nisargadatta siddharameshwar eckhart-tolle-78x111 ramana-maharshi-78x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho

Composite Uranus conjunct Composite Neptune

Composite Uranus sextile Composite Neptune

You excite the imagination highways in one another. There are few dull moments you will tolerate. Exposing each other to new ideas is exhilarating. The beliefs you share, and the ones you explore as individuals, are equally inspiring. Stay in touch with your partner's latest glimpses of the future to make sure you remain close. Your joint goals can incite others to follow in your footsteps.

Composite Uranus square Composite Neptune

You can disrupt the direction in each other's lives without always intending to do so. It's the electricity you generate in each other's minds that delivers the jolt. Inspiring greater imagination and creativity is highly possible. Your goals and ideas could clash. It will take a willingness on both of your parts to iron out the differences. Sudden desires for distance can occur. It's when you openly explain your needs and expectations that life together may settle down. You are an exciting duo that many people want to get to know.

Composite Uranus trine Composite Neptune

Your individual and shared ideals don't create much tension between you. There is a desire to support each other's causes. Your highest beliefs are an innate part of your relationship. The two of you can anticipate each other's thoughts. Your values can be a key link to your minds. Your future aspirations can flow side-by-side with little conflict.

Composite Uranus quincunx Composite Neptune

Your relationship may have a feeling of disorientation about it. Ideally, the two of you should know yourselves and each other, but instead you may feel totally lost about almost everything, occasionally, including yourselves. This aspect can make it more difficult for you to find yourselves, unless you can learn to be hard-headed realists.

The only problem with your ideals is that even if realized, they might serve no useful purpose. You may be using these ideals as devices for escaping a reality that is not truly adverse but that you will not deal with. Perhaps you are afraid that the truth is too strong for you and that if forced to face it you will lose something that is very important to you. That, however, is more fear than truth. If you can learn to live together in the real world, you will be better able to make it all work.

Composite Uranus opposite Composite Neptune

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