nisargadatta siddharameshwar eckhart-tolle-78x111 ramana-maharshi-78x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho

Composite Pluto in the Composite 1st House

Pluto in the first house of a composite chart indicates that this relationship will try to project itself into the world with some degree of power, that it exists with the intention of making changes in the surrounding world. It will also have a great impact on the two of you.

It may be that you want to bring about some kind of reform, or it may simply be that you want to have the power to affect your environment strongly. In either case, be very careful how you use the power that this relationship will call up from within you. When Pluto's energies get too strong, they tend to provoke strong antagonism in others, who will turn against you and try to bring down your efforts.

This energy can also be something that transforms both of you. Pluto rules major psychological transformations, those that are related to psychotherapy. A relationship with this placement often brings about major changes in you, much like those induced in therapy. In other words, this relationship is likely to have a very powerful effect on both of you. The only way that this placement can cause a serious problem in the long run is if you try to resist the effects of Pluto. Go along with whatever is happening and do not try to fight it. If you learn to flow with the energy, your relationship will work out as it should.

Composite Pluto in the Composite 1st House: You impact each other's need to take bold new steps in a big way. Each of you attracts attention through your actions. A compulsive drive to put a plan in motion is indicated. It may be hard for you to understand why others can't get motivated. You have a self-starting nature fueled by your passion that makes for an active and busy life. People can like your intensity. Sensitive individuals may find the two of you difficult to handle. Why? Your remarks about someone can be as on target as your observations. Faint of heart types could be blown away by your directness.

Business in your relationship is probably straight forward most of the time. It needs to be! Hidden agendas that are detected by either of you cause anger. Be up front as it makes you feel that much more compatible. The greater your trust, the easier it is to be honest.

This is a charismatic flavor to your companionship. You will find when you are confident that others have trouble saying no to your requests. Each of you can strengthen the identity of the other. You may have even sensed this during your first encounters. There is an element of the mysterious in being together.

Composite Pluto in the Composite 2nd House

With composite Pluto in the second house, the two of you may find that acquiring property becomes a strong and overriding passion. it is as if you unconsciously regard the material world as the source of all the power. You feel that you must control it in order to keep control over your own lives. However, too great a concern with acquiring property and possessions can become a factor that controls your life, thus causing you to lose the very control you were seeking.

But this placement does not always work out on the material plane. It can indicate that this relationship enforces a strong sense of values in both of you. Or, if you cannot agree on your values, they will be a source of conflict. Whether or not you agree, this relationship is quite likely to change your sense of values. This fact in itself may cause conflict between you, if you cannot develop the flexibility needed to accommodate each other's value systems.

Property or material resources may become a factor in this relationship in another way. They may be a decisive factor in restricting your movement or your development as a couple. Or property and possessions may become a controlling issue in your lives. This problem ultimately stems from the excessive concern with your value systems that has been discussed. You must learn to give material resources precisely the importance they deserve, and no more. Pluto in the second house often makes these matters too important.

Composite Pluto in the Composite 2nd House: You impact each other's drive to create financial security. As a matter of fact, as individuals, concerns about money might not be as prevalent. In this relationship, you arouse a drive to increase your shared wealth. Financial dealings can reflect your business wizardry. A common sense approach will show you how to save money. Consolidating debts and locating lower interest rates is not that hard for your radar-like instincts to find. Money issues intensify if you don't discuss them. It could still require tough compromises.

Your sensual drives can move along similar routes. Tastes in entertainment and romantic atmospheres are likely not that far apart. You need to sweep each other off of your feet every so often. Comfort is a mutual desire. There will be occasions when you may grow tired of things that come too easily. This may indicate your boredom with routines. Arguments may have to do with not treating yourselves lavishly enough. Maintain a balance between hard work and relaxing moments alone.

A shared self-mastery comes through making each other feel good about themselves. Doing whatever it takes to create growth-promoting opportunities for your partner shows wisdom. You are capable of building a stable relationship where you both feel safe and sound.

