nisargadatta siddharameshwar eckhart-tolle-78x111 ramana-maharshi-78x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho

Composite North Node in the Composite 1st House

There is a calling to act out your individual creative impulses. Your personal likes and dislikes can be integrated harmoniously into your partnership. Compromise a little to avoid confrontations. Acknowledge the nourishment each of you needs to fulfill your identities. Together you can act courageously. Your partner might even give you a nudge toward your goals. You can act as mirrors for one another, reflecting where you are along life's journey. You can identify with your partner's need to answer the question: Who am I?

Do you sometimes feel a mysterious pull toward certain individuals? Your interactions with others can be stimulating. There are those that may take a lot more from the two of you than they give. Exercise your powers of discrimination. Another thing to remember is don't get so preoccupied with impressing others that you lose sight of pleasing one another. The two of you can benefit through the connections you make. You make a team that others find hard to forget. It may seem that you were destined to meet.

Composite North Node in the Composite 2nd House

There is a calling to clarify your values and to be true to them. The two of you can show great patience in getting objectives accomplished. A spirit of cooperation makes you feel appreciated. You are a resourceful duo. Enhancing one another's wealth and levels of comfort is within your reach. Financial aspirations can run along similar routes. Investing time and money in one another adds to your trust. Playing it safe is a conscious tendency. A safe or well-calculated risk makes life more interesting. Adopting a pragmatic philosophy and taking small well thought out steps guides your choices.

Do you sometimes feel a mysterious pull to take unpredictable risks? If you play it safe all of the time, the emergence of a wilder side may suddenly intervene. You have a capacity to get to know one another on the deepest of levels. Your partnership knows no limits when you truly trust each other. Courage to face self-doubt comes through the confidence you add to each other's lives. An interest in the mysteries of life, and even for subjects that are off limits to many, can be exhibited. You are two people that may feel closer when responding to danger or at least difficult circumstances. If you get too reckless with your money or emotions, a slowing down phase will restore equilibrium. You make a psychologically tough team that doesn't scare easily.

Composite North Node in the Composite 3rd House

There is a calling to continuously discover new exhilarating ideas. You like to feel you are on the road to fulfilling growth. Creating options turns on your minds. A life with diversity and versatility fits your needs. Each of you must feel free to change your minds. You don't like being pinned down to promises that may need to give way to a fresher opportunity. Communication is a powerful tool in your hands. You both make good counselors, consultants, teachers and networkers. Sharing information with others is stimulating. People can enjoy the breezy way you live your lives. A carefree attitude guides your thinking. You share many of the same perceptions about those you meet. Your awareness of immediate surroundings is sharp.

Do you sometimes feel a mysterious pull to throw caution to the wind, and move into several directions at once? The grass will seem greener if you grow mentally tired of a project. Concentration is easier for you two when you know a job can be finished quickly. You outgrow situations faster than many. This is only a problem if a compulsive restlessness creates so much anxiety that you leap from a frying pan into a fire. Don't despair. Your fun-loving and adventurous themes may be harmless. It's just your way of rebelling against boredom. Judgmental statements get you the angriest at each other. Accepting differences in key beliefs, brings out the peace pipe.

Composite North Node in the Composite 4th House

There is a calling to establish roots together or at least make each other feel secure. You may feel like you can see right to the core of one another's souls. You will need a little distance at times to maintain your objective awareness. It is easy to influence your partner's decision-making process. You can feel comfortable to trust each other. There is an intimate spirit that you share. You don't like letting each other down when it comes to expectations. Being mutually supportive of key life aims makes you a solid combination. You can act protective of each other in an endearing way. Home and community could become key areas of concern. Each of you likes your privacy.

Do you sometimes feel a mysterious pull to sacrifice everything to fulfill your ambitions? There is a need for each of you to be comfortable with the roles in life you choose. Neither of you cares to be forced into jobs or duties you don't like to perform for long periods of time. Too much emphasis on the world of work could throw your lives out of balance. Public recognition might be achieved through displaying your abilities. Don't let fame be the sole driving force. Your business instincts are strong. The two of you can find the public supporting your interests. Leadership roles showcase your know-how but may be a source of friction. Respect each other's need to feel important.

