nisargadatta siddharameshwar eckhart-tolle-78x111 ramana-maharshi-78x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho

Composite Jupiter conjunct Composite Saturn

Composite Jupiter sextile Composite Saturn

The sextile of Jupiter and Saturn in the composite chart represents an excellent balance between practical and idealistic concerns in your relationship. Your expectations of each other are balanced and realistic, yet neither of you feels forced to compromise your goals in order to get along with each other.

The same kind of balance is reflected in the way you approach long range planning together. Here again you set realistic goals and work patiently to attain them, moving neither too quickly nor too slowly.

When you have problems with each other, you manage to avoid flying off the handle. Unlike so many couples, you don't act hastily, which only makes things worse. Your inclination is to wait patiently for the correct moment and then cool things off with discussion and calmness.

As friends, you will find that your relationship brings out the strongest points in both of you. The balance that this aspect represents enables you to make up for each other's excesses. This is especially fortunate if either of you by yourself is very impulsive or inconsiderate. In this relationship you will find yourself proceeding much more moderately, without feeling held back by your partner.

Composite Jupiter sextile Composite Saturn: Work and play are probably integrated without much of a struggle. You both can usually perceive the times to make strong effort, and when you need to let your hair down. A willingness to allow each other the freedom to express ideas deepens your commitment. You stimulate good reasoning power in one another. People can be influenced by the enthusiasm you exhibit in expressing yourselves.

Composite Jupiter square Composite Saturn

The square of Jupiter and Saturn in the composite chart indicates that the two of you have some difficulty in reaching a balance between optimism and idealism on the one hand, practicality and/or pessimism on the other. Most likely this will manifest itself as great swings of feeling and mood when you are together. Sometimes you will be very positive and optimistic about your relationship, while at other times you will doubt that you can ever make it work. Most couples go through this process to some extent, but in your case it will be worse than in most relationships. Serious ups and downs are likely to be a major threat to the stability of this relationship.

One of the factors behind this problem may be that one of you sees the other as a wet blanket who continually dampens enthusiasm and spontaneous self-expression. It may not always be the same one who has this effect; instead you may alternate roles. Nevertheless, the result is that there are oscillations of mood.

You both must try to be more patient with each other, for impatience is also one of the problems created by this aspect. Whenever your mood begins to change for the worse, you should sit down together and try to find out what is causing this situation. Although your temperaments may not be perfectly matched, this shouldn't be allowed to spoil the relationship.

Composite Jupiter square Composite Saturn: Tolerance for differing outlooks bodes better for you than trying to make one another agree with one philosophy. Learning how to accommodate each other's varying views is just as important as when you easily agree. If there is a question about the commitment, it may be due to control issues. When you establish a true closeness, you can work together very effectively. Neither of you will give in easily to pressure. It only makes you stubborn. You both are more fun when you see an opportunity in front of you. Mixing pleasure within the framework of serious schedules makes life far more rewarding. You can help each other stay focused or to loosen up.

Composite Jupiter trine Composite Saturn

The trine of Jupiter and Saturn in the composite chart gives your relationship a steady quality that is quite enviable. You go on from day to day, avoiding most extremes of mood. You can depend on each other always being there. Both of you have the ability to accept each other for what you are and tolerate each other's foibles. The demands you make of each other are enough so that you work to satisfy them, but not so great as to be impossible to satisfy.

As a couple, your expectations are well tempered by your understanding of the way things are. You are very patient with each other and willing to give your problems time to work themselves out. Since you do not act impulsively, you avoid some of the difficulties that other couples experience when they act on the impulse of a bad mood and damage their relationship.

When you have to plan together for the future, you are equally careful without being overcautious. you act only after weighing all the factors, and you usually act at the right time, for your sense of timing together is excellent.

Regardless of the original goals of your relationship, if you take advantage of these abilities, you should be better able to ride out the difficult times than many other couples.

Composite Jupiter trine Composite Saturn: Working together with a good attitude gets jobs done harmoniously. You don't like to interfere with your partner's fun-loving ways unless they are causing problems. A tendency to believe in each other instills a drive to go beyond obstacles. Your daily life together has an atmosphere of acceptance. It is enjoyable to share knowledge and personal understanding with one another. A positive outlook attracts greater success.

Composite Jupiter quincunx Composite Saturn

Tolerance for differing outlooks bodes better for you than trying to make one another agree with one philosophy. Learning how to accommodate each other's varying views is just as important as when you easily agree. If there is a question about the commitment, it may be due to control issues. When you establish a true closeness, you can work together very effectively. Neither of you will give in easily to pressure. It only makes you stubborn. You both are more fun when you see an opportunity in front of you. Mixing pleasure within the framework of serious schedules makes life far more rewarding. You can help each other stay focused or to loosen up.

Composite Jupiter opposite Composite Saturn

The opposition of Jupiter and Saturn in a composite chart means that the two of you must find an equilibrium. You have a natural tendency to swing back and forth between moods of opposite extremes, such as deep pessimism and great optimism. As a couple, your desire to go out into the world, to be more positive and assertive, is always at war with your sense of caution and a need to be careful. You want to keep all the loopholes in your life plugged against circumstances that might take advantage of you.

It is often the case that two conflicting tendencies are represented by each of you separately, one of you taking the expansive role while the other is more cautious. You find it difficult to be patient with each other because the tension between you, which has to be expressed somehow, usually emerges as impatience and excessive criticism.

Needless to say, the two of you must learn to be patient in dealing with each other. You have to give each other room without trying to limit freedom of self-expression. If each of you can express your mood swings without constantly running into resistance from your partner, the two of you should be able to coexist in some degree of harmony and avoid unnecessary ups and downs.

Composite Jupiter opposite Composite Saturn: Relating to each other can have two distinct flavors. One is being expansive with a tendency to resist discipline. The second is a serious preoccupation with taking care of business. Getting both of these tendencies in balance is wise. You can show a capacity to bring a long-range vision down into reality. Try to enjoy the ride along the way. It makes getting to your objectives even more satisfying. Flexibility helps. Adjusting to each other's needs for change or growth takes good communication. You can enjoy leaps and bounds in the work world. Think in terms of abundance rather than lack. It will find you feeling luckier.

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