See also: Pluto in the 2nd House;

Composite Pluto in the Composite 3rd House

Composite Pluto in the third house indicates that this relationship will have a profound effect upon the thinking of both of you. In turn, the two of you are likely to have an impact on the thinking of other people around you. Pluto in the third indicates deep, profound thoughts whose purpose is to understand the forces that lie behind events.

In more concrete terms, you are likely to spend a considerable amount of time discussing the relationship itself and trying to analyze what makes it tick. You will also look more deeply intom yourselves to find out what makes you act as you do in a relationship. The end result of this introspection could be a considerable increase in your understanding of each other as well as yourselves.

The danger lies in the other side of the third house Pluto, a side whose effects should be minimized or avoided altogether. Because the third is a house of communication, Pluto here may indicate that one or both of you will try to mold the other's mind and thinking according to your own beliefs. Most people do this to some extent, but the danger here is that your efforts to convince your partner will become an all-pervading concern, to the point that the other may feel that he or she is being brainwashed and that the only solution is to flee from the situation. Obviously this can be very dangerous to the relationship.

It is also possible that the two of you will turn the energy outward and make a career of influencing others to adopt your point of view. If you do so with subtlety, this is all right, but watch out for a backlash from others.

Composite Pluto in the Composite 3rd House: You impact each other's minds to think more deeply than most. Easy answers don't usually satisfy your penetrating curiosity. Knowing why things happen may be just as important to you as the event itself. An avid interest in the latest breaking news can be shown. There isn't much that gets past either of you in your daily lives. Your perceptions can cast a net that collects the relevant facts and throws out the frivolous. It is assumptions about each other that can get you into trouble. Check things out with your partner before taking immediate action. Your ideas might be on the same wavelength, but with a few twists.

People can enjoy your in-depth knowledge. This isn't information based on theory alone. You both either carefully research your information or have already put it to a test. Enhancing each other's learning is a bonus in being together. Don't put each other through a lie detector test. If you are truthful more than you are not, this won't be necessary anyway. It isn't easy to fool one another for very long. You may find yourselves exposing the darkness in those that lie to themselves.

Beware of compulsive worry. Leaving a few stones unturned is okay. You don't always need to investigate a situation down to its bare bones. Unleash this forceful mental energy you have in common on worthwhile projects. You are thorough problem-solvers--aren't you?

Composite Pluto in the Composite 4th House

The fourth house can be a very important and critical position for Pluto in a composite chart. It indicates that powerful forces are at work in the innermost depths of this relationship. The actual effects of this can vary considerably. For instance, the fourth house rules the past. Therefore you may find that past circumstances have a stronger than usual conditioning effect on the course of your relationship.

The fourth house also rules the deepest levels of the unconscious mind, so the two of you may act out very deep, unconsciously motivated patterns that change the course of your relationship. It is very important to establish whether this is happening. If you can ascertain that some of your problems are being caused by your individual mental patterns rather than by external events, then you can begin to deal with the problems.

In a love relationship or a marriage, one or more of your parents may have an unusual degree of influence on the relationship. Unfortunately one cannot tell from Pluto's house position alone whether that influence will be good or bad.

The fourth house also rules the home, and in a relationship that has a clearly recognized home, very powerful forces may be experienced there. The problem is that home should be a place where you can get away from pressure, but with Pluto in the fourth house, home could be the place where pressure is most intense.

Whatever the effect of the fourth house Pluto, it does provide for resolution of its problems, because it gives you the desire and the ability to get at the depths of your own being. Just don't carry it so far that you begin to lose all perspective about life.

Composite Pluto in the Composite 4th House: You impact each other's security needs in a major fashion. This may come as no surprise to the two of you. Expect to encounter a few moods now and then. You can either make your partner feel comfortable, or as though you are on the sinking Titanic! Sounds like two extremes--doesn't it? Emotional upheavals will make you sea sick. They are an indication it is time to talk. Listen carefully. Don't panic. You don't need to have all of life's answers in your pocket or up your sleeve. Spend time together. Communicate from the heart. You will get back to the middle ground. The home has special meaning for you both. You can't afford to let tension and stress come between you for too long.