Composite North Node in the Composite 5th House

Composite North Node in the Composite 5th House: This placement in a composite chart signifies that within this relationship you each have a focus on being recognized and admired for the personal creativity that you manifest. You are fortunate in this lifetime, for few people have the capacity, as the two of you do, of actually making your dreams come true. You are engaged through the agency of this relationship in a process of concretizing your thought images, turning the products of your extraordinarily clever intellects into actual manifestation in the world. In the past, you may have specialized in ideals and imaginings, without giving much thought to working these out in the real world. But in the context of this relationship you find that your focus bends toward actually manifesting these into form. When you are on your true path with each other, you find that you must act and create, for in acting you give shape to the otherwise indistinct and ideal, and in so doing fulfill a major purpose of your coming together.

See also: North Node the 5th House; North Node in the 5th House

Composite North Node in the Composite 6th House

There is a calling to find the right skills that will allow you both to reach your highest potential. You activate a sincere drive in your partner to overcome limitations or obstacles in their path. A tenacious spirit to be the best at whatever you choose to do in life is a shared tendency. Health interests can be strong. Serving a similar belief system can be a source of your closeness. Turning a critical eye away from each other on occasion maintains a more peaceful coexistence. You expect each other to make the effort needed to complete joint tasks. You both thrive on work that is meaningful and seems to enrich your life. People sense your dependability.

Do you sometimes feel a mysterious pull to escape from reality or responsibility? You inspire a great deal of imagination in each other. Accepting life as it is could be difficult. Watch out for divine discontent. It could be testy to measure up to your expectations. The two of you can communicate with the deepest parts of one another's minds. Your intuitive worlds had a bridge already built linking them. The faith you have in your partner activates great confidence. You need to encourage self-reliance if one of you grows too dependent. It is important that you talk straight about major issues. You instinctively and magically interact with the intuitive impulses in one another--don't you?

Composite North Node in the Composite 6th House: This placement in a composite chart indicates that within this relationship one or both of you feels a great desire to be of service to other people. There may be a sense that in the past, this partner remained relatively unfocused, perhaps was dreamy and paid little attention to detail. But this connection commends each of you to the here and now. Rather than drift in cosmic realms, in the context of this relationship your focus must shift to the details of daily life, in a constant effort to improve self, to serve self and other, and to remain alert to the myriad mundane details of life that do not leave much time for otherworldly pursuits. This is a difficult transition to make, but necessary if you are to fulfill your destiny, and to really explore to the depths your reason for being together. Other conditions may arise, such as illness on the part of one of you that will be a test of the other's patience and commitment to service. As you work through these challenges, though, you come closer and closer to an understanding of how dealing with every-day issues really does connect you with the world of Spirit, in a quite different way, still operating at the core of your being.

See also: North Node in the 6th House;

Composite North Node in the Composite 7th House

There is a calling to make key social contacts in your lives. The two of you have a free-spirited way of dancing in and out of various social circles. People can be energized with your upbeat energies. Your sense of diplomacy can be quite adept. Entertaining others is a shared source of joy. Your friends influence some of your key choices. You both can display common sense and poise in the midst of difficult times. Your resolve to be there for each other can make outside observers envious. A fondness for the same types of entertainment can make for exhilarating moments. You like to include others in your celebration of milestones.

Do you sometimes feel a mysterious pull to become self-absorbed? This may be a sudden impulse in either of you if you have not paid enough attention to your personal goals. Compulsive drives for attention, or losing sight of one another's needs will lead to friction. You influence each other to discover a deep sense of personal identity. When you allow for personal autonomy it does seem to make it easier to agree on joint decisions. Balancing social urges, with time just for the two of you is wise. Being assertive with each other is better than hiding your anger. Communicate with patience, and make few demands, as this is more likely to allow you to better understand one another.

See also: North Node in the 7th House;

Composite North Node in the Composite 8th House

There is a calling to pursue your most passionate paths that leads to a sense of personal power and self-mastery. The journey won't necessarily be an easy one, but is well worth the traveling. When you join your energies to conquer an obstacle you can display a stubborn determination. Financial gains will come with good planning. You like to see your resources multiply through wise investments. Sharing the power goes far in keeping you close in mind and spirit. You can establish a great psychological depth together. The two of you probably like to explore the motivations for the actions of others. Your life needs to have enough challenges to satisfy your emotional intensity. Your true friends will not envy your success.

Do you sometimes feel a mysterious calling to compulsively seek peace in material desires? The pleasures of the world will be alluring when you are feeling unsatisfied with your life directions.

The two of you are happier when your values are being confirmed by your lifestyle. There is emotional instability when there is a lack of cooperation concerning ownership or money decisions. Financial independence could be a key need for each of you. It is critical that you each establish a sense of importance in your own ways. When you do unite your energies behind a joint plan there is no stopping your steady movement ahead toward fulfilling a plan. A peaceful life together has greater possibilities when you both feel free to talk openly about any subject.

