nisargadatta siddharameshwar eckhart-tolle-78x111 ramana-maharshi-78x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho

Composite Pluto conjunct Composite Midheaven

Composite Pluto sextile Composite Midheaven

You can work smoothly as a team in getting objectives accomplished. Career aspirations are fueled with the interest you show in each other. Major decisions will not produce much friction. You can respect the reasoning ability each possesses. Poise in handling complicated challenges can be shown. Turning a negative into a positive is something you both excel at.

Composite Pluto square Composite Midheaven

You can see the bottom line in a deal faster than many. Pushing through obstacles is an innate urge when you two make a pact to succeed. However, your equilibrium can be upset due to power struggles or a refusal to compromise. Finding ways to negotiate with each other is essential to being happy. Watch out that your home and work lives don't collide. Make time to put energy into both. You both can exhibit a great passion to put yourselves into your most serious ambitions.

Composite Pluto square Composite Midheaven: This aspect between composite Pluto and the Midheaven brings to your relationship a passionate intensity and also a great potential for personal evolution. There is a depth to your connection with each other that may not seem obvious on the surface, but which over time you find is there. Deep needs are triggered in each of you, and one or both of you will perhaps profoundly change as a result of your coming together. In a romantic connection, the possibility is there for conflicts over who has the authority at any given moment. The sexual arena is one place that these control issues may manifest. In any case, there is unconscious energy to be discovered and discharged as a result of your joint enterprise, and a profound sense of your mission together, which may go through many changes on the way to discovering what that mutual purpose truly is.

Composite Pluto trine Composite Midheaven

You empower each other's key ambitions. Together you can enact winning strategies for success. When one of you is happy, it makes the other feel better. People can be moved by a steady show of self-confidence. Your chances for obtaining desired outcomes ride heavily upon your positive attitudes. You can reach many milestones together. Your emotions normally don't interfere with your joint planning.

Composite Pluto quincunx Composite Midheaven

You can see the bottom line in a deal faster than many. Pushing through obstacles is an innate urge when you two make a pact to succeed. However, your equilibrium can be upset due to power struggles or a refusal to compromise. Finding ways to negotiate with each other is essential to being happy. Watch out that your home and work lives don't collide. Make time to put energy into both. You both can exhibit a great passion to put yourselves into your most serious ambitions.

Composite Pluto opposite Composite Midheaven

You can be strong proponents for each other's talents. There is an underlying intensity in your relationship that can be poured into your ambitions. There are times when you will enjoy retreating together from responsibilities. Privacy needs are indicated as individuals and as a couple. People in positions of authority might lend their support to your most cherished plans. Exposing the darkness in institutions and in the minds of others can be a drive. The two of you can light a passionate lamp of wanting to get past obstacles.

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