nisargadatta siddharameshwar eckhart-tolle-78x111 ramana-maharshi-78x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho

Composite Moon conjunct Composite Midheaven

Being supportive of each other's careers and serious ambitions is a key focal point of your relationship. To have a reliable partner can make you both feel more secure. Sharing the load of responsibility is a good way to maintain balance and cooperation. A dedication to a cause could be a shared interest. Be careful with your caring tendencies in that others do not lean on you both too heavily. You may choose to be caretakers for special individuals. Home is another major topic. You might have a desire to live in a house that reflects your status. It may be possible to operate a business from your residence. You possess good sense in pleasing the public. Each of you can elevate to management positions in your chosen fields.

See also: Moon conjunct Midheaven;

Composite Moon sextile Composite Midheaven

You have good instincts to make pragmatic decisions together. It might even be that you anticipate what your partner likes and dislikes. Encouraging each other to pursue serious ambitions is stimulating. You can move fast and yet manage to stay well organized. Giving one another the room to grow in individual ways makes for a pleasant companionship. Assuming equal responsibility is a way to create harmony.

Composite Moon square Composite Midheaven

Your professions or major roles in life may keep you at a distance emotionally, or in physical terms. Private and public lives will be in a state of conflict if you are not able to talk about individual needs. Spending too much time alone could become a bitter experience for one of you. When you work out the logistics in your everyday lives, the intimacy is terrific! You probably do care about each other, but may have trouble expressing it. Scheduling an evening a week just for the two of you could become necessary. You attract responsibility. When you feel each of you is making the effort to make your partnership run smoothly, you tend to show more love.

See also: Moon square Midheaven;

Composite Moon trine Composite Midheaven

It can seem like you are with the ideal person. You both make the other feel important. Accomplishing shared aims can be done with joy and a sense of ease. A natural know-how in pleasing one another makes for great compatibility. Sharing leadership roles meets with no real obstacles. You have a wonderfully supportive partner where the give-and-take is equally divided. You both feel better when watching each other become successful. Helping pave the way for one another to find happiness is instinctual.

Composite Moon trine Composite Midheaven: With this aspect between composite Moon and the Midheaven, your relationship has a strong emotional basis with the possibility of a domestic or parenting focus. You have a very soft appeal to each other, in friendship or a romantic connection. If the latter, this is one of the best indications for a shared vision of living together and starting a family. The Moon here indicates that the mothering and feminine side of each of you is a strong part of your relationship equation and that you have commonly held goals there. The sexual chemistry between you may not sizzle, but it is steady and sweet, and your union definitely percolates through your lives in many ways to enrich you both. This makes for a very nurturing relationship in general. You will be prone to take care of each other through the course of time, and of others around you that you connect with as a partnership. You may work together to develop a vehicle for your caring and socially oriented values such as a plan to feed large groups of people. In any case you will be supportive of such values as may be in the process of emerging on the world scene.

See also: Moon trine Midheaven;

Composite Moon quincunx Composite Midheaven

Subtley, your professions or major roles in life may keep you at a distance emotionally, or in physical terms. Private and public lives will be in a mild state of conflict if you are not able to talk about individual needs. Spending too much time alone could become a bitter experience for one of you. When you work out the logistics in your everyday lives, the intimacy is terrific! You probably do care about each other, but may have trouble expressing it. Scheduling an evening a week just for the two of you could become necessary. You attract responsibility. When you feel each of you is making the effort to make your partnership run smoothly, you tend to show more love.

Composite Moon opposite Composite Midheaven

Balancing home and work is going to need a tune-up at certain intervals. It will be vital to keep these worlds separate. A need for a break in the action will refresh your love life. Chances are your daily rituals can get overwhelming. Sheer exhaustion can cause mental confusion. You have a genuine desire to make one another happy. You will tend to rely on each other a great deal. Showing support for serious life interests is a good way to feel closer. Sharing leadership roles and respecting each other's abilities confirms you are on the same team. You bring out nurturing instincts in each other. You both may be quite sensitive about being seen as successful.

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