Composite North Node in the Composite 9th House

There is a calling to travel together toward expansive horizons that promises growth and opportunity. It is the optimism you share that produces the right circumstances. You inspire others to walk tall with confidence. Foreign cultures might intrigue you both. You activate the teacher in one another. Living out your beliefs is a heartfelt desire. Education and training light your learning fires. An impatience to transcend limiting circumstances can propel you to respond forcefully to challenges. You thrive on enthusiasm. Give each other the freedom to think as an individual, and you won't have much trouble thinking as a partnership.

Do you sometimes feel a compulsive pull to obsessively worry over what you don't comprehend? Your perceptions get cloudy when your minds are racing out of control. You need a lot of mental stimulation. It's when you are frantically moving with no direction that life gets disorienting. When you truly communicate with each other, the clarity will return. You can accelerate the pace of each other's thoughts like few others can do for you. Listening really helps you work better together. There is a capability to be very persuasive in getting others to back your ideas. You can sell anything you really believe in. Travel and attaining knowledge have a settling effect on your minds. You can share a lively curiosity about life, and enjoy exchanging ideas with each other.

See also: North Node in the 9th House;

Composite North Node in the Composite 10th House

There is a calling to find those roles that best energize your sense of accomplishment. You stimulate the ambitious natures in one another. Your focusing power can be tremendous when you really decide on a strategy that can deliver the results you seek. Success is more enjoyable when you both are happy with your major life choices. People are likely to see you as responsible and pragmatic. Others may seek out your leadership skills on a regular basis. Make time for relaxation and fun. Your schedules can get filled easily. You probably possess skills in managing your time. The more you believe in your commitment to each other, the more at ease you both feel.

Do you sometimes feel a mysterious pull to either want distance from each other, or the world at large? When you both become exhausted from too much work or serving others, you may compulsively want privacy. It's your way of recharging your batteries. The home may be one of your favorite refuges from having to act too responsibly. You like to know you can really count on one another. It bothers you when your partner doesn't support your most cherished ambitions. The two of you experience more peace of mind when sharing your feelings. You can push the emotional buttons in one another without even intending to do so. This is a comforting relationship when each of you feels respected.

See also: North Node in the 10th House; North Node in the 10th House

Composite North Node in the Composite 11th House

There is a calling to explore unique directions that electrify your minds. Having personal and joint goals is of equal importance. You are individuals in the truest sense of the word. You can enjoy the company of people from various backgrounds. Group involvements could be of special interest. Your peers may share a love for cutting-edge ideas. The two of you may enjoy living on the outskirts of mainstream society. You both tend to outgrow the present quickly. The future is always there with a promise of new opportunities. It is fun to exchange your perceptions about others. Life will never be that boring as you both are continually searching for invigorating challenges.

Do you sometimes feel a mysterious pull to compulsively want more attention? Each of you seeks admiration from the other. Egos can get hurt if you feel your partner is being insensitive to needs. It helps to take the time to talk out your differences. There could be a clash of wills when you don't get your own way. The art of negotiation can work wonders as can a little compromise. You enjoy celebrating your successes together. Friends can delight in your lively energies. The two of you can be great cheerleaders for each other and those you love. Your creative power is immense when you feel aligned toward the same plan.

Composite North Node in the Composite 12th House

There is a calling to be true to your shared ideals. The two of you can form a special closeness that can find you reading one another's thoughts. The intuitive and creative intensity you inspire in your partner is great. You can believe in each other's abilities. It may seem your subconscious minds are linked as one. Each of you must feel free to choose your own causes. You understand the idealism in one another. A fondness for the arts or similar types of entertainment is probable. You may expect a lot from each other--be reasonable. Dealing with realistic choices will test your closeness. It's when you support each other's favorite paths that you find the greatest joy.

Do you sometimes feel a mysterious pull to doubt yourself, or each other, for no apparent reason? Don't panic. It's just your mind saying it's not possible or realistic to be this happy. It is possible the two of you may need to get better in talking about real issues. It is tempting to do the sweeping under the carpet trick. Eventually you must talk straight. Criticism can be destructive if it gets out of hand. Neither of you probably likes to be critiqued anyway. The two of you are happier when you balance reality and idealism. You likely appreciate it when your partner is holding up their end of the bargain in acting responsibly. You can be an efficient duo able to enjoy the fruits of working toward shared objectives.

This concludes your Romance Profile, Devon and Sam. If this was your first experience of Astrology, hopefully it is far from your last! There are many other types of written reports available.