You enjoy being tight allies. When you are truly moving together in spirit, nothing can sink your ship. There are great survival instincts in this partnership. Don't ever let anyone convince you otherwise. You both thrive on knowing the other cares. Make this clear on a regular basis.

Get out of the house! It will make your domestic life more meaningful and stimulating. There is a tendency to use your home as a retreat. Privacy might be enjoyed. There is nothing wrong with having a place that offers refuge. Just don't become hermits. Go out and have fun!

See also: Pluto in the 4th House;

Composite Pluto in the Composite 5th House

Composite Pluto in the fifth house has its most intense expression in a personal relationship or love affair that involves deep feelings. The fifth is the house of self-expression, the house of your own being. Pluto here indicates that in this relationship it is unusually important for both of you to be able to express yourselves fully. You each have a powerful drive for self-expression.

In a love affair this placement can signify extremely powerful emotions that make you feel that this relationship is extraordinary. However, it must be pointed out that by itself Pluto does not specify which feelings are so strong. If your love is strong, Pluto in the fifth will intensify that, but if the forces of discord are strong, Pluto will intensify them also. Whatever the dominant emotions are, they will be experienced strongly.

In a sexual relationship, physical sex will assume a greater than usual importance and will be experienced as an escape from the everyday world. But that is a fairly heavy burden to place upon sex, and unless the relationship is working on a physical level, you are likely to have severe difficulties. Pluto in the fifth house does not indicate a platonic relationship.

The relationship itself may be viewed, at least subconsciously, as a vehicle for self-regeneration, for making a new person out of yourself. This too places a heavy burden on a relationship, but it may very well fulfill that purpose.

Composite Pluto in the Composite 5th House: You greatly impact each other's creative intensity. A compulsive tendency to make a strong impression on others may be shown. Hiding your talents makes you both feel uncomfortable. You need to have outlets to release a passionate drive for success. Helping your partner find ways to market their talents wins their admiration and love. You may be all or nothing people. It could be in your thinking to not bother with an enterprise unless you really see it producing big. Receiving attention from each other is a craving. Don't be too upset if your lives become too busy for this to always be possible.

Engaging in certain hobbies may be a way for you to feel a stronger bond. Working together on a project can build a spirit of cooperation. This will backfire if either of you gets too bossy. Neither of you likes to be told what to do by the other all of the time. Let each other take turns leading the dance. You activate each other's leadership drives. People may find that you are lovers that like to take control of situations. You may cause others to be jealous of your apparent wonderful romance. Your relationship has a way of growing stronger after you deal with conflict. Don't run away from your partner's intensity. It's the power inherent in your being together that calls for you to be courageous in dealing with each other.

Don't let pride be your most visible trait. You will sometimes step on each other's feelings. You are at your best when you make each other feel needed and included. This is when you both feel like winners.

Composite Pluto in the Composite 6th House

Composite Pluto in the sixth house of the composite chart gives importance to duties and responsibilities, to work that must be done. In a relationship, this work may be what the two of you must do in order to maintain the relationship.

The actual effect of this placement varies. On the one hand, it can give the two of you a strong desire to get things done. It provides a kind of ambition, not to get ahead, but rather to keep busy. In a personal relationship you may feel that you must work constantly to keep the relationship moving, that it will grow and develop only through constant effort.

But there may also be a reverse effect, in which the continued necessity to get things done strangles the relationship, and duty gets in the way of joyful self-expression. The two of you may feel you always have to try very hard to make anything happen; there is a continual sense of effort and struggle.

Which of these two effects comes about depends largely on your individual attitudes toward responsibility. If you make the effort to fulfill each other's needs, your relationship will grow. It will also confront its greatest challenges, but they are the basis of growth in a relationship.

Composite Pluto in the Composite 6th House: You have an immense impact on each other's desire for self-improvement. This can translate into the skills area. It is possible you know how to encourage and support one another when it comes to increasing your job potential. Helping your partner stay out of dead-end work positions makes for greater compatibility. You expect one another to act responsibly. A team spirit in taking on joint projects deepens your closeness. Operating a business together can be done successfully.

