nisargadatta siddharameshwar eckhart-tolle-78x111 ramana-maharshi-78x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho

Composite Mars conjunct Composite Ascendant

The conjunction of composite Mars and Ascendant can be a source either strength or difficulty. It signifies a relationship in which ego energies run high, so it is very important that the two of you get along with each other. Unfortunately, by itself this aspect does not tell whether or not you will.

If there are other difficulties between you, this aspect is an indication that the two of you will have some fairly spectacular disagreements. You both are too busy being individuals with your own points of view to really relate satisfactorily to each other. Probably you will irritate each other instead of making each other feel good. And neither of you can take an irritating situation lying down; you are very vocal about it, which is one source of the problem. If the energy of this aspect works out in this difficult way, the two of you must first settle whether or not you want to have a relationship. If may not have occurred to you to ask that question, but ask it anyway!

If other indications are favorable, composite Mars on the Ascendant can be very useful for your relationship. It means almost the opposite of what has been said above, implying that you reinforce each other’s egos.

Together you make a very strong combination, which other people may as formidable opposition. Needless to say, this is an excellent indication any relationship in which there is work to be done. Mars is the planet of energy, and the conjunction of Mars and composite Ascendant means that you arouse energy in each other, which helps to get the work done.

As you can see, this aspect is two-sided. To some extent it is in your power to determine which manifestation you will encounter. If you consciously subordinate your very strong egos to the relationship, you will be a very strong team. Otherwise you will not have much of anything.

Composite Mars conjunct Composite Ascendant: Assertiveness. Fast-moving. Impulsive. Do any of these work? Depending on whose viewing you, the reports will differ. Patience helps. There is a fiery dimension of you that doesn't like to wait for permission. Focus may be needed if you forget why you are in a hurry. You are a direct couple when you need to be. If you don't act with some degree of spontaneity, it will seem like you are tripping over one another. You may be into body or image building. The main thing is that you are happy with the territory each of you claims in this liaison. Being timid will not get you any further than being too aggressive with others. A happy medium gets the job done.

Composite Mars sextile Composite Ascendant

The sextile of composite Mars and composite Ascendant makes it likely that the two of you will be known as a very active couple in every way. Mars is the planet of energy, and the sextile to the composite Ascendant means that this relationship will stimulate energies in both of you- energy for work, for play, and for anything else you may want to do together. You are also active in a psychological sense, for you each have the capacity to jog the other out of lazy patterns and routines that you have developed separately. There is always something to be done, and the two of you are willing to work, both as a couple and with other people.

The energy that you arouse in each other might be competitive energy in another couple, but you manage to work together as a team and not waste energy with needless competition. This aspect signifies cooperation.

At the same time, you stimulate each other's thinking. You both will become more active mentally and more willing to encounter new experiences that you can grapple with intellectually.

The energy that you stimulate in each other is transmitted to others around you, so that they too find your company stimulating. Things get done when the two of you are around.

Obviously this aspect is at its best in situations where work must be done, and it is especially good in a professional relationship.

Composite Mars sextile Composite Ascendant: Neither of you believes in sitting around idly for too long. Life is meant to be lived to the fullest. People may marvel at how you are always on the go. There is charisma in your faces. Your ideas can convince others to follow your lead. You may not always see eye-to-eye on what's best for daily schedules. But the big picture will never be that out of focus.

Composite Mars square Composite Ascendant

The square of composite Mars and Ascendant can be very difficult. It signifies that the pursuit of egoistic goals is likely to come between the two of you. Something about this relationship makes you each acutely aware of your own ego energies and how this relationship will further or inhibit them. Unfortunately, if you operate on an unconscious level with each other, you will find that the relationship does get in the way of your ego energies; that is, it will be difficult for you to "do your own thing" in each other's presence.

You may argue constantly about seemingly trivial matters, which actually represents deeper psychological pressures that you are not expressing to each other. These pressures are very likely to be expressed as disagreements about your home together (if you have one) or about your overall objectives in life. The latter is a more truthful expression of the real problem. Disagreements about your home or other aspects of your inner personal life are only side issues.

The main point is what the two of you are doing together. There may be perfectly valid reasons for this relationship, and being together may be a very good experience for both of you. However, you must ask the question anyway, because the naturally competitive energies of Mars may make you think you are completely incompatible, even if you have a deep need to be together. This relationship calls for a great deal of self-awareness.