See also: North Node in the 12th House;

Composite North Node in Aries

You have a shared mission in finding the courage to act on your beliefs. Waiting around to be motivated is not often going to be your first thought. A dynamic impulse to initiate new paths is a tendency you ignite in one another. Make sure there is enough territory to include each of your most heartfelt drives. Your relationship can be a catalyst that stimulates others to get moving. Patience comes with getting to know each other. There is a fiery enthusiasm that drives you both to be action-oriented. When first meeting, you may have sensed the potential to make exciting decisions together.

The trickster or hidden irrational tendencies can take root when becoming indecisive. It might be that in trying to please too many people that confusion arises. The two of you are happier when balancing your needs with the expectations of others. A special closeness develops when you truly listen to each other's deepest needs. The imagination in one another is easily captured. You can influence each other to tap into greater creative energies. It is essential to make an effort to accept your partner's choice in friends. Your perceptions of the people you meet will always make for lively conversation.

Composite North Node in Taurus

Composite North Node in Gemini

You have a shared mission in filling your minds with new learning material. A constant desire to be moving in multiple directions is invigorating. The two of you are seldom at a loss for words. When you can't talk about an issue, it must be a serious bone of contention. Communication is a powerhouse in your hands. Exposing one another to different perspectives can be enlightening. Your perceptions are the radar that guides you to clearly make the right decisions. Honor each other's need to be heard, and you will usually be close in thought. Anticipating ways to make life more exciting contains the mental nutrients that keep your minds burning with youthful vigor. The trickster or hidden irrational tendencies make their presence known when you become too judgmental or dogmatic. Watch out for sudden feelings of self-righteousness. The tolerance you exhibit toward one another can open up the lines of communication wider than the Grand Canyon. You are travelers and gypsies at heart, no matter your lifestyle. You love the exploration of new adventures. Restlessness needs to be channeled constructively. Your faith can accomplish great things. Keep your minds attached to reality, and you will be more focused. You inspire your partner to find the confidence to conquer self-doubt. Teaching what you learn is exhilarating.

Composite North Node in Cancer

You have a shared mission in establishing roots and an atmosphere of inner contentment. A desire to add to one another's sense of security is a tendency. It might feel like you know each other inside and out. Respecting one another's definition of home adds to your compatibility. The moods you share can be intense. Learning how to interact with your partner's emotional needs comes with time. You are both happier when residing in a location that allows you to fulfill personal paths. Your support for one another makes you feel more self-assured. A willingness to express your feelings brings you closer. You could suddenly desire to get away together to enjoy a bit of privacy.

The trickster or hidden irrational tendencies will manifest through control issues. You both like to lead in your areas of expertise. Power struggles can result if you don't acknowledge each other's strengths. It's when discounting your partner's opinions that real friction can result. Sharing your opinions and feelings openly makes you closer allies. A tenacious work spirit can accomplish much together. When you support one another's most serious ambitions a genuine closeness develops. Making equal effort to put a plan into action deepens your commitment. Encouraging your partner to realize their highest potential is a wise thing to do.

Composite North Node in Leo

You have a shared mission in arousing the creative intensity in one another. Launching new enterprises together is exciting. The pride you show in your partner elevates their confidence. You can exhibit a tremendous will power when you put your minds together. It is difficult for others to doubt the enthusiastic way you put your thoughts into action. Make sure you share the spotlight as you bring out a desire for attention in one another. You can display a dynamic creative energy that captures the imagination of others. You can be motivated to follow risk-taking impulses that promise to increase your wealth and happiness.

The trickster or hidden irrational tendencies find birth through self-absorbing tendencies. Your individuality can become more important than what you want to accomplish together. Allowing for personal and joint goals to be realized is vital to your harmony. Aloofness results when you cannot communicate. Allowing for unique gifts to be expressed takes some of the tension out of your relationship. You stimulate the inventive and progressive sides of each other rather profoundly.

Focusing more on your likenesses rather than dwelling on your differences creates greater stability. People can be influenced to think in unconventional and insightful ways when interacting with you two.

Composite North Node in Leo: This placement in a composite chart signifies that within this relationship you each have a focus on being recognized and admired for the personal creativity that you manifest. You are fortunate in this lifetime, for few people have the capacity, as the two of you do, of actually making your dreams come true. You are engaged through the agency of this relationship in a process of concretizing your thought images, turning the products of your extraordinarily clever intellects into actual manifestation in the world. In the past, you may have specialized in ideals and imaginings, without giving much thought to working these out in the real world. But in the context of this relationship you find that your focus bends toward actually manifesting these into form. When you are on your true path with each other, you find that you must act and create, for in acting you give shape to the otherwise indistinct and ideal, and in so doing fulfill a major purpose of your coming together.