Criticism may be a sore spot in your relationship. It can cause hurt feelings, if used carelessly. Be harder on the problems, rather than on each other. Focus your emotional intensity away from your partner. Neither one of you cares to be analyzed under a microscope of scrutiny--do you?

The health arena is of interest to one or both of you. Don't push your own diet or health regimen on your partner. You will only meet with resistance. Suggestions that are meant to help each other work better than commandments. The two of you talk more clearly when not too exhausted or filled with worry. The timing of your conversations will prove to be as important as the content.

You can brighten your partner's life with an impeccable desire to be there when needed. A spontaneous display of rationality in the midst of turbulence may be a shared talent.

Composite Pluto in the Composite 6th House: Composite Pluto in the sixth house correlates to a relationship where there is a need to sacrifice to the other and to the relationship. As a partnership, you may also experience a strong desire or even a compulsion to be of service to the general good or to others that you encounter. You may find you are working through very deep-seated unconscious dynamics of being truly helpful and available to others. In a romantic relationship, in order to prevent power struggles that inevitably play out within the issues of sharing and service to each other, it is important that you carefully turn the light of consciousness onto the working dynamics of the relationship. In spite perhaps of a culture that does not encourage it, you benefit when you develop an ability to mutually acknowledge the power dynamics at play, and to begin to cultivate a very real and sincere humility, or take the time to access built-up and unresolved emotions within you, and just let it be. It can be very helpful when you become aware of the compulsion to create crisis, and take time out from the relationship in order to practice deeply forgiving each other from this, and possibly other, lifetimes. You may have as a survival instinct for the relationship a mutual desire to bring integrity and expansion into the area of shared service and to confront any limitations within you that prevents this from happening. When you work together for greater individual consciousness in this area, you benefit not only yourselves but also others that you come into contact with, as you move toward a more conscious and freely given act of sharing.

See also: Pluto in the 6th House;

Composite Pluto in the Composite 7th House

Composite Pluto in the seventh house can have two quite opposite effects. On the one hand it can signify that the two of you work very hard to create a stable relationship. You will make any necessary changes in yourselves in order to make it work. And at the same time you both are aware that this is a team effort, and neither of you takes on an unfair share of the burden.

You recognize that this relationship is having a great impact on both of you, and you experience it as a way of gaining a new, regenerated life. This can be expected if your relationship is otherwise quite good.

If there is a great deal of stress, however, a quite different effect will emerge. In this case each of you will continually try to dominate the other; in other words, a power struggle. If one of you wins this struggle, the other will feel extremely stifled, which will lead to further trouble. The "loser" may accept fate and continue in the relationship with a disgruntled, grudging acceptance, taking every opportunity to make the other's life miserable. On the other hand, he pr she might just disappear rather than risk a losing confrontation. If neither of you wins, the battle simply goes on and on. Most couples experience a mixture of good and bad effects from a seventh house Pluto. If you wish to keep this relationship going, continue working together for growth and development. And try to lower the pressure.

Composite Pluto in the Composite 7th House: You impact each other's social life. Introducing one another to your key allies widens your social circles. You are both individuals who are hard for others to forget. It is your emotional intensity that leaves a lasting impression on people. There are those that will be intimidated by your abilities. Your best friends and closest associates will likely admire the way you carry yourselves. This is a relationship that can boost each of you into greater public recognition. It is better if one of you does not try to live their life through the other. Expressing your own unique selves strengthens your partnership.

When you put your minds together there are few hardships you cannot endure. Helping one another solve problems makes you feel close in spirit. It is your passion for what you are doing that attracts support. People can't help to either fear or appreciate you. You don't care for pretense.

A tendency to delay trusting others is possible. You may wait until someone can prove that you can do so. Your business know-how is an attribute. Figuring ways to earn extra money is stimulating for both of you. Share the power. You don't like tension to continue when you have differences of opinion. Working through issues with an attitude of forgiveness makes life more pleasant.

