nisargadatta siddharameshwar eckhart-tolle-78x111 ramana-maharshi-78x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho

Composite Mercury conjunct Composite North Node

The need for communication and shared intellectual experiences is very great in this relationship. Mental affinity may have been a decisive factor in bringing you together. You will also have an unusual number of intellectual. associations with people outside the relationship.

Composite Mercury sextile Composite North Node

This aspect means very much the same the conjunction (above) but is less strong in its effects.

Composite Mercury square the Composite Moon's Nodes

This aspect signifies the need for intellectual. and mental affinity between you, but it also indicates that lack of agreement may cause some problems in this relationship.

Composite Mercury trine Composite North Node

Mercury trine Node in a composite chart indicates that there is a need for communication and shared intellectual experiences within the relationship, and that these are likely to be positive. Mental affinity may have been a deciding factor in bringing you together. You will also have a significant number of positive intellectual associations with people outside the relationship.

See also: Mercury trine North Node;

Composite Mercury quincunx Composite North Node

The intellectual affinity between you doesn't necessarily easily match with how you individually and together relate with people outside the relationship. At least subtle adjustments constantly need to be made as your individual lifelong patterns of relating are not consistent totally with how you relate as a couple.

Composite Mercury opposite Composite North Node

With this aspect, it is necessary to work on communicating very clearly with each other. Otherwise, remarks that slip out unconsciously could make your relationship difficult.

Composite Mercury sextile Composite South Node

See also: Mercury sextile South Node;

Composite Mercury trine Composite South Node

See also: Mercury trine South Node;

Composite Mercury quincunx Composite South Node

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