Composite North Node in Virgo

You have a shared mission in figuring out the best ways to use your skills and talents. Others will probably notice that you are a hard-working pair. Creating a life with a sense of order makes you feel more at ease. A desire for perfection can drive you both to be the best at whatever you do. Helping one another find ways to survive major challenges is a solidifying factor. A serious seeking of self-growth could be a tendency you have in common. Serving a cause or belief can be a strong rallying point for your cooperation. Your follow through is impressive. People are likely to find you reliable and trustworthy. You activate the realistic and conscientious sides of one another. A shared interest in diet and health is likely.

The trickster or hidden irrational tendencies come forward when your idealism or expectations are unreasonable. The power of your imaginations is immense! There are times when you will need to trust your intuition more than your intellects. The dreamer in each of you is greatly activated through being together. You may feel an unspoken closeness. Your emotions can cloud your mental clarity. Balancing reality and blind faith is crucial. Your highest values are probably a unifying factor. Don't ask your partner to be perfect. Talking straight keeps you from drifting apart due to assumptions. It is exhilarating to escape into each other's creative energies.

Composite North Node in Libra

You have a shared mission to take your beliefs and values out into the world. Relating to a wide variety of people plays a key role in your relationship. Each of you can enjoy the company of special peers. It is when mixing with the creative vitality of others that your own spirits feel uplifted. It may seem like the two of you were meant to become intertwined in the lives of interesting individuals and groups. You naturally complement one another. People expect you to exhibit confidence. Your social grace can be highly polished. Tact and diplomacy take you far. When your creative impulses get ignited, they can lead you to explore new potentials.

The trickster or hidden irrational tendencies take root when you fight compulsively for personal needs, ignoring those of your partner. This is a sure way to cause angry situations. You need to be direct and assertive. However, you will be happier when each of you respects the other's turf. You can be instantly courageous and daring together. People can marvel at how the two of you spontaneously mobilize toward what you want from life. Impatience is a testy subject--isn't it? When you listen to each other, a greater potential for cooperation results. You activate the warrior in one another. Charging ahead might require a bit of foresight. You are a high energy duo.

Composite North Node in Scorpio

You have a shared mission in directing your most passionate energies toward what you hope to achieve together. Each of you will choose paths that can lead to self-mastery. A joint interest in acquiring greater wealth and learning to use the tools that bring about success is a common drive. You will put pressure on yourselves to be all you can be. An interest in life's mysteries awakens the detective in you. You make good problem-solvers. When your trust deepens, you work that much better as a team. You can show better than average business skills. The two of you are not afraid to do your homework in researching ways to improve your lives. A penetrating psychological awareness of your partner's innermost thoughts is possible. Your tenacity to realize your highest potentials is intense.

The trickster or hidden irrational tendencies make themselves known when you sense the other is holding back. Sharing your money and other resources makes for greater closeness. Financial differences can be due to individual tastes, or even more likely to be caused by power issues. Create as many win-win situations as possible. You are both happier when communicating your feelings. Stability is enhanced when you feel equally valued. Helping your partner find the paths that lead to putting talents into motion deepens your trust. A clear attitude about abundance helps in bringing about the material life you hope to realize.

Composite North Node in Sagittarius

You have a shared mission in pursuing uplifting life directions. The two of you are driven by an inspiration to see as much of the world as possible. Your minds are accelerated by the chance to expand your horizons. A mutual desire to learn keeps you motivated. You activate the traveler and philosopher in one another with little effort. A positive outlook brings you luck even when the odds are against you. Being somewhat realistic in your expectations need not spoil your dreams. Your eyes like to peak around the corner at the future. It is the great vitality with which you greet life that opens new doors of opportunity.

The trickster or hidden irrational tendency takes its shape in the form of inaccurate perceptions. You can be thinking so fast that you are not listening to each other. The need for constant stimulation can make for erratic times together. There is a mutual love for excitement that can make for high adventures. Travel and learning bring out your best. When you truly take the time to talk things through, the two of you can enjoy exchanging a wealth of ideas. There is a vigorous mental side of your relationship that can lead to discovering creative directions together. A diversified lifestyle is a strong preference. Communication is the light that shows you how to maintain closeness.