Composite Pluto in the Composite 7th House: Pluto in the Seventh House gives your relationship an intense focus on satisfying your individual needs and desires by pairing up with each other. There may be an almost fated sense of connection between you; that you have come together for some powerful reason. In this relationship, you have a calling to learn all about the nature of your partner's needs and expectations, and there may also be power issues to contend with as one or the other unconsciously tries to dominate. As you sort things out with each other, you will transform yourselves around the issues of balance and control. In a romantic relationship, this transformation toward balance may at first manifest as an unconscious acting out of traditional roles. As you begin to resist playing out old patterns with your partner, a powerful love/hate response may arise in either one of you. Getting to the point where your will becomes harmonized with your partner takes time, but eventually the two of you will develop the ability to at least partially begin to "act as one," as power struggles give way to shared love and mutual respect. Gaining the courage to begin to confront these patterns becomes the challenge. You benefit when you allow time for shared reflection when your needs are not being met. A great deal of self-knowledge will be generated through your discussions around the issues of power sharing versus unilateral control once you can learn to really hear each other.

Composite Pluto in the Composite 8th House

The eighth house is Pluto's natural home among the houses, but the effect of this is simply to make its action, for good or bad, more intense. A relationship with an eighth-house Pluto will have many major changes and periods of transformation. It gives an intensity to whatever emotional involvement you have with each other.

In a relationship with this placement, your innermost psychological drives will be brought out into the open and examined. This process may not always be pleasant, but nevertheless it is good to have it happen from time to time. If you allow it to happen you will learn a great deal about yourselves, and that can only be good. In many ways this relationship is a mirror in which you can see your own soul reflected. Remember that, when you are tempted to blame each other for your problems.

A sexual relationship with this configuration will be particularly intense. Sex will be more than simply sex, it will also be a pathway to self-transcendence. That is, you can use sex as a vehicle to carry you away from the ordinary concerns of reality into an experience beyond, an experience everyone should ultimately have in order to make their lives meaningful. In such a relationship physical sex has a very strong metaphysical and philosophical importance that extends far beyond the physical nature of the act.

However, Pluto is an energy that is not easily expressed in words, and you probably won't think too much about the importance of your sexual relationship in philosophical terms. You will simply feel that sex has a greater significance to the two of you than most couples.

In other relationships, the eighth house Pluto may create a curious bond that seems to hold you together even when you do not want it to. You may feel that you are trapped in this relationship, although that is not really the case. It is more likely that both of you are deriving an obscure satisfaction from what you do to each other and have actually built up a dependency between you on this basis. If you are honest with yourselves, you will see what is happening and will be able to deal with it. It is not fate that has created this relationship, it is the two of you, with your acknowledged and unacknowledged needs.

Composite Pluto in the Composite 8th House: You impact your partner's desire to seek self-mastery. There is a need to explore what makes each of you feel whole and successful. It pays off dividends for your relationship. Helping one another discover their strengths and weaknesses brings you closer in mind, body and spirit. Pushing each other's most sensitive emotional buttons is likely. You may need to yell and scream. Passion can produce strong emotions. It's how you deal with the aftermath that is more important. Talk. Listen with an open heart. You don't have to always agree. Respecting each other's feelings is the way to harmony.

Money is a probable popular topic of interest. You probably don't like being in debt. Obtaining loans for business ventures can meet with favorable results. Delayed gratification can have a pay off as the end result. You can display instincts for making your money grow. You both might be the most secretive about finances. Talking more directly about expenses and desired purchases cuts down the arguing.

You can exhibit a great loyalty to those you care about. People may admire the survivor in each of you. There can be a psychological toughness that sees you through the good and not so good seasons.

See also: Pluto in the 8th House;

Composite Pluto in the Composite 9th House

Pluto in the ninth house of a composite chart signifies that the two of you will affect each other's way of looking at the world in a very fundamental manner. And you will have the capability of affecting those around you in the same way.

