nisargadatta siddharameshwar eckhart-tolle-78x111 ramana-maharshi-78x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho

Composite Uranus conjunct Composite Pluto

People with a passion for realizing goals--does this sound like you? The two of you can think your way out of any jam. Watch out for a compulsive tendency to get too attached to the outcome of situations. You will always be friends as well as lovers, if you honor each other's personal autonomy. Your tenacity to forge through obstacles is ferocious. Group involvements can intensify your purpose. Trust comes with clear communication. Expecting the unexpected makes life together interesting. Finances and investments are areas where you can display your creativity.

Composite Uranus conjunct Composite Pluto: This combination in your composite chart reveals a relationship with a strong will and great depth of passion. Together, you are tuned in to the energy of the collective to an unusual degree, with a special focus on the ultimate transformation of society. You share a keen intuition and great power to transform yourselves and your relationship as you evolve as a partnership. You also tend to bring great force to bear in expressing your opinions about how this is best accomplished. You benefit when you work to develop tolerance, diplomacy and tact as you boldly make your way through the world. In a romantic connection, you may share an unconventional approach where sexual matters are concerned. At your best, your partnership demonstrates great interest in the transformation of social systems to be more individually fulfilling and empowering, and you are apt to be of assistance to this effort as builders and helpers in the creation of a new world based on humanitarian ideals.

Composite Uranus sextile Composite Pluto

Understanding each other's sudden desire for change helps you communicate and move in step. You can excite your partner to follow through on passionate life aims. Having multiple interests simultaneously is something you have in common. You bring out experimental tendencies in one another. Tapping into new trends may lead to business ideas. The two of you are never at a loss for ways to use your minds productively.

Composite Uranus square Composite Pluto

Composite Uranus trine Composite Pluto

Composite Uranus quincunx Composite Pluto

Composite Uranus opposite Composite Pluto

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