spot. When you really want to establish a clear partnership, the closeness you desire will follow suit. You are a magical duo!

See also: Venus square Neptune;

Composite Venus trine Composite Neptune

The trine of composite Venus and Neptune indicates a highly idealized relationship. If this is a love affair, it is a very romantic one; if it is a friendship, you probably idealize each other's attributes. In either case, something about this relationship stimulates your spiritual side, so that you see each other as well as the world around you in a more idealized way. This relationship may also stimulate great creativity in one of you, enabling you to write poetry or music. However, it is more likely that it will only stimulate a desire to be creative, rather than actually give you the ability.

Venus and Neptune together mean the beautiful illusion. In a trine, however, the word "ideal" might be more appropriate than "illusion." Even so, you must try to stay in touch with the everyday world; any relationship, no matter how ideal, has to work out some everyday details that may not quite come up to the beautiful ideal. With this aspect, the two of you may even reject physical sex as being too earthly and material. Like many other configurations of Neptune, this aspect is often characterized by a platonic relationship. If there is physical sex, it is highly idealized.

The effects of this aspect are not really bad, although others may think that the two of you are a little bit crazy. your relationship should actually be quite beautiful and pleasant, but in order for it to exist successfully in the material world, you cannot spend all your time in the ideal world of your dreams.

Composite Venus trine Composite Neptune: You may feel like you have found the perfect match. It is wonderful to have someone believe in you so unconditionally. Romantic interludes make life worth living--don't they? You likely have a similar appreciation for the arts. The causes you choose to support can be a source of joy. Be careful that others will not abuse your generosity. The world seems like a better place when the two of you are together. Being advocates for one another doesn't take much effort.

Composite Venus quincunx Composite Neptune

Emotions are easily aroused. You can grow addicted to the ocean of love felt in this relationship. Though you need to keep expectations attainable. Rome wasn't built in a day and neither will your eternal happiness! Capturing each other's most romantic images can be done with intuitive ease. A mutual fondness for aesthetic experiences is probable. You may run into discord over everyday preferences. A lack of faith in your partner is taken very personally. Remember to talk. Assuming you are understood could produce embarrassing and confusing circumstances. Certain beliefs might need your tolerance in order for you both to find acceptance. You will tend to spend money on pleasure and the finer things life has to offer. A vague way of conducting business together could be another trouble spot. When you really want to establish a clear partnership, the closeness you desire will follow suit. You are a magical duo!

See also: Venus quincunx Neptune;

Composite Venus opposite Composite Neptune

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