Pluto in the ninth house represents an energy that wants to "convince" others of its point of view. "Convince" is in quotation marks because it may seem to those being convinced that "bludgeoned" is a better word. You will have a strong effect on each other, and together you will have a great impact on other people. There is no need to make a special effort to do this, beyond what happens naturally; in fact, it is not a good idea.

The energy of Pluto should never be harnessed to your ego. You should not try to use this energy to show people that you are right, simply to reinforce your ego. Most people want to know the truth in order to be right, not to understand and gain wisdom for themselves. But when you use the energy of Pluto for this purpose, which is very likely in the ninth house, others are provoked to try to prove you wrong. And they will try very hard, even at the risk of really hurting you.

In a relationship, you run a great risk of doing this to each other or to those around you. This can make for a very difficult situation, because necessary communication is replaced by contests of "rightness" between you. The things that must be said are not.

Kept under reasonable control, the ninth house Pluto can mean that the two of you have an uncannily deep perception into the basic psychological nature of your relationship. You can use this perception to make needed changes in your relationship and to adapt to the changing world around you.

Composite Pluto in the Composite 9th House: You make a solid impact on each other's desire to learn. Each of you intensifies the other's passion for self-discovery. Education can be a popular subject in your lives. Traveling to different places together can be good for your sense of closeness. You can have fun taking your partner to your favorite places to visit. Helping one another knock on new doors of opportunity is exciting. Don't grow too narrow in vision. Keep the path wide enough for the two of you to walk side-by-side happily. You both do better when not drawing hasty conclusions about each other, or the people you know. Communication between you is an adventure in itself. There are few subjects that will probably be no trespassing zones. You win each other's loyalty by not breaking the trust.

Negative thinking is counter-productive. You grow by leaps and bounds through positive looks at your everyday life. Keep your imagination open to new directions. Your minds experience liftoff at the anticipation of adventure. Taking chances may benefit your finances. Expanding your resources is a way to get your hearts beating faster.

See also: Pluto in the 9th House;

Composite Pluto in the Composite 10th House

See also: Pluto in the 10th House;

Composite Pluto in the Composite 11th House

Composite Pluto in the eleventh house brings to a relationship ideals and hopes that you will feel very strongly about and work very hard for. You both feel that you have not come together casually and that this association has great importance for your lives. You have a very strong emotional involvement with your ideals and if necessary will fight to maintain them against all comers. By the same token you will work hard together to accomplish what you want.

This kind of intensity attracts others who are similarly inclined. And since the eleventh is also the house of friends, this placement of Pluto signifies that your friends either are very emotionally intense people, or they possess some kind of power, or both. The power can be anything from an intense aura of power that radiates from them to actual power on the material plane, as in business or government. Pluto is by nature somewhat secretive, and the friends that the two of you attract are not likely to be people who are known to the world at large, but rather those who wield power from behind the scenes.

An eleventh house Pluto may also signify that the two of you are involved in large scale humanitarian movements that seek to transform and regenerate the world, such as reform and revolutionary movements, movements of mass consciousness, and so forth.

Composite Pluto in the Composite 11th House: You make a strong impact on each other's goals. There is a no nonsense approach to being all you can be. Pay attention to the direction each of you is trying to pursue as it helps make you great pals. Your alliance can put you in the fast lane in creative accomplishments. Your peers can be happy for you on one hand, but may be a little jealous on the other. Your closest allies will be there for you when you need them.

The two of you can be a forceful duo in group activities. Your ideas will get a reaction. Some will be moved by your fierce confidence, while others may fear you. Exposing the darkness in people with limited thinking is what you can do well. You could find it hard to talk to one another on occasion. It may be due to hurt feelings. There might be needs for space. Just be sure to talk at regular intervals. You could grow apart without really knowing it. Don't worry! It isn't as far back to feeling at home with each other as it may appear. Act like you want to be a vivacious partner, and you can draw each other close very quickly.

You will tend to resist change if it means learning new time-consuming tricks. Generally speaking, new experiences will be more received if they fit into the reality you have already created. Surprising one another in ways that show you have been paying attention always seems to be a winner--doesn't it?