Composite North Node in Capricorn

You have a shared mission in establishing the roles that best define each of you. The two of you are capable of taking on difficult projects together. A ferocious determination to finish what you start is likely. Do exercise some degree of flexibility in adjusting a plan along the way. You function better as a partnership when your commitment is clear. A pragmatic life approach is a joint tendency. Taking small steps to achieve your desired objectives will lead you to success. Career drives are apt to be important. Each of you must feel free to make his or her own choices regarding work. You activate the leadership and ambitious streaks in one another.

The trickster or hidden irrational tendencies are given birth through acting irresponsibly. Unclear dependency needs can cause confusion and a lack of balance. Moods can be unpredictable. When you talk objectively, stability and reason return. Each of you understands the other's need to juggle their public and private lives. Supporting each other's key ambitions and emotional needs goes far in building a successful partnership. Home is probably a serious concern for you both. Each of you tends to have strong opinions about location and the type of dwelling. A need for privacy is probable. Supporting each other's security needs is conducive to mutual understanding.

Composite North Node in Aquarius

You have a shared mission to electrify one another's minds with exciting new life directions. This is not a relationship that lets you sit idly, while life passes you by. Innovative ideas pulsate through your conversations. Support one another's individual goals and your joint ones will be easier to agree upon. You energize each other's pace to move forward quickly. The future beckons to you to have hopes and wishes. Your unconventional traits are bound to make themselves visible to others. Group activities might be a joint interest. Equality and freedom are key needs. Be true to them and you will remain close allies.

The trickster or hidden irrational tendencies are summoned when you are compulsive about receiving attention. Your egos can sometimes bruise easily. Resisting one another's bossiness is as predictable as the Sun rising in the East. When you both work together there is a great will power to set the world on fire with accomplishments. You can promote your joint ventures in such a manner that others feel compelled to support you. Share center stage and life is happier together. Your connection is easily rekindled when you show confidence in your partner. A fun-loving dimension makes people enjoy your company. Compromise can be a wise policy.

Composite North Node in Pisces

You have a shared mission in discovering your highest ideals. A powerful faith in each other can take you through tough circumstances. You activate intuitive imagination in one another like few others can do for you. An attraction to similar aesthetic interests is probable. Causes can capture your attention. You encourage compassion and an awareness of world events. The closeness you felt early on in your relationship may have given you a feeling of already knowing each other. Being watchers of what others think and do, can be equally entertaining. Exchanging ideas about the meaning of life is energizing. You are a duo with great healing energy.

The trickster or hidden irrational tendencies arise when you grow too critical of one another, or when you indulge in excessive worry. Learn to live with the fact that there are no perfect people. You will probably react angrily if there is not equal support for key self-improvement drives. You can be an efficient and serious pair. Learn to find ways to have fun. A compulsive work nature may need to be modified. People can find you to be thorough and well prepared when it comes to responsibility. When you join forces in making the same effort to put a plan into manifestation, you are a happy pair.

Composite South Node in the Composite 1st House

See also: South Node in the 1st House;

Composite South Node in the Composite 2nd House

See also: South Node in the 2nd House;

Composite South Node in the Composite 3rd House

See also: South Node in the 3rd House;

Composite South Node in the Composite 4th House

See also: South Node in the 4th House;

Composite South Node in the Composite 5th House

See also: South Node the 5th House;

Composite South Node in the Composite 6th House

See also: South Node in the 6th House;

Composite South Node in the Composite 7th House

See also: South Node in the 7th House;

Composite South Node in the Composite 8th House

See also: South Node in the 8th House;

Composite South Node in the Composite 9th House

See also: South Node in the 9th House;

Composite South Node in the Composite 10th House

See also: South Node in the 10th House;

Composite South Node in the Composite 11th House

See also: South Node in the 11th House;

Composite South Node in the Composite 12th House

See also: South Node in the 12th House;

Composite Part of Fortune in the 1st House

Courageous moves ahead stimulate the universe to send you good luck. Learn to assess situations in advance to make sure this works even more to your advantage. Your identities can blossom through the endeavors you choose to include in your lives. Make a statement about yourselves by exhibiting decisiveness. Opportunities will present themselves when the two of you are willing to act on your convictions. Patience is a tool worth developing. Your sincerity and confidence move people. Your energy together can move mountains.

Composite Part of Fortune in the 2nd house

The steady creative power you manifest together can take you to fulfilling places. Your desire to accumulate wealth or possessions rests greatly upon your determination. The values you share are a rallying point for your commitment. There is magic in your lives when you seek greater meaning. You may show similar fondness for comfort and peace of mind. Accepting each other at face value makes being together very harmonious. Putting your resources in the same pot can make you a successful team. A flowing generosity will bring the universe to shower you with abundance.