Composite Mars square Composite Ascendant: So sometimes you may not be the most patient people in the world. Just don't crowd each other's space any more than needed, or you will get angry reactions. Personal autonomy is wise to respect. It cuts down on the fighting. You can move with great speed when you do see the merit in following a course of action. "Haste makes waste" is good to remember. Not being spontaneous goes against your natural tendency. Look before you leap. Give equal attention to each other, and you are home free!

Composite Mars trine Composite Ascendant

The trine of composite Mars and Ascendant is a good sign that you are able to express yourselves to each other without having to make compromises. This is a relationship in which the two of you are able to be yourselves and express your egos fully and without reserve to each other's presence. There is enough room in your life for your partner, and neither of you has to pretend that you are something other than what you are. Also, you work well as a team. Together you reinforce and complement each other, so that you can be individuals and work as a unit at the same time.

This relationship will arouse in the two of you a great deal of physical energy that you must find some form of expression. You should not sit around when you are together; instead you should be doing something. Being active together is the finest expression of the energies that you call forth in each other. If this is a business of professional relationship or if you have other work to do, the energies of mars will be especially favorable. Work that you do together seems to require little or no self-sacrifice. For the two of you, such work is the most perfect kind of self-expression. This relationship signifies that as a couple you will achieve a more perfect self-expression than either of you could experience in relationships with others.

Composite Mars trine Composite Ascendant: When you act in unison it energizes you with confidence. An acceptance for individual differences makes for greater compatibility. A positive attitude makes others like you. Your warm spirits enjoy playing in the game of life together. A calm reassurance is projected that makes it seem you are trouble free, whether this is the reality or not.

Composite Mars quincunx Composite Ascendant

The quincunx of composite Mars and Ascendant can be difficult. Though subtle, possibly, it signifies that the pursuit of egoistic goals is likely to come between the two of you. Something about this relationship makes you each acutely aware of your own ego energies and how this relationship will further or inhibit them. Unfortunately, if you operate on an unconscious level with each other, you will find that the relationship does get in the way of your ego energies; that is, it will be difficult for you to "do your own thing" in each other's presence.

You may argue about seemingly trivial matters, which actually represents deeper psychological pressures that you are not expressing to each other. These pressures are very likely to be expressed as disagreements about your home together (if you have one) or about your overall objectives in life. The latter is a more truthful expression of the real problem. Disagreements about your home or other aspects of your inner personal life are only side issues.

The main point is what the two of you are doing together. There may be perfectly valid reasons for this relationship, and being together may be a very good experience for both of you. However, you must ask the question anyway, because the naturally competitive energies of Mars may make you think you are incompatible, even if you have a deep need to be together. This relationship calls for self-awareness.

Composite Mars opposite Composite Ascendant

The opposition of composite Mars and Ascendant is equivalent to a conjunction of Mars and the composite Descendant. This aspect has two distinct possibilities, either of which you may experience in your own relationship. This can be a very perfect union of your individual energies in a creative working relationship, or it can be an endless contest between you, as if you were together only to challenge and goad each other.

In any case, you can be sure that the two of you form an intimate unit. T only question is whether the union is a destructive or a creative one. One point is clear; it is vital that you direct your energies toward accomplishing a task or purpose outside of the relationship. If you are not engaged in some activity together, the energies of Mars are likely to become disruptive rather than creative. If not expressed outwardly, the energies will turn inward, into the relationship.

Even if you succeed in turning the Mars force outward, you may have to deal with another danger if you are not careful. You may experience hostility from people outside your relationship. In part this is because of the strong energies that you put into the world, often without understanding them. If the two of you find that others are opposed to you either as couple or as individuals, you should consider carefully what you may be contributing to the problem. Of course, it may be that others are hostile simply because you are honestly being yourselves. In that case, you can’t do much about it. But if you are actively contributing to the hostility, maybe the situation can be changed.

Composite Mars opposite Composite Ascendant: Being forward in expressing yourselves is the norm for you. People either like your deliberate way of handling yourselves or they get offended. If you grow too pushy, you will need to tone it down. You are a convincing duo when you feel in the right. Others may wish they were as outspoken and quick to act. Indecisiveness makes you edgy. You are happier when you get into motion and worry about the consequences later. An active social life suits you better than too much solitude.

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