Composite Pluto in the Composite 12th House

See also: Pluto in the 12th House;

Composite Pluto in Aries

Composite Pluto in Taurus

Composite Pluto in Gemini

Composite Pluto in Cancer

Sharing deep feelings is better than hiding resentful ones. Don't you agree? You arouse intense emotion in each other. Creating a stable life together puts you more at ease. Your dependency on each other for security can intensify through time. Home and family bring out some of your strongest opinions. You need to feel your voices are heard in this domain. Being protective of those you love is in your shared chemistry. It helps to tolerate the friends you each choose. You like to know there is a space in your residence that provides privacy.

You probably don't like to stay mad at each other. Why? It's exhausting. When you are trying to go to sleep, it is disturbing to hear the constant drip of a faucet. Carrying residual anger around is just as irritating. Sooner or later, you have to deal with the problem. Why not choose sooner?

You influence one another to save your money. Securing the future through a healthy respect for the present is in your make up. Safe investments are a lot less anxiety provoking than the big ones. There is the possibility of taking a major risk if you consider yourselves knowledgeable about what you are going into. You can enjoy a life together when the power is equally shared.

Composite Pluto in Leo

You will probably learn more about each other when acting out your lives than through talk alone. Words without actions might seem cheap to one or both of you. A show me you mean it motto pulsates vivaciously in the heart of your liaison.

Each of you is dynamically aware of when you are getting support, and when you being ignored. There is little tolerance for the latter. You are possessive of each other's need for approval. Give your best attention whenever possible as it brings trust. It even enriches your lovemaking.

You will need to forgive one another when your egos get rubbed the wrong way. There is heat in some of your verbal exchanges. In other words, you may get on each other's case at times. You have a tendency to pull out your partner's deepest feelings. You are not a shy couple in the area of self-expression. Money is a subject that awakens strong opinions. You both want to make use of green energy from your own vantage point. Allow each other to feel free to make purchases that benefit their own goals. It will make you both that much more cooperative on the joint ventures.

You can enhance mutual wealth in material and happiness terms. Make each other feel important. Your investment of time and trust can reap great rewards.

Composite Pluto in Virgo

Two people with a plan! Does this describe you? A passionate plea for life to respond to your most sincere efforts is in your stars. Work is a regular part of your diet. It shares equal footing with any of your other interests. There is talent when you put your energies together. Planning a direction that yields practical results is within your reality. Each of you can be very dedicated to improving your skills. You experience greater harmony when helping your partner achieve self-improvement.

Watch those critical remarks. Keep them to an absolute minimum. You respond better to positive strokes. There is a tendency to push each other to greater heights. You may do this out of love or a compulsive worry. With practice, you will learn just how encouraging you need to be.

Researching the best diet, and healthy ways to live, are possibly of mutual interest. Your work could involve health related or service fields. You both possess instincts to satisfy the public. Business ideas can be exciting. You may be a careful couple when it comes to your money. Knowing how to find a bargain is a strong point. Make time for sheer pleasure. You will need this to maintain your physical and mental health. Getting away is good for your romance.

Composite Pluto in Virgo: Composite Pluto in Virgo correlates to a relationship where there is a need to sacrifice to the other and to the relationship. As a partnership, you may also experience a strong desire or even a compulsion to be of service to the general good or to others that you encounter. You may find you are working through very deep-seated unconscious dynamics of being truly helpful and available to others. In a romantic relationship, in order to prevent power struggles that inevitably play out within the issues of sharing and service to each other, it is important that you carefully turn the light of consciousness onto the working dynamics of the relationship. In spite perhaps of a culture that does not encourage it, you benefit when you develop an ability to mutually acknowledge the power dynamics at play, and to begin to cultivate a very real and sincere humility, or take the time to access built-up and unresolved emotions within you, and just let it be. It can be very helpful when you become aware of the compulsion to create crisis, and take time out from the relationship in order to practice deeply forgiving each other from this, and possibly other, lifetimes. You may have as a survival instinct for the relationship a mutual desire to bring integrity and expansion into the area of shared service and to confront any limitations within you that prevents this from happening. When you work together for greater individual consciousness in this area, you benefit not only yourselves but also others that you come into contact with, as you move toward a more conscious and freely given act of sharing.