Composite Part of Fortune in the 3rd House

Mental excitement makes life together filled with unpredictable learning experiences. You are a catalyst for taking in new information in one another's life. Life in the fast lane will sometimes be just what you need to get out of routines. Good fortune is attracted through considering multiple paths toward fulfilling your objectives. You each thrive on the freedom to change your minds in midstream. You can elevate your partner's perceptions beyond the borders of their normal seeing distance. You share a creative power that is original, youthful and fun to witness.

Composite Part of Fortune in the 4th House

The closeness between you is special. It can be painful or frustrating when there is great emotional distance. You have a capacity to establish a wonderful intimacy. There is tranquillity and self-assurance when it feels like you are receiving adequate emotional support from one another. Your relationship gives you a sense of roots and security. Your intuition will sometimes put its ear to the ground and hear the footsteps of an opportunity coming, long before the gaze of your minds. Good luck comes when you are nurturing the paths that mirror the real you.

Composite Part of Fortune in the 5th House

Your creative power brings out the risk-takers in you. It's your way of not looking back that brings the best that luck has to offer. Being cheerleaders for one another gets you to go beyond self-doubt. You can enjoy indulging in some of the same pastimes. A fire may get magically lit to pursue an uplifting avocation. Making life a fun-filled adventure stimulates a tireless capacity to be happy. You are good for your partner's self-confidence.

Composite Part of Fortune in the 6th House

It's your willingness to humbly learn new skills or ways toward self-improvement that summons the presence of good omens. You will never be perfect in each other's eyes. The sooner you see this; your time together will be more user-friendly. It's when you roll up your sleeves and work together that you shape a successful future. You may discover beauty and meaning through serving a joint purpose. Business dealings may point the way to abundance and self-satisfaction. Getting the most mileage from your efforts is a similar drive.

Composite Part of Fortune in the 7th House

Your social sphere presents the paths for fortuitous things to manifest in your lives. The two of you tend to make others feel better about themselves. The energy you receive by interacting with close peers stimulates your creative thinking. Others may see you as a couple who symbolize the harmony that a partnership can attain. Your reasoning powers are apt to wield influence on people. Putting an idea into motion and watching it spin forcefully into manifestation probably excites you.

Composite Part of Fortune in the 8th House

Composite Part of Fortune in the 9th House

The expansive directions you choose to walk together fill you with a sense of awe. Learning is the catalyst to your self-discovery. Your ideas can move others to agree with you. There is a persuasive spirit that emanates from your minds that people find hard to ignore. Your love for teaching and sharing knowledge kindles an adventurous creative spark that ignites good fortune. Your fiery zeal to live out your highest beliefs brings you greater mental wealth and increases your resources. It is your positive thoughts that are the backbone of your vision.

Composite Part of Fortune in the 10th House

The successes you witness are the link to your happiness. You can't help but be doers, even when your minds are resisting. You recognize the ambitious side of one another. It is when you both choose those roles that elevate your self-confidence that a great fulfillment showers you. Luck and good fortune follow the commitment you are willing to make to your plans. Make a solid statement about what you want from life. Your determination will see it through. Be flexible, as this makes the journey more enriching and enjoyable.

Composite Part of Fortune in the 11th House

The future is often the world you adore. Your shared goals can knock on the doors that open to greater fulfillment. It is your desire for uplifting experiences that makes life interesting together. Too much of the same routine will drive you to vigorously want to change the present. Group involvements might prove to be a joint interest. Your inventive thoughts elevate one another's minds to look for greater opportunity. The shock of sudden change may be the driving force that takes you onto bigger and greater things. Stay open to new ideas, as this is a key to growth.

Composite Part of Fortune in the 12th House

The imagination you inspire in each other has a way of magically opening the doors to lucky happenings. You must have the faith to follow through on your convictions. There is a creative intensity that rests greatly on trusting your intuitive awareness. You are a healing force for others. A talent for expressing yourselves artistically is possible. People are uplifted by your belief in them. The higher values you share sustain you in the mild or more turbulent seasons. Balancing your idealism with reality is a key to being happier and feeling a sense of unity.

Composite Part of Fortune in Aries

Striking out in search of new worlds to explore fires up your passion. Waiting is not easy for you to do. Each of you can entice the other to follow an impulse to leap first and worry later. It is when leaving your comfort zones behind that fate or good fortune smiles down upon you. You are happier when feeling like doers, rather than watchers. Encourage your partner to pursue the directions that are the most energizing. You both function at your best when anticipating that tomorrow will bring a new horizon.