Composite Pluto in Libra

You can show great persistence in getting much accomplished once you have made up your minds. The trick is making a decision and sticking to it. Your shared desire to be fair at all costs can allow you to see both sides of life. Negotiating with each other requires tact. You are both sensitive about making one another happy. Your joint investments can be empowering. Financial levelheadedness can be shown.

People may experience you as a complicated twosome. You can display a ferocious social nature and a tendency to suddenly want more private time together. A balancing act is required for your outgoingness and this desire to be alone. Mixing with people is stimulating. A knack for meeting individuals with considerable influence might benefit your career. You may notice that the two of you can communicate with a flowing ease. The only real interference to your harmony is the onset of moods. The more active your life, the happier you are.

You love receiving attention from each other. Don't be too demanding. You may enjoy much of the same entertainment. Each of you will want to explore your own favorite interests. Allowing this to occur is good for your connection.

Composite Pluto in Libra: Pluto in Libra gives your relationship an intense focus on satisfying your individual needs and desires by pairing up with each other. There may be an almost fated sense of connection between you; that you have come together for some powerful reason. In this relationship, you have a calling to learn all about the nature of your partner's needs and expectations, and there may also be power issues to contend with as one or the other unconsciously tries to dominate. As you sort things out with each other, you will transform yourselves around the issues of balance and control. In a romantic relationship, this transformation toward balance may at first manifest as an unconscious acting out of traditional roles. As you begin to resist playing out old patterns with your partner, a powerful love/hate response may arise in either one of you. Getting to the point where your will becomes harmonized with your partner takes time, but eventually the two of you will develop the ability to at least partially begin to "act as one," as power struggles give way to shared love and mutual respect. Gaining the courage to begin to confront these patterns becomes the challenge. You benefit when you allow time for shared reflection when your needs are not being met. A great deal of self-knowledge will be generated through your discussions around the issues of power sharing versus unilateral control once you can learn to really hear each other.

Composite Pluto in Scorpio

Secretive. Decisive. Both could be true of you! You probably don't like to show your cards too soon to others. It may take a while for people to win your trust. Each of you can have strong opinions on how money should be spent. You may have a heated debate or two over financial matters. Count on it! Learning to talk openly with your partner helps you to more quickly find solutions to problems.

You can develop a deep trust. A shared passion to embark on similar paths makes you strong allies. Your tenacity to be successful is evident. Influencing one another to develop talents is possible. Trying to change each other is not a good idea. You both will resist being forced into decisions. The two of you are at your best when you operate from a position of strength. You need to feel like you are living on your own terms.

Money strategies can be sound and profitable. Running a business together is not out of your reach. You are a more passionate duo when each of you knows your opinions count and are taken seriously.

Composite Pluto in Sagittarius

You are people with great enthusiasm. An intense belief that you can make your mark on the world is alive and well within you both. Even if you meet a roadblock, your optimistic spirits can take you through it. People can be moved by your dedication to your beliefs. Encouraging each other to shoot arrows at growth-promoting targets allows you to feel closer. Life in your eyes needs to be seen as filled with opportunities. You both function better when not becoming too dogmatic about your ideas. Your friends and loved ones benefit from your faith in them. You can raise your partner's confidence levels tremendously.

Spending money on travel and adventure is likely. You might need to keep one foot in reality if you take too many risks. There is a sense that you will be rewarded for pursuing your highest ideals. Educating yourselves in any way possible is your way of creating options. You might seem lucky to others. Instincts to make beneficial choices come with experience.

Communication is a strong tool in your hands. You can expose each other to new ways of thinking. Walking together with a bold self-confidence points you in the right directions.

Composite Pluto in Capricorn

Composite Pluto in Aquarius

Composite Pluto in Pisces

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