Composite Part of Fortune in Taurus

An abundant outlook brings you greater wealth and prosperity. You can walk together with a forceful gait that reflects an inner stability. It's almost as though you expect to have your efforts rewarded. A shared love of beauty inspires your imaginations. Aesthetic talent or appreciation is a joint fascination. Nature can be enjoyed to the utmost. Being a stabilizing force in each other's life is a near given. Life seems to reward you the most when expressing your most heartfelt values.

Composite Part of Fortune in Gemini

You open one another's minds to a realm of far reaching possibilities. The exhilaration produced by sharing ideas pushes you to look for doors of opportunity. The two of you can communicate with enough force to change the course of your lives. There is good fortune when you follow the convictions of your deepest thoughts. You accelerate the pace of one another's life with a restlessness for change. Learning stimulates the creation of new perceptions. You can enjoy being pals as much as lovers.

Composite Part of Fortune in Cancer

Empathizing with each other's feelings releases creative magic. You can enjoy a sense of mutual acceptance. Life seems generous when you trust the directions you choose. Good fortune does come your way when you respond spontaneously to new opportunities. The creative intensity you release into life is due in part to the support you give to each other. Your closeness is hard to define. The strength you find in one another seems to confirm your own. Your trust for one another is freeing.

Composite Part of Fortune in Leo

Encourage each other to be creative. Your relationship can easily pave roads that bolster self-confidence. Show you are proud to be together. Play! Dance! Laugh! Taking a chance or two on a hunch can find you traveling adventurous highways. Life can be a shared joy of continuously falling in love. Your will power roars like a lion when you are truly engaged in passionate enterprises. The two of you experience good fortune through making courageous choices.

Composite Part of Fortune in Virgo

The pursuit of excellence will lead you down an interesting path or two. Hard work is likely to pay off one day. Career and business longings can find you mastering the skills you enjoy the most. Serving the same causes can bring you a sense of joy and contentment. Health can be an area of avid interest. Living with your choices teaches you to accept life's ups and downs. Good fortune comes when you respond to life's lessons with a spirit of openness and humility.

Composite Part of Fortune in Libra

Composite Part of Fortune in Scorpio

An incredible relentless push toward greater heights can take the two of you into exciting levels of self-mastery. It is the mystery that pulsates through you both, during key life changes, that can magically deliver good fortune. Sometimes it's when you understand life the least, that a new opportunity might suddenly present itself. Your creative power can lead to wise investments. Channeling your power into what you pursue can make you a charismatic duo. Learning to put a more positive spin on negative situations points the way to greater happiness. Practicing the art of forgiveness paints your path with fewer struggles.

Composite Part of Fortune in Sagittarius

A youthful and positive philosophy blows good fortune your way. Travel to places, and sifting through numerous learning materials, takes you into exciting self-discovery together. It is the adventurous journey that might seem more worth it than the actual pragmatic results obtained. No one belief system will truly capture all of your imagination. It is the chase for new growth that awakens you. Expansive impulses inspire you to talk, write and dream. Betting what you own on an opportunity might be your way of showing faith. Knowledge is power in your eyes.

Composite Part of Fortune in Capricorn

Rising to positions of power, or creating circumstances that give you a sense of being in control, allows you to feel more at ease. You can climb to high places together. The commitment you establish can be deep, and appear invincible. Career aspirations are probably important to your happiness. A willingness to be patient to realize the full completion of a strategy is within the framework of your relationship. You rejoice in each milestone. One or both of you cherish certain traditions. You both will be called upon to lead. It is here that your destiny can be smiled upon by good fortune.

Composite Part of Fortune in Aquarius

The future is a motivating force for you both. Without stimulating goals, your creative power travels in circles. You are an inventive combination. There are few dilemmas you can't think your way free from in life. The friends you cultivate are dear to you. It is the network of people that you know that activates your ideas. The two of you may border on the unconventional. Life will sometimes bring good fortune when you are in the midst of transition. The shock of sudden change may catapult you into the right places at the right time. Your creative power is driven by the intensity of your vision.

Composite Part of Fortune in Pisces

The ideals you share inspire you to walk with a great sense of unity. Your beliefs can influence others to take a good look at their own. It is the unspoken language between you that others might envy. You often appear to move together with little conflict, whether this is true or not. It could be your love of mysticism or the mystique surrounding you that is intriguing. Your intuitive connection will often find you thinking the same thoughts. The intuition and imagination you awaken in one another ignite your